Course Aeh Division 2

Course Aeh Division 2

 The purpose of work 3: Learning Reflection Assignment is to allow you to learn more about yourself and how you learn, but also to aid us in improving academic skills. Reflection is an integral part of the learning process. Consider that sports teams watch films from the previous night’s game so they can identify mistakes and then work to correct them in practice. It is an action plan. Skills This assignment helps you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in school and your professional life beyond school. In this assignment, you will: • Reflect upon self and learning • Apply a variety of genre conventions to the development of work styles. • Develop a composting process for a variety of rhetorical situations.
     Reflect backward on your learning. Before writing the reflection, begin by reflecting on the following questions: • How much did you know about academic writing and classical argument before you started? • What process did you go through to produce the classical argument? • Have you made a similar kind of argument in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in or out of school)? • In what ways have you gotten better at this kind of writing/argument? • In what ways do you think you need to improve? • What problems did you encounter while you were working on this piece? How did you solve them? Look specifically at the unit objectives. • What resources did you use while working on this work? Which ones were especially helpful? Which ones would you use again? Submit a polished, academic-level reflection per the assignment sheet Reflect backward on your learning (what did you know before you started) Reflect inwardly (how do you feel about your learning) Reflect outwardly (how did you meet the standards) Reflect forward on your learning (how will you improve, apply it as you go forward) Grades for this Assignment 5% Of the overall grade for the course AEH Division 2 • Reflect inwardly on your learning. Before writing the reflection, begin by reflecting on the following questions: • How do you feel about this work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this work? • What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished work? • What did/do you find frustrating about it? • What were your standards for this specific work? • Did you meet your standards? • What were your goals for meeting the requirements for this work? Did your goals change as you worked on them? Did you meet your goals? • What does this work reveal about you as a learner? • What did you learn about yourself as you worked on this work? • Have you changed any ideas you used to have on writing arguments? • What does that tell you about yourself and how you learn? • Reflect outwardly on your learning. Before writing the reflection, begin by reflecting on the following questions: • Did you do your work the way other classmates did theirs? Think about the review process. • In what ways did you do it differently? • In what ways was your work or process similar? • If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about work 3: Classical Argument? • What grade would you give it? Why? • What is the one thing you particularly want people to notice when they look at your work 3? • What do your classmates particularly notice about your work 3 when they look at it? • In what ways did your work meet the objectives/requirements for work  3? • In what ways did it not meet those objectives/requirements? • If someone else were looking at your work 3, what might they learn about who you are? • Reflect forward on your learning. Before writing the reflection, begin by reflecting on the following questions: • What is one thing you would like to improve upon in your work 3? • What would you change if you had a chance to do work 3 over again? • What will you change in the next revision of this work if you could? • What’s the one thing that you have seen in your classmates’ work or process that you would like to try when writing your next work? • As you look at this graded work, what’s one thing that you would like to try to improve upon? • What would you like to spend more time on in ENGL 1213, Composition II? • What might you want the next writing professor to know about you (what things you’re good at)? • What things you might want more help with? • What work would you show her/him to help her/him understand those things? Requirements The reflection should include the following: • work, not a question and answer format • Answers at least 5 of the questions in each category • Flows from one point to another • MLA Format • 2 pages (double spaced)

Use the information above and write reflective work of 200 words in MLA format excluding the page cited page I need it in 6 hours

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Really Interesting Local Weather

Really Interesting Local Weather

 Look for interesting news articles or stories about weather, climate, or climate change. These should be current and not older from years past. This can be about a tropical cyclone in the Western Pacific, a heat wave impacting a community, food shortages due to drought, or about how a city is adapting to climate change. The topics I’m looking for are broad and interesting, but relating to the course. Do you have a video or photo of a really interesting local weather event? You can share that too! 

just 2 paragraphs 

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Best Persuasive Style

Best Persuasive Style


Choose a fact-based news article,  in print or online

Provide the URL, (The BLUE LINK) to the text.

Your task will be to respond to the issue /s raised in the news article: Your task, in your best persuasive style, cite the article and persuade your reader about your opinion (200-250 wds).

Cite the article (Name, Date, P) in your review; reference the article 

Please note: The News Brief becomes the first part of your Discussion post.

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Corporate Social Media Policy

Corporate Social Media Policy

 Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Social media has become a way for companies to reach their customers. Likewise, networking sites can be used to recruit employees for jobs and for professionals to advance their career. Although these technologies can be a great benefit, there have been many instances when they have created tough situations for both companies and employees. Therefore, many companies have created social media policies that attempt to protect the company, employees, and customers from wrongdoing. With your fellow classmates, please discuss the following:

  • What are the benefits of a corporate social media policy for the company, customers, and employees?
  • As a human resources (HR) professional, how would you recommend employees protect their online privacy?

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Proposed Research Methodology Methodology

Proposed Research Methodology Methodology

1000-1500 words 

The required information for this Individual Project includes the following:


  • Brief overview of your project and what the proposal is going to consist of 
  • Purpose of your research and why it is exciting and worth pursuing 

Purpose of the Study

  • One research question 
  • Hypothesis or statement of the problem regarding the research question 
  • Your rationale for selecting your proposed research methodology 


  • Research strategy that you will use to explore the problem 
  • Method for securing the sample population 
  • Method for delivery of the survey questions, or indicate whether interviews will be conducted 
  • Explanation of any biases or ethical considerations and what you will do to limit their impact on your research   


  • Why your research project is valuable 
  • How your research is connected to your major goals and your future research interest 
  • A time line in chronological order of your research activities from start through completion 

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300 – 500 Words

300 – 500 Words

300–500 words

The SWOT analysis is often used to help managers understand the competitive advantage of their organization. It can also help them to make decisions to support the organization’s mission and vision in an ethical manner and help with strategic planning. (links to videos below)

Watch the video: Putting Your SWOT to Use which will provide you with what you need to know about SWOT and making it work for your organization’s strategic planning. 

Review the abbreviated version of the Starbucks 2020 SWOT Analysis

Considering the video and the Starbucks 2020 SWOT Analysis, answer the following questions:

  • Opportunities are to be prioritized in your strategic plan. How would you recommend that Starbucks prioritize Ready to Drink (RTD) coffee products in the U.S.? 
  • Weaknesses are important and need to be acted on quickly. What would be your first step to act on Starbucks expanding outside the U.S.? Why do you think this would work?
  • Threats need to be watched and monitored. Explain how you would plan to monitor weather disasters that could drive up the price of coffee beans? (SWOT video)

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Instructor May Assign

Instructor May Assign

Read one of the articles provided under the “Technology Articles” in this unit. Your instructor may assign your this or allow you to choose one that interests you. Using the skills you learned in Unit I, summarize the attachment. Refer to the Active Reading and Summary Resources from Unit I if you need a refresher. 

Upload your summary and response as a .rtf or .doc file. 


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Analysis Outline Introduction Topic

Analysis Outline Introduction Topic

Food Evolution 


Documentary Review and Analysis Outline


Topic Sentence (Production Information: Documentary Title, Director, Year Released and Production Company)

Background (Brief Summary of the Film)

Note: You can use the film’s summary/description to help craft this section. 

Thesis Statement

Claim (Was the film well-crafted/good representation of reality/informative)

Warrants (Three Main Areas you will focus on for your analysis)

1. Authors & Audience:

2. Messages & Meaning:

3. Representation & Reality:

Thesis Statement (Claim + Warrants) 1-2 sentences:


Body Paragraphs

Paragraph #1: Authors & Audience

Topic Sentence: 



Paragraph #2: Messages & Meaning

Topic Sentence:



Paragraph #3: Representations & Reality

Topic Sentence:



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Sdgs Https

Sdgs Https

Question 1)

The Declaration at Alma Ata

  1. Please look up the Declaration at Alma Ata – see what you find online, but also please read the actual Declaration Document found here:
  2. Summarize what the Declaration means in a few sentences.
  3. What means do they propose for accomplishing “Health for All”? (Hint, it’s a type of medical care)
  4. Write a few sentences giving YOUR impression of the Declaration at Alma Ata.

Question 2)

The Millennium Development Goals

  1. Look up the United Nations Millennium Declaration (you do not need to read the whole document, there are summary descriptions) and briefly describe, in your own words, its purpose in a few sentences.
  2. Now look up the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs):
    1. List the goals
    2. What are your impressions of these goals (are they too narrow, too broad, is anything missing in your opinion)?
    3. Now look at the Millennium Progress Report: to an external site.

1. How did we do? Please give one sentence for each goal on progress that was made on that goal by its 2015 deadline..

Question 3)

The Sustainable Development Goals (also known as the Global Goals)

1. Look up the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  1. What are the SDGs? (Give a brief synopsis)
  2. How do you feel the SDGs go beyond the MDGs?
  3. What are your impressions of these goals (are they too narrow, too broad, is anything missing in your opinion)?
  4. Finally, explore the following websites on the progress of the SDGs so far. Choose two or three goals that interest you and write a couple of sentences on the progress of those goals:





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Citation Needed 150 Words

Citation Needed 150 Words

The United States is a culture of individualism.  Most people put themselves first.  Health is a personal choice.  How we raise our children is personal choice. 

  • With these ideas, is having our children vaccinated only a personal choice? 
  • Do you think that parents who do not vaccinate their children have knowledge to make such a decision? 
  • How does such a decision affect the community? 
  • Should Americans try to work as communities or continue as individuals, continue with the personal judgement or personal choice?

one article to back up info, just need the link used no citation needed

150 words

turnit in report required


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