Bibliography Using Apa Format

Bibliography Using Apa Format

Writing Assignment 2: Creating a bibliography in APA formatAcademic publications contain references. References are previously published works (e.g. books, book chapters, peer-review journal articles, websites). Students need to learn how to create a bibliography using APA format gathering information location online only.

Students are to use books, book chapters, journal articles, and websites only. Websites must only be cited from professional sources, such as those ending in .gov (for ‘government’) or .ca (for ‘California’ – other state abbreviations are also valid), or .lacity or .lacounty (for ‘Los Angeles City’ and ‘Los Angeles County’ – other city/county websites are also valid). Websites of national organizations in the fields related to violence, crime, drugs, and mental health are also valid, such as those related to the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Justice, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), and others

APA is a particular style. Students must pay close attention to every single formatting issue, such as capitalization, italics, commas, indenting periods, and brackets. APA stands for American Psychological Association.

Objective: Students are to choose three types of crime or issues related to crime that they are interested in. 

My three interests, for instance, would be gangs, drugs, chid abuse. 

Students are then to create a bibliography containing at least 20 references in total related to these topics. Half of these references must be from academic journal articles; the remainder can be books, book chapters, data sets, websites, and/or government or local agencies.

Note: Go to Google Scholar to locate information from academic journal articles, books, and book chapters. [see ‘Using Google Scholar and Locating References’ video].APA FormatBelow are examples of how to format various references in APA format. Please note that a generic example is followed by a specific one. 

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Good Samaritan General Hospital

Good Samaritan General Hospital

Step 1 Read each of the following scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: Helen has recently graduated from nursing school and passed her boards. Last week, she completed her orientation period on the medical nursing unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital.
  • Scenario 2: Paul is a registered nurse in the neurosurgery unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. He has been a staff nurse for ten years and provides direct patient care. In addition, Paul chairs the unit’s nursing council to improve patient care.
  • Scenario 3: Lisa is a nurse manager and leads the medical intensive care unit and surgical intensive care unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. She is responsible for the day-to-day operations, staff adherence to policies and procedures, staffing, and payroll.

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Follow 3 Assignments Please

Follow 3 Assignments Please

Your policy research and organizational analysis should answer the following prompt: What is the relationship between economic policy changes, the market,

and availability of healthcare? How does this relationship impact specific organizations? Why do organizations in healthcare utilize economic and financial theories to guide strategic planning, and how do these actions impact disparities of care?

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: What is the purpose, scope, and subject of your report?

using the follow 3 assignments please create an intro using the topic in these 

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Specifically Helps Us Understand

Specifically Helps Us Understand

Read the following chapter from Carah. ( chapter attached)

This chapter adds more detail to our examination of how meaning is made. It specifically helps us understand the theory of semiotics and the method of analysis.

  • It returns to the definition of hegemony, power, ideology and discourse examined in the introductory chapter.

After you have read the chapter, listen to the following program from On the Media.

Now write a paragraph in which respond to the following prompt:

The changing meanings of the Statue of Liberty illustrate Carah’s statement: “The struggle to construct and reconstruct societies, cultures and economic systems, in part, involves battles to attach, detach and reattach meanings” (Carah, 2021: 35).

In your answer make sure that you do the following:

  • explain what is meant by ‘hegemony’
  • describe the different hegemonic struggles over the meanings of the Statue of Liberty

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Produce Concrete Policy Guidance

Produce Concrete Policy Guidance

As the digital economy expands, with new business models, technologies, products, and services, regulators around the world can benefit from collaborative approaches such as co-regulation, self-regulation, and international coordination. Through multi-stakeholder meetings that produce concrete policy guidance and voluntary standards, regulators and firms, as well as other interested parties, can be engaged in the process.

Health IT standards are good examples of a collaborative approach between stakeholders. Despite the effort, the healthcare IT field is still behind compared to other industries.

Articulate the importance of healthcare IT standards.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

1) Choose one of the standards listed in Health IT

2) Do not choose the same standard as peers

3) Locate an outside reference related to your chosen standard

4) Summarize the Health IT Standard selected

5) Discuss the impact of your chosen standard

6) Discuss peers chosen standards

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Living God Made

Living God Made

  Chilcote & Warner:
Chapter 13:
1. “What, according to the New Testament, is the gospel?” (p. 190). Is his view biblically correct, if so why, if not, why not?
Chapter 14:
1. How does this author define worship, evangelism, and ethics within the mission of the church? Do you agree or disagree, why or why not?
2. How does evangelism fit into worship?
1. What instructions did the Holy Spirit give while they ministered?
2. When they had _______________, and ____________ and______________
they sent them away.
3. What opposition did Paul have early in his missionary task?
3. What did the Gentiles in Antioch request?
4. What did the Jews of Antioch of Pisidia do in putting the word of God from them?
5. What did Paul and Barnabas persuade many Jews and religious proselytes to do?
6. Then Saul who also ______________ set his eyes on Elymas and said____________.
7. Where were Paul and Barnabas when John Mark left them and where did he go?
8. When did Paul speak to the people in the synagogue at Antioch?
9. By Christ all that believe are justified from ___________________.
10. Through Jesus is preached _______________________________.
1. What caused a multitude of Jews and Greeks to believe?  
2. What did the unbelieving Jews do?  
3. What did the Lord do when Paul and Barnabas spoke boldly?  
4. They called Barnabas ____________ and Paul _____________
 5. The living God made _____________, ______________, ______________, and
  6. What exhortation was given while confirming the souls of the disciples?   
 7. They appointed _______________ in every _______________.  

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Particularly “ Bad Days

Particularly “ Bad Days

The case study associated with this week is Case 14 is titled “Cheryl”. 

  • Formulate a question regarding the case study and include the rationale for the answer.
  • Include one scholarly peer-reviewed reference.

  Case 17 Cheryl R. is a twenty-eight-year-old married woman with two children under three years of age. She has been referred by her family doctor, who has been treating her depression for nine months with fluoxetine, 20 mg daily. Her physician states that medication adjustment is not indicated and thinks “talking therapy” will be beneficial. Her psychiatric history is negative for hospitalizations, and she has never been in therapy. She describes a “lifetime of sadness” with periodic episodes of suicidal ideation during late adolescence. Cheryl reports moderate improvement in her depression since starting the medication and wants to continue taking it. However, she says that some of her initial symptoms of irritability, tearfulness, and tiredness have never really improved. She reports continued initial insomnia and describes lying awake worrying about things. Her major concern is that she is not the “best mother” she can be. On particularly “bad days,” she places the children in front of the television and retreats to her room. She wishes she had more “good days,” which occur about every three months and last about a week. During these periods she begins sewing and craft projects for the house, socializes with neighbors, exercises, and “feels on top of the world.” She appears slightly nervous and describes her mood as “pretty bad.” She describes her marriage as “average” and her children as the “center of her life.” She is moderately impatient with the interview questions relative to history taking, since she wants to “get on with things.” You are encouraged by Cheryl’s motivation for treatment. However, you internally question whether she may fit the profile for bipolar II. In the process of the diagnostic interview, you elicit enough information indicative of hypomanic periods that predated the initiation of fluoxetine to warrant further consultation with her original prescriber or a psychiatrist. Listed below are important diagnostic specifiers for bipolar I and bipolar II. The reader should refer to DSM-5 for a full explanation of coding and recording proce dures for these specifiers. Episode severity Remission status With anxious distress With mixed features With rapid cycling With melancholic features With atypical features With mood-congruent psychotic features 106 Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists With mood-incongruent psychotic features With catatonia With peripartum onset With seasonal pattern The mixed episode was recognized in DSM-IV-TR as a discrete clinical entity, requiring that full diagnostic criteria be met simultaneously for bipolar I and major depression. In DSM-5 a specifier has been added, termed mixed features, applicable to a current manic, hypomanic, or depressive episode in bipolar I or bipolar II disorder. Mixed features would apply to mania or hypomania with depressive features, and to depressive episodes with features of mania or hypomania 

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Advertise Drugs Without Including

Advertise Drugs Without Including

We have analyzed the economic policies and factors that impact insurance companies, providers, and the hospital industry.

In this discussion, we will examine the economics of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing accounts for a much larger portion of the expenses in the pharmaceutical industry than in other healthcare industries. The FDA lifted restrictions on TV ads for prescription drugs in 1997, allowing manufacturers to advertise drugs without including lengthy disclaimers explaining the often numerous side effects. How has this regulatory change affected the market for pharmaceuticals? Why do you think so much more money is spent on marketing drugs than on marketing surgery or psychotherapy? 

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Diet Project Part 1

Diet Project Part 1


  1. Answer the questions based on what you are learning in this course!
    • You are required to explain your answers in detail, using your reports and knowledge about nutrition to support your answer.
    • Unacceptable responses: “it’s junk/fast/processed food”, “it’s full of nutrients, ”“it’s healthier”, “it’s better”, “I think my diet is healthy”, “I don’t like my diet”, or “my diet is horrible.” These will NOT earn you credit if you don’t explain why. 
  2. Fill in the tables and answer the questions in the DP#2 packet based on the data from your Cronometer reports from Diet Project Part 1.
  3. You will need to refer to both the Trends and Servings reports that you submitted for Diet Project Part 1.
    • If you forgot to save your reports from Part 1, you can go to the Diet Project Part 1 assignment link to view and download the reports you submitted.
  4. Type your answers to DP#2 in a different color. Try your best to be mindful of the formatting and not change it too much if you can, that will really help me out when it comes to grading.
    • If I can’t read an answer, it will earn 0 points
  5. Then, save your document and submit it here on Canvas.

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Remember Last Year

Remember Last Year


You are speaking on the phone with Mike when he asks about what sort of cultural aspects you are considering in this plan.

You think about this and say, “There may well be some considerable cultural differences that need addressing. I remember last year when there was a language mix-up with a doll. It was just saying ‘I love you’ in a different language, but it sounded like ‘kill mommy.’ It’s funny now, but imagine being the marketing team in that building!” Both of you laugh as you hang up the phone, but the memory does get you thinking seriously about cultural differences. Complete the following:

  • What cultural considerations should you take into account for your strategy?
  • Will this negatively impact your current strategy?
  • Does this change your approach? Why or why not?

400-600 words

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