Reference Slide Including

Reference Slide Including

 Deliverable length: 5-8 PowerPoint Presentation slides with speaker notes (excluding the title and reference slide); including detailed speaker notes of 200-250 words speaker notes for each slide 

As the new HR manager of a jewelry company, you have put together some preliminary reports for the CEO. One of the reports you compiled focuses on employee turnover. The jewelry company is an organization with aggressive expansion goals. In the last 2 years, the company has continually hired new employees, yet it has not achieved the staffing levels it desired. The company knew that some employees had left the organization, but turnover rates have not been formally tracked. 

After your preliminary fact-finding, you were surprised to discover that the turnover rate for the past year was 38%. You know the CEO will not be pleased with this turnover rate, and you have made the decision to prepare yourself more before presenting the report to the CEO. Turnover presents a significant cost for an organization, so you recognize that this will be an opportunity for you to demonstrate how you can partner with the executive team to turn this situation around and help the company be more competitive. Prepare a short presentation for the CEO on the situation and possible reasons as to why employees are leaving at such a high rate.

As you are preparing your presentation, consider the following: 

  • In detail, discuss several of the reasons why employees tend to leave organizations.
  • You plan to present the financial impact to the CEO to get a real sense of the significance of the situation. What factors will you consider in preparing this financial estimate? For this assignment, you are not required to determine the actual dollar figure, but instead, you are to consider what would contribute to the cost of turnover. 
  • Being proactive, what measures can be taken to assess the morale of current employees, and how likely they are to leave or stay? 
  • What process do you recommend for partnering with the management team to reduce turnover in the upcoming years? 
  • As you consider your role, how will you position this to the CEO to demonstrate the value you can bring to addressing this problem? 

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Value Hr Policies Bring

Value Hr Policies Bring

 Within organizations, the human resources department is considered an ally by some managers and a barrier by others. The legal requirements of managing HR require you to be the dispenser of policies, procedures, and rules at times and a trusted counselor and guide at other times. There are varying perspectives on the value HR policies bring to an organization. In other words, the policies, procedures, or rules may be viewed as tools that help or hinder leaders from managing their people and will either detract from or enhance company performance. When not properly aligned with the company’s goals, they can negatively affect the success of the organization. You know that you need to review the current HR policies, procedures, and rules and anticipate that you may be recommending changes, additions, or deletions. Because you are still new and solidifying your position within the company, you are concerned that missteps now will cost you your “place at the table.” 

You decide to consult with your mentor-an experienced, powerful HR executive at another company. She presents the following for you to consider: 

  • What steps will you take in your policy, procedure, and HR rules review with the jewelry company? 
  • What will that involve? As you consider their HR policies, how will you ensure they are effectively aligned with what you see as the company’s goals? 
  • If you find areas where policy revision is needed, how will you present your recommendations? 
  • How do you feel your recommendations will be viewed? 
  • Do you anticipate resistance? If so, what plan do you have to overcome that? 
  • What do you see as the possible outcome from policy revision in terms of impact on the company’s performance? 
  • Write her an e-mail addressing these issues.

Note: You are required to use a minimum of 2 scholarly references in your research. Ensure that citations and references are formatted in compliance with APA style.  1,000-1,500 words 

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Preferred Way

Preferred Way

 Reflect on your preferred way you like to communicate with others. Do you prefer the same method for professional and personal communication? Why, or why not? After you have identified your preferred method, reflect on how you feel you could improve your communication skills in both professional and personal settings. 200 words

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Human Resources Within Health

Human Resources Within Health


  1. Role and Functions of HR
    As part of an orientation program for new managers, HR has developed a section of the orientation designed to help new managers learn more about HR’s functions and role in helping them become more effective in handling their HR responsibilities.
    Using the course readings and articles, address the role of human resource management. Support your analysis with a minimum of three credible sources of research. (Keep in mind this document is meant for an orientation. The new managers may or may not have a strong understanding of the role of HR in health care.)
    Write an informational, 2 pages handout that addresses the following:

    1. Determine the key roles that human resource management plays in today’s health care organizations.
    2. Evaluate three to five core functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to a health care organization.
    3. Justify which HR function you believe is the most important in helping a health care organization achieve its strategy.
    4. Analyze the role of human resource management in an organization’s strategic plan.
    5. Go to the Strayer Online Library and locate at least three quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
    6. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
      The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Analyze the role and functions of human resources within health care organizations.

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Mandate Unconstitutional Allowing Individual

Mandate Unconstitutional Allowing Individual



You are the director of community affairs for the health lobby organization, Pathways to a Healthy America. In 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. As a result, millions of Americans who were previously uninsured gained access to the healthcare system. One of the initial provisions of the Act required individual states to expand the eligibility criteria for Medicaid. The program’s costs would be absorbed by the federal government at a rate of 100% for the first three years of program participation which would decrease to 90% after 2020, still, considerably higher than previous funding by the federal government. However, in 2012, the Supreme Court ruled the mandate unconstitutional allowing individual states to voluntarily “opt” out of the Medicaid expansion program. As a result of the various states’ decision to “opt” out of the ACA’s Medicaid expansion, millions of adults fell into the critical coverage gap. Your organization represents a state which has decided to forego participation in the ACA expansion program. The decision was met with both praise and criticism.

It has now been a few years since the decision and your organization has gathered information on the impact of the decision in order to advocate for Medicaid reform during the next state legislative session.

You are required to write an advocacy report to state lawmakers in which you advocate for either participating in the original expansion program or participating with conditions (waivers) to address the critical gap in coverage for vulnerable adults in your state. Waivers such as Section 1115 enable for alternative implementation of Medicaid expansion and allow states to impose restrictions which may result in a denial of Medicaid eligibility for individuals who do not meet those restrictions, i.e., work requirements.


Research the Medicaid expansion program offered through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as well as Medicaid reform initiatives using waivers to increase access to Medicaid. Determine, based on your state’s profile (MINNESOTA) which process (the ACA’s expansion program or the use of waivers) is most beneficial to your state. Include a comprehensive, well-supported recommendation for participation in Medicaid reform using either the ACA’s program or a modified reform process using waivers.

Your advocacy report should describe your state’s current Medicaid program including its eligibility criteria, demographics, Medicaid spending and savings since the ACA’s implementation, and comprehensive details of current or pending waivers. You should also include a discussion (benchmark) on another state’s success with Medicaid reform using your recommended strategy (the ACA’s expansion program or the use of the specific types of waivers for which you propose).

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Cultural Expression Reflects Nativist

Cultural Expression Reflects Nativist


For your Learning Journal entry this week, respond to the following prompt:

  1. Choose one of the cultural examples provided in this module and explain how that cultural expression reflects nativist philosophies. For example, describe how nativism influenced costumbrismo. Use DETAILED evidence to support your conclusion.

You may also choose to jot down any thoughts or questions this unit inspired that you might want to revisit later for your final project. See the due date in the course schedule.


  • Journal entries should average 250 words each (more is fine; it will be difficult to make substantive reflections in much less than this).
  • Clearly label (number your journal entry)
  • Your entries will be kept private and are meant to help you deepen your understanding of the course concepts and also help you generate ideas for your final project.
  • Make sure to proofread and revise your posts. Even though these entries are personal, it is still expected that you produce college-level writing.
  • Keep up with the due dates for each entry. You don’t want to fall behind.
  • If you meet all of these criteria, producing a well-developed entry, you will receive a “complete” grade on this assignment.


 A popular aesthetic that promoted new national identities was costumbrismo, a genre that appeared in literature and the visual arts describing the local customs of a place, especially the countryside, which were said to embody the nation. Based around the description of tipos (types of locals), these images and writings were circulated nationally and globally, helping shape the perception of Latin America and contributing to an exoticized view of Latin America for the outsider. Whether it was the gaucho or the poblana,  these ways of dress and mannerisms inspired a unique way of looking at nation.  

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Key Figure

Key Figure

Choose one of the key people who helped to lay the foundations of organization studies/theories. Discuss his/her ideas as they relate to organizations and your specific organization (past or present). How are his/her ideas different/similar to the other key figures (compare to at least ONE other key figure)?  

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Bullying Rates Among High

Bullying Rates Among High

500-700 Words 

Archival records are often used for research purposes. For this activity, you have been tasked with evaluating a local bullying prevention program. Specifically, you are to determine whether it will result in a reduction in bullying rates among high school youth between 14-18 in the community. There are statistics on general bullying rates for the state and county collected by the state education department. However, there are no statistics for bullying rates at the community level, and none that separate the rates for each school level (elementary, middle, or high).

Answer the following questions to guide your initial research:

  • Would a survey collect the necessary data? Why or why not? What would be the advantages and challenges of this method?
  • What other agencies may have the information you seek? Make a list of those agencies considering
    • Public records from governmental agencies
    • Research organizations
    • Health and human service organizations
    • Schools and education departments
    • Academic and similar institutions
    • Business and industry
  • What would be the advantages and challenges of archival records for this research?


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196 ° C

196 ° C

Nitrogen is a non-metal that belings to group V of the periodic table and has atomic number of 7 with electron arrangement of 2.5 .It exists in gaseous form. It can be isolated from the air through fractional distillation of liquiedfied air . Has a boiling point of -196°c . Nitrogen has three oxides such as Nitrogen (1) oxide, Nitrogen (11)oxide and Nitrogen (1V) oxide. The Nitrogen is used in manufacture of ammonia in the Haber process, in light bulbs because of inert nature and also its used as a refrigerant. 

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Addresses Possible Performance Difficulties

Addresses Possible Performance Difficulties


Consider what it means to be emotionally intelligent. As you learned from this week’s resources, emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize your feelings along with others’ emotions. In leadership, emotional intelligence is used to manage your emotions while motivating your staff and employees. No one will have all of the traits of being a good leader, so it is important to recognize those traits you must develop in yourself. In this assignment, you will connect emotional intelligence to good leadership skills. 

Begin by reviewing this week’s resources again and completing the emotional intelligence self-assessment. 

Then, write a self-assessment to address the following:

  • Describe your personal traits that will help you as an effective leader. Provide missing traits that may hamper your performance as a leader.
  • Indicate whether you agree with the findings of the emotional intelligence assessment and explain why. 
  • Examine methods to start developing the traits you identified as important but do not currently possess. 
  • Use this assessment to analyze necessary traits for you to become a better leader that addresses possible performance difficulties in a human services organization. These can be your hurdles or those of employees who may work under your supervision. 

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

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