Learned Regarding Researching New

Learned Regarding Researching New

Instructional Method Research AssignmentStart Assignment

At this point, you have completed research on an instructional method (BLENDED LEARNING)  to implement in your classroom.  For this assignment, you will discuss your findings and the accompanying implications.  You will also include your decision to follow through with implementing the instructional method. You must cite evidence from your articles that support your decision.  The closing paragraph is a reflection of what you have learned regarding researching new ideas or concepts to improve your instructional methods.  

The following headings are required:

Brief Description of Instructional Method (minimum one paragraph)

Summary of the Articles that Support the Instructional Method (maximum of two paragraphs)

Summary of the Articles that do not Support the Instructional Method (maximum of two paragraphs)

Decision Regarding Implementation of Instructional Method (minimum of two paragraphs)

How This Assignment has Improved my Research Capabilities to Improve Student Achievement in my Classroom (minimum one paragraph)

You must check your TURITIN plagiarism level to ensure the level is BELOW 15%.  Once you upload your assignment, check the plagiarism level.  If it is above 15% you must revise the assignment and resubmit prior to the deadline.  The instructor will not allow you to revise the assignment due to a high level of plagiarism after the due date of the assignment.

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Singapore Case Study

Singapore Case Study

Both the of the articles we read this week (Singapore case study & Churches in Nigeria) both emphasized a lot of the positive uses of internet within a religious context. Which of the following reasons do you think MOST significantly contributes to the success of a religious institution/organization and why?

  • Flexibility of worship (time/place)
  • Connections to Diasporic communities
  • Allows for virtual pilgrimage, creation of spiritual networks, and reinforcement of social structures
  • Tends to reinforce religious authorities and church structures
  • Online Miracles
  • Connecting with youth


8 to 7 line. Can you any of the class readings.

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Two Labeled Parts

Two Labeled Parts

For this discussion, you will answer in two labeled parts.

Part A:

Here is a small clip of my favorite speech of all time:

What did Jim do well in this speech? How did he connect with his audience? What techniques did he use to appeal to his audience?

Part B:

Find a speech on YouTube that you enjoy. This can be informative, persuasive, whatever type of speech you like. Post the link and answer the following questions:

What did the speaker do well in the speech? What techniques did they use to connect with their audience? Was there a specific method of organization they seemed to have followed? What made the intro and conclusion so effective? What kept your attention throughout the speech?


(use two reference from textbook in link above)

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South Carolina Standard –

South Carolina Standard –


This assignment evaluates your knowledge and skills in the following areas: See Assignment Instructions attachment for additional details 

· Using the South Carolina standard – https://www.ed.sc.gov/instruction/standards-learning/ to write learning objectives

· Use “Lesson Plan” template 

· Aligning the rigor of the state standard to the rigor of the learning objective

· Developing a performance measure that is aligned to the state standard and is included in the learning objective

· Recognizing the basic elements of lesson planning

· No Plagiarism 

 · See Completed Sample of Lesson Plan  

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Website Http Www

Website Http Www

For the final week’s discussion, select ONE of the following topics and write a 150+ word response. Your initial post should be posted by Thursday and two replies of at least 35 words each by Sunday.  (No bonus opportunities this week).

1.   Two men have observed blood in their stool. One states that the blood is bright red. The other claims his stool is black. Discuss the causes for the differing symptoms and the potential implications and further work-up for each

2. Visit the website  http://www.barnesjewish.org/liver-transplant-patient-storiesLinks to an external site. (or another site if you can find one or if you prefer, a real patient) and read several of the stories about liver transplants. Note the patients’ conditions that led to liver failure and the process by which they obtained a new liver. Share your findings with the class and discuss patient care during recovery for organ recipients.

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Much Regarding Personal Food

Much Regarding Personal Food

Please comment on your final thoughts on what you have learned in the course regarding diet and nutrition(250 words ) 

Then respond to the two students below 

Khari :

This semester in Nutrition I feel that I have learn so much regarding personal food intake guidelines, vitamins and nutrients needed for survival, as well as what happens if people do not get the nutrients they need. My perspective on food has changed dramatically and I’m realizing that it is so much better to eat for nutrients instead of flavor and convenience. I really enjoyed the Diet Analysis Project because it allowed me to take into account what I’ve actually been eating on a regular basis and how that’s not good enough for optimal health. It highlighted all of the nutrients I am deficient in and some that may be toxic. The Cronometer is something that I will definitely be taking with me outside of this class. Another topic I learned about was how malnutrition particularly affects infants, pregnant mothers, and unborn babies. I knew how important nutrition was during pregnancy but this class really broke down why each vitamin and nutrient was vital to a well rounded diet and also how each one has a different function and affects a different system of the body. (for example how the lack of vitamin A is directly related to blindness.) I also thought it was interesting to learn how malnutrition can drastically affect the health and wellness of children, adults, and the elderly. Main takeaways I have from this class are to drastically improve my diet to live better, to help my friends and family to improve their diets, and to honestly donate food and help out in my community when I can for the betterment of society and everyone’s health. Thanks for the great semester! I wish everyone best of luck from here on forward, Go Bears!!

 Keli :

I feel like this course has had a huge impact in the way that I view food and nutrition. Coming into the course I feel like I had a decent grasp on what types of food I should be eating, but I did not know the true reasons as to why. This course did a great job of breaking down all of the nutrients and explaining what our body uses all of them for. This course also taught me that some foods may seem “healthier” than others but in reality there are other foods packed with so many more nutrients. This point was really brought home with the chronometer project. During this project, every time I went to input something that I ate, I was shocked at how much or how little nutritional value it had. This project taught me a lot about how I have been fueling my body. And more importantly, it taught me areas in which I can revise my diet in order to get nutrients I may have been missing out on previously. The “almost impossible fast food challenge” that we did was also really eye opening. I feel like I already knew that fast food was an easy option and not a good option, but I don’t think I truly understood just how hard it was to fill your daily nutritional needs with fast food. It was really hard to reach certain values but seemed real easy to go over others. There are a lot of food choices where we can get the nutrients that we need but fast food is definitely not the best source.

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Bài Viết Đã Chỉ

Bài Viết Đã Chỉ


Máy xay đậu nành gia đình dùng chất cách nhiệt nào là an toàn nhất?

Hầu hết các máy xay đậu nành tách bã đều có cảm biến nhiệt nên sữa đậu nành được nấu chín mà không bị trào ra ngoài. Nhưng với thị trường đa dạng mẫu mã, giá cả khiến nhiều bà nội trợ loay hoay không biết lựa chọn máy xay đậu nành nào tốt? Những mẹo nhỏ sau đây sẽ giúp bạn chọn được một loại sữa đậu nành tốt:

Bình đun sữa

Không nên chọn máy có bình nhựa, thủy tinh dễ bị bỏng, vỡ. Bình làm bằng inox không có lớp cách nhiệt cũng dễ gây bỏng. Loại an toàn nhất là bình chứa bằng thép không gỉ có vỏ ngoài cách nhiệt. Khi đã chuẩn bị xong sữa đậu nành ngon, bạn đổ ra cốc, có thể  thấy rõ độ sánh mịn, sữa ngon có màu trắng sữa hơi ngà, có vị thanh mát, hơi ngọt của đậu.

Chất liệu bình đun rất quan trọng

Chất liệu bình đun rất quan trọng

Chất liệu linh kiện

máy xay sữa đậu nành đa năng tốt phải có linh kiện tốt và điều quan trọng là phải đảm bảo sự an toàn về điện và vệ sinh thực phẩm. Sử dụng linh kiện bằng nhựa rẻ khiến tạp chất thoát ra từ máy ở nhiệt độ cao khiến sữa dễ bị nhiễm độc. Các bộ phận tiếp xúc với sữa đậu nành phải làm bằng thép không gỉ hoặc silicone.

Vi mạch

Nhiều máy xay đậu nành chỉ cần 15 phút là có thể đun sôi sữa  nhưng sữa tạo ra không thơm như hàng chợ, do vi mạch hỗn loạn, mô tơ dây nhôm yếu không xay kỹ, cảm biến nhiệt không chính xác. .. Máy hiện đại có động cơ dây đồng cực khỏe có cảm biến nhiệt độ chính xác giúp  đun sữa đến khi sôi hoàn toàn mới dừng.

Dung tích

Nếu ở nhà  có 1-2 người, bạn nên chọn loại máy có dung tích 800-1000ml. Các nhà khoa học khuyến rằng mỗi người nên uống 300-500ml sữa đậu mỗi ngày.

Chọn dung tích phù hợp

Chọn dung tích phù hợp

Lưới lọc

Thông thường lưới có các loại sau: Lưới inox có mắt lưới nhỏ, dễ giặt; lưới với một tấm thép không gỉ đục lỗ nhỏ cũng dễ dàng để giặt; lưới  nhựa trong suốt không có lưới; Loại lưới đan bằng sợi nhựa dễ rách, loại làm bằng tấm inox có lỗ dạng cúc áo không có đáy, loại cuối cùng này cho ra sữa đậu nành nhiều cặn, khó uống.

Bài viết đã chỉ ra một số thông tin về lưu ý khi mua máy xay đậu nành đa năng cũng như cho bạn biết máy xay đậu nành gia đình dùng nhất cách nhiệt nào để đảm bảo. Nếu có câu hỏi về máy xay đậu nành loại nào tốt nhất thì liên hệ với chúng tôi để được giải đáp.

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Methods Section Lacked Enough

Methods Section Lacked Enough



Respond to this prompt following rubric guidelines as posted:

1. State your overall appraisal of this article (include/exclude/seek further info) and provide a rationale of ~2-3 paragraphs, citing evidence from the article, as to why you think the article is appropriate to include or not in the making of a clinically-based decision.

In your initial posting, refer to at least 2 of the components of the CASP_RCT_Checklist_PDF_Fillable_Form-2.pdfDownload CASP_RCT_Checklist_PDF_Fillable_Form-2.pdf critical appraisal tool that you already completed.

2. Ask 2 follow-up questions to your peers.  For example: “The measurement of the outcome variables was confusing to me- how did you interpret the reliability of the measurement?”  or “The methods section lacked enough detail for me to be able to replicate this study. What would have helped that?” 

Rubric for grading

Student introduces topic (1), cites article to be appraised, and appraisal tool utilized (1), provides 2-3 sentences summarizing the overarching appraisal strengths and weaknesses of the article (2), and includes summary statement that indicates that the article was “include”, “seek further information” or “exclude” (1

The student chooses 2 criteria from the assigned appraisal tool that were found to be weaknesses or that introduced bias into the study. In a sentence the student states what the 2 criteria are that they will be expanding upon

The student: 1. Explains the criteria and why it is important 2. States whether and how the article meets the desired level of quality for the criteria 3. The student cites the article, the appraisal tool, and other resources as necessary for explanation.

The student includes 2 thoughtful questions that are related to the article content and appraisal with their initial post.

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Covid – 19 Health

Covid – 19 Health


Health policies must be based on evidence-based facts to have significant impacts on population health. This discussion analyses the proposed COVID-19 Health Care Worker Protection Act of 2020. This policy required the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to protect health workers from exposure to the coronavirus that causes the occurrence of COVID-19. The policy was expected to protect healthcare workers and other workers considered to be at high risk for SAR-CoV-2 exposure (Congress.gov, 2020). The policy would ensure protection for healthcare workers in the private and public sectors. The policy would not only provide a temporary standard for the protection of workers during the COVID-19 epidemic but also provide a permanent measure for the long-term protection of healthcare providers from COVID-19.

The main socio-determinant of health influencing the policy is the physical environment of healthcare workers. According to Razvi et al. (2020), healthcare workers have a high COVID-19 infection because they are constantly exposed to patients with the infection. The disease can easily spread from one individual to another through behaviors such as sneezing, coughing, touching contaminated surfaces, being in crowded environments, and poor hand hygiene. While they are in their line of work, they are likely to get contact with the coronavirus in one way or another hence predisposing them to the serious effects of the disease and even death. The fact that healthcare workers spend a lot of time working in a high-risk environment with biohazard exposure increases their chances of contracting the disease at higher rates compared to the general population. For that reason, the healthcare providers ‘physical environment largely influenced the policy and measures must be put in place as recommended by the COVID-19 Health Care Worker Protection Act of 2020 to protect the healthcare workers population.

There is sufficient evidence base to support the proposed policy. Razvi et al.(2020) explored the extent of exposure of hospital-based healthcare workers to COVID-19.It was found that the percentage of healthcare workers who tested positive for the coronavirus was significantly higher (19.4%) than the general population (6.8%). The healthcare workers (HCWs) without direct patient management roles also had a high positivity rate of the virus(12.3%) compared to the general population. For that reason, it was recommended that all HCWs should be provided with adequate personal protection equipment (PPEs) to protect them from contracting the virus while on their line of duty. Atnafie et al. (2021) also acknowledged that frontline healthcare workers are directly exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic and hence are highly exposed to its infection. Poor COVID-19 prevention measures among HCWs could lead to increased exposure to the disease, delayed identification, and treatment of the disease hence a rapid spread of the disease to the HCWs. It was also found that there was poor adherence to PPEs among the HCWs and aseptic healthcare practices among the HCWs. Atnafie et al. (2021) recommended the implementation of sustainable and effective measures to protect high-risk HCWs from COVID-19 infection. Although the proposed Health Care Worker Protection Act of 2020 was not passed into law, it had a sufficient evidence base indicating the significant exposure of HCWs to COVID-19 compared to the general population hence the need to put in place standard measures to protect them from the virus both in the short-term and in the long-term.


Atnafie, S. A., Anteneh, D. A., Yimenu, D. K., & Kifle, Z. D. (2021). Assessment of exposure risks to COVID-19 among frontline health care workers in Amhara Region, Ethiopia: A cross-sectional survey. Plos one16(4), e0251000.

Congress.gov. (2020). Legislation. All Information (Except Text) for H.R.6139 – COVID–19      Health Care Worker Protection Act of 2020. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th- congress/house-bill/6139/all-info

Razvi, S., Oliver, R., Moore, J., & Beeby, A. (2020). Exposure of hospital healthcare workers to   the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Clinical Medicine20(6), e238.

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Least One Diagnosable Mental

Least One Diagnosable Mental

reply with three references 


H.R. 721: Mental Health Services for Students Act of 2021

                  Mental Health, we hear about it all the time. Mental health is a driving force in the media, when law enforcement officers in America, engage in a critical incident, involving a subject with “Mental health problems”. Mental health continues to take countless lives, from our Military Veterans, as each day passes. Children in school experienced an extreme disrupt in their daily lives, when they were forced to stay indoors, and attend school through a screen, in the early stages of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Homelessness in America is rising, and the amount of homeless Americans with untreated mental health issues is staggering. We don’t need to see a fact sheet, read a medical journal, or test subjects in a clinical trial, to be cognizant of the amount of persons with unattended mental health disorders, in America. American children’s health should be a priority, they are our future professor’s, philosophers, engineers, doctors, free thinkers; they are the future “Us”.

                  The Mental Health Services for Students Act of 2021, was introduced by Congresswoman Grace Napolitano. HR 721 passed in the house on May 12th, 2021. HR 721 has 86 cosponsors (82(D) & 4(R)). Since 2001, Congresswoman Napolitano has had this program implemented into 35 schools, which has shown to be extremely helpful (Facts on the Mental Health Services for Students Act, n.d.). With low funds nationally, for on site mental health care professionals in schools, HR 721 would provide additional funding. HR 721 will provide $130,000,000 in competitive grants. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminsitration (SAMHSA), would be delegated with distribution of funds. HR 721 would expand on Project AWARE, which is an educational grant. Project AWARE aims at educating and informing families, students, and school faculty about mental health. Project AWARE partners with state mental health agencies, where they train school faculty how to identify and respond to children with behavioral health issues (SAMHSA, 2020). HR 721 would expand on this program, by implementing on site mental health professionals in schools. 

                  Personally, I support HR 721, from what I have researched thus far. The problem is, 49.4% of children in the United States did not receive treatment or counseling for a mental health disorder. (Whitley, G., 2019). According to the CDC, the third leading cause of death for adolescents aged 15-19 was suicide (CDC, 2021). Those two statistics alone, show the deprivation of resources and funding in the American school system. My husband, being a police officer, noticed a significant spike in “suicidal juvenile” calls, over the past two years. I myself, work on a occasion, at the juvenile detention facility. I have watched these children, over the past couple of years, destroy their lives due to untreated mental health illnesses. What my husband has found, is oftentimes the children’s parents are to blame. Some of the parents see their child with a mental illness, and blame it on the child “acting out”. As time progresses, and police respond to the residences more often, the untreated child becomes increasingly more violent, and ultimately in a detention facility. 40-80% of children in a juvenile detention facility have at least one diagnosable mental health disorder. (Underwood, L. A., 2016). 

“A recent umbrella review of mental health outcomes of quarantine and similar prevention strategies has found that depression, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, post-traumatic stress symptoms, sleep disorders, panic, stigmatization, low self-esteem, lack of self-control are highly prevalent among individuals impacted with physical isolation.” (Hossain, M., 2020). 

                  I believe Congresswoman Napolitano’s health policy would be a step in the right direction. Providing adequate funding for grants to schools, and partnering with state mental health agencies to inform, and train school faculty, could potentially save many children’s lives. I tend to focus on proposed policies, by discerning which policies are truly aimed at bettering the American populace. There are endless evidence-based studies, on mental health in children, and early detection. There are also statistics like the adolescent suicide rate listed earlier, that undoubtedly prove this policy could make a difference. Bottom line is, our children are not receiving the adequate care, they deserve. Any proposition to aide in the deficit, is worth considering. 


Facts on the Mental Health Services for Students Act. (n.d.). https://napolitano.house.gov/issues/hr-721-mental-health-services-students-act/facts-mental-health-services-students-act.

SAMHSA. (2020, February 18). Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) State Education Grants. https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sm-20-016.

Whitley, G. (2019). US National and State-Level Prevalance of mental Health Disorders and Disparities of Mental Health Care Use in Children.  https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2724377?guestAccessKey=f689aa19-31f1-481d-878a-6bf83844536a.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. (2021). https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D76;jsessionid=DEF669F5461013F8171B9D3ED2A6#Options.

Hossain, M. M., Tasnim, S., Sultana, A., Faizah, F., Mazumder, H., Zou, L., McKyer, E., Ahmed, H. U., & Ma, P. (2020). Epidemiology of mental health problems in COVID-19: a review. F1000Research, 9, 636. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.24457.1.

Underwood, L. A., & Washington, A. (2016). Mental Illness and Juvenile Offenders. International journal of environmental research and public health, 13(2), 228. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph13020228.

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