Learning Services Answers Page

Learning Services Answers Page



Explain the interdependence of genetics, genomics, and ethics on nursing care.


You are invited to a Lunch-and-Learn session sponsored by the hospital where you are currently completing your clinical rotations. The hospital’s Ethics Committee is scheduled to talk about the interdependence of genetics, genomics, and ethics. Three disease processes are slated for discussion: Sickle Cell Disease, Huntington’s disease, and Down syndrome. Select one of these genetic disease processes to address in this assignment. As you review resources available to you develop a concept map.


Make sure to include the following components in the concept map:

  • Describe the selected genetic or genomic condition.
  • Specify genetic and genomic assessment considerations.
  • Discuss the potential impact of genetic and genomic information on clients and families.
  • Describe and discuss ethical and legal concerns.
  • Share the scope of nursing practice anticipated in relation to genetic and genomic consideration for the chosen disease process.
  • For additional information on creating a concept map, please visit the Library and Learning Services Answers page: What is a concept map, and how do I create one?

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Basic Tenets Addressing Health

Basic Tenets Addressing Health


Social Justice – Where is it found?

When one is responsible for executive leadership, the concepts of “social justice, healthcare disparities, and healthcare inequities” take on a different meaning. The dialog changes from being a voice calling to the one answering the call. Consider first the Basic tenets addressing health disparities and health care equity, found in Box 1, on page 2.

Next, read this article on Social Justice and Health and consider why this issue is important.To “answer the call,” nurse leaders need to reflect and truly understand how they feel about this topic.

Formulate your position as an executive leader on your role in impacting social justice in healthcare.

Include the following aspects in the Assignment:

  •  This is an informal 1 page  write up
  •  Review the readings above, and share if you agree or disagree on the need to address social justice in healthcare
  •  How do you see your role in this topic changing as an executive leader?


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Question 3 – Study

Question 3 – Study

Question 1 – Non-Communicable Disease

  1. Name the “Levels of Prevention” and provide an example for each.
  2. In your own words, briefly describe the “Multi-causation Disease Model”.
  3. Identify a noncommunicable disease.
    1. Is this disease acute or chronic?
    2. Come up with at least 3 preventive measures for this disease.
    3. Identify the type of preventive measure – primary, secondary, or tertiary.
  4. In your own words, briefly describe the 3-4-50 concept.

Question 2 – Infectious Disease

  1. List the links in the “Chain of Infection” and give an example for each link.
  2. Provide a prevention strategy for each link in the Chain of Infection.
  3. Give an example of a disease carried by a “vector” and a method of prevention/control for that vector/resulting disease.

Question 3 – Study Design

Investigators conducted a study to compare vaccine history among 1,784 children positive for COVID-19 and 5,328 children that are COVID-negative. This is an example of which type of study?

  1. Cohort
  2. Ecological
  3. Experimental 
  4. Case-Control

A study finds that the annual incidence of lung cancer is significantly lower in states where tobacco products are costly versus those where it is cheaper. This is an example of which type of study?

  1. Cohort
  2. Ecological
  3. Experimental 
  4. Case-Control  

A group of 1200 female office workers between the ages of 40-54 at a local business were followed for 10 years to investigate whether or not women who routinely got a mammogram every year had a smaller risk of developing breast cancer. What type of study is this?

  1. Cohort
  2. Ecological
  3. Experimental 
  4. Case-Control

400 STI-negative female college students in San Diego were randomly assigned to Group A: Safer Sex Intervention or Group B: Safer Sex Intervention and were given a supply of condoms. These women were followed for 12 months to determine how the group activities related to sexual risk behaviors. What type of study is this?

  1. Cohort
  2. Ecological
  3. Experimental 
  4. Case-Control

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Reason Chosen Specific Need

Reason Chosen Specific Need


Best Practices (Literature review) ( approximately 3 pages) 

  1. What interventions have been implemented in other settings?
  2. What promising treatment modalities or other ancillary services exist in research?
    *Must include at least five (5) peer-reviewed sources.


Proposed Intervention (2-4 pages) 

  1. Reason chosen
  2. Specific need to be addressed through the intervention
  3. Are similar services available to the community? Other areas?
  4. Identification of other treatment modalities or supplementary services shown to have positive impact on client group as well as other interventions that have previously impacted client groups/communities, and why those options were not selected for intervention
  5. Detailed explanation of intervention
  6. Approaches and theories (i.e. strengths-based, feminist theory, human development, etc.)

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Choose 3 – 4

Choose 3 – 4


Benefits are quite possibly one of the most important recruitment and retention tools that an organization has. For this assignment, you are tasked to create a benefits package for employees at your local healthcare organization (this can be fictional). Address the following:

  • Discuss and explain the mandatory benefits that organizations must provide to their employees.
  • Choose 3–4 voluntary benefits that your organization will provide to each employee and why those benefits are important in recruiting and retaining healthcare professionals.
  • In choosing the voluntary benefits, include your rationale for choosing those benefits and provide a full description of each benefit.

Your paper should be 3–4 pages, excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page.

Note: Use APA style to cite at least 5 scholarly sources from the last 5 years.

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Liver Transplant List Shortly

Liver Transplant List Shortly

Response to each study with 50 words


For this week’s discussion I chose to read the story of Darrell Dunn, a patient who needed a liver transplant. Darrell had been suffering for about two years from primary sclerosing cholangitis. Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic liver disease in which the bile ducts inside and outside the liver become inflamed and scarred, and eventually narrowed or blocked. This liver disease has an unknown cause but results in cirrhosis, of the liver and eventually leads to liver failure. There is no way to cure this liver disease, the only real “fix” is to have a liver transplant. Darrell had many different symptoms that were extremely challenging to face. His disease began with him cutting his leg while chopping wood and the cut never healing. It was a surprising diagnosis because he had none of the risk factors. He was placed on the liver transplant list shortly after his diagnosis. The transplant went well and he is currently doing a lot better and the recovery has been going well. 


The liver transplant story I will be discussing this week is Amanda Watermeier. The condition that lead to her liver failure is Wilson’s disease. Wilson’s disease is an uncommon genetic ailment that results in copper buildup in your liver, brain, and other important organs. Amanda’s liver and kidney failed, and her vital signs crashed so she was rushed to ICU. She received a new liver from a donor near Missouri. Before even receiving the donor liver, Amanda’s doctor removed her dying liver in an effort to stabilize her condition. Amanda was held in a drug-induced coma after the transplant procedure so that she could recover from her severe sickness. After surgery, Amanda returned to school and began being physically active on the school’s softball team. Patient recovery after a liver transplant includes anti-rejection meds and immunosuppressants, following a personalized meal and diet plan, avoiding alcohol, and achieving the weight and exercise goals.

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Mental Health Professionals

Mental Health Professionals

 Each student will select a self-help book that is of interest to them. 

A self-help book’s purpose is to help the reader with a personal problem. There are a variety of self-help books that can be found in libraries, bookstores, online, etc. Self-help books are written on a variety of topics-  depression, communication, relationships, positive thinking, spirituality/religion, etc. You can google self-help books and it will give you a variety of book titles.

Then compose a 3-5 page paper that explains:

1) your thoughts/views about the book

2)your personal learning from the book( what you learned) and

3)the implications for mental health professionals ( how this book can be used by counselors to help clients). 

Please save in MS Word and attach.

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Setting Affects Character ●

Setting Affects Character ●

ENG 203 Online: Introduction to World Literature



All works of literature involve transformation. As we’ve seen in our course readings, transformations—changes—take place in characters, settings, environments, objects and technologies, and even styles and genres. Transformations can happen quickly or slowly, unexpectedly or expectedly; transformations can be desirable or undesirable, permanent or temporary, and cause a range of different emotions and responses. These transformations can be physical, external, internal, emotional, psychological, cultural, or stylistic, touching on different dimensions and themes of the human experience.

In this assignment, you will analyze two instances of transformation in two texts (one instance of transformation per text) and make an argument about how and why these transformations are thematically significant. How does a particular example of transformation give meaning to a text? In what ways are transformations different, leading to different themes and meanings? To be clear, in your essay, do NOT simply summarize the transformations that happen in two texts; rather, your task is to analyze, interpret, and compare two specific examples of transformation in literature, making an argument about how the process of transformation can be used to express themes in different ways. In this respect, think of your essay as a comparative analysis of how two texts represent and use transformation for different thematic purposes.

Choose 2 texts from the following choices:

●       Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

●       Matsuo Bashō, Narrow Road to the Deep North


1) Introduction & Thesis Statement: Your essay must begin with an introduction (1 paragraph) in which you introduce your two texts, your specific instances of transformation, and your specific thesis statement. Your thesis statement can be more than one sentence; indeed, sometimes two sentences are needed to articulate and flesh out your argument: in this case, how and why transformation is thematically significant in two different texts. Your thesis statement should be stated in the first paragraph and should be easy to identify by readers.

●       Note on thesis and argument: When constructing your argument, you should think about the differences in how your two texts represent processes of transformation. Remember that all of these texts involve different genres, styles, cultures, historical periods, and geographical regions. As you analyze their differences, remember that change and transformation—while universal—also take shape in different ways that reflect a work’s genre, geography, and cultural and historical context.

2) Analysis & Close Reading: Your essay should include several body paragraphs on each of your chosen texts. Use these paragraphs to analyze how each text incorporates transformation to explore specific themes. You can also include a paragraph that directly contrasts how the two texts utilize or represent transformation. In these body paragraphs, make sure to close read and analyze your textual evidence. Pay attention to specific words and details in your quotes and explain how they illustrate your claims.

3) Textual Evidence: Make sure to support your argument about transformation with evidence from both of your chosen texts. Evidence will include quotations from the text to demonstrate your argument, but also to provide you with passages to close read and analyze. When quoting a passage, be sure that you properly introduce it, cite it, and analyze it. Quotations should not be used for summary; they should be used as textual evidence and as an occasion for close reading and supporting your argument.

4) Engagement with Social and Cultural Context: Make sure that your argument and close readings demonstrate an awareness of the texts’ historical and social context. While we don’t expect you to be experts on any historical culture, we do require that you demonstrate a familiarity with the material covered in the lecture videos and that you engage with the historical, cultural, social, generic, and geographical specificity of each text. Commenting on cultural and historical context is a requirement (see category 4 in the Writing Assignment #2 Rubric).



All essays will be graded based on a rubric. The rubric evaluates four learning outcomes: thesis and topic development; language and conventions; engagement with social and cultural context; and close reading and interpretation (see Writing Assignment #2 Rubric for details). The rubric is available on Canvas and students are encouraged to look it over carefully during the composition of their essay. Each of the four categories will be graded on a 5-point scale (half points are possible), for a total of 20 points.


Essay must be a minimum of 1250 words in length, not including the heading/title and works cited page. We also request that essays be no longer than 1500 words in length. Any essay that does not meet the minimum length requirement (1250 words) will receive the following penalty: 1 point will be deducted for any essay just under the length requirement (1000 – 1250 words), and 2 points will be deducted for any essay more than 250 words under the requirement (1000 words or under). Please note that short essays also will likely lose points in other rubric categories; for example, papers under 1250 words typically will not be as strong in thesis and topic development as essays that are within the required word-count range.


Essay must be typed, double-spaced, written in 12-point Times, Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial font, and formatted according to standard MLA style (please review the MLA handout in the week 8 module). All essays must include a Works Cited page that includes the two texts you discuss, along with any additional sources cited or consulted. Secondary sources are not required for this assignment, but if you decide to consult or incorporate outside sources, you must cite them both in the text and in the works cited to avoid plagiarism.

All essays will be submitted to and analyzed by Turnitin, a plagiarism detection software used by the University to help identify plagiarism and to ensure academic honesty. To receive credit for the essay, students must submit the essay through the correct submission link in the Canvas modules (not as a comment). The student is solely responsible to make sure their essay has been submitted correctly. Students should keep a receipt of their essay submission by taking a screenshot of the “submission submitted” page as receipt of correct submission.


This essay is due on Sunday, October 16 at 11:59 p.m.  By this date and time, your essay needs to be submitted via the submission link in the Week 8 Module folder. To be graded and receive credit, every essay must follow the guidelines and requirements outlined in this assignment. Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting. Late essays will be accepted only for 72 hours immediately following the due date and time. All late assignments will receive a 1-point deduction for lateness.


If you have questions about this assignment, you can ask them in the designated Q & A Forum in the Week 8 Module in Canvas. Remember that you can earn extra credit by attending a Writing Center appointment to work on this assignment. Remember to have the Writing Center email the course coordinator, Ms. Marisa Mills, a record of your appointment.


Please note: These are simply meant to kickstart your thinking. Feel free to ask other questions and write about other issues not listed here, so long as they address the prompt.

●       Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

○       How might you interpret Gregor Samsa’s transformation into an insect as metaphorical? What details in his daily life suggest that he resembles a bug, and/or that he lives like a bug does? What is significant about this metaphorical transformation?

○       How does being an insect lead Gregor to experience internal (emotional or psychological) transformations? What relationship does the text establish between external and internal qualities and experiences? What connections can you make between the physical and emotional or psychological transformations that Gregor undergoes, and how are these connections significant?

○       Turning into a bug causes all sorts of trouble for Gregor. For example, his family treats him very differently than they used to. How, then, is his family in some ways responsible for the transformations he undergoes? Conversely, how do members of Gregor’s family change in response to his new bug-like condition?  Expanding on Dr. Jordan’s lecture, consider how Gregor’s father transforms seemingly into a different person. What is the significance of this change?

○       How do changes in point of view relate to the other transformations that we encounter in this text? When the point of view shifts from Gregor’s to his family’s in the final scene, what conclusion do you draw about how changing one’s perspective also changes your understanding of a situation, story, etc.? Also, how does the final shift in perspective transform the reader’s understanding of Gregor Samsa?

○       How do changes in the setting relate to character transformation in this text? Consider how most of the story occurs inside the Samsa apartment. In the final paragraph of the story, what does the text imply, then, about how environment or setting affects character?

●       Matsuo Bashō, Narrow Road to the Deep North

○       With Bashō’s text, the most obvious transformations are the physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological transformations undergone by Basho during his travels. His journey involves transformations to his physical body, his mental state, and his emotional and psychological well-being. Any of these could be analyzed in detail, with helpful context from the lectures.

○       How is enlightenment itself a transformation? Drawing on Dr. Carey’s lecture on Zen Buddhism, you could analyze how awareness, meditation, poetry, or other moments of enlightenment involve spiritual and mental transformation. Where in the text does Bashō describe these moments? And how do they occur—indirectly, through his relationship with people and objects, and/or through language? 

○       How does the form of haiku and/or haibun transform language and human experience? For Bashō, how does haiku create its own transformations? In what way does the haiku form transform language, poetry, or human experience into a vehicle of awareness and enlightenment?

○       Movement, change, and transformations are everywhere in Narrow Road to the Deep North, but they often involve states of awareness, emotions, and language. Think about the ways that Bashō uses language to both create and represent the process of change. This is a great text to analyze when thinking about how specific forms (haiku, haibun, travel writing) are themselves vehicles of transformation.

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Caste System Justified

Caste System Justified

The answer should include only class and reading materials. No outside sources are allowed.

* Answers are to be between 300-350 words each. 

 1. How does Young describe the karmic worldview according to Buddhism? How does this worldview relate to Buddhist ethics? 

 2, How does Young present ethics in the Lakota and Yoruba traditions? What are some of the similarities and some of differences between these two traditions? 

 3. According to Young, how is the caste system justified in Hinduism? What role does dharma play in this understanding of ethics?

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Nurses Must Provide Unbiased

Nurses Must Provide Unbiased



Each person has his or her own personal history; that is, his or her collected experiences. Everything you have ever seen, heard, felt, learned, or experienced has lead to the development of this personal history. Factors that affect this history include your gender, race, age, ethnicity, culture, education, native language, and religion, to name a few. Collectively, these factors create the sum total of who you are as a person. Bias occurs when a person has a tendency towards a particular perspective or ideology (i.e. your personal history); after all, you see the world through your own eyes. To some extent, every person has a natural bias. However, if or when your personal bias interferes with your ability to be unprejudiced or objective – especially in your nursing practice – your biases can become problematic. In this discussion, you will have the opportunity to determine how strong your biases are.


In the professional nursing practice, nurses must provide unbiased care, even in situations where the person/s being treated have different backgrounds (language, religion, culture, ethnicity, etc.) than you. The first step in overcoming and minimizing personal biases is to recognize them. In this discussion, you will assess your personal biases. Answer the questions honestly and to the best of your ability, noting that there are no right or wrong answers.

· Complete the General Awareness and Attitudes Scale Download General Awareness and Attitudes Scale

o The General Awareness and Attitudes Scale is adapted from the Cultural Awareness Scale by Catterson, Cookston, Martinez, & Rew (1998). Answer the question as honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers.

· Once you complete and score the General Awareness and Attitudes Scale,(see attachment) answer the following questions:

· What does the scale say about you?

· How strong are your biases?

· NOTE: Do NOT post your individual scores. This discussion is not about how you score, but about personal discovery. In other words, the focus of this discussion is about what you learn about yourself. You also do NOT need to share your score with your academic coach.

· How can you address these personal biases in your professional nursing practice?

Your original post should consist of complete sentences and should be at least two complete paragraphs but no more than three paragraphs.

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