48 Hours Ill Upload

48 Hours Ill Upload

I need an AN paper by 48 hours Ill upload all the instruction it has to be followed thanks

it is a woman and gender studies course.

the paper should be on the first 3 chapters and citation is only within sources not any other sites

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Pages Summary Paper

Pages Summary Paper

Write 2-pages summary paper that addresses the following:

  • Briefly summarize the patient case study you were assigned, including each of the three decisions you took for the patient presented.
  • Based on the decisions you recommended for the patient case study, explain whether you believe the decisions provided were supported by the evidence-based literature. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.
  • What were you hoping to achieve with the decisions you recommended for the patient case study you were assigned? Support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.
  • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with each of the decisions and the results of the decision in the exercise. Describe whether they were different. Be specific and provide examples.

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Context Using Real Life

Context Using Real Life


Case Study Assignment. You are a medical student working your way through college and are assigned to a hospital given background information on a patient. You were provided the chief complaint and brief history of the patient outlined below. You are asked by the nurse in charge to read the following case, investigate the topic (Cardiovascular Issue) and complete a written report in MLA format including references addressing each of the questions identified below. Use this link for guidance on MLA writing format: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_general_format.html

Total length of your report should be about two-three pages typed. The purpose of this assignment is to put things you are learning in the course (lecture and lab) into context using real life situations. This assignment’s focus is to investigate real issues of the of the cardiovascular system and related tissues.

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Term Cardiopulmonary Complications

Term Cardiopulmonary Complications


Smokeless tobacco products, or “vapes”, have been promoted by several companies as a healthier alternative to smoking. These companies have also been accused to marketing these products to minors and young adults, two populations that may be at high risk of developing long-term cardiopulmonary complications as a result of the heavy use of these products. 

A recent review article in the Journal of Physiology describes some of the major effects of these products on cardiovascular and respiratory health, based on several years of recent research by anatomists and physiologists. This paper can be accessed at https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1113/JP279754Links to an external site..

(the above paper is open access)

What are the major effects of these products on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems? Which of these effects can be attributed to the chemicals that are being ingested (i.e., nicotine, cannabinoids, etc.), and which are due to the delivery method (the vaporizer)? Among these many demonstrated effects, what are the most likely compensatory mechanisms that would be triggered in these systems? Do any of the studies mentioned support the manufacturers’ claims that the products are safe? Why or why not?

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Please Answer 4 Questions

Please Answer 4 Questions

 PLEASE ANSWER 4 QUESTIONS **Please see “The American Labor” attached to answer question 1 **Please see “Secret Ballot” attached to answer question 2 Question 1 – Please read the article from the link and discuss your thoughts on the article. Original posts by Thursday, Final posts by Sunday. Question 2 – Do you think unions should be aloud to organize with just a card check or should it still require a secret ballot? Explain your answer Question 3 – Many organizations have posted privacy policies at their websites. Why do you think this is so? How is this related to databases and data warehouses? Question 4 – There have been international efforts to harmonize laws addressing free speech on the web. Do you think such efforts can succeed? Why or why not? 

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Things Like Dna Testing

Things Like Dna Testing

 The structure of DNA was “figured out” over three-quarters of a century ago, and since then, manipulation of it and use of that knowledge have gone in so many different directions. What do you think about things like DNA testing before birth for possible disease or conditions, DNA manipulation to have a child that “looks” a particular way, Genetic testing being used to find family lineage/history, Genetic testing being used by insurance companies, or employers to determine eligibility for insurance or hiring, etc.? Are there other ways it is being used that are not mentioned here that you can think of?  

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Conclusions & recommendations for costco case analysis

Case 17 
Costco Wholesale Corporation 
Ankur Anand* Charles WL Hill 
A man who looks like Wilford Brimley (an American ac- tor) walks into a Costco warehouse store in the Seattle sub- urb of Issaquah, Washington, on a bright Columbus Day morning, easily blending into the throngs of shoppers pick- ing up Kellogg’s Corn akes, toilet paper, and cashmere sweaters. But as soon as Costco CEO Jim Sinegal crosses the threshold of this vast, 150,000-square-foot theater of retail, it’s abundantly clear that he’s not just a spectator— he’s the executive producer, director, and critic. “Jim’s in the building!” crackles over the walkie-talkie of warehouse manager Louie Silveira. In the apparel section, Silveira’s infectious grin morphs into a look of slight panic.1 
A sudden hop in his step, Silveira, who can log 15 miles a day walking the aisles, scurries over to Sine- gal. Unsmiling, hands in his pockets, a coffee stain on his $12.99 Costco shirt, Sinegal turns out to be a no-nonsense connoisseur of detail. He greets his manager with a bar- rage of questions: “What’s new today?” 
“We just moved this $800 espresso machine to an end- cap,” Silveira responds, meaning he moved it out from the middle of the aisle to a more prominent location at the end. 
“How are in-stocks?”“We’re good there.”“What did we do in produce last week?” “$220,000.”Wielding a barcode scanner like a six-shooter, 
Silveira answers each query to Sinegal’s satisfaction, but evidently that’s not often the case. 
Costco Wholesale Corporation is a membership-only warehouse club that provides a wide selection of mer- chandise. As of July 2012, it is the second largest retailer in the United States, the seventh largest retailer in the 
world and the largest membership warehouse club chain in the United States.2 
Costco operates membership warehouses based on the concept that offering its members low prices on a limited selection of nationally branded and private-label products in a wide range of merchandise categories will produce high sales volumes and rapid inventory turnover. This turnover, when combined with the operating ef ciencies achieved by volume purchasing, ef cient distribution and reduced handling of merchandise in no-frills, self-service warehouse facilities, enables Costco to operate pro tably at signi cantly lower gross margins than traditional wholesal- ers, mass merchandisers, supermarkets, and supercenters.3 
Costco’s typical warehouse averages approximately 143,000 square feet; newer units tend to be slightly larger. Floor plans are designed for economy and ef ciency in the use of selling space, the handling of merchandise, and the control of inventory. Because shoppers are attracted prin- cipally by the quality of merchandise and the availability of low prices, Costco’s warehouses do not have elaborate facilities. By strictly controlling the entrances and exits of its warehouses and using a membership format, Costco has limited inventory losses (shrinkage) to less than two- tenths of 1% of net sales in the last several  scal years— well below those of typical discount retail operations. 
Costco’s warehouses generally operate on a 7-day, 69-hour week, open weekdays between 10:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m., with earlier weekend closing hours. Gasoline 
*This case was written by Ankur Anand under the direction of Charles W.L. Hill. Please send requests for permission to Charles Hill. ([email protected]) 
([email protected]), Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. 
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Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
operations generally have extended hours. Because the hours of operation are shorter than those of traditional retailers, discount retailers and supermarkets, and due to other ef ciencies inherent in a warehouse-type opera- tion, labor costs are lower relative to the volume of sales. Merchandise is generally stored on racks above the sales  oor and displayed on pallets containing large quanti- ties, thereby reducing labor required for handling and stocking. 
Costco’s strategy is to provide its members with a broad range of high-quality merchandise at prices con- sistently lower than they can obtain elsewhere. Costco seeks to limit speci c items in each product line to fast- selling models, sizes, and colors. Therefore, Costco car- ries an average of approximately 3,600 to 4,000 active stock keeping units (SKUs) per warehouse in its core warehouse business, as opposed to 45,000 to 140,000 SKUs or more at discount retailers, supermarkets, and supercenters. Many consumable products are offered for sale in case, carton, or multiple-pack quantities only.4 
In keeping with its policy of member satisfaction, Costco generally accepts returns of merchandise. On 
The wholesale club store format is positioned as having a lower shopping frequency and less range than a conventional supermarket 
certain electronic items, they generally have a 90-day re- turn policy and provide, free of charge, technical support services, as well as an extended warranty.5 
the company hIstory6 
Costco Wholesale Corporation and its subsidiaries (Costco or the Company) began operations in 1983 in Seattle, Washington. In October 1993, Costco merged with The Price Company, which had pioneered the membership warehouse concept. In January 1997, after the spin-off of most of its nonwarehouse as- sets to Price Enterprises, Inc., the Company changed its name to Costco Companies, Inc. On August 30, 1999, the Company reincorporated from Delaware to Washington and changed its name to Costco Whole- sale Corporation, which trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol “COST”. 
As of December 2012, the Company operated a chain of 622 warehouses in 41 states and Puerto Rico, nine Canadian provinces (85 locations), Mexico (32 locations), the United Kingdom (23 locations), Japan (13 locations), 
Major supermarket-type retail store formats by positioning model 
Decreasing Shopping Frequency 
Cash & Carry 
Food & Drug Combo 
Limited Assortment 
Increasing Range 
Metro Store 
Hypermarket / Supercenter 
Wholesale Club Store 
Decreasing Range 
Warehouse Store 
Increasing Shopping Frequency 
Extended-Range Discount 
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Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
Costco Timeline 
1983First Costco warehouse opens 
1993– Shareholders approve Price 
Company and Costco 
merger > Price Costco – 1st UK store 
200627 new locations opened (487 total) 
1994PriceCostco’s opens its first Asia store 
1998 Costco.com is created 
2008– 8th largest 
world retailer– 29th on Fortune 
19761st Price Club is opened 
1995 Kirkland Signature is introduced 
200324 new Costco locations opened 
1997 PriceCostcoto Costco Companies Inc. 
1999 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
Korea (nine locations), Taiwan (nine locations, through a 55%-owned subsidiary) and Australia (three locations). The Company also operates Costco online, electronic com- merce web sites, at www.costco.com (U.S.), www.costco .ca (Canada), and www.costco.co.uk (United Kingdom). 
costco’s strategy 
“We always look to see how much of a gulf we can create between ourselves and the competition,” Sinegal says. “So that the competitors eventually say, ‘#*** ’em, these guys are crazy. We’ll compete somewhere else.’”7 
To illustrate, Sinegal recounts a story about denim. “Some years ago we were selling a hot brand of jeans for $29.99. They were $50 in a department store. We got a great deal on them and could have sold them for a higher price, but we went down to $29.99. Why? We knew it would create a riot.”8 
But it is the customer, more than the competition that keeps Mr. Sinegal’s attention. “We’re very good merchants, and we offer value,” he said. “The traditional retailer will say: ‘I’m selling this for $10. I wonder whether I can get $10.50 or $11.’ We say: ‘We’re selling it for $9. How do we get it down to $8?’ We understand that our members don’t come and shop with us because of the fancy window displays or the Santa Claus or the piano player. They come and shop with us because we offer great values.”9 
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Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
622 Locations as of December 31, 2012 

ALASKA 8 5 22 
9JAPAN 26 3 13 


222 73 
23 24 KINGDOM 
145 4 23 
4622 2 377 
TAIWAN   2   29 5 233 
2217 34 
3 25 22 

2 2 
leaders as well as the emerging brands to sell. Company product selection criteria include value, sales potential, how products expand their categories and price. 
Costco’s focused SKU selection helps to reduce operational costs by streamlining its supply chain and simplifying in-store management. Its SKU-constrained environment also limits the freedom available to con- sumer product goods (CPG) companies—many of which are accustomed to owning prominent real estate in-store aisles. 
“We only carry about 4,000 items,” says Sinegal, “compared with 40,000 in a typical supermarket and 150,000 in a Wal-Mart supercenter. Of that 4,000, about 3,000 can be found on the  oor all the time. The other 1,000 are the treasure-hunt stuff that’s always chang- ing. It’s the type of item a customer knows they’d better buy because it will not be there next time, like Water- ford crystal. We try to get that sense of urgency in our customers.” 
The limited-variety approach isn’t for everyone, though. Sinegal explains: “We carry a 360-count bottle of Advil for $18.49,” he says. “Lots of customers don’t want to buy 360. If you had ten customers come in to buy Advil, how many are not going to buy any because you just have one size? Maybe one or two. We refer to that as the intelligent loss of sales: We are prepared to give up that one customer. But if we had four or  ve sizes of 

213 10223 

2 22 

36 3 
3 10 3 
22 33 
14 9 
3 233 
3 242 
2 4 23 
Costco buys the majority of its merchandise directly from manufacturers and routes it to a cross-docking con- solidation point (depot) or directly to its warehouses. Costco’s depots receive container-based shipments from manufacturers and reallocate these goods for shipment to their individual warehouses, generally in less than 24 hours. This maximizes freight volume and handling ef ciencies, eliminating many of the costs associated with traditional multiple-step distribution channels. Such traditional steps include purchasing from distribu- tors as opposed to manufacturers, use of central receiv- ing, storing and distributing warehouses, and storage of merchandise in locations off the sales  oor. 
Because of its high sales volume and rapid inven- tory turnover, Costco generally sells inventory before it is required to pay many of its merchandise vendors and thus take advantage of early payment discounts when available. Thanks to the rapid turnover, an increasingly greater percentage of inventory gets  nanced through payment terms provided by suppliers rather than by Costco’s working capital.10 
A key tenet of Costco’s business strategy is to limit the number of different items on its shelves. The Company evaluates SKUs individually and selects both category 
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© Cengage Learning 
Advil, as grocery stores do, it would make our business more dif cult to manage. Our business can only succeed if we are ef cient. You can’t go on selling at these mar- gins if you are not.” 
The more ef cient the product sourcing, the more latitude Sinegal can give his sto re managers in how they lay out those big bottles of Advil. “There are certain mer- chandise displays that all warehouses do,” he says. “TVs are always in the front, for example”. 
private-Label power 
Kirkland Signature is Costco’s store brand, otherwise known in the retail industry as an “own-brand,” “house brand” or “private label.” It is found at Costco’s website, Costco warehouses and on Amazon.com. 
When Costco introduced Kirkland Signature as its house brand in 1995, the idea was to face private- label competition at many major retailers including Wal-Mart’s Great Value, Target’s Archer Farms and CVS’s branded product line. Costco’s strong private- label offering, Kirkland Signature, competes with brands in an ever-expanding range of categories. 
Many private-label brands provide consumers with economical options for their shopping lists, and Kirkland Signature is typically 10 to 20% lower than its branded counterparts. That said, Kirkland Signa- ture also competes directly with many national CPG  rms on quality. This focus on value has evolved to position Kirkland Signature products as slightly more expensive in many categories as comparable na- tional brands—including canned tuna, salsa, and pet snacks.11 
Positioning Kirkland Signature as a premium-priced brand—but not the most expensive option—gives Costco the opportunity to brand itself as a quality product with a slight value (price) advantage over its CPG competitors. 
Costco generally limits marketing and promotional activities to new warehouse openings, occasional di- rect mail to prospective new members, and regular direct marketing programs (such as The Costco Con- nection, a magazine that Costco publishes for our members, coupon mailers, weekly email blasts from costco.com, and handouts)to existing members pro- moting selected merchandise. These practices result in lower marketing expenses as compared to typical retailers.12 
membership model 
Since Costco offers steep discounts on its merchandise, it attempts to make up for it via a membership fee. The retailer charges an annual membership fee of $55 for business and business add-on membership, and $110 for executive membership. 
A warehouse club’s true value lies in its ability to at- tract bulk buyers. Thus, despite low margins, a warehouse club can generate signi cant amount of dollar pro ts due to rapid inventory turnover. Such a value proposition is lucrative to customers who tend to buy large amounts of merchandise, and thus despite paying a membership fee save money due to discounts. Costco offers a variety of merchandise categories such as groceries, hardlines and softlines, and ancillary services such as gas station, pharmacy, food court etc. Groceries account for more than half of Costco’s revenues.13 
Executive members, who account for about one-third of Costco’s total members, and two-third of its sales, are the most valuable customers for the retailer. These members pay around $110 annually, as opposed to $55 paid by the other members. For the higher fee, execu- tive members are given 2% redeemable reward against their annual purchases (maximum limit of $750). The percentage of executive members enrollment increased from 33% in  scal 2009 to 38% at the end of  scal 2012. An increase in executive members will provide strong support to Costco’s future growth. The fact that these members pay a higher membership fee implies that they tend to buy a lot more in order to take advantage of their 2% annual rewards. 
Readmore:http://www.nasdaq.com/article/how-does- costco-make-money-cm205766#ixzz2UuPbWqpU 
Costco went online in November 1998 (three years af- ter Amazon). Currently, Costco.com ranks 17th14 among online retailers. Amazon ranks  rst and Wal-Mart fourth (Staples is second and Apple is third)15—and both are growing faster than Costco. Costco.com sells about $2 billion worth of goods.16 
Costco sells online only in the United States and Canada for now, but hopes to expand to other countries in the coming year.17 
Costco offers distinct products in its stores and e-commerce site to keep its customers interested. About 
Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
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Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
80 to 90% of its products offered online do not over- lap with the store inventory. This allows the retailer to operate two distinct channels without having to worry about self-cannibalization.18 Also, shipping is included in most purchases and features “white-glove delivery,” which means the item (if needed) is assembled in the room of your choice and the service covers disposal of the packaging. 
However, nonmembers are required to pay a 5% fee to buy from Costco online. That means an expensive enough purchase could make the $55 standard membership fee worth the investment. 
“A lot of other chain retailers, including Wal-Mart, are doing things sooner, better and quicker, including go- ing international. Wal-Mart has included Sam’s Club (a Costco competitor) in its aggressive plans for overseas online sales, including China, and Wal-Mart is buying social-media space to get hold of the always-connected buyer.”19 
Mark Brohan, director of research for International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 
“We don’t advertise and we don’t pay for search. We’re moving to a new platform that will be structured in a way to be picked up by search engines.”20 
Ginnie Roeglin, senior vice president of Costco’s e-commerce and publishing operations. 
According to Roeglin, Costco is exploring social me- dia options and is planning to expand to other countries very soon. 
costco empLoyee reLatIons21 
“When employees are happy, they are your very best ambassadors.” 
-Jim Sinegal, CEO, Costco. 
Costco enjoys a reputation for having the best bene ts in retail, a sector where labor costs account for about 80% of a typical company’s total expenses. Costco Wholesale Corp. often is held up as a retailer that does it right, pays well and offers generous bene ts. 
Costco pays starting employees at least $10 an hour, and with regular raises a full-time hourly worker can make $40,000 annually within 3.5 years. Cashiers are paid $10.50 to $17.50 an hour. 
Costco also pays 92% of its employees’ health- insurance premiums, much higher than the 80% aver- age at large U.S. companies. Wal-Mart pays two-thirds 
of health-bene t costs for its workers. Costco’s health plan offers a broader range of care than Wal-Mart’s does, and part-time Costco workers qualify for coverage in six months, compared with two years for Wal-Mart part-timers. 
“From day one, we’ve run the company with the phi- losophy that if we pay better than average, provide a sal- ary people can live on, have a positive environment and good bene ts, we’ll be able to hire better people, they’ll stay longer and be more ef cient,” says Richard Galanti, Costco’s chief  nancial of cer. 
Costco has several advantages over Wal-Mart that help it extend such unusually generous pay and ben- e ts. Costco has a more-upscale reputation than Sam’s Club, helping it attract shoppers with higher incomes. The average Costco store rings up $115 million in an- nual sales, almost double the Sam’s Club average. And Costco, which charges $55 to $110 for yearly mem- berships, doesn’t spend any money on advertising. 
Costco says its higher pay boosts loyalty: Its em- ployee turnover rate is 24% a year. Wal-Mart’s overall employee turnover rate is 50%, about in line with the retail-industry average. Wal-Mart doesn’t break out turn- over rates at Sam’s Club. High turnover creates a sig- ni cant added expense for retailers because new workers those have to be trained and are not as ef cient.22 
Probably one of the biggest differences between Costco and other discounters is that the chain pays rela- tively high wages for retail. Luxury department stores can pay higher base wages or high commissions because they can maintain big markups, but Costco’s shoppers are more price sensitive. The big advantages for Costco here are shrinkage, turnover, and public relations, but these factors don’t seem like enough to convince most discounters to pay higher wages. 
Costco’s wages may have helped boost another  nancial metric, net income per employee. Costco’s earning is more than twice as much pro t per employee as Wal-Mart. (Table below23) 
“Wall Street grumbles that Costco cares more about its customers and employees than its shareholders; it pays workers an average of $17 an hour and covers 90% of health-insurance costs for both full-timers and part-timers. Yet revenues have grown by 70% in the past  ve years, and its stock has doubled.” 
-Jim Sinegal, CEO, Costco. 
In 2008, Ethisphere named Sinegal one of the 100 Most In uential People in Business Ethics (ranked at #37).24 
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Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
1. Net income per employee2. Employees covered by company health insurance3. Insurance-enrollment waiting periods (for part-time workers) 4. % Employees covered for health insurance5. Annual worker turnover rate 
$7,039 48%2 years 66% 50% 
$17,174 82%6 months 92% 24% 
“Senegal is known as a leader who is fair to his em- ployees, and Costco has been reaping the bene ts for some time. It doesn’t appear that he’ll change his ways in 2008 amidst the  nancial crisis. In fact, he’s also ramping up Costco’s sustainability initiatives such as investing in solar power and, according to one interview, changing the shape of cashew containers in order to let them stack more ef ciently and take trucks off the road.”25 
Ethisphere’s analysis concluded that the emphasis on employees at Costco is the key to the Company’s suc- cess and ability to consistently provide a better shopping experience for its members. It also said that Jim Sinegal is the perfect example of how the tone at the top sets the tone for the entire company. 
While talking about Costco’s employee- rst philoso- phy, Mr. Jim Sinegal said that, 
“Because it’s part of the DNA of our company. It’s the culture. . . . It’s not altruistic. This is good business, hiring good people and paying them good wages and providing good jobs for them and opportunities for a career. If you accept the premise that we pay the highest wages in our in- dustry [hourly workers average more than $20 an hour, including bonuses] and have the rich- est health care and bene t plan in our industry and the lowest price on merchandise and run the lowest-cost operation, then it must follow we’re getting better productivity.”26 
-Jim Sinegal, CEO, Costco. 
Many executives once believed that you can’t keep prices low if a company pays high wages and bene ts. Costco is proof that this isn’t always the case. Costco executives understand the impact and importance that good employees can have in an organization. Perks such as high wages, bene ts and opportunity for growth allow Costco to attract a large pool of high-quality candidates who are committed to their jobs. A Workforce article, “Welcome to the Club“, reported that: 
In addition to offering some of the best wages and bene ts in the retail industry, Costco rewards employees 
with bonuses and other incentives. It promotes from within, encourages workers to make suggestions and to air grievances and gives managers autonomy to experi- ment with their departments or stores to boost sales or shave expenses as they see  t. 
Much of the emphasis on culture and values at Costco is attributed to the personal interests of Sinegal, its CEO. In an interview when asked for his opinion on the rising gas prices, Sinegal responded that: 
“Even employees who work at Costco—who make the type of wages that we pay—are being hit at the gas pump. We’re working very hard to schedule people from the same part of town so they can drive together. We’re encouraging van pools. We’re even testing 10-hour days, something we’ve never done in the past. If we can sched- ule some employees for four 10-hour days, that’s one day they don’t have to drive to work. They’ve got a 20% savings in their gas right there.” 
His response to the question shouldn’t be surprising, but it is surprising to  nd a CEO who actually takes these types of external factors into consideration when planning for their business. Costco’s executives focus on putting their employees  rst, which has lead to low employee turnover rates. In the long run, this increased rate of reten- tion has allowed Costco to save on labor costs while con- tinuing to provide employees with signi cant wages and bene t packages. When employees feel important and that there is value in the work that they do, it makes it harder to leave their current position and seek out new work. 
Front-line employees are the ones who interact with your company’s customers each day and are ultimately the ones who communicate the values and culture of your brand to the public. When employees are not passionate about their work or their brand, their attitudes have the ability to in uence the customer’s shopping experience. Sinegal started out his retail career as a bagger27, working through the ranks to VP Merchandising and Operations at FedMart- eventually cofounding Costco in 1983. Since he has worked in a variety of retail positions throughout his career, Sinegal understands the motivators and impact that every position has on the overall success of Costco. 
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Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
In one of their articles about Costco, Tech Crunch28 dis- cussed the factors of success at Costco, stating that: 
“The company’s per-employee sales are consider- ably higher than those of key rivals such as Target and Wal-Mart; customer service at the stores is phenomenal and fast; and Costco continues to expand, both in num- ber of warehouses and in products and services for busi- ness and consumer customers.”29 
The Costco story teaches us all a few lessons that can be applied to our own workplaces: think of the long-term impact of your actions, reduce employee turnover and, at all times, let your employees know they matter. 
Warehouse clubs compete with each other on factors such as price, merchandise quality and selection, loca- tion, and member service. Warehouse clubs also compete with a wide range of other types of retailers, including retail discounters such as Wal-Mart and Dollar General, supermarkets, general merchandise chains, specialty chains, gasoline stations, and most recently Internet re- tailers (which now represents one of the biggest threats). Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, competes directly with Costco not just via its Sam’s Club subsidiary but also through its Wal-Mart stores, which sell many of the same SKUs at attractively low prices. Target and Kohl’s have also emerged as signi cant retail competitors in certain merchandise categories. Low-cost, single cat- egory retailers, including Lowe’s, Home Depot, Of ce Depot, Staples, Best Buy, Circuit City, PetSmart, and Barnes & Noble, also compete with Costco and have signi cant market shares in their respective product categories. 
There have been three main players in the whole- sale club industry—Costco Wholesale, Sam’s Club (612 membership warehouse clubs in the U.S., Brazil, China and Mexico), and BJ’s Wholesale Club (190 locations in 15 states). At the end of 2010, there were just over 1,200 warehouse locations across the United States and Canada; most every major metropolitan area had one, if not several, warehouse clubs. Costco held a nearly 55% share of warehouse club sales across the United States and Canada, with Sam’s Club (a division of Wal-Mart) holding roughly 36% share and BJ’s Wholesale Club and several small warehouse club competitors making up the remaining 9% share. 
The wholesale club and warehouse retail segment is estimated to be $140 billion31 in annual revenue, and it is growing about 20% faster than retailing as a whole.32,33 
Below are brief pro les of Costco’s two primary competitors in North America: Sam’s Club and BJ’s Wholesale Club. 
sam’s club 
Wal-Mart opened the  rst Sam’s Club in 1984. In the be- ginning, many Sam’s Club locations were located adja- cent to Wal-Mart Supercenters. The concept of the Sam’s Club format was to sell merchandise at very low pro t margins (lower than Wal-Mart stores), resulting in low prices to members. 
CostCo Vs. Walmart 2012 
Annual Health Costs per Worker 
Annual Retirement costs per worker 
Labor and overheadNet pro ts per employeeChairman Salary (incl. bonus)*CEO-Chairman is S. Robson [email protected]% ownership 
Big Box, Big BuCks30 
Costco sells more ef ciently than its low-margin peers. It even outdoes plusher names like Nordstrom, and holds its own against higher-markup “category killers” like Best Buy. 
$7,127 $1,330 
$4,750 $996 
Average Hourly Wage 
Covered by health plan 
Employee turnover 
9.60% $946 $548,400 
19.50% $656 $1,264,775 
Sales per square foot 
Yearly operating income growth 
Stock Price as of 11/28/2012 
Nordstrom Wal-Mart* Sam’s Club* Best Buy 
Source: Company data; UBS, 2009 *Estimate 
sales per square foot, annual 
Home Depot 
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Sam’s Club warehouses range from 70,000 to 190,000 square feet, with a typical size of about 132,000 square feet. Similar to Costco, all Sam’s Club warehouses feature concrete  oors, sparse décor, with goods displayed on pallets, simple wooden shelves, or racks. Sam’s Club stocks branded merchandise, includ- ing hard goods, some soft goods, institutional-size gro- cery items, and selected private-label items sold under the Member’s Mark, Bakers & Chefs, and Sam’s Club brands. 
Most Sam’s Club locations also carry software, electronics, jewelry, sporting goods, toys, tires, batter- ies, stationery and books. The majority of clubs have fresh-foods departments that include bakery, meat, pro- duce,  oral products, and a Sam’s Café. Members can also shop online at www.samsclub.com. Like Costco, Sam’s Club stocks about 4,000 SKUs, most of which are standard items and a small fraction of which are spe- cial, limited time offerings. However, these limited time offerings tend to be of lesser quality and carry a lower price tag than those at Costco. 
The annual fee for “Sam’s saving” members is $45 for the primary membership card, with an additional houeholdcard available at no additional cost.34 
A “Sam’s Plus” membership costs $100 with an ad- ditional household card available at no additional cost. Businesses with a plus membership can have up to 16 add-ons for $45 each.35 
Regular hours of operation for Sam’s Club are Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., and Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 
Approximately two-thirds of the merchandise at Sam’s Club is shipped from the division’s own distribution facilities and, in the case of perishable items, from some of Wal-Mart grocery distribution centers. The balance is shipped by suppliers direct to Sam’s Club locations. 
Like Costco, Sam’s Club distribution centers em- ploy cross-docking techniques whereby incoming ship- ments are transferred immediately to outgoing trailers destined for Sam’s Club locations; shipments typically spend less than 24 hours at a cross-docking facility and in some instances are there for only an hour. The Sam’s Club distribution center network consisted of seven company-owned-and-operated distribution facilities, 13 third-party-owned-and-operated facilities, and two third- party-owned-and-operated import distribution centers. 
A combination of company-owned trucks and ve- hicles from independent trucking companies are used to transport merchandise from distribution centers to club locations.36 
BJ’s Wholesale club 
BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc., commonly referred to simply as BJ’s, is a membership-only warehouse club chain operating on the United States. Headquartered in Westborough, MA, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc. (www.bjs.com), is a leading operator of membership warehouse clubs in the Eastern United States. The Company currently operates over 190 Clubs in 15 states from Maine to Florida and employs more than 24,000 Team Members. BJ’s is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “BJ.”37 
On September 30, 2011, BJ’s Wholesale Club was acquired by Beacon Holding Inc., an af liate of Leon- ard Green & Partners, L.P., and funds advised by CVC Capital Partners.38 
Merchandise in BJ’s is generally displayed on pallets containing large quantities of each item, thereby reduc- ing labor required for handling, stocking, and restocking. Backup merchandise is generally stored in steel racks above the sales  oor. Similar to Costco and Sam’s, BJ’s sells high-quality, branded merchandise at prices that are signi cantly lower than the prices found at supermarkets, discount retail chains, and specialty retail stores such as Best Buy39. Its merchandise lineup of about 7,500 items includes consumer electronics, prerecorded media, small appliances, tires, jewelry, health and beauty aids, house- hold products, computer software, books, greeting cards, apparel, furniture, toys, seasonal items, frozen foods, fresh meat and dairy products, beverages, dry grocery items, fresh produce,  owers, canned goods, and house- hold products. 
Paid membership is an essential part of the ware- house club concept. In addition to providing a source of revenue it helps offer low prices and reinforces cus- tomer loyalty. BJ’s offers two types of memberships: Inner Circle® memberships and business memberships. Most Inner Circle members are likely to be homeowners whose incomes are above the average for the Company’s catchment area. 
Inner Circle® memberships usually cost $50 per year for a primary member and includes one free supplemen- tal membership. Members in the same household may purchase additional supplemental memberships for $25 each. A primary business membership also costs $50 per year and includes one free supplemental member- ship. Additional supplemental business memberships cost $25 each. These fees were increased on January 3, 2011. Prior to that date, primary Inner Circle and busi- ness memberships cost $45 per year and supplemental memberships cost $20 each. 
Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
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Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
Costco Financials41 
Warehouses in Operation 
(622 at 12/31/12) 608 
2008 2009 2010 2011* 2012* 
At Fiscal Year End *2011 and 2012 Include Mexico 
540 527 
525 512 0 
98,000 96,000 94,000 92,000 90,000 88,000 86,000 84,000 82,000 80,000 78,000 76,000 74,000 72,000 70,000 
Net Sales 
97,062 87,048 
69,8892009 2010 
0*2011 and 2012 Include Mexico 
2011* 2012* 
Fiscal Year 
1,800 1,700 1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 
Net Income* 
02008 2009 2010 2011 2012 
Fiscal Year *All Years Include Mexico 
Comparable Sales Growth 
10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% –2% –4% –6% 
*2011 and 2012 Include Mexico 
2008 2009 2010 2011* 2012* Fiscal Year 
Gold Star Members 
Business Members 
27  6.5   6.442 
5.5 00 
2008 2009 2010 2011* 2012* All Fiscal Year End 
*2011 and 2012 Include Mexico 
2625242322   21.445 21 
6.3 6.1 5.9 
5.7   5.594 
5.789 5.719 
20.181 20 
2008 2009 2010 2011* 2012* All Fiscal Year End 
# of Whses 
*First year sales annualized.2011 and 2012 Include Mexico 2000 and 2012 were 53-week years. 
Fiscal Year 
21 13 20 26 31 27 18 22 
Average Sales Per Warehouse* (Sales in Millions) 
$72 $105 117 
$92 $63 81 81 99 124 132 
$86 83 $76 88 92 101 118 114 95 110 116 109 121 118 138 147 141 
$130 $137 $131 
99 116 128 103 116 127 122 127 136 128 129 136 126 130 136 150 157 166 
$139 $146 $155 
$105 $115 $120 $127 
$103 120 $94 106 122 $100 107 130 146 
Year Opened 
201120102009200820072006200520042003 & Before 415 
Totals 608 
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 
10.50% 10.40% 10.30% 10.20% 10.10% 10.00% 
9.90% 9.80% 9.70% 
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses 
2011* 2012* 
0*2011 and 2012 Include Mexico 
2009Fiscal Year 
84487_case-17_ptg01_hr_C239-C250.indd 248 22/10/13 5:11 PM 
Percent of Net Sales 
$ Millions 
Percent increase/Decrease 
Number of Warehouses 
$ Millions 
Like Costco and Sam’s, BJ’s Rewards Membership® program, is geared to high frequency, high volume mem- bers, offering a 2% rebate, capped at $500 per year, on most in-club purchases. The annual fee for a BJ’s Re- wards Membership is $100. At the end of 2010, Rewards Members accounted for approximately 7.8% of BJ’s primary members and approximately 17% of BJ’s mer- chandise sales during the year. 
BJ’s top management believed that several factors set BJ’s Wholesale operations apart from those of Costco and Sam’s Club: 

Offering a wide range of choice—7,500 items versus 4,000 items at Costco and Sam’s Club:  
Focusing on the individual consumer via merchan- dising strategies that emphasized a customer-friendly shopping experience  
Clustering club locations to achieve the bene t of name recognition and maximize the ef ciencies of manage- ment support, distribution, and marketing activities  
Supplementing the warehouse format with aisle markers, express checkout lanes, self-checkout lanes and low-cost video-based sales aids to make shop- ping more ef cient for members  
Offering longer working hours than competitors  
Offering smaller package sizes for many items  
Accepting manufacturers’ coupons  
Accepting more credit card payment options40 concLusIon Looking forward, the issue facing Costco is how to main- tain its historically high performance? As the Company has become larger, several markets have neared saturation and maintaining historic growth rates has become more challenging. Moreover, Costco faces a potentially strong challenge from online retailers, most notably Amazon, which offers a vast array of goods at low prices. Moreover, as Amazon builds out its distribution system it will soon be able to offer next day delivery to most locations within the United States. Will this be enough to draw customers away from Costco and end the Company’s impressive rise to dominance in deep discounting retailing? notes  

http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_ archive/2006/10/30/8391725/  
COSTCO Annual report FY 2011  

5. 6. 
7. 8. 9. 
10. 11. 
12. 13. 
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 
19. 20. 21. 
22. 23. 
24. 25. 26. 
27. 28. 
http://www.coriolisresearch.com/pdfs/coriolis_ understanding_Costco.pdfCOSTCO Annual report FY 2011 http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=83830& p=irol-reportsannual http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_ archive/2006/10/30/8391725/ http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_ archive/2006/10/30/8391725/ http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/17/business/yourmoney/ 17costco.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 
COSTCO Annual report FY 2011 http://www.lek.com/sites/default/ les/lek-why_costco_ and_other_warehouse_club_retailers_matter.pdf COSTCO Annual report FY 2011 http://www.nasdaq.com/article/how-does-costco-make- money-cm205766#ixzz2UuPFCPCq http://seattletimes.com/html/businesstechnolo- gy/2018150010_costco06.html http://netonomy.net/2013/01/30/top-5-largest-online- retailers-who-companies-how-did-they-make-it/ http://seattletimes.com/html/businesstechnology/ 2018150010_costco06.html http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac79/docs/retail/Cost- co-com_UK.pdf http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2013/05/29/ costco-earnings-swelling-membership-will-fuel-its- sales-growth/ http://o.seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/ 2018150010_costco06.html http://seattletimes.com/html/businesstechnology/ 2018150010_costco06.html http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2004-05-30/ online-extra-at-costco-good-jobs-and-good-wages 
http://www.seattlepi.com/business/article/Costco-s- love-of-labor-Employees-well-being-key-1140722.php http://beta.fool.com/enovinson/2012/07/26/ several-ways-costco-differs-other-discounters/7886/ 
http://www.priceviewer.com/costco/costco_employment.htm http://reclaimdemocracy.org/costco_employee_bene ts_ walmart/ http://ethisphere.com/100-most-influential-people-in- business-ethics-2008/#37 http://ethisphere.com/100-most-influential-people-in- business-ethics-2008/#37 http://www.tlnt.com/2011/12/19/generous-benefits- costco-ceo-says-they-are-just-good-business/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Sinegal TechCrunch is a web publication that offers technology news and analysis, as well as pro les of startup compa- nies, products, and websites. It was founded by Michael Arrington in 2005, and was  rst published on June 11, 2005. 
Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 
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Case 17 Costco Wholesale Corporation 

http://techcrunch.com/2010/03/20/integrating-ethics- into-the-core-of-your-startups-why-and-how/  
http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_ archive/2006/10/30/8391725/  
https://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom-UnitedStates/ Local%20Assets/Documents/ConsumerProducts/us_ cp_Club%20Strategy_011813.pdf  
http://www.lek.com/sites/default/ les/lek-why_costco_ and_other_warehouse_club_retailers_matter.pdf  
https://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom-UnitedStates/ Local%20Assets/Documents/ConsumerProducts/us_ cp_Club%20Strategy_011813.pdf  

34. 35. 36. 
37. 38. 
39. 40. 41. 
https://m.samsclub.com/membership/join https://m.samsclub.com/membership/join http://www.walmartstores.com/sites/annualreport/ 2011/ nancials/2011_Five_Year_Summary.pdf 
BJ’s 2011 Annual Report (LINK) http://www.bjs.com/company-background.content. about_background.A.aboutBJ’s 2011 Annual Report (LINK) 
BJ’s 2011 Annual Report (LINK) Costco 2012 Annual report 
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1. the aggregate supply curve relating the price level to real gdp

The aggregate supply curve relating the price level to real GDP has three distinguishing segments. Which one of the following indicates the segments?
A) The horizontal segment reflects the increasing pressure on the price level as firms bid for resources. The upward-sloping segment reflects the availability of unused resources. The vertical segment reflects the full employment of all resources.
B) The horizontal segment reflects the availability of unused resources. The upward-sloping segment reflects the full employment of all resources. The vertical segment reflects the increasing pressure on the price level as firms bid for resources.
C) The horizontal segment reflects the full employment of all resources. The upward-sloping segment reflects the increasing pressure on the price level as firms bid for resources. The vertical segment reflects the availability of unused resources.
D) The horizontal segment reflects the availability of unused resources. The downward-sloping segment reflects decreasing pressure on the price level as firms bid for resources. The vertical segment reflects the full employment of all resources.
E) The horizontal segment reflects the availability of unused resources. The upward-sloping segment reflects increasing pressure on the price level as firms bid for resources. The vertical segment reflects the full employment of all resources.
Fiscal policy is government action to influence aggregate demand and in turn to influence the level of real GDP and the price level, through:
A) expanding and contracting the money supply.
B) regulation of net exports.
C) changes in government spending and/or tax revenues.
D) encouraging businesses to invest.
“It would be an undue hardship to require people whose income is below $15,000 per year to pay income taxes.” This statement reflects which of the following principles for a tax?
A) Benefits-received.
B) Inexpensive-to-collect.
C) Ability-to-pay.
D) Fairness of contribution.
Exhibit 14-6 Aggregate supply curve


In Exhibit 14-6, the aggregate supply curve becomes vertical at GDP = $1,200 because:
A) there are no more workers available at any wage rate to increase real GDP.
B) the price level remains constant.
C) the only workers available would demand higher wage rates.
D) the economy is experiencing low employment and low production.
E) the Treasury is no longer allowed to explain away the deficit with creative accounting
Exhibit 14-8 Aggregate demand and supply


In Exhibit 14-8, if aggregate demand shifts from AD3 to AD4, real GDP will:
A) rise from $7.0 to $8.0, and the price level will rise from 120 to 140.
B) rise from $7.0 to $8.0, and the price level will rise from 120 to 170.
C) rise from $7.0 to $8.0, and the price level will rise from 100 to 140.
D) not change, and the price level will rise from 120 to 140.
E) rise from $4.0 to $8.0, and the price level will rise from 120 to 140.
The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is computed as the change in consumption divided by the change in:
B) income.
C) saving.
D) none of the above
Which of the following is not a component of the aggregate demand curve?
A) Government spending (G).
B) Investment (I).
C) Consumption (C).
D) Net exports (X – M).
E) Saving.
Find the tax multiplier if the MPC is 0.75.
A) -4.
B) -3.
C) 0.33.
D) 3.
E) 4.
Exhibit 14-2 Aggregate supply and demand curves


In Exhibit 14-2, the change in equilibrium from E1 to E2 represents:
A) cost-push inflation.
B) demand-pull inflation.
C) price-push inflation.
D) wage-push inflation.
If the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is 0.50, the value of the spending multiplier is:
A) 5.
B) 1.
C) 2.
D) 5.
The nation has its own MPC. When national income increases from $300 billion to $400 billion, national consumption increases from $300 billion to $360 billion. At Y = $400 billion, the MPC is:
A) 0.2.
B) 0.5.
C) 0.6.
D) 0.67.
E) 1.33.
A rightward shift in the aggregate demand curve can be caused by an increase in:
A) the price level.
B) business investment spending.
C) taxes.
D) production costs.
After 1970, the share of federal spending allocated to national defense:
A) declined sharply, while the share allocated to income security increased substantially.
B) rose sharply, while the share allocated to income security declined substantially.
C) was relatively constant, while the share allocated to income security declined modestly.
D) declined modestly, while the share allocated to income security was relatively constant.
If a person is taxed $1,000 on an income of $10,000, taxed $2,000 on an income of $20,000, and taxed $3,000 on an income of $30,000, this person is paying a (an):
A) progressive tax.
B) regressive tax.
C) proportional tax.
D) poll tax.
E) excise tax.
If an inflationary boom exists, the appropriate fiscal policy is to:
A) increase the budget deficit.
B) increase government spending and hold taxes constant.
C) decrease government spending and/or raise taxes.
D) hold government spending constant and decrease taxes.
The aggregate supply curve reflects the relationship between the price:
A) of a particular good and the quantity supplied by all firms producing that good.
B) of a particular good and the quantity supplied by the aggregate economy.
C) level and the quantity supplied of all goods in the economy.
D) level and the quantity of all goods purchased in the economy.
Automatic stabilizers are government programs that:
A) exaggerate the ups and downs in aggregate demand without legislative action.
B) bring expenditures and revenues automatically into balance without legislative action.
C) shift the budget toward a deficit when the economy slows but shift it toward a surplus during an expansion.
D) increase tax collections automatically during a recession.
A decrease in aggregate supply will cause the price level to:
A) rise and GDP to fall.
B) rise and GDP to rise.
C) rise and the unemployment rate to fall.
D) fall and GDP to rise.
E) fall and the unemployment rate to rise.
Exhibit 14-3 Aggregate supply and demand curves


The shift from AS1 to AS2 in Exhibit 14-3 could be caused by a (an):
A) sudden increase in the price of oil.
B) increase in input prices for most firms.
C) increase in workers’ wages.
D) all of the above.
The interest-rate effect is the impact on real GDP caused by the relationship between the price level and the interest rate.
A) direct
B) independent
C) linear
D) inverse
The Keynesian analysis of fiscal policy argues that:
A) fiscal policy should generally be expansionary except during periods of economic recession.
B) fiscal policy should generally be restrictive except during inflationary booms.
C) the federal budget should be balanced annually except during war.
D) the federal budget should be used to maintain aggregate demand at a level consistent with full employment.
The real balances effect predicts that higher prices:
A) make people worse off by reducing the value of their wealth, leading them to save more and spend less.
B) make people worse off by reducing the value of their wealth, leading them to save less and spend more.
C) make people better off by increasing the value of their wealth, leading them to save less and spend more.
D) increase borrowing, leading to higher interest rates and less investment.
E) make domestic goods relatively more expensive, increasing the demand for domestic goods and decreasing the demand for foreign goods.
When households’ marginal propensity to consume (MPC) increases, the size of the spending multiplier:
A) also increases.
B) decreases.
C) remains unchanged.
D) reacts unpredictably.
The Laffer curve is representative of which of the following schools?
A) Supply-side school.
B) Rational expectations school.
C) Keynesians.
D) Neo-Keynesians.
E) Classical school.
Which of the following is not a component of the aggregate demand curve?
A) Consumption (C).
B) Investment (I).
C) Government spending (G).
D) Net exports (X – M).
E) All of the above are components.
Keynesian analysis stresses that a tax cut that increases the government’s budget deficit or reduces its budget surplus:
A) is appropriate during a period of inflation.
B) will increase the money supply.
C) will stimulate aggregate supply and, thereby, promote employment.
D) will stimulate aggregate demand and, thereby, promote employment.
In the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model,
A) the factors that cause the demand curves in both models to slope downward are the same.
B) the factors that cause the supply curves in both models to slope upward are the same.
C) the upward-sloping aggregate demand curve intersects the downward-sloping aggregate supply curve to determine the economy’s price level and GDP.
D) the upward-sloping aggregate supply curve intersects the downward-sloping aggregate demand curve to determine the economy’s price level and GDP.
E) the price level never changes even with shifts in aggregate demand and aggregate supply.
The aggregate demand curve:
A) would be little affected by a technological advancement.
B) shifts to the right when spending decreases.
C) shifts to the left when there is a decrease in taxes.
D) cannot move independently of the aggregate supply curve.
E) shifts to the right when there is an expectation that future income will fall.
Because of the automatic stabilizers, a decline in the level of economic activity will cause:
A) a reduction in tax revenues collected.
B) an increase in government expenditures.
C) a greater budget deficit.
D) all of the above.
In the classical range of the aggregate supply curve, greater spending for consumer and investment goods results in:
A) stagflation.
B) more unemployment.
C) greater output.
D) a higher price level.
Stagflation is a period of time when the economy is experiencing:
A) inflation and low unemployment.
B) high unemployment and low levels of inflation at the same time.
C) high inflation and high unemployment at the same time.
D) low inflation and low unemployment at the same time.
Assume the economy is in recession and real GDP is below full employment. The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is 0.50, and the government follows Keynesian economics by using expansionary fiscal policy to increase aggregate demand (total spending). If an increase of $1,000 billion aggregate demand can restore full employment, the government should:
A) increase spending by $250 billion.
B) decrease spending by $500 billion.
C) increase spending by $1,000 billion.
D) increase spending by $500 billion.
When the federal government is running a budget deficit:
A) government tax revenues exceed government expenditures.
B) government expenditures exceed government tax revenues.
C) the economy must be in an economic recession.
D) the size of the national debt will decline.
Generally, most economists feel that a sales tax is:
A) regressive.
B) proportional.
C) progressive.
D) fair.
In the aggregate demand/aggregate supply model, a country’s full-employment real GDP is represented by:
A) prices.
B) aggregate demand.
C) aggregate supply.
D) an increase in the general level of prices.
A tax multiplier equal to -4.30 would imply that a $100 tax increase would lead to a:
A) $430 decline in real GDP.
B) $430 increase in real GDP.
C) 4.3 percent increase in real GDP.
D) 4.3 percent decrease in real GDP.
E) 43 percent decrease in real GDP.
The effect of an increase in aggregate supply is a (an):
A) increase in the general level of prices and a decrease in real output.
B) increase in the general level of prices and an increase in real output.
C) decrease in the general level of prices and a decrease in real output.
D) decrease in the general level of prices and an increase in real output.
Demand-pull inflation is associated with a (an):
A) decrease in the aggregate supply curve.
B) increase in the aggregate supply curve.
C) increase in the aggregate demand curve.
D) decrease in the aggregate demand curve.
E) decline in the availability of a productive resource
A tax is proportional if, as a person’s income rises, the:
A) tax rate is constant.
B) tax rate falls.
C) tax rate rises.
D) amount of the tax is constant.
E) amount of the tax falls.
The net exports effect is the inverse relationship between net exports and the ____ of an economy.
A) potential real GDP
B) chain-price deflator
C) price level
D) consumption spending
Exhibit 14-4 Aggregate supply and demand curves


In Exhibit 14-4 which of the following is not consistent with a shift in the aggregate demand curve from AD1 to AD2?
A) A decrease in consumer spending.
B) An increase in investment.
C) An increase in government spending.
D) An increase in net exports.
The fraction of each added dollar of income that is used for consumption is called the:
A) average propensity to consumer (APC).
B) autonomous consumption rate (ACR).
C) marginal consumption propensity (MCP).
D) marginal propensity to consume (MPC).
A decrease in real GDP would affect the U.S. economy by:
A) cutting tax revenues and raising government expenditures.
B) cutting government expenditures and raising tax revenues.
C) raising both tax revenues and government expenditures.
D) cutting both government expenditures and tax revenues.
Exhibit 14-8 Aggregate demand and supply


In Exhibit 14-8, if aggregate demand shifts from AD1 to AD2,
A) real GDP will increase from $3.0 to $7.0, and the price level will remain the same.
B) real GDP will increase from $3.0 to $4.0, and the price level will remain the same.
C) real GDP and the price level will both remain the same.
D) real GDP will increase from $3.0 to $4.0, and the price level will increase from 100 to 140.
Exhibit 14-8 Aggregate demand and supply


In Exhibit 14-8, when aggregate demand shifts from AD4 to AD5, the economy experiences:
A) cost push-inflation.
B) cost-pull inflation.
C) demand-push inflation.
D) demand-pull inflation.
E) price-pull inflation.
Which of the following categories accounted for the lowest percent of the total federal government expenditures in recent years?
A) Income security.
B) National defense.
C) Education and health.
D) Interest on the national debt.
If aggregate demand increases in the intermediate range of the aggregate supply curve then the:
A) price level rises and real GDP falls.
B) price level rises and real GDP rises.
C) price level falls and real GDP falls.
D) price level falls and real GDP rises.
Which of the following can be classified as a regressive tax?
A) Excise tax.
B) Sales tax.
C) Gasoline tax.
D) All of the above.
Exhibit 14-4 Aggregate supply and demand curves


In Exhibit 14-4, point E2 represents:
A) real GDP above full-employment GDP.
B) real GDP that equals full-employment GDP.
C) a depression.
D) real GDP below full-employment GDP.
Which of the following is an example of a progressive tax?
A) The excise tax on cigarettes.
B) The federal tax on gasoline.
C) The federal personal income tax.
D) All of the above.
Some cities finance their airports with a departure tax: every person leaving the city by plane is charged a small fixed dollar amount that is used to help pay for building and running the airport. The departure tax follows the:
A) benefits-received principle.
B) ability-to-pay principle.
C) flat-rate taxation principle.
D) public-choice principle.
Exhibit 14-2 Aggregate supply and demand curves


A shift in the aggregate supply curve in Exhibit 14-2 from AS1 to AS2 would be caused by a (an):
A) decrease in input prices.
B) increase in input prices.
C) increase in real GDP.
D) decrease in real output.
When price level in the United States rises,
A) there is a increased demand for borrowed money.
B) producers’ demand for new machinery increases, contributing to an increase in aggregate demand.
C) Americans tend to buy more foreign goods and services.
D) the French, Canadians, and Japanese would find our exports more attractive.
E) to replenish the value of your real wealth, you would save less and consume more.
If no fiscal policy changes are made, suppose the current aggregate demand curve will increase horizontally by $1,000 billion and cause inflation. If the marginal propensity to consume is 0.75, federal policymakers could follow Keynesian economics and restrain inflation by decreasing:
A) government spending by $250 billion.
B) taxes by $100 billion.
C) taxes by $1,000 billion.
D) government spending by $1,000 billion.
The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is computed as the change in:
A) consumption divided by the change in savings.
B) consumption divided by the change in income.
C) consumption divided by the change in GDP.
D) None of the above.
If the marginal propensity to save (MPS) is 0.10, the value of the spending multiplier is:
A) 1.
B) 9.
C) 10.
D) 90.
Given full-employment output = $2,800, equilibrium real GDP = $2,500, and MPS = 0.25, which of the following changes would most likely bring the economy to a full-employment level of real GDP?
A) $300 decrease in taxes.
B) $75 increase in government spending.
C) $75 decrease in taxes.
D) $300 increase in government spending.
E) $75 decrease in government spending.
Exhibit 16-4 Marginal tax rate lines


In Exhibit 16-4, line A represents a (an):
A) regressive tax.
B) progressive tax.
C) proportional tax.
D) ability-to-pay tax.
When an economy is operating below its potential capacity, Keynesian economists argue that:
A) taxes should be raised if the government is currently running a budget deficit.
B) taxes should be lowered but only if the government is running a budget surplus.
C) the government should cut taxes and/or increase spending in order to stimulate aggregate demand.
D) all of the above.
“Tax cuts, by providing incentives to work, save, and invest, will raise employment and lower the price level.” This argument is made by the:
A) Keynesian economists.
B) supply-side economists.
C) classical economists.
D) monetarists.

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Managerial accounting 1b ch19 | Accounting homework help

Managerial Accounting 1B
Financial and Managerial Accounting
Chapter 19
Exercise 19-1 Income reporting under absorption costing and variable costing L.O. P2

Adams Company, a manufacturer of in-home decorative fountains, began operations on September 1 of the current year. Its cost and sales information for this year follows.






  Production costs




     Direct materials



  per unit

     Direct labor



  per unit

     Overhead costs for the year




         Variable overhead




         Fixed overhead




  Nonproduction costs for the year




     Variable selling and administrative




     Fixed selling and administrative




  Production and sales for the year




     Units produced




     Units sold




     Sales price per unit



 per unit



Prepare an income statement for the company using absorption costing. (Input all amounts as positive values except net loss which should be indicated with a minus sign. Omit the “$” sign in your response.)



Prepare an income statement for the company using variable costing. (Input all amounts as positive values except net loss which should be indicated with a minus sign. Omit the “$” sign in your response.)



Under what circumstance(s) is reported income identical under both absorption costing and variable costing?

Exercise 19-4 Income reporting under absorption costing and variable costing L.O. P2
[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]

Woodson Company, a producer of solid oak tables, reports the following data from its current year operations, which is its second year of business.






  Sales price per unit



 per unit

  Units produced this year




  Units sold this year




  Units in beginning-year inventory




  Beginning inventory costs




       Variable (3,000 units × $135)




       Fixed (3,000 units × $80)










  Production costs this year




       Direct materials



 per unit

       Direct labor



 per unit

       Overhead costs this year




           Variable overhead




           Fixed overhead




  Nonproduction costs this year




       Variable selling and administrative




       Fixed selling and administrative




 2.Exercise 19-4 Part 1


Prepare the current year income statement for the company using absorption costing. (Input all amounts as positive values except net loss which should be indicated with a minus sign. Leave no cells blank – be certain to enter “0” wherever required. Omit the “$” sign in your response.)

3.Exercise 19-4 Part 2


Prepare the current year income statement for the company using variable costing. (Input all amounts as positive values except net loss which should be indicated with a minus sign. Leave no cells blank – be certain to enter “0” wherever required. Omit the “$” sign in your response.)

4.Exercise 19-6 Converting variable costing income to absorption costing income L.O. P2, P4

Lyon Furnaces prepares the income statement under variable costing for its managerial reports, and it prepares the income statement under absorption costing for external reporting. For its first month of operations, 375 furnaces were produced and 225 were sold; this left 150 furnaces in ending inventory. The income statement information under variable costing follows.





  Sales (225 × $1,600)



  Variable production cost (225 × $625)



  Variable selling and administrative expenses (225 × $65)




  Contribution margin



  Fixed overhead cost



  Fixed selling and administrative expense




  Net income






Prepare this company’s income statement for its first month of operations under absorption costing.(Input all amounts as positive values except net loss which should be indicated with a minus sign. Omit the “$” sign in your response.)

Exercise 19-9 Contribution margin format income statement L.O. P3

Polarix is a retailer of ATVs (all terrain vehicles) and accessories. An income statement for its Consumer ATV Department for the current year follows. ATVs sell, on average, for $3,800. Variable selling expenses are $270 each. The remaining selling expenses are fixed. Administrative expenses are 40% variable and 60% fixed. The company does not manufacture its own ATVs; it purchases them from a supplier for $1,830 each.


POLARIXIncome Statement—Consumer ATV DepartmentFor Year Ended December 21, 2011






  Cost of goods sold








  Gross margin





  Operating expenses





      Selling expenses





      Administrative expenses






  Net income










Prepare an income statement for this current year using the contribution margin format. (Input all amounts as positive values except net loss which should be indicated with a minus sign. Omit the “$” sign in your response.)



For each ATV sold during this year, what is the contribution toward covering fixed expenses and that toward earning income? (Omit the “$” sign in your response.)


  Contribution margin per ATV


Exercise 19-11 Absorption costing and over-production L.O. C2

Rourke Inc. reports the following annual cost data for its single product.






  Normal production and sales level




  Sales price



 per unit

  Direct materials




  Direct labor



 per unit

  Variable overhead



 per unit

  Fixed overhead



 in total


If Rourke increases its production to 80,000 units, while sales remain at the current 60,000 unit level, by how much would the company’s gross margin increase or decrease under absorption costing? Assume the company has idle capacity to double current production. (Omit the “$” sign in your response.)

7.Problem 19-1A Variable costing income statement and conversion to absorption costing income L.O. P2, P4

Torres Company began operations this year. During this first year, the company produced 100,000 units and sold 80,000 units. The absorption costing income statement for its first year of operations follows.



  Sales (80,000 units × $50 per unit)





  Cost of goods sold





     Beginning inventory





     Cost of goods manufactured (100,000 units × $30 per unit)








     Cost of good available for sale





     Ending inventory (20,000 × $30)








     Cost of goods sold








  Gross margin





  Selling and administrative expenses








  Net income











Selling and administrative expenses consist of $350,000 in annual fixed expenses and $2.25 per unit in variable selling and administrative expenses.


The company’s product cost of $30 per unit is computed as follows.



  Direct materials



 per unit

  Direct labor



 per unit

  Variable overhead



 per unit

  Fixed overhead ($900,000 / 100,000 units)



 per unit



Prepare an income statement for the company under variable costing. (Input all amounts as positive values except net loss which should be indicated with a minus sign. Omit the “$” sign in your response.)


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odsłoń] sposobow na czyszczenie białych butow naczyniami każdy dom

[Odsłoń] 13 sposobów na czyszczenie białych butów naczyniami KAŻDY DOM MA!
Zadrapania na butach ze skóry i imitacji skóry będą miejscem, w którym przywiera błoto i brud, a ich czyszczenie jest bardzo trudne. Wólka Kosowska hurtownia obuwia Zmywacz do paznokci sprawdza się również do czyszczenia białych butów wyjątkowo dobrze, o czym nie wszyscy wiedzą.
Oto jak to zrobić:
Za pomocą wacika nasącz niewielką ilość zmywacza do paznokci i wetrzyj go w plamę, aż będzie czysta, a następnie spłucz wodą i osusz.
Czyste białe buty z cytryną

Cytryna to owoc, który zawiera dużo kwasu, więc możemy go zastosować w bardzo skuteczny sposób do czyszczenia pożółkłych białych butów.
Oto jak to zrobić:
Pokrój cytrynę w poprzek i wetrzyj ją bezpośrednio w plamę.Energicznie wyszoruj kawałek świeżej cytryny, aby usunąć plamy lub wyciśnij sok z cytryny bezpośrednio na uporczywą plamę, a następnie wyszoruj szczoteczką.Po roztarciu soku z cytryny równomiernie na powierzchni butów, należy pozostawić go na 15-20 minut, Wólka Kosowska  aby kwas z cytryny zadziałał w pełni, a następnie zmyć zimną wodą.Wyczyść białe buty mieszanką sody oczyszczonej + octuMieszanka 2 składników, które łatwo znaleźć w kuchni.
Dodaj 2 części sody oczyszczonej, 3 części octu i dobrze wymieszaj.Następnie zanurz szczoteczkę do zębów w mieszance i wetrzyj ją w powierzchnię buta.Na koniec umyj buty pod bieżącą wodą i wysusz na słońcu.Umyj białe buty wodą i mydłem

Tak chyba każdy już wie, prawda?
Jak to zrobić jest proste:
Wystarczy dodać wodę i mydło, aby się spieniły, Hurtownia obuwia męskiego online w Wólce Kosowskiej a następnie za pomocą gąbki zanurzyć w miksturze i wmasować w plamę.Następnie spłucz wodą i osusz.Płyn do mycia naczyń może również wyczyścić białe butyW przypadku butów płóciennych należy pamiętać, że nie należy używać pędzla o dużej twardości, ponieważ twarda szczotka potarga włókna tkaniny, przez co buty szybko wyblakną.

Wykonaj następujące czynności:
Użyj ręcznika papierowego, aby wchłonąć płyn do mycia naczyń w misce, aby wyczyścić materiał obuwia.Płyn do mycia naczyń wystarczająco pieni się i czyści, dzięki czemu tkanina obuwia jest dłuższa.Użyj wazeliny do czyszczenia białych butów
Wazelina służy nie tylko potrzebom urody dziewczynek, Hurtownia obuwia męskiego ale jest również bardzo przydatna w konserwacji butów.
Na plamę nałóż warstwę wazeliny.Pozostaw na 5 minut, a następnie wytrzyj wilgotną szmatką.Uwaga, wazelina służy tylko do usuwania plam z gumowej części, unikaj części z tkaniny.

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