Immigration policies | Sociology homework help

 Research, discuss and analyze an immigration policy from another country. After discussing and analyzing the immigration policy from the other country, compare and contrast it with a United States immigration policy. Some questions to ponder while researching this discussion board: What is the policy? Whom does it impact? Whom does it benefit? Whom does it hinder? Who is the author of the policy? What is this policy for, what does it do? What are the policy goals?  

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Management pt 4 | Management homework help

Diverse Teams Hold Court
Critical Thinking Questions

If you don’t have a diverse group of people on your team, how can you ensure that you will have robust discussions and decision-making? What techniques can you use to generate conversations from different perspectives?
Evaluate your own team at work. Is it a diverse team? How would you rate the quality of decisions generated from that group?

Sources: Adapted from Katherine W. Phillips, “How Diversity Makes Us Smarter,” Scientific American, October 2014, p. 7–8.
Please note the following important standards:

Proofread your paper carefully; always use proper grammar and spelling.
If a specific question is looking for a qualitative answer, limit your answer to five sentences or less.  Quality over quantity, please!
Please place your name, date, and assignment name (Module 2 Assignment) in the heading.  Your assignment must be in Microsoft Word, Time New Roman size 12 font.
Any outside sources must be cited properly.  Please use APA formatting.

Book: Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:

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Sexual harassment db4 | HRMT650 Current Legal Issues in Human Resource Management | Colorado Technical University

 Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Social media has become a way for companies to reach their customers. Likewise, networking sites can be used to recruit employees for jobs and for professionals to advance their career. Although these technologies can be a great benefit, there have been many instances when they have created tough situations for both companies and employees. Therefore, many companies have created social media policies that attempt to protect the company, employees, and customers from wrongdoing. With your fellow classmates, please discuss the following:

What are the benefits of a corporate social media policy for the company, customers, and employees?
As a human resources (HR) professional, how would you recommend employees protect their online privacy?

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Bibl 104 quiz 2 | Spanish homework help

Question 1 

Each cycle in the book of Judges      portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Gideon’s foolish vow. 

1 points   
Question 2 

According to our textbook, one      reason for the northern kingdom’s downfall is that they rejected the      ministries of the prophets who sought to enforce the covenant. 

1 points   
Question 3 

In the ________________ campaign,      God miraculously extended the day. This allowed      Israel time to rout the enemy. 

1 points   
Question 4 

Boaz was not only Ruth’s kinsman      redeemer, he was also the one carrying the Davidic lineage. 

1 points   
Question 5 

According to our textbook, one      reason for the northern kingdom’s downfall is that they rejected the      covenant itself. 

1 points   
Question 6 

The beginning chapters of 1 Samuel      draw a sharp contrast between Eli and his ungodly sons and the godly      prophet Samuel. 

1 points   
Question 7 

In the north, Jeroboam built two      sanctuaries (temples or high places) at 

Dan and Bethel 
Shiloh and Samaria 
Penuel and Jericho 
Mount Tabor and Mount Gerizim 
1 points   
Question 8 

In the _______________ campaign,      the town of Jericho was captured. 

1 points   
Question 9 

The Jewish Feast of ____________      originates in the story of Esther. 

Yom Kippur 
Rosh Hashana 
1 points   
Question 10 

The Judge _________________ made a      rash vow to the Lord saying, “whatever” came out of his house to greet him      upon his return from battle “will belong to the Lord, and I will offer it      as a burnt offering.” 

1 points   
Question 11 

Whose bones were buried in the      Promised Land at Shechem? 

1 points   
Question 12 

What did the Transjordan tribes do      that led to a dispute in Israel? 

They formed a military alliance with   Egypt. 
They built an altar. 
They instituted their own set of   priests who were known as Pharisees. 
They permitted their daughters to   marry Canaanite men. 
1 points   
Question 13 

Elijah was primarily a prophet to      the Southern Kingdom. 

1 points   
Question 14 

Half of the tribe of Manasseh      settled land on the East bank of the Jordan River. 

1 points   
Question 15 

____________ killed the      unsuspecting commander Sisera with a tent peg and a mallet. 

1 points   
Question 16 

When the nation of Israel divided,      the Kingdom to the south was known as 

1 points   
Question 17 

The book of Joshua concludes by      recording the second covenant renewal ceremony at Shiloh. 

1 points   
Question 18 

Joshua’s miraculous water crossing      affirmed his leadership to the people of Israel. 

1 points   
Question 19 

The Judge ______________ tore down      his father’s Baal altar that was kept on the family farm. 

1 points   
Question 20 

The books of _____________ form      the transition from the era of the judges to that of the kings. 

1 and 2 Samuel 
1 and 2 Kings 
1 and 2 Chronicles 
Judges and Ruth 
1 points   
Question 21 

According to our textbook, in 2      Samuel the narrative shifts from the godly prophet Samuel to the reign of      King Saul. 

1 points   
Question 22 

The second covenant renewal      ceremony includes Joshua’s affirmation: “As for me and my family, we will      worship the Lord.” 

1 points   
Question 23 

The middle of 1 Samuel draws a      contrast between the godly prophet Samuel and King David. 

1 points   
Question 24 

David’s character is highlighted      in that he refuses to kill Saul. This shows his respect for the office of      king and the significance of God’s anointing. 

1 points   
Question 25 

Joshua’s theophanic encounter      affirmed his leadership to the people of Israel. 

1 points   
Question 26 

The main body of the story of the      Judges revolves around __________ cycles of apostasy, repentance, and      deliverance. 

1 points   
Question 27 

When the nation of Israel divided      the Kingdom to the north was known as 

1 points   
Question 28 

In order to conquer the land of      Canaan ______________ military campaigns were undertaken. 

1 points   
Question 29 

In the books of Kings, the various      kings of the nation are evaluated by the Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic      covenants so the exiles will learn from this history and be deterred from      future covenant disobedience. 

1 points   
Question 30 

Each cycle in the book of Judges      portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Barak’s reluctance. 

1 points   
Question 31 

Elijah’s prophetic successor was      Elisha. 

1 points   
Question 32 

In general, Elijah’s miraculous      ministry resulted in the return of the nation to covenant faithfulness. 

1 points   
Question 33 

The emphasis on true worship in 1      & 2 Chronicles explains why the word “___________” is found thirty-two      times. 

1 points   
Question 34 

In Joshua’s farewell address he      explains to the people of Israel that they will remain in Canaan and      prosper in the land only when they comply with the Mosaic covenant. 

1 points   
Question 35 

The political capital of the      Northern tribes was at 

1 points   
Question 36 

According to our textbook, the      uniqueness of Samson was 

his imposing physical stature. 
the religious fidelity of his   parents. 
his sharp intellect represented by   his composition of riddles. 
the Nazirite vow that was imposed on   him from birth. 
1 points   
Question 37 

The book of Judges concludes with      a civil war in Israel that almost exterminated the tribe of 

Dan  d. Asher 
1 points   
Question 38 

The distribution of Levites among      the people and the establishment of cities of refuge      were to help ensure spiritual, social, and civil justice in the future. 

1 points   
Question 39 

References to Joshua’s death and      the elders that outlived him indicate that these final notations in Joshua      were added by another inspired writer, perhaps ___________. 

Eleazar the high priest 
1 points   
Question 40 

Samuel’s anointing of David and      _____________________ introduce David as God’s choice to lead the nation      of Israel. 

David’s priestly heritage 
David’s victory over Goliath 
David’s humble occupation as shepherd   
David’s impeccable character 
1 points   
Question 41 

According to our textbook, one      reason for the northern kingdom’s downfall is their intermarriage with      pagan nations. 

1 points   
Question 42 

According to our textbook, the      story of _____________ is a ray of hope during the period of the Judges. 

1 points   
Question 43 

The end result of the downfall of      northern kingdom was the Babylonian captivity. 

1 points   
Question 44 

The spirituality of Samuel’s      lineage is seen in Hannah’s prayer for a child and her vow to dedicate her      child to the Lord. 

1 points   
Question 45 

Each cycle in the book of Judges      portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Jephthah’s immoral      relationship with foreign women. 

1 points   
Question 46 

Theologically, the story of Ruth      and Boaz illustrates the biblical concept of 

1 points   
Question 47 

The Judge ________________      equipped his men with trumpets, pitchers, and torches and surprised the      unsuspecting Midian and Amalekite raiders. The enemy was thrown into      confusion and led to an incredible Israelite victory. 

1 points   
Question 48 

_____________ served as the      nation’s religious headquarters for about 300 years. 

1 points   
Question 49 

The end result of the downfall of      the southern kingdom was the Assyrian captivity. 

1 points   
Question 50 

Saul’s disobedience of the divine      command to abolish the Moabites caused Yahweh to reject him as king. 


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Persuasive speech outline (what you eat, you become)

I need a speech outline for my presentation. The topic is ” What you eat, you become.” The outline should start with an introduction that includes, 1 introduction, 2 Attention getter, and 3 Preview of Three main points. The body should talk about these 3 main points. and the conclusion. In order to complete the assignment, There must be at least 5 sources, and there  should be in-text citation. I Uploaded an example of the format. 

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Discussion: the role of the rn/aprn in policy evaluation (needs at | NURS 6050 – Policy and Advocacy for Improving Population Health | Walden University

In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making. A critical component of any policy design is evaluation of the results. How comfortable are you with the thought of becoming involved with such matters?
Some nurses may be hesitant to get involved with policy evaluation. The preference may be to focus on the care and well-being of their patients; some nurses may feel ill-equipped to enter the realm of policy and political activities. However, as you have examined previously, who better to advocate for patients and effective programs and polices than nurses? Already patient advocates in interactions with doctors and leadership, why not with government and regulatory agencies?
In this Discussion, you will reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.
To Prepare:

In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making.
Review the Resources and reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.

By Day 3 of Week 9
Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that currently exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy review. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities. Be specific and provide examples.
Reply to the discussion (Taylor)-Needs 2 paragraph and at least 3 references
Policy Review in Nursing
Main Question Post- Nurses need to be a part of the policy review process to better their organizations and careers. Nurses can participate in policy review by joining a professional nursing organization. According to (Derouin 2019), professional organizations are “asked to assist with data collection and eventual dissemination of summative evaluation data” (p. 122). With nurses helping to gather data, they can participate in policy review by gathering information and knowledge to better a policy and evaluating the outcomes. Professional organizations are a great way to learn from others in your organization and get their opinion on policy review. Nurses can also participate in policy review by using evidence-based research and data to contact their legislation regarding health policy issues or concerns. During policy review, gathering reliable information and reflecting on it can help improve research and implement better policy. By presenting legislation with a concrete proposal to enhance policy, the review process will help improve any issues. Nurses will better understand the importance of policy review by being an active participant.
Challenges may arise when you mix nurses and policy review. When joining a professional organization, you may deal with the others’ opinions that you don’t quite agree upon. Professional organizations help build your networking team, but if your ideas and opinions don’t match others, it can make it difficult for you to build a strong team. According to Derouin (2019), a few challenges to health policy evaluation include lack of resources to complete assessment, lack of comparative results, and social media. Lack of resources could be a challenge, but joining a professional organization can provide you with many resources for a policy review. Lack of results could be a challenge, but engaging in evidence-based research can help you form a proposal to send to the legislature to improve policy review. With the upcoming presidential election, health policy has been discussed a lot on social media. Social media is a great way to discuss and learn the opinions of others. Using social media, Professional Nursing Organizations can share policy information amongst their members and followers (Waddell, 2018). Social media and ever-changing technology can help nursing challenges when participating in policy review, such as HIPPA violations. Policy evaluation “serves as the key to improving quality, safety, efficiency of clinical practice as well as assessing the impact of emerging innovations and science (Polit & Peck, 2012)” (Derouin, 2019, p. 118). Whether it’s through joining a professional organization, accessing social media, or using evidence-based research, nurses need to be active participants in policy review to better their profession, organization, and communities.
Strategies to communicate issues between nurses and policy review are essential. Gazarian et al. (2020) recommended the using research over how to put health policy into action to help determine ways to improve health care.  One strategy to help with writing to the legislature regarding policy review would be to use writing resources, like Grammarly, to help with punctuation and plagiarism. Another approach when writing to legislation would be to research evidence-based data using reliable and credible databases. Nurses need to use evidence-based research to improve health policy as well as healthcare as a whole. The ability to search for reliable and up-to-date information will help you construct a solid proposal to present to the legislature. A strategy to advocate about joining professional organizations would be to reach out to fellow APRNs in your community. Communicate and see if they are involved in any professional organizations and persuade them to join with you. Banding together to work as a team will lead to success.
Derouin, A. (2019). Health policy and social program evaluation. In J. A. Milstead, & N. M. Short (Eds.), Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed., pp 115-131). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Gazarian, P., Ballout, S., Heelan-Fancher, L., & Sundean, L. J. (2020). Theories, models, and frameworks used in nursing health policy dissertations: A scoping review. Applied Nursing Research.
Waddell, A. (2019). Nursing organizations’ health policy content on facebook and twitter preceding the 2016 united states presidential election. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(1), 119–128.
Reply to Leigh- Needs 2 paragraph and at least 3 references
Main Discussion Post
Many nursing professionals hesitate to get involved in either policy-making or policy evaluation due to the lack of confidence in preparedness or knowledge. In opposition, the Institute of Medicine believes that “nurses were vital to the redesign of healthcare systems, needed to be viewed as partners of physicians and other healthcare providers, and needed to be “at the table” to ensure effective planning, implementation, and ongoing evaluation of healthcare policies” (Milstead, J.A., Short, N.M., (2019). Even though nurses struggle with assurance, many opportunities are offered to become educated in policy evaluation.
Opportunities for policy evaluation in the nursing profession are presented at the state and national levels. Joining state nursing associations presents nurses with the opportunity to gain knowledge of policymaking and evaluation. Through attending conferences, connecting with other members throughout your state, lobbying, speaking to the media on nurses’ behalf, protecting your states’ Nursing Practice Act, and advocating allows nurses to advance their policy evaluation knowledge (Arkansas Registered Nurses Association (ARNA), (2020). Even though there are many benefits, challenges are also exposed. Due to an increased workload of Advanced Practicing Registered Nurses (APRNs) and Registered Nurses (RNs), being apart of either state or national level associations presents challenges that may be overcome with proper time management.  
Another opportunity for the professional nursing community is the ability to reach out the local and federal legislation. “Working with your elected representatives on smaller nursing issues related to your experience builds credibility so they’ll be more likely to turn to you when they’re looking for resources for larger nursing issues (Oestberg, Fredrik MSN, RN. (2013). By sharing personal experiences and evidence-based practice research with members of legislation allows nurses to assist in policy evaluation through checking the value, effectiveness, and impact (Oestberg, Fredrik MSN, RN. (2013). Challenges that may be presented are the inabilities to contact local and federal legislation and the differences of opinion. If unable to contact members of legislation, forming relationships with either your organization policy-makers, members of your organization’s administration, or even your educational coordinator may assist in communication.  
In order for the knowledge and confidence of nursing professionals to grow, they have to be informed of the available opportunities. By the encouragement of the administration, management, and educational coordinators, practicing RN’s and APRN’s would have the opportunity to advocate for their healthcare profession.
Arkansas Registered Nurses Association (ARNA). (2020, January 7). Membership Benefits.
Milstead, J.A., Short, N.M., (2019). Interprofessional Practice. Health Policy and Politics- A Nurse’s Guide. (pp. 117). Jones and Bartlett Learning.
American Nurses Association (ANA). (n.d.). Health Policy.
Oestberg, Fredrik MSN, RN. (2013). Getting involved in policy and politics, Nursing Critical Care: (Volume 8. Issue 3. pp 48). doi: 10.1097/01.CCN.0000429392.92546.6f

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12 point essay | English homework help

ENG 121 Module 1B Transcript
Title: Drafting the Essay
Slide 1
Narrator: Welcome to this presentation that will cover drafting the essay.
Slide 2
Slide Title: Drafting the Essay
Slide Content:
No content
Narrator: We have already discussed prewriting to find ideas, narrowing down a topic, 
writing your thesis, and finding supporting examples. Now, we are ready to start writing 
the essay, so to begin, let’s focus on how to draft your essay.
Slide 3
Slide Title: Drafting the Essay
Slide Content:
Repeated in narrative
Narrator: First, think of your essay as a complete piece of writing. It must introduce the 
concept, explain the concept, usually using examples, and then conclude with a 
Slide 4
Slide Title: Drafting the Essay
Slide Content:
Repeated in narrative
Narrator: It is not necessary to start writing an essay from the beginning and write 
straight through to the conclusion. It is, however, necessary to plan the entire essay 
before you start to write. A simple outline will have an introduction with several 
supporting paragraphs followed by a conclusion, so let’s look at the 12-point essay.Slide 5
Slide Title: 12-Point Essay
Slide Content:
Repeated in narrative
Narrator: The 12-point essay is actually a miniature outline of a five-paragraph essay, 
except it only has 12 sentences. Each sentence is a small part of the overall essay.
There is one introductory sentence, one thesis statement, nine support paragraph 
sentences, and one conclusion sentence.
Slide 6
Slide Title: 12-Point Essay
Slide Content:
• Introduction 
• Thesis (contains “because” and three supports – A.B.C.)
• First support of the thesis (states A)
• First support of A
• Second support of A
• Second support of the thesis (states B)
• First support of B
• Second support of B
• Third support of thesis (states C)
• First support of C
• Second support of C
• Conclusion
Narrator: As you can see, the first sentence is the introduction. The second sentence is 
a three-pronged thesis statement. Sentences 3 through 5 are for your first support 
paragraph; sentences 6 through 8 are for your second support paragraph; and 
sentences 9 through 11 are for your third support paragraph. Sentence number 12 is 
your conclusion. Sentences 3, 6, and 9 are your topic sentences. From this short
outline, you can develop your entire essay because you now have a plan of attack.
Slide 7
Slide Title: Drafting the Essay
Slide Content:
Repeated in narrativeNarrator: Once you have your plan, you can start writing your essay. Some students 
start with support paragraphs; some write the introduction and conclusion first. There is 
no one system. Sometimes it’s easier to write the introduction and conclusion after you 
have written your support paragraphs. Regardless of how you choose to write your 
essay, you will accrue numerous drafts.
There are several sections to your drafts: the first draft, the middle draft, and the final 
Slide 8
Slide Title: Drafts
Slide Content:
Repeated in narrative
Narrator: The purpose of the first draft is usually to get your essay on paper. Take the 
information you’ve discovered through prewriting, combine it with your outline, and put it 
in writing. Once you get the material on paper, you can start the writing on your middle 
Slide 9
Slide Title: Drafts
Slide Content:
Repeated in narrative
Narrator: In the middle drafts, you will work on unity and coherence. You will establish 
your transitions through words, phrases, repetition, and parallel structure. Sentence 
development and variety will be created in these drafts. By the time you have completed 
the middle drafts, your essay should be almost complete.
Slide 10
Slide Title: Drafts
Slide Content:
Repeated in narrative
Narrator: The final draft consists of modifications, improvements, and proofreading.If possible, the final draft should take place at least 24 hours after the middle 
If possible, the final draft should take place at least 24 hours after the middle drafts are
completed. This way, you will look upon it with a fresh set of eyes. The final draft 
involves making changes that improve not only what your essay says, but how it says it.
Proofreading is checking for grammatical mistakes, errors in spelling, typos, and other 
superficial elements.
Hopefully, the information shared in this presentation will help you draft your first essay.
Slide 11
End of presentation

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Quest 1 & 2 | Applied Sciences homework help

Question 1
Decision making is a function relegated to department officers of rank who are empowered with the authority to make decisions that affect many other emergency response personnel. Discuss the concepts and importance of CRM and The 2&7 Tool as both are applied to the fire service. Include details of each element of both managerial decision making applications.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
19 points  
Question 2
Hazardous material incidents require keen observation and a cautious approach, as many hazardous materials may not be properly identified or known to emergency responders. Incident management is critical in order to reduce injury and loss of life. Discuss the appropriate methodology for approaching a hazardous material incident. Include details of managerial responsibility and personnel safety, including proper protective clothing.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
19 points  

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Rome and china | Ancient history homework help

After reading Chapter 3 and the  material at the websites, and viewing the videos, please make a 250-word  initial post that answers the following questions about the primary  sources:
What values do Plutarch and Confucius  promote? What similarities and differences do you see in their moral and  educational philosophies? How are those similarities and differences  related to the history and structure of their respective societies and  the problems of creating a common elite class culture to govern  far-flung empires?
primary Sources:
Website: Confucius, Analects – (read Section 1 Parts 1 & 4 and Section 3 Parts 13 & 15)
Website: Plutarch: The Training of Children, c. 110 CE – (read 1-2, 8, 10-11, 17-18)

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Assignment 4 medicare coverage of nonphysician…..due

Read article Medicare coverage of nonphysician provider services posted under Week 7 Learning Modules. ARTICLE ATTACHED BELOW.
Read this article and give three specific examples of either something you learned that you were previously unaware of or an issue that you found interesting or objectionable.  Post your answers through this assignment link.  (3% of course grade)
please add references and citations

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