Last rites for indian dead

Read Suzan Shown Harjo’s “Last Rites for Indian Dead” and answer ALL OF the following questions.

What is the issue Harjo identifies? How extensive does she show it to be?
What is Harjo’s position on the issue? Where does she first state her position?
 Broadly speaking, is Harjo’s argument a claim of fact, a claim of value, or a claim of policy?(Most arguments have aspects of more than one type of claim, but which one best represents Harjo’s main argument? HINT: Look at the conclusion!)
What evidence does Harjo present to refute the claim that housing skeletal remains of Native Americans in museums is necessary for medical research and may benefit living Indians?
What types of evidence does Harjo use to support her argument? (Examples? Facts? Analogies? Etc.)
How does Harjo use her status as a Native American to enhance her position? What kind of rhetorical strategy is this? (Pathos, Ethos, or Logos?) And, do you think Harjo’s argument would be as credible if it were written by someone of another background?
How does Harjo appeal to the emotions of readers in the essay? What kind of rhetorical strategy is this? (Pathos, Ethos, or Logos?) In what ways do these strategies strengthen her logical reasons? 

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Organize a project plan in 10-12 slides

Organize a Project

Assignment Content
This assignment is intended to help you use leadership skills to gather project members from cross-functional departments and skill sets and lead them in the fulfillment and implementation of a mock project.
Discover the various responsibilities of a project manager by organizing a project. See Chapter 19, sections 19.9 and Cases. 
Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling. The project will be a continuation of how to improve the process you chose in Weeks 1 and 2.
Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint (supported by Excel and Word as needed) presentation, with detailed speaker notes, that includes the following:

Project description
Choose to Create ONE of the following: a.) Both Project Management Charts: Critical Path Chart and a Gantt Chart, OR b.) Just a Gantt chart showing each activity that needs to be completed before you move on to the next step or activity.
Improved Process Flow Chart from Week 1
Meeting cadence/rhythm and timing
Metrics to measure the project’s success
Financial and budgetary considerations
Description of the project reporting structure

Cite references to support your assignment.   

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Diversity and commonality | Information Systems homework help

Let us consider a company EnergyA that is a global leader in producing energy from diversified fuel sources for the U.S and U.K consumer markets with approximately 8.9 million electricity and gas consumers worldwide. Recently, the company’s website was under attack from a botnet titled fringe47. The company is under major scrutiny and is under pressure from several sources.
Discuss how the security principles that we learned this week Diversity and Commonality can help to prevent Botnet attacks against EnergyA.  Ensure to discuss why the concept of diversity and commonality is paradoxical Discuss the challenges that are involved in implementing diversity and commonality at the national infrastructure level.. Please provide examples to support your discussion.
 Post deliverable length is about 250 – 300 words.  All sources should be cited according to APA guidelines.
I’ve also added the textbook for reference from chapter 4&5 Diversity and Commonality 

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Hieu 201 liberty university lecture quiz 8


According to “The Age of Discovery,” Prince Henry the Navigator:
According to “Protestant Reformation,” which of the following best represents the significance of the Peace of Augsburg of 1555?
According to “Protestant Reformation,” which of the following was NOT included in the discussion of Luther’s teachings in the lecture presentation on the Protestant Reformation?
According to “Catholic Reformation,” the Council of Trent
According to the “Reformation in Europe,” who started the teachings of the Reformation in Switzerland?
According to “Protestant Reformation,” there were important links between the Renaissance and the Reformation. Which of the following was part of that connection?
According to “Reformation in Europe,” what influenced the outcome of the Reformation in Germany?
According to “Catholic Reformation,” the early Jesuits viewed themselves as
According to “The Age of Discovery,” what factors listed below contributed to European expansion?
According to “The Age of Discovery,” Spain’s expansion was more methodical and intentional than Portugal’s.

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Acc 401 advanced accounting “push-down accounting and the recording | ACC 401 – Advanced Accounting | Strayer University

“Push-down Accounting and the Recording of Both Tangible Assets and Intangible Assets”
Imagine you are the chief financial officer (CFO) of a corporation with plans to complete the acquisition of a key subsidiary during the current year. Your chief executive officer (CEO) has requested a presentation to the Board of Directors describing the methods available to account for the acquisition internally and the best method for the company during the acquisition year.  Please assess the value of each method identified in your presentation to the Board and support your recommendation with examples.
Compare the key differences between the U.S. GAAP and IFRS positions on both intangible research and development costs and tangible depreciable assets. Indicate the key benefits and drawbacks to financial statement users of each method (U.S. GAAP and IFRS). Next, determine the method that provides the most relevant information to financial statement users. Provide support for your rationale.
A chapter from the textbook attached for reference.

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Reading paper | Computer Science homework help

 Read the chapter 2 first and then write the 2 pages paper.
  The paper should be single-spaced, 2-page (excluding cover page and references) long, and typed in Times New Roman 12 points. The paper should have a title, and consists of at least two sections: 1) A brief narrative of how an IS/IT is realized, initiated, designed, and implemented in terms of what/when/where/how this happened, and key character players involved in the series of events. 

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Ego integrity presentation | Nursing homework help

Assignment Description
Ego Integrity Presentation
Imagine you are working as a charge nurse in an assisted living facility. Your unit houses twenty older adults. The residents of this unit are cognitively functional without evidence of cognitive decline. The residents are elderly and do require varying degrees of physical assistance with ADLs. Create a PowerPoint outlining strategies you can incorporate in the assisted living facility to promote ego integrity for your residents. What group and individual activities can you incorporate?
Assignment Expectations:
Length: 10-15 content slides 
Structure: Include a title slide, objective slide, and reference slide in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum content slide count for this assignment. Be sure to fully explain all slides in the Speaker Notes. 
References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

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Homework question for smartzena only

Question 1
REBT is based on the assumption that:



Humans have a biological tendency to think irrationally



Humans have a biological tendency to think rationally



Both a and b



None of the above

2 points  
Question 2
_____________ is the behavioral intervention used to gradually increase the quality of a behavior.









Stimulus control



Aversive control

2 points  
Question 3
DBT utilizes a behavioral technique in which the client learns to tolerate painful emotions without enacting self-destructive behaviors known as:



Positive reinforcement



Negative reinforcement







2 points  
Question 4
In reality therapy, behavior is affected by:



The impact of external stimuli on behavior



Unconscious conflicts



Current inner motivation



All of the above

2 points  
Question 5
In reality therapy, the skilled counselor or therapist treats behavior as:



The result of social pressure and limited perceptions of possibilities



Information received from parents and from the surrounding culture



Caused by self-verbalizations that can be helpful or hurtful



Chosen as a result of unmet wants and needs/font>

2 points  
Question 6
A method in which the counselor or therapist leads the client through a number of questions to become aware of thoughts and distortions in thinking, and to find and implement more adaptive replacements is called:



“Socratic Questioning”



“Platonic Questioning”



A-B-C Model




2 points  
Question 7
In the A-B-C model proposed by Ellis, the factor that creates the emotional and behavioral consequences is:



Activating event









None of the above

2 points  
Question 8
According to Glasser, human behaviors are composed of:



Doing, thinking, feeling, physiology



Doing, resting, sleeping, acting



Responding, initiating, ignoring, acting



None of the above

2 points  
Question 9
In practicing reality therapy, counselors and therapists focus on:



The interpersonal relationships of the client



Insight into causes of behavior



Family history



Personal history

2 points  
Question 10
According to Ellis, the shoulds, oughts, and musts fall under which of the following categories?












All of the above

2 points  
Question 11
In reality therapy, the environment or counseling or psychotherapeutic atmosphere includes which of the following?



Attending behaviors



Doing the unexpected



Use of metaphors



All of the above

2 points  
Question 12
The DBT model proposes that a successful counseling intervention must meet five critical functions. Which of the following is not one of these functions?



Improve and preserve the client’s incentive to change



Boost the client’s capabilities



Ensure the client’s capabilities are specific to his or her environment



Structure the environment so that the treatment can take place

2 points  
Question 13
A counselor using CBT might focus on using:






Dream analysis






Risk-taking exercises

2 points  
Question 14
DBT is driven by three theories. Which of the following is not one of those?



Behavior therapy



Biosocial theory of BPD






Gestalt theory

2 points  
Question 15
Which of the following is true about REBT?



REBT was influenced by Rogers’ core conditions of counseling.



REBT was influenced by Freud’s concept of the unconscious.



REBT was influenced by Frankl’s logotherapy.



None of the above

2 points  
Question 16
_______________ is the sense of personal competence or feelings of mastery.













2 points  
Question 17
Which of the following is associated with reality therapy?



WDEP system



Choice theory






All of the above

2 points  
Question 18
Cognitive therapy has been criticized for its focus on:



Internal events (thinking)



Direct observation



Listening procedures



Intellectual understanding

2 points  
Question 19
Which of the following is not consistent with REBT theory?



Events or other people make us feel bad or good.



Thinking, feeling, and behaving are interconnected.



Emotional distress results from exaggeration, overgeneralization, and invalidated assumptions.



Irrational beliefs emanate from environmental and genetic factors.

2 points  
Question 20
A client is partaking in cognitive distortion when he/she exaggerates a negative event to the point that the event has more impact than it deserves. What is this called?



Disqualifying the positive






All-or-nothing thinking



None of the above

2 points  
Question 21
In choice theory, human motivation springs from which of these five sources?



Belonging, survival, knowledge, fun, power



Survival, belonging, power, freedom, fun



Power, achievement, enjoyment, information, security



Survival, achievement, love, success, pride

2 points  
Question 22
DBT was initially developed to treat:



Narcissistic personality disorder



Histrionic personality disorder



Antisocial personality disorder



Borderline personality disorder

2 points  
Question 23
The developer of dialectical behavior therapy is:



Dr. Marsha Linehan



Dr. Albert Ellis



Dr. Carl Rogers



Dr. Fritz Perls

2 points  
Question 24
DBT targets behaviors in descending order beginning with ________.






biosocial susceptibility



suicidal behavior



enhancing respect for self

2 points  
Question 25
According to REBT, certain values promote emotional adjustment and mental health. Which of the following is not one of these values?






Low frustration tolerance






High frustration tolerance


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Can someone fill in the reference and in text?

APA Citation worsheet
Give the in text citation and reference page citation for the following resources.You should give the citation for a direct quote without interrogation it into your writing. An example quote is given so that all you must do is give the citation afterward.
All i need it the answers you can either do it on this page at the bottom or on a separate page this is just what my worksheet has on it. everything should be capitalized but i just didn’t since i was in a hurry to type down everything

authors-Lynn Smith

title- a study of undergraduate students
journal-collegiate learning review
page number-article pages.170-191 quote pg:172
in text.”….out of every five students feels unprepared for writing classes”_________________________________________
2.Authors- Allen Jameison and Susan Plette
title-a quick look at the symptoms of adult onset cardiac disease in diabetics
journal;-journal of medical practices
page number-article pages. 80-85 quote on pg 83 
volume 4 issue 2
in text”…showed few symptoms after two weeks of treatment”__________________________________
reference ________________________________________________________
3.authors-steve marisol
title-mathematical concepts for non math majors
publisher-mcgraw hill publishing
city of publication-new york city,new york
page number-quote page 214
in text”…to show the matrices’ values”___________________________________________
4.authors-jan plumm and carol neischke
title-a creationist view of sexuality
publisher-harley publishing inc
city of publication-new brunswick,new jersey
page number;quote pg 113-114
in text”…no coverage available”
5. author-john p. acorn
title of webpage-statistics of insurance coverage of elderly
sponsoring organization- organization for medical reform
date of publication- september 21, 2013
date of access -april 3, 2014
in text-“….no coverage available”_________________________________________
6. authors-no specific author
title-coordinating grassroots campaigns for liberal conservatives
main page title-grassroots strategies
sponsoring organization- grassroots of america
date of publication-may3, 2011
date of access-june 28,2014
in text”….by building on previous voters”______________________________
reference _______________________________________________________________

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Mgt 498 final exam | Management homework help

Summer Corp., a retailer of consumer electronics, has been experiencing high profits because an increasing percentage of the customers have sufficient disposable income to afford its products. Similar companies have also experienced a boom in customer demand. Which of the following macroeconomic forces is Summer Corp. experiencing?
Currency exchange rate
Economic growth
Interest rate
The management of Neptune Inc. creates a definite plan of action that will surely create profits for the company. It allocates and sectionalizes its machinery and personnel. The main office is moved to a prime location that helps attract customers and facilitates competitive development. This plan of action helps Neptune Inc. retain its competitive advantage and has also grow as a company. Which of the following terms does this scenario best illustrate?
Functional strategy
Business unit strategy
Strategic tools
Strategic management process
Blue Corp., a car manufacturing company, reaches its five-year goal of becoming market leader in the domestic market. Upon reaching saturation in the local market, it decides to expand its market globally in order to increase its profits. Which of the following is likely to be the primary reason for Blue to enter the global market?
Longer product life
Product differentiation
Sales growth
Lower-cost resources
A survey is conducted among the customers of a supermarket chain. This survey reveals that the majority of these customers prefer to buy Lia, a brand of soap, because they feel that the company Lia Products Inc. has created a product that is of worth to the customers. The reason for the customers’ preference is because the company constantly delivers what it promises. In this scenario, the factor that has made the brand of soap named Lia popular among these customers can be best categorized as _____.
MorrisWhitaker Inc., a metallurgical firm, wants to create a new production plan. This step involves formalizing and institutionalizing new behaviors, methods, processes, or routines. This is an example of the _____ phase of organizational change.
Noel, the CEO of a firm operating in the electronics industry, wants to change the environmental trends, store keeping facilities, and distribution strategy by creating a new plan for the production plant immediately. This need for change can be achieved by _____.
building a guiding coalition
gernerating urgency
creating a response profile
An organization studies the strategies of its competitors closely. At the current stage, it studies factors such as geographic location, characteristics of business model, services provided, and time management. At this stage, the organization is identifying the competitor’s _____.
organizational structure
resources and capabilities
goals and achievements
Which of the following statements is true of corporate culture?
It consists of behavioral assumptions that are considered inappropriate for organizational members.
Put simply, culture is just how things are done in any organization.
An organization’s culture, by itself, can be regarded as good.
Culture proves to be very weak because it cannot inform action without the need for supervision.
Which of the following statements is true about strategic alliances?
Strategic alliances usually lead to one of the firms losing their relational advantage.
In strategic alliances, companies may choose to cooperate at any stage along the value chain.
In strategic alliances, the power to make decisions is always evenly distributed amidst the firms.
Strategic alliances exclude functions that are bought through bidding.
Ruth works for an electronics manufacturing company, Zeeway Inc., whose employees volunteer over 1 million hours per year on initiatives that include environmental conservation, economic empowerment, and literacy programs. Which of the following best represents Zeeway’s initiative?
Incremental innovation
Corporate social responsibility
Competition response strategy
Strategic alliance
All assets, capabilities, organizational processes, firm attributes,  information, knowledge, and so on,
controlled by a firm that enable the firm to conceive of and implement strategies that improve its efficiency and effectiveness most accurately defines the term _____.
Which of the following statements is true about strategy?
It is the ability of an individual to perform tasks.
It represents the most important S in the 7 S model.
It refers to the priorities, values, and virtues that members of an organization see as important.
It includes recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, and compensation.
TrueBiz Corp. follows a system wherein all the activities of the company are directed toward converting parts of a product into an entire finished good. These activities are done in tandem so that a perfected product can be created which can be sold to a prospective customer. This is an example of a _____.
product line
supplier chain
value chain
pricing chain
The management at WonderPlanners Inc. wants to improve their production and operating capabilities by adopting a leaner process. As such, the employees of WonderPlanners are asked to eliminate the excess use of efforts and materials. WonderPlanners Inc. finally manages to achieve a competitive advantage after its employees follow these new practices repeatedly over time. From the information given in this scenario, we can infer that WonderPlanners Inc. has developed _____.
dynamic capabilities
service inimitability
network externalities
competitive parity
Rest & Sleep Inc. is a mattress manufacturing firm. By manufacturing related products such as bed covers, comforters and quilts, and pillows, it has gained significant competitive advantage as it has managed to create profits in all these markets as well. Rest & Sleep creates a challenge for the other companies in the market by providing unique value through its customer services and warranties. Which of the following terms best describes what Rest & Sleep Inc. is practicing?
Unrelated diversification
Corporate strategy
Business unit strategy
Market penetration
CharmingBells Inc. has been running into a loss gradually, but the board of directors are reluctant to shut the company down because it has invested millions of dollars’ worth of equipment which can only be used in that industry. Moreover, the people in CharmingBells Inc. have become emotionally attached to the company and do not want the company completely shut down. This scenario best illustrates _____.
high fixed costs
used production capacity
unused production capacity
high exit barriers
Jason, a visually impaired employee of Melony Inc., believes that his workplace has given him independence and self-confidence, thereby increasing his morale. Which of the following has been exemplified by Melony in this scenario?
Superordinate goal
Capacity building
Social value
Legal responsibility
Which of the following is the main purpose of a strategic management process?
Ensuring that all employees have managers and supervisors to lead their teams
Creating an organization that functions systematically according to its vision, mission, and goals
Creating a high-level plan that can be implemented without fierce competition and undue risk
Specifying a high-level plan that an organization will employ to achieve competitive advantage
Which of the following statements best describes the term internal analysis?
It examines the efficiency of employees through the help of standardized tests and group discussions.
It examines the emotions of a firm’s employees in order to identify their weaknesses.
It studies the infrastructure of a company to gauge the number of employees it can recruit.
It examines a company’s resources and capabilities to configure a firm’s ability to deliver unique value.
BizTechno Inc. has always retained competitive advantage over its competitors. The company has offered customer satisfaction for many years by providing the best services and benefits for them. The resources, capabilities, and the organizational structure of the organization have also created an increased edge over its competitors. Which of the following does this scenario best illustrate?
Value chain
Employee specialization
Business model
Task specialization
Which of the following statements is true of a fragmented industry?
It involves companies selling the same brand of products that are scattered in different locations.
It is characterized by rivalry that is typically less intense.
It is difficult to keep track of the pricing and competitive moves of multiple players.
It usually has very few competitors and tends to be dominated by a few large firms.
A software industry implements a new structural change in the corporate hierarchy. Employees are provided with a clear statement of desired outcomes and endpoints for organizational change. This is an example of _____.
building a guiding coalition
agenerating urgency
creating a vision
creating a response profile
A(n) _____ is a legal structure for organizing a business where the organization is a distinct and separate entity from its owners.
general partnership
limited partnership
Walker and Harris are senior research fellows at a global non-profit organization. They are working on a project that studies the growth trend of a multinational corporation, Garcia Inc. When Walker and Harris decide to consolidate their study findings, Walker is of the opinion that Garcia is in the ‘change process’ phase, while Harris believes that the company is in the ‘refreeze’ phase. Which of the following statements, if true, would strengthen Harris’ belief?
Garcia Inc. decides to adapt to its environment and learn new growth-inducing behaviors.
Garcia Inc. adopts a trial and error method to decide on the best growth strategy.
Garcia Inc. formalizes and institutionalizes its new growth strategies.
Garcia Inc. publicly admits that the current situation is not working.
A reduction in costs per unit due to increases in efficiency of production as the number of goods being produced increases best defines the term _____.
economies of finance
economies of wealth
economies of scale
economies of scope
Katherine is the CEO of a car dealership company called Red Cars. When looking for new investors for the company, she usually says that Red Cars wants to, “Be the best automotive retailer in the eyes of its customers, employees, and shareholders.” Which of the following does this statement best reflect?
Red Cars’ strategy
Red Cars’ resource
Red Cars’ mission
Red Cars’ capabilities
A tool that measures four broad areas of organizational performance which are financial results, customer goals, internal business processes, and learning and growth is called the _____.
balance scorecard
manager’s log
performance indication register
metric tool
The relatively fixed costs such as the costs of plant and equipment, which do not increase with an increase in the number of units manufactured, are known as _____.
fixed cost of supply
fixed cost of demand
fixed cost of scale
fixed cost of production
Godwel Inc., an insurance company, wants to assign accountability for particular tasks. It wants to measure the performance of every unit of the company. Which of the following organizational elements will help Godwel accomplish the given task?
SevenCloud Inc., a soft drink company, provided service to fair amount of customers for a whole year until a new company called Sparkle Inc. came up. Sparkle provided flavored water as a new product in the beverage market. Customers were eager to try out this new product and purchased it because they believed that it a better substitute for aerated beverages. SevenCloud was afraid that if the trend continued, it would soon run the risk of going out of business. In this scenario, which of the following did SevenCloud Inc. experience?

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