Consistency in branding | Marketing homework help

Use the Internet to look for a health care organization in your area such as a hospital, rehabilitation center, emergency medical center or a nursing home. Take some time to look at the organization’s logo and other elements of brand identity. Using what you learned about Schmitt and Simonson’s drivers of identify management regarding inconsistent image, determine whether the chosen facility’s logo and associated branding elements convey an image of consistency and order. Be sure to support your analysis with rationale from the textbook and any other resources you may identify on the subject. 

Provide a link that shows at least two of the health care organization’s branding elements (such as their website, social media page, or press release) and explain, with rationale, whether the branding within these elements conveys consistency and order. Describe what impact (positive or negative) the branding elements could have on patient choice.

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Cryptography practical connection | Information Systems homework help

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course(Cryptography) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to the current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
· Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
· Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
· Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course(Cryptography).
· Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
· You should not provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course(Cryptography). The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

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Comment thomas | Nursing homework help

The GCU library databases are a lot of different things to use to make your writing easier. The GCU database is better than google search because it is focused on our topics and what we need to learn and not just everything on the internet. One of the main things that will help when writing your papers and to help support your EBP proposal is ask the librarian. This can help you when you get stuck and can’t figure out the next step. Also if you can’t figure out how to navigate the library the ask the librarian database is something that will help support your EBP. The other database that will help support your EBP proposal is CINAHL. This database has access to thousands of articles from other healthcare professionals and other people in the field that understand what nurses go through. Using this will help to support your EBP because you can read other people’s thoughts that have been in the same place other nurses have. These two things are the most helpful for me but the GCU library has many databases that are better than google because the results we get from GCU are from people that understand what nurses go through.
Grand Canyon University. (2016). About the GCU Library.| Retrieved 13 November 2017, from
Grand Canyon University. (2017).

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Complex disaster management | Nursing homework help

 Executive leadership in the 21st century requires attention to a wide variety of potential emergency situations. These may be internal such as active shooters, biocontrol, technology takeover, catastrophic infrastructure failure, or external, such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and a host of accidents such as airplanes crashes, train derailments involving hazardous materials. You, as leader, will analyze which of these potential situations are likely given your demographic area.Thankfully, there is a wide variety of resources to assist in the development of these plans, and most organizations have existing plans.For this assignment, utilize as many of these resources as you wish:
Create a Disaster Preparedness plan.
Include the following aspects in the Assignment:

Choose one aspect of interest to you from the wide variety of complex coordinated emergency response plan needs (Active Shooter, Terrorist Response, Natural Disaster Response, etc.)
Develop a 10 pg slide presentation
Your plan may modify an existing plan
This is a high-level overview of the major aspects of the emergency response plan needs
More granular details can be added as speakers notes if you wish

Risk Analysis,
Resource Analysis,
Literature Review,

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Bio 201l lab 6 the skeletal system 2015

Pre-Lab Questions:
”1. List the functions of the skeletal system.”
”2. What material contributes the greatest to the compressive strength of bone? ”
”3. Briefly describe the process of bone remodeling. ”
Experiment 1: Classification of Bones
Table 6: Classification of Bones
Bone Name Classification by Shape Classification by Location
Post-Lab Questions
”1. Why is it important to classify bones? ”
”2. Aside from length, what are some other common characteristics of a long bone? Are long bones typically associated with the axial or appendicular skeleton? ”
”3. Compare flat bones and long bones. How are they different? How are they the same? ”
Experiment 2: Digital Slide Image Examination—Bone
Post-Lab Questions
”1. Label the arrows in the following digital slide images: ”
”Cortical Bone: ”
”Trabecular Bone: ”
”2. Compare and contrast cortical and trabecular bone. ”
”3. What is the purpose of cortical bone? What is the purpose of trabecular bone? ”
”4. What are trabeculae? What is their function? ”
”5. What are haversian systems? What is their function? ”
Experiment 5: Physical Skeleton – The Axial Skeleton
Table 9: Cervical Vertebrae Observations
Vertebral Feature Observations
Size of cervical vertebrae in comparison to those of the thoracic and lumbar region
Shape of the vertebral foramen
Spinous Process of the C3 – C6 Vertebrae
Spinous Process of the C7 Vertebra
Table 10: Thoracic Vertebrae Observations
Vertebral Feature Observations
Size and weight of the thoracic vertebrae in comparison to those of the cervical and lumbar region
Shape of the vertebral body
Appearance and projection direction of the Spinous Process
Table 11: Lumbar Vertebrae Observations
Vertebral Feature Observations
Size of the lumbar vertebrae in comparison to those of the cervical and lumbar region
Shape of the vertebral body
Appearance and projection direction of the Spinous Process
Table 15: Rib Feature Observations
Rib Feature Observations
Length of ribs 1 – 7 (do they increase or decrease in length?)
Length or ribs 8 – 12 (do they increase or decrease in length?)
Articulation of the ribs and thoracic vertebrae (notice the specific rib and vertebra that articulate)
Post-Lab Questions
”1. What are the three components of the axial skeleton? Describe the function of each. ”
”2. On the skull below, fill in the blanks with the correct bone names. ”
”3. For the following bones, state whether they are cranial or facial bones and give their location. ”
Bone Facial or Cranial Location
Temporal Bones
Zygomatic Bones
Parietal Bones
Ethmoid Bone
Sphenoid Bone
Lacrimal Bones
”4. What are the three regions of the vertebral column? Describe the general shape and size of the vertebrae in each region. ”
”5. What are the atlas and axis? What are their functions? ”
”6. On the vertebra below, fill in the blanks with the correct vertebral structure. ”
”7. What is the purpose of the thoracic cage? ”
”8. Describe the three components of the sternum. ”
”9. Describe the difference between true ribs, false ribs and floating ribs. ”
Experiment 6: Virtual Model – The Axial Skeleton
”1. What features are located inferior to the cranium, and superior to the mandibular? Identify the category here. How many individual items are included in this category? Hint: The answer is not a bone. ”
”2. Why aren’t teeth considered bones? ”
”3. Identify the two major bones which compose the head. ”
”4. To what bone does the right scapula attach? ”
”5. Is the left clavicle superior or inferior to the right scapula? ”
Experiment 7: Physical Skeleton – The Appendicular Skeleton
Post-Lab Questions
”1. What are the four parts of the upper extremity and the lower extremity of the appendicular skeleton? ”
”2. Compare and contrast the size and function of the upper and lower extremities of the appendicular skeleton. ”
”3. What are the three fused bones that make up the coxae of the pelvic girdle? What is their location in relationship to one another? ”
Experiment 8: Virtual Model – The Appendicular Skeleton
Post-Lab Questions
”1. How many left metatarsals are there? ”
”2. Is the right fibula inferior or superior to the patella? ”
”3. Are the ossa digitorum or the ossa metatarsalia more medial to the body? ”
”4. Which two bones attach to the patella? ”
”5. Identify the three bones which comprise the leg. ”
Experiment 9: Articulations
Post-Lab Questions
”1. What two ways can joints be classified? What are the three classifications of each type? ”
”2. Fibrous joints are either sutures or syndesmoses. What is the difference between the two? Give examples of each type. ”
”3. A symphysis and synchondroses are two classifications of what type of joint? What are the differences between the two classifications? ”
”4. What allows synovial joints to be diarthrotic? ”
”5. For the following, match the correct synovial joint to the movement it produces. ”
”Pivot Joint” ”Gliding Joint”
”Ball and Socket Joint ” ”Condyloid Joint”
”Saddle Joint” ”Hinge Joint”
Movement Joint
Uniaxial movement, typically flexion or extension
Uniaxial rotation
Side-to-side and back-and-forth movement
Multiaxial movement
Concave and convex surfaces of both bones allow for biaxial movement
Ellipsoidal fit allows for biaxial movement
6. Fill in the chart below:
Joint Articulating Bones Type of Synovial Joint Movement
Experiment 10: Virtual Model- Skeletal System Coloring Activity
”Insert the image for each exercise below: ”
”Left Arm: ”
”Sternum and Clavicles: ”
”Vertebral Column: ”
”Right Hand: ”
”Sacrum: ”
”Legs: ”
”Feet: ”
Experiment 11: Skeletal System of the Fetal Pig
Table 34: Skeletal Region Observations
Skeletal Region Observations
Axial Skeleton
Appendicular Skeleton
Post-Lab Questions
”1. What are some of the similarities and differences you noticed between the human skeletal system and the palpation of the fetal pig skeletal system? ”
”Insert photo of pig in dissection tray with your name clearly visible in the background: ”

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Him 301 week 4 quiz (all correct)

HIM 301 week 4 quiz (all correct)
Question 1.                       
The ONC-sponsored Standards & Interoperability Framework completes its health IT standards development initiatives using:
consensus-based decision making through a moderated online wiki.
 monthly conference calls of volunteers working on each initiative.
 surveys sent out to provider organizations working on EHR implementation.
 face-to-face work teams assembled to work on each initiative.
 Question 2.                      
Think aloud protocol is a method for generating rich data when users talk aloud as they use a product. This method is used: (Select all that apply.)
 during initial product development.
 during mature product design.
 after the product is released.
  after the product is used.
 Question 3.                      
When evaluating quality and patient safety, which approach defines the framework for Patient Safety and Quality Research Design (PSQRD)?
Outcomes are driven mainly by Meaningful Use directives.
 Consideration of current managerial processes has no effect on patient outcomes.
 Patient safety is best achieved by minimizing changes to existing processes.
  Quality and safety are based on organization structure, management and clinical processes, and their linkages to patient outcomes.
Question 4.                       
Which activities represent dimensions of the National Health Service’s Informatics Capability Maturity Model? (Select all that apply.)
 Clinical documentation
Managing information
 Using business intelligence
 Aligning business and informatics
 Question 5.                      
Which groups are relevant stakeholders for health IT governance? (Select all that apply.)
 IT department
 Quality department
 Health services researchers
Question 6.                       
A nurse gives a patient the wrong drug. This is an example of an error of:
Question 7.                        Which organization works on an international level to improve information privacy?
 Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights
 Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC)
 Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
 Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
  Question 8.                     
Which components are necessary for effective health IT governance? (Select all that apply.)
 Organizational structures for clinical processes
 Organizational structures responsible for clearly defining institutional priorities
 Organizational structures responsible for ensuring that informatics efforts are aligned with institutional priorities and optimally utilized
  Accompanying processes to operationalize the governance
Question 9.                       
To achieve the goals of the HIMSS Nursing Informatics Position Statement, all nurses should:
 draft health IT policy.
 run for political office.
 participate in advocacy and educational efforts directed to policymakers.
 develop innovative technologies.
Question 10.                    
A unit has been experiencing a high rate of patient falls for the past three months. According to Donabedian’s model, patient falls would be considered:
Question 11.                    
A vendor provided all advanced practice registered nurses with free mobile devices to stimulate referrals. Which regulation is being violated?
 The Anti-Kickback Statute
 The Stimulus Act
Question 12.                    
A nurse uses a CDS system to make an informed clinical decision regarding a drug dosage ordered for a patient. According to Donabedian’s model, this would be considered:
 Question 13.                   
Why is the PSQRD a useful framework for research and practice?
It explains why using computer applications is the best way to support better patient outcomes.
It supports implementation, performance improvement, and rigorous research methodologies.
It ensures successful implementation of a clinical process change.
 It increases communication among clinical staff.
Question 14.     
Which terminology contains nursing problems? (Select all that apply)
Logical Observations Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC)
Omaha System
Question 15.                    
Task analysis is a collection of many different techniques. You can use task analysis to: (Select all that apply.)
conduct the think aloud protocol.
 analyze users’ cognitive processes.
 observe workflow in a cardiology clinic.
 determine crucial errors with CPOE.
 Question 16.                   
Which example constitutes an internal security event?
 Servers containing clinical data were stolen from a facility.
  A person hacks into a facility’s server and steals PHI electronically.
  A person installs a malicious code past a facilities firewall.
  A system administrator installed a new server without any security measures.
 Question 17.                   
Why is it difficult to establish effective health IT governance?
Fundamentally, effective governance means that some stakeholders’ informatics needs will need to be de-prioritized.
  here is too much literature available on the topic, making it difficult to choose which approach to follow.
So few activities within a healthcare organization involve informatics.
No stakeholder wants to have a say in how informatics resources are leveraged.
Question 18.                    
Well-defined policies are necessary to ensure that: (Select all that apply.)
  confidentiality of protected health information is safeguarded.
 accurate cost accounting occurs.
 data capture is being automated.
  clinical decision support is adopted.
 Question 19.                   
An important component of the informatics infrastructure is:
establishment and adoption of standards to support semantic interoperability.
defined standard value sets, groupings, aligners, and attributes.
 organizations enabled to set individual standards for quality measurement and reporting.
variation in the types of data used to populate the quality metrics.
   Question 20.                 
The Center to Champion Nursing in America envisions a healthcare system where:
 best practices need to be developed.
 quality care is increasing in targeted areas.
 nurses are expanding their capabilities.
 all Americans have access to high-quality care.
 Question 21.                   
Which of these best describes an example of usability?
  The IT department is surveying your unit to determine the placement of new computer workstations.
  A researcher is conducting a study of how nurses interact with electronic documentation to organize care handoffs.
The leadership in your institution is asking for your help to determine oncology patient flow across regional institutions.
The administration has asked you to take responsibility for orientation of new hires and the retraining of selected current employees on use of the automated medication administration system because there have been a consistent number of user errors.
Question 22.                    
You are part of a knowledge management team that is interested in improving the user experience for your organization. The team members know you have taken a course in informatics and ask your advice about how to get started with usability in the organization. You recommend:
talking to the CEO about her ideas.
 examining the support call lists and system change requests.
  working with only physicians, since they have been the most vocal about issues with the EHR.
  hiring a consultant.
 Question 23.                   
International Classification of Nursing Practice is a:
 standardized classification of patient/client outcomes.
  set of nursing diagnoses.
  standardized classification of interventions.
 unified nursing language system into which nursing terminologies can be cross-mapped.
 Question 24.                   
You are asked to perform a heuristic evaluation of the new orders management module of your inpatient system. You discover that the flow of the orders is different than the way providers are taught in school. This is an example of:
consistency and standards.
  match between system and world.
  informative feedback.
Question 25.                    
ISO 18104:2003, an international standard for integration of a reference terminology model for nursing, does not state specifically the nursing terminologies that should be used in systems.

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Week 3 problems problem 6-2 calculating project npv the best

An asset used in a four-year project falls in the five-year MACRS class for tax purposes. The asset has an acquisition cost of $6,190,000 and will be sold for $1,390,000 at the end of the project. If the tax rate is 35 percent, what is the aftertax salvage value of the asset? Refer to MACRS schedule(Do not round intermediate calculationsand round your answer to 2 decimal places. Enter your answer in dollars, not millions of dollars, i.e. 1,234,567.)

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5-2 final project milestone two: leadership theory, organizational

Submit Milestone Two, comprised of Sections III, IV, and V of the final project.
For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.
Must be original work!  Please see attachments for milestone one and guidelines. APA Citations and will be due by 12/03/2017  8 PM Eastern Time! 

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Europe | History homework help

I need one or two paragraph for each question
1. What cultural, political, historical factors contribute to the formation of “West”? 
2. Why has it been so hard to define the Eastern boundary of Europe? 
3. How did the different historical experiences of World War II shape the subsequent (and to some degree the current) perspectives of Britain, France, Germany, Eastern Europe and Russia? 
4. How did the Cold War shape the development of the Europe in the decades after WWII? 
5- How did the end of the Cold War shape the development of the Europe after 1991? 
6-  Explain the concepts of the “democratic deficit” and “technocracy” in relation to the European Union.

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Theory of self efficacy | MSN5270

 Reply to this discussion with at least 250 words, 2 scholarly references, reference in APA format within the last 5 years published.
Theory of Self-Efficacy
Critique the Theory of Self-Efficacy using the Internal and External Criticism           Evaluation Process
The purpose of this study is to provide a critical evaluation and critique of the self-efficacy perspective. Self-efficacy is a mindset in which people are confident in their abilities to carry out the actions that will lead to desired results. Nurses’ interactions with patients and other staff members will form the basis of the self-efficacy hypothesis. Professional nurses must have faith in the ability of their patients to benefit from treatment (Ramezani et al., 2019). Nurse practitioners may better serve their patients by being abreast of the latest developments in best practices in the healthcare industry. As a result, nurses may find it challenging to engage with patients who have developed less trust in their medical treatment plans. Dialysis patients are the ones who will need the most attention. Considering that they would have to endure dialysis for the rest of their lives, some patients lose hope. The non-compliance of certain patients is a severe issue in treating chronic conditions. Patients worry they will not have the strength to endure the dialysis treatment.
According to the external critique on the issue, psychological processes are required to forecast changes in behavior connected with a lack of belief in what one can do to improve one’s health outcomes. Cognitive behavioral theory (CBT) is helpful for nurses in dealing with patients who do not adhere to dialysis therapy. CBT successfully modifies patients’ desired behaviors (Sekhon et al., 2018). Self-efficacy theory, which has its roots in CBT, has been widely used across various nursing contexts, most notably in treating chronic conditions. Convergence shows that those who question their talents are more likely to give up when faced with difficulties. At the same time, those who are more confident in their abilities will make the necessary efforts to accomplish their goals despite any obstacles.
This insight is grounded in truth, as it explains why so many highly successful people share accounts of the hardships they overcame on their path to success. However, effectiveness varies widely from person to person (Karimy et al., 2018). The principle of self-efficacy is a powerful tool for nurses because it allows them to tailor their treatment to each patient based on their strengths and weaknesses. The theory’s applicability is enhanced by its specificity to the nursing field. However, the approach has several flaws, such as the impracticality of distinguishing between result expectation and effectiveness expectation. Without considering the ensuing anticipation, defining self-efficacy is challenging. That is why it is crucial to describe the theory in terms of the outcomes and benefits that people might reasonably anticipate. Self-efficacy theory is also heavily influenced by the context in which people find themselves. As a result, effective treatment techniques cannot be created without first comprehending the impact on the environment.
Karimy, M., Koohestani, H. R., & Araban, M. (2018, November 27). The association between attitude, self-efficacy, and social support and adherence to diabetes self-care behavior. Diabetology &Amp; Metabolic Syndrome, 10(1).
Ramezani, T., Sharifirad, G., Rajati, F., Rajati, M., & Mohebi, S. (2019, March 14). Effect of educational intervention on promoting self-care in hemodialysis patients: Applying the self-efficacy theory. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 8, 65.
Sekhon, M., Cartwright, M., & Francis, J. J. (2018, February 16). Acceptability of health care interventions: A theoretical framework and proposed research agenda. British Journal of Health Psychology, 23(3), 519–531.

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