Discussion board pt 3 | Management homework help

Describe the steps of a talent review session.
What is the difference between performance and potential?
How can you tell if a candidate has potential?

Book: Chapter 11: https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/11-introduction
Chapter 12: https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/12-introduction

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racial and criminal profiling individual project

Part I
The Uniform Crime Reports page on the FBI Web site provides links for its annual Crime in the United States publications. Before you are able to view one of these reports, you are given the following disclaimer:
Caution Against RankingEach year when Crime in the United States is published, some entities use reported figures to compile rankings of cities and counties. These rough rankings provide no insight into the numerous variables that mold crime in a particular town, city, county, state, or region. Consequently, they lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading perceptions adversely affecting communities and their residents. Valid assessments are possible only with careful study and analysis of the range of unique conditions affecting each local law enforcement jurisdiction. The data user is, therefore, cautioned against comparing statistical data of individual reporting units from cities, metropolitan areas, states, or colleges or universities solely on the basis of their population coverage or student enrollment.
Discuss the following:

Why do you think this cautionary notice is given before users are directed to the FBI’s Crime in the United States publication? Expand on your viewpoint, and find credible sources to support your rationale. 

Click here if you would like to visit the Web site.
Part II
Open the Hate Crime Data Collection Guidelines and Training Manual, scroll down to page 4, and review the Table of Contents. Specifically, look at hate crimes and the different classifications of bias. Using the Table of Contents, complete the following: 

Define and describe the following terms:  

Race bias 
Ethnicity bias 
Religious bias 
Bias motivation 
The nature of a hate crime 
Bias motivation by category and type 
Legislative mandate to report hate crime

Point out the distinction between institutional prejudice and personal prejudice. 
Explain ways in which stereotypes can influence memory and perceptions of events. 
What are common stereotypes of the specific minority groups explained in the training guide? How may one differentiate those stereotypes from accurate descriptions of the minority groups? 
Identify the principal psychological motivations underlying prejudice.

Part III 
Based on the information you obtained in Parts I and II, do you think there could be racial or ethnic discrimination in arrests? Does cultural diversity have an impact on law enforcement practice? Provide evidence to support your answer, accompanied by proper citations in APA format.
Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. (2015, February 27). Hate crime data collection guidelines and training manual, Version 2.0. Federal Bureau of Investigation. https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/ucr/ucr-hate-crime-data-collection-guidelines-training-manual-02272015.pdf/view
Federal Bureau of Investigation: Uniform Crime Reporting. (2018, September 24). CIUS summary: FBI releases 2017 crime statistics. Department of Justice. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/topic-pages/cius-summary

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Essay – 3 | Human Resource Management homework help

Same rules apply for this essay as others.   Refer back to original essay guidelines if you need refreshing.
Choose one of the following case studies and complete the questions at the end.  That’s it.  Be sure that you are complete in your responses.  Do not just give me a one word answer.  You are to choose ONE of the following 3 chapters: 
chapter 8 case study (page 249) re:  performance management 
chapter 10 case study (page 315) re: compensation
chapter 12 case study (page 383) re: employee relations
You should be able to answer this in about 4 detailed, and thoughtful paragraphs.
PLAGIARISM software will be used.

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Comprehensive case study report annotated outline | CRJ308 | Ashford University

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapter 8 in the textbook, the article Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Criminality: How Long Must We Live Before We Possess Our Own Lives? and any additional sources that pertain to the killer you chose in the Week 1 Choose Your Client discussion forum.
For your Comprehensive Case Study Report final paper, due in Week 5, you will explore, in-depth, the well-known criminal case for your high-profile killer. For this assignment, using the client you have chosen in Week 1, you will create an annotated outline to help you begin to organize ideas and sources as you prepare for your final paper.
Assume you have been hired as a mitigation specialist by this individual’s defense attorney to investigate, analyze, and present the underlying biopsychosocial factors that you found were present in this individual’s background and that may explain why your client committed such heinous criminal acts. For the purpose of this assignment and your final paper in Week 5, you will assume that your client is facing the death penalty, and your job is to use the results of your biopsychosocial investigation to provide credible evidence that your client should not be executed by the state. For this assignment, you will proceed as if your client has not yet been sentenced and thus is still alive, even though your client may have ultimately been found guilty and may have been executed (or may have otherwise died in prison).
Using the University of Arizona Global Campus Library, examine the criminal behaviors involved in your case. For help with searching for sources in the library, see the Library OneSearch
In your paper,

Analyze a minimum of two particular psychological factors that are relevant to the client’s criminal behavior such as specific environmental or situational, biological, or mental health issues that may have contributed to this individual’s crimes.
Create an annotated outline that examines a minimum of two particular psychological factors explaining your client’s criminal behaviors.

Note: For further information regarding the proper format for Outlining, visit the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center.

Discuss, in two to three sentences, each topic or step in each section of the outline.
Cite specific examples from the sources that support your research and analysis.

For example, if you find that your sources show early childhood trauma is a factor in criminal behavior and your client suffered early childhood trauma, or had a high ACE score, write about that connection between your source and your client’s case.

The Comprehensive Case Study Report Annotated Outline paper

Must be four to five pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted as an annotated outline.

See the Outlining  resource for further information regarding the proper format.

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

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Reflection assignment, public school law

REFLECTION Assignment:
The final assignment for this class is a two-page reflection assignment which is due by 11:59 pm on the Sunday of week 7. This is not a formal writing assignment with citations; it is just your reflection about what you learned in this class, and any unexpected discoveries or ideas/concepts new to you.  
I will attach the syllabus for better reference scope of the class 

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Strategies | Business Managment | University of Phoenix

You have been told the HR Director is pleased with the work you have completed for the organization and would like to take your contribution to the next level. She would like you to review several strategic reports on the organization and provide feedback on how you think Southwest HR should move forward.
Be specific vs. general in your response.
Compile a strategy recommendation to the HR Director to be used for company-wide decisions. Include the following information in your report:

An executive summary of the HR strategy project
An analysis of current strategies and issues
Identify the type of strategy Southwest Airlines is following.
Identify 3 HRM implications for Southwest Airlines.
Develop and justify business strategies for each of the 3 HRM implications.
Determine an HR strategy.

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Industral labor | Management | AIU Online

Examine and explain the history of collective bargaining, its role in today’s labor market, and its influence on employee well­being. 
Discuss overall labor practices and their link to the overall purpose of the union. 
Connect the nature of collective bargaining and labor practices to legal rulings and their impact on the field.

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Reference for conifer corp. pa2

Read Case Study Conifer Corp. (Chapter 8, pp. 315-316) in your textbook and answer the following questions:  

What symptom(s) in this case suggest(s) that something has gone wrong?
What are the main causes of the symptom(s)?
What actions should executives take to correct the problem(s)? (Remember, this is a union environment, so changing the wage scale, incentives or benefits for the workers are not options).

 Make sure you have a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed sources. 
 In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.

Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.
Describe how you will use it in your upcoming assignment.
Repeat for a total of six (6) peer-reviewed sources.

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Spanish ii (preterite and correct use of conocer/poder/querer/saber)

Write sentences using the information provided. Use the preterite and make any necessary changes.
yo / conocer / este / persona / hoy
Yo conocí a esta persona hoy.
1.  el presidente / no querer / hablar con los reporteros
2.  ¿cómo / saber / ustedes / lo que (what) / pasar / entre / Fabiana y Raúl?
3.  tú / conocer / señor Castillo / anteayer
4.  nosotros / no poder / comprar los regalos / porque / haber / mucho tráfico / en el centro
5.  después de / los exámenes, / Natalia / poder / relajarse
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of conocer, poder, querer, or saber.
1.  A Carlitos no le gustan nada las verduras y por eso no _____ comer el brocóli.
2.  —¿Conoce usted a mi esposa?
     —Sí, la _____ el año pasado.
3.  Después de muchas horas de estudio, Federico _____ aprobar (pass) el examen.
4.  Yo _____ sorprender a Marisol el sábado, pero el viernes ella _____ todos mis planes.
Select the correct option.
1. Por fin (conocí, supe) por qué Marlene rompió con David. ¡Está enamorada de José Luis!
2.  Ana Milena (quiso, no pudo) llamarte ayer, pero no contestaste el teléfono.
3.  Santiago nunca me dijo cómo (conoció, supe) a su novia, pero sé que fue muy romántico.
4.  Mañana me gradúo de la universidad.  (Pude, no supe) terminar los estudios.
5.  Martín se jubiló el año pasado. (Quiso, no quiso) trabajar más.
6.  Durante la boda, Daniela no prestó atención. (Quiso, no pudo) sacar fotos.

Indicate whether each statement is lógico or ilógico.


Teresa supo que hice una fiesta y no la invité. Ahora está enojada conmigo.

·         lógico
·         ilógico

Busqué por horas, pero no encontré la casa de David. No quise visitarlo.

·         lógico
·         ilógico

Leila se rió mucho durante la película; no pudo divertirse.

·         lógico
·         ilógico

Mis padres se conocieron en Japón; por eso celebran sus aniversarios en Tokio.

·         lógico
·         ilógico

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Benchmark assignment—goals for stevens district hospital, part 1

Clear, actionable, and measurable goals are essential to strategic planning. It is important that the goals are designed to support the mission and vision of an organization.    
Complete the chart with a total of 260 to 350 words. Your analysis should be based on your review of the data provided in the Stevens District Hospital strategic planning scenario and your SWOT analysis.
Identify a clear, actionable, and measurable technology goal for the organization that clearly supports the mission and vision.
Analyze how this goal supports the mission and vision of the hospital.
Explain how you would measure progress toward the goal.

Discuss milestones necessary for progress.
Discuss the criteria you would use to measure that the goal was completed. 

References (format using correct APA guidelines)
Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.
Use correct APA in-text citation guidelines and include references above.

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