Maranatha case | Business & Finance homework help

CASE 3 : CVE – Maranatha
Case The AGEO company offers financial advisor services in France either directly to end investors or indirectly through partnerships. From March 214 to May 2016, AGEO has been recommending its clients to invest in equity or bond securities issued by non-quoted companies some being owned by a group called Cap Vert Energie (“CVE”), specialized in the construction, the acquisition and the operation of green energy producers, others being owned by a group specialized in hotel businesses called Maranatha (“Maranatha”). The CVE securities recommended by AGEO consisted in subscriptions of equity shares from the increase in capital or bonds, issued by the parent company of CVE or by special purpose companies due to operate a portfolio of green energy producers, all being denominated “Cap Vert Energie Exploitation” (“CVE”) followed by a number. The investments in equity shares were recommended for investment horizons from 5 to 8 years and were assumed to offer a return from 7 to 14.9% per year, this, thanks to a guaranteed repurchase price. The investments in bonds were proposed for a 1 year investment horizon and offered a return from 4% to 8%, depending on the exact term. The Maranatha securities recommended by AGEO included bonds issued by the group’s parent company, for a 2 year investment horizon, and offering a return of 9.5%, and equity shares of companies owning directly a hotel resort, some being combined to an investment in current account facilities, with a recommended holding time from 5 to 8 years, and annual return from 7% to 8%, this, thanks to the repurchase of equity shares by Maranatha and the redemption of the current account facilities. The commissions produced for AGEO by the subscriptions of these securities amounted to 3.1 million, representing 30% of total turnover from its activities in financial advising, of which 19% for CVE and 11% for Maranatha. On May 30th 2016, the AMF decided to launch an audit on AGEO. The audit concerned 15 clients who had been recommended by AGEO to subscribe to equity shares or bonds issued by CVE, and on a sample of 7 clients who had been recommended to invest in both CVE and Maranatha products. Among the 15 clients who had been recommended to invest in the securities issued by CVE, 9 were not provided the document mandated by the AMF regulation at the beginning of a business relationship, 11 clients were not provided any engagement letter, and 13 clients were not provided a written investment policy justifying the investment recommendation. Among the 7 clients who had been recommended to invest also in Maranatha, 4 were not provided any engagement letter, and 6 were not provided a report justifying the recommendation. Three clients received the engagement letter with a delay. AGEO is alleged of having omitted to specify in its letters of engagement the practical conditions of the compensation received from CVE for its services. The agreement between AGEO and CVE included a growing commission according to the volume and delay of distribution of the securities, a gradual commission based on the outstanding amounts, and a premium on the volume of the subscriptions above a threshold. The clients were not informed of these incentives, although these were susceptible to generate a conflict of interest between AGEO and its customers. Among the investors who had been recommended to invest in Maranatha securities, none had been informed of the risks of the products, even though Mr Thierry Marchand, the chairman of AGEO had been wondering about the financial situation of Maranatha in July 2015, expressing worries in an e-mail about the lack of financial data, and requesting additional information such as the analytical income statement, comments on the operations of each resort, cash flow statements, justifying such requirements by the potential burden of some short term operations on the treasury of the group dried up by the group’s most recent operation. Despite all of this, AGEO moved on recommending its customers to invest in Maranatha financial products. The documents examined by the AMF did not enable auditors to prove that AGEO had been taking into consideration the financial situation of its customers ahead of the investment recommendations. Among the 15 clients who had been recommended to invest in CVE financial products, no information about their knowledge and experience of financial investments could be traced. The ranges of revenues and wealth included in a questionnaire were far too large to enable AGEO to assess their financial situation. AGEO transmitted to its customers some marketing documents which outlined the expected returns and the guaranteed redemption of capital of investments in CVE products. Such documents failed to mention the investment’s potential risks, and to inform customers of the financial weakness of the company. This was all the more damageable, since AGEO was aware of the weak financials of the CVE group. AGEO argued that CVE was the one liable of the writing of the marketing documents while it was merely acting as an intermediate, transmitting the documents received from CVE to its customers. In such circumstances, AGEO could not be made liable for the information included in the documents. AGEO argued also that it had no mean to assess the fair value of the assets held by CVE and that is was thus not able to question the information provided by CVE. AGEO eventually argued that it took steps in favor of their customers, through the proposals by CVE to repurchase the securities. It added that none of its customers suffered a loss in capital due to their investment in CVE and Maranatha. AGEO failed to provide the financial statements of group CVE to its customers, and to communicate the information in its possession in relation with the growing deficit of CVE from 2012 to 2014, the significant leverage of the company, and the pledging of receivables from EDF by the company’s creditors. However, the financial leverage of the company, its structurally negative net income, were significant information which omission was indeed susceptible to mislead investors as to the true financial situation of the company in which they were recommended to invest. The same thing held true for the pledging of the EDF receivables which were presented as a guarantee in all marketing documents.
Question 1) Did the marketing documents distributed by AGEO satisfy the AMF requirements on customers’ information? 
Question 2) Did AGEO satisfy the AMF requirements on the obligations to enquire about the customers’ knowledge and experience of financial investments and to consider their financial situation before making an investment recommendation?
Question 3) AGEO argues that it could not be made liable for the content of the marketing documents as they had been provided by CVE and Maranatha and AGEO was not in a situation to assess the fair value of their assets. Can AGEO hide behind this argument to avoid a sanction? 
Question 4) AGEO argued that none of its customers suffered a capital loss because of the recommended investments. Can AGEO use this as an argument to avoid prosecution by the supervisor? 

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Mimi’s cupcakes | Accounting homework help

Complete the case titled “Small Business Cupcakes Case” attached above. You will need to down load the case and answer the questions given. Some hints for this case are as follows:

Does §351 apply to the proposed incorporation?
What will be the effects in the tax basis of the transferred assets if §351 does apply?

Remember that a corporation is subject to double taxation under §336 when it later is liquidated.Once assets are transferred to a C corporation, dividend income and other recognized gains can be created by §311 when the assets are returned to the shareholders.
Be sure to take into account the non-tax implications of your recommendations, for the corporation and all of its shareholders.
Prepare a written case study analysis for the above assigned research case, minimum of 3-4 pages. The case analysis must be fully annotated with citations in proper legal form. (See writing guidelines located in Getting Started)
 (Note: Attachments should be either Microsoft WORD or EXCEL documents and be sure to review the grading criteria in Getting Started)

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Proposing a data gathering approach at tlg solutions

Case Study: Proposing a Data Gathering Approach at TLG Solutions (pages 171 – 175)
Read the TLG Solutions case and consider the following questions:
1. What is the client requesting, and what goal does the client have for this project?
2. What are the presenting problems?
● What do you believe may be any underlying problems?
● Which of these underlying problems is most likely? Why?
3. What data would illustrate whether these underlying problems are occurring?
● Which method of data gathering would you use and why? (Consider using the method
of analysis shown in Table 7.2.)
4. Write a proposal that explains what data you will gather through what means (interviews,
surveys, focus groups, observations, and/or unobtrusive measures). Include any
questions you might ask, observations you would undertake, and/or documents you
would want to gather.
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your data gathering choice(s)?
6. Include a rationale and proposed timeline for your approach and any details about the
data gathering method itself, including possible interview or survey questions, documents
to gather, or observations you would conduct.
7. Finally, ensure that your proposal addresses any additional contracting needs you may
have in your relationship with Greenfield.

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A&p research and report | Anatomy homework help

The brain acts as the command center of the body, continuously analyzing sensory input and modifying motor output to allow the body to respond appropriately to the everchanging external world. The focus of this paper is to discuss how muscles work together and the impact the nervous system has on the muscular system. Additionally, you will examine how a stroke affects these organ systems.
You should spend approximately 3.5 hours on this assignment.

Pick a region of the body (e.g., pectoral girdle, hand, neck, thigh, etc.) and prepare a written paper of at least 1000 words on the following bullet points:

Describe the type(s) of muscle, patterns of fascicle organization, actions, and attachment points for the muscles present in your chosen region.
Trace the pathways by which the presence of a sensory stimulus (e.g., a bug crawling across your skin) in your chosen region is processed and the subsequent motor behavior that carried out. Be sure to identify the initiation and termination points of the tracts, where the cell bodies of the neurons present in the pathway are located, along with locations of any synapses that occur along the tract.
Focusing on one specific movement performed by muscles in your chosen region, identify the prime mover, synergists, and antagonists.
Predict how a stroke in the primary somatosensory cortex would affect both the anatomy and function of your chosen region differently than a stroke in the primary motor cortex.

Your paper should be formatted as a proper research paper with an introduction and conclusion. Do not simply follow the bullet points above, but really think about what you have learned and how that relates to other material we have covered, and knowledge you have from other courses you may have taken. The Research and Report assignments in this course are capstone assignments for each module. You should be integrating everything that you learned in the textbook, explorations, discussions, and lab activities into your papers.
All references must be cited using APA Style format. Please refer to the CCCOnline APA Citation Toolkit. 


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Week 4 discussion prompt #2 assessment

Discussion Prompt #2
A 29-year-old newly immigrated woman complains of weakness, shortness of breath, cough, and night sweats for the past month. She denies other symptoms, significant medical history, or allergies.

Which lab or imaging tests would you order for this patient and give a brief explanation of why?
From the information provided, list your differential diagnoses in the order of “most likely” to “possible but unlikely.”

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Develop a disaster recovery plan using iso 27031 or iso 24762

 Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization. There are many different templates available online for you to use as reference and guidance. Your plan should cover the following sections (these sections detail the elements in a DR plan in the sequence defined by industry compliance standards ISO 27031 and ISO 24762): 

Important: This section should summarize key action steps (such as where to assemble employees if forced to evacuate the building) and list key contacts with contact information for ease of authorizing and launching the plan.
Roles and Responsibilities
Incident Response
Plan Activation
Document History

Your paper should meet the following requirements: 100% original content

Be approximately 4 to 6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least four scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations
Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

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Part b: going beyond the case

 Instructions As you know, a core principle at JWMI is “learn it today; apply it tomorrow.” This assignment is a continuation of the work you did in Part A, but the questions challenge you to go beyond simply analyzing what Satya Nadella did at Microsoft. It is time to consider how you can apply the leadership principles presented in the case to your own career. To prepare for Part B of this assignment, reread the entire case and review the feedback you received from your professor on Part A. Write a 6-7 page paper that draws links between the case and your own leadership journey. Of the six topic areas below, select four (4) you would like to focus on. 1. Learning from Nadella’s Example 2. Building a High Performing Culture 3. Channeling Conflict 4. Effective Communication 5. Fostering Diversity and Learning 6. Building a Learning Organization Make sure you consider each question in your response. Remember, a good response paper is one in which you: (a) show you understand what happened in the case, (b) apply tools and citations from course materials, and (c) offer insights into how you can apply the case and course materials to your own leadership journey. 1. Learning from Nadella’s Example a. What did Nadella bring in terms of his own background (professional and personal) that helped him to be successful in stepping into the CEO role? b. What makes Nadella an “authentic leader”? What actions did he take that demonstrate he believes in role-model management? Include references to course materials to support your position. c. What characteristics does Nadella display that most closely align to traits you have, or aspire to develop, in your own leadership style? How are you most different from him in your leadership style? d. Why is it important for leaders to take (appropriate) risks? 2. Building a High Performing Culture in Your Organization a. What steps must leaders take to build a learning culture? Include references to course materials to support your position. b. In what ways is the culture in your current or former organization similar to what Nadella faced when he took over Microsoft? c. If you wanted to change or realign this culture, where would you begin? d. What would be your biggest challenges? Why? JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century Assignment 2: Part B © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 510 – Assignment 2B (1208) Page 2 of 5 3. Channeling Conflict a. In what ways did Nadella embrace conflict in his role as leader? b. How should leaders determine which conflicts to embrace and which conflicts to avoid, and once they make that decision, what can they do to encourage a positive resolution to the conflict? Include references to course materials to support your position. c. What are some of the biggest potential areas of conflict within your own organization? d. How well do you and your organization handle conflict now? Explain 4. Effective Communication a. What were the biggest communicative barriers that Nadella faced in creating “one Microsoft”? b. What tools and communication practices are most useful to leaders in building teams that embrace a common vision? Include references to course materials to support your position. c. Are these barriers unique to large corporations, or do all organizations face them? d. Do they occur in your own organization? Explain. 5. Fostering Diversity and Learning a. How did Nadella seek to enhance diversity at Microsoft? b. Why is diversity – in terms of culture, experience, background, and viewpoint – so important for an organization? Include references to course materials to support your position. c. What are some risks or obstacles to instilling more diversity? d. What steps can you take to make your organization stronger by bringing in more diversity? 6. Building a Learning Organization a. What did Nadella do to transform his team from “know-it-alls” to “learn-it-alls”? b. Jack has said that to be an effective leader, you have to be confident enough to ask a lot of questions and not be afraid of looking like the dumbest person in the room. i. How can leaders promote a hunger for learning in their teams? ii. How can leaders support team members who may be too afraid to ask questions or challenge the status quo? Include references to course materials to support your position. c. On the “knowledge-learning” spectrum, where does your organization fit? d. As an MBA student, especially if you have been out of school for a long time, what does a “learn-it-all” mindset mean to you? What will you do to embrace it? 

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Powerpoint present | BUS 499 – Business Administration Capstone | Strayer University

—Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2013). Strategic management: Concepts and cases: Competiveness and globalization (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Develop an 8–12 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes based upon assignments in Weeks 3, 6, and 8, and the following: 

Develop an executive-level PowerPoint presentation with 8–12 slides with speaker notes and appropriate graphics.
Create a SWOT analysis for the company to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats.
Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability.
Outline a communications plan the company could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders. 
Assess efforts by this corporation to be a responsible (ethical) corporate citizen and determine the impact these efforts (or lack thereof) have on the company’s bottom line. Provide specific examples to support your response.
AT least THREE quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
References must be submitted on a Works Cited page using SWS format.
Develop a corporate presentation based on a SWOT analysis, strategies for maximizing competitiveness and profitability, a communications plan, and an assessment of efforts related to ethics.

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Assignment: qualitative research approaches matrix, part i & 2

 Part 1
In order for you to select the qualitative research approach that best fits your research question, you will need to develop a deeper familiarity with the approaches available to you. This week’s Assignment is the first of a two-part activity designed to broaden and deepen your base of knowledge of qualitative research approaches. While the activity does not encompass all possible approaches, it does allow you to explore the eight most common approaches you are likely to encounter and may wish to consider for yourself.
For this Assignment, you will complete the first half of the Qualitative Research Approaches Matrix Template, which is designed to allow you to compare and contrast qualitative research approaches.
To prepare for this Assignment:

Review this week’s readings, focusing on the differences among the following four types of qualitative research approaches:

Generic qualitative inquiry
Qualitative case study
Grounded theory and realism
Phenomenology and heuristic inquiry

Locate the Qualitative Research Approaches Matrix Template in this week’s Learning Resources.
Read the examples of research studies provided in this week’s Learning Resources.
Select additional readings that focus on specific approaches (some suggestions have been provided for you in the Optional Resources).

 Complete the Qualitative Research Approaches Matrix Template for the four approaches highlighted this week. Some of the cells have been pre-populated with sample entries or with prompts to help you focus your comparisons. 
Required Readings
Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.Chapter 3, “Variety of Qualitative Inquiry Frameworks: Paradigmatic, Philosophical, and Theoretical Orientations” (pp. 85–168)Chapter 4, “Practical and Actionable Qualitative Applications” (pp. 169–242)
Basic Qualitative Research
Bowers, B. J., Fibich, B., & Jacobson, N. (2001). Care-as-service, care-as-relating, care-as-comfort: Understanding nursing home residents’ definitions of quality. The Gerontologist, 41(4), 539–545. Retrieved from, Care-as-Relating, Care-as-Comfort Understanding Nursing Home Residents’ Definitions of Quality by Bowers, B.; Fibich, B.; Jacobson, N., in The Gerontologist, Vol. 41/Issue 4. Copyright 2001 by Oxford University Press – Journals, The Gerontological Society of America. Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press – Journals, The Gerontological Society of America via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Qualitative Case Study
Donnelly, C., Brenchley, C., Crawford, C., & Letts, L. (2013). The integration of occupational therapy into primary care: a multiple case study design.BMC family practice, 14(1), 1.
Grounded Theory
Barello, S., Graffigna, G., Vegni, E., Savarese, M., Lombardi, F., & Bosio, A. C. (2015). ‘Engage me in taking care of my heart’: a grounded theory study on patient–cardiologist relationship in the hospital management of heart failure. BMJ open, 5(3), e005582.
Heuristic Inquiry
Howard, A., & Hirani, K. (2013). Transformational change and stages of development in the workplace: A heuristic inquiry. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 8(1/2), 71–86.
Documents and Tools
Document: R8360 Guidelines for Reading and Evaluating Qualitative Research Articles (PDF)
Document: Example of How to Read and Evaluate a Qualitative Research Article (PDF)

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Network defense system | Computer Science homework help

It is essential to have a basic understanding of network defense topologies in order to properly comprehend the defensive strategies deployed by companies to protect their information assets.
Use the Cisco Packet Tracer application to create a network diagram that makes use of the following devices listed below, which belong to Company X. The diagram should illustrate your knowledge of network defense by placing network assets in their proper location, so as to ensure their protection. Include, within the diagram, any small office/home office (SOHO) solutions that will be used to protect either the infrastructure or end-user devices.
Within the diagram make sure to include at a minimum:

10 mobile devices (phones/laptops/tablets)
Five desktop/stationary computers
Two servers (file/email)
One printer
One router/firewall
One WAN/gateway connection
One switch
One corresponding backup/replication asset for disaster recovery (local or remote storage/server)

Note: Any IP addresses used should be labeled next to the corresponding device.
Then, create a report outlining the abilities of the network topology in reference to securing network devices and other information assets used by Company X. Make sure to address the following within the report:

A detailed explanation of the topology design addressing the “why” and “how” of the topology defenses solution and design, specifically threat models, motivations (such as insider threat), and ideologies
Network defense solution list (i.e., software/hardware used to protect information assets)
Encryption policies used by the network and end-users
Disaster plan recovery, including restoration plans

When completing the report for this assignment, refer to the “Report Template.” 
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a basic scoring guide, provided by your instructor. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopeWrite.

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