Part 2 – annotated bibliography, action plan, and measurement (50 | BA 302

Part 2 – Annotated Bibliography, Action Plan, and Measurement (50 points/ %) 

There are three components in Part 2.
APA Style Referencing is encouraged.
Length requirement: no fewer than 2, no more than 4 pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt, double spaced)

Annotated bibliography

Locate and use at least four credible, external sources (library, internet) to find solutions to your problem (author or publication should have relevant credentials). Submit an annotated bibliography that summarizes relevant findings from each source.  An annotated bibliography is a word document that lists the full citation of each source followed by a summary in your own words of the relevant information found within that document. Citation should include author, title, date, publisher or publication. Include web address if a website. provides this information if you search and select “cite” link below it. Summaries can be in bullets or paragraph form.

Action plan

Document a step-by-step action plan for addressing the problem or challenge selected. Action plans should incorporate and apply what you’ve learned from your personal research (as documented in the annotated bibliography). Each action step should include a target due date. The steps of the action plan (or at least most of them) should conclude before the deadline for Part 3 so that you have feedback to provide on how successful or unsuccessful it was. No fewer than 4 steps. These should be documented as a workplan (a table in word or excel; at a minimum includes action step and target due date).

Quantitative metrics

Document at least two key quantitative metrics you can use to assess how successful (or not) your action plan proves to be in resolving the challenge. This metric should be observable and measurable (e.g. interviews scheduled if looking for internship, % change in assignment grades if increasing GPA). If multiple people were asked to observe and track the metric, they should get the same score (you do not need to get multiple people to measure – it’s just a good question to ask yourself to assess whether your measure is quantifiable and easy to be expressed in numeric indicators).
Grading for Part 2 will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Are all stated requirements met?
Did the student identify and thoroughly review at least 4 unique and credible (avoid personal blogs or obscure websites – look for author or journal / publisher credentials) resources that accurately relate to the OB theory and topic at hand?
Is the action plan clearly related to the OB theory used, and does it apply new learnings to solving the problem?
Is the action plan actionable? Are there clear steps and dates identified that are doable during the semester?
Is the measurement plan actionable, quantifiable and clearly related to the action plan? Does it include target, desired metrics?
NOTE: Any late submissions will lose 20% of the possible points earned each day late. No credit will be given for assignments submitted more than 5 days late.

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Olive oil made in italy and sold in the united states is an example

Module 5 Midterm Exam
1. Question :
Olive oil made in Italy and sold in the United States is an example of which of the following?
Global brand
U.S. export
U.S. import
Standardized product
Question 2. Question :
Levi’s Jeans made in the United States and sold in Russia are an example of which of the following?
U.S. export
Outsourced product
Globally licensed product
U.S. import
Question 3. Question :
Denationalization refers to ________.
a loss of sovereignty among nations
national boundaries becoming less relevant
cooperation between nations to reduce trade barriers
attempts by international organizations to resolve trade conflicts
Question 4. Question :
Which of the following is an example of the globalization of production?
Canadian consumers buy foods imported from Australia
A Chinese company sells textiles to European car makers
A U.S. company builds a manufacturing facility in India
A Swiss watch manufacturer builds a manufacturing facility in Switzerland
Question 5. Question :
Two major forces that underlie the expansion of globalization are ________ and ________.
deregulation of tourism; the rise of nationalism
economic interdependence; the decline of international organizations
trade barriers; political unrest
falling barriers to trade and investment; technological innovation
Question 6. Question :
A limit placed on the quantity of an imported product is known as which of the following?
Import sanction
Nontariff barrier
Question 7. Question :
All of the following represent examples of regional trade agreements except ________.
Question 8. Question :
Last year, Sabrina Shin started a business selling all types of spices and hot sauces. The business is small but this entrepreneur’s dreams are big. Given limited demand and sales fluctuations in the domestic market, Sabrina has been considering going international; however, she has little information, many doubts, and no guidance. Which of the following can help Sabrina reach consumers in different corners of the world quickly and inexpensively?
Question 9. Question :
For 75 years, from the start of the First World War to the end of the Cold War, there was a geographic divide between ________, and an ideological divide between ________.
North and South; protectionism and socialism
North and South; regionalism and globalization
East and West; regionalism and globalization
East and West; communism and capitalism
Question 10. Question :
Which of the following terms is used to refer to widespread job turnover throughout an economy?
Wage differentials
Attrition spectrum
Question 11. Question :
Which of the following makes the world market more accessible for companies that sell traditional products by lessening the cost and difficulties associated with global communication?
Franchising opportunities
Financial capital
Question 12. Question :
Which of the following terms is used to refer to the positive or negative evaluations, feelings, and tendencies that individuals harbor toward objects or concepts?
Question 13. Question :
________ refers to the replacement of one culture’s traditions, folk heroes, and artifacts with substitutes from another.
Cultural imperialism
Cultural attrition
Cultural immersion
Question 14. Question :
Which of the following terms is used to refer to behavior that is shared by a heterogeneous group or by several groups?
Lingua franca
Popular custom
Folk custom
Question 15. Question :
Which of the following terms is used to refer to the process of ranking people into social layers or classes?
Social status
Social stratification
Social group
Social mobility
Question 16. Question :
A Chinese business establishes an office in Hong Kong. It conducts business locally with vendors and customers who live in Hong Kong. Which of the following would be most effective as the company’s main business dialect?
Question 17. Question :
All of the following are dimensions developed by Hofstede for examining cultures except ________.
individualism versus collectivism
power distance
uncertainty avoidance
caste system versus class system
Question 18. Question :
Sid Maxwell is head of legal affairs for Hudson Inc., a producer of animal figurines that include an embedded software program that makes animal sounds. Hudson is expanding its market to include parts of Asia and Maxwell is concerned about reports of software piracy in the region.Which of the following could Hudson obtain to protect its rights to the proprietary software embedded in the figurines?
Users license
Question 19. Question :
Global Trading, LLC, is a distributor of computer software and hardware, steel and copper scrap, and telephone and electric utility equipment.Involved in three very different types of industries, the company faces many types of risks in its global business. Global Trading just learned that the government in one country in which it does business has taken over the entire electric utility industry. The government’s actions are an example of ________.
Question 20. Question :
Susan Smith works in marketing at Reconditioned Refrigerators (R&R), a global manufacturing company. Susan knows that to advance into upper management she must gain broader experience and was recently told that she can choose from several locations in which R&R is active for her first international assignment. Susan knows little about other nations, their cultures, and their political systems, so she has embarked on an ambitious research project to make an informed decision. Susan’s personal political beliefs are congruent with those of a democracy. Susan’s beliefs are most likely reflected in which of the following political ideologies?
Points Received: 0 of 1
Question 21. Question :
An international human rights organization recommends that its member countries review their human rights policies on a periodic basis to ensure that their governments are upholding ethical standards for the treatment of prisoners. Which of the following represents the most effective reasoning in support of the organization’s recommendation?
Ethical policies and practices tend to remain consistent within the same country over time.
Nations should only enforce ethical standards that have been approved by other nations.
Nations should enforce those ethical standards that have been adopted in other nations.
Ethical standards change over time, so national policies should be updated as necessary.
Question 22. Question :
A bootleg Prada backpack that costs $500 in New York but sells for $100 in Rome is an example of which of the following?
Patent infringement
Pirated product
Copyright violation
Standardized product
Question 23. Question :
Which of the following legal systems is based on a detailed set of written rules and statutes that constitute a legal code?
International law
Civil law
Tribal law
Common law
Question 24. Question :
Which of the following is the broadest measure of economic development?
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
Gross national product (GNP)
Human development index (HDI)
Question 25. Question :
The pattern of imports and exports that occurs in the absence of trade barriers is called ________.
an embargo
infant industry
free trade
Question 26. Question :
Which of the following is an example of an economic motive for nations’ attempts to influence international trade?
Pursue strategic trade policy
Protect jobs
Respond to “unfair” trade
Preserve national security
Question 27. Question :
Which of the following created renewed determination to further reduce barriers to trade?
Consumer demand
Advancements in telecommunications
Portfolio investment trends
Uruguay Round of trade negotiations
Question 28. Question :
Economic integration whereby countries remove all barriers to trade and the movement of labor and capital between themselves and erect a common trade policy against nonmembers is called a(n) ________.
economic union
customs union
common market
political union
Question 29. Question :
The international bond market consists of all bonds sold by issuing companies, governments, or other organizations ________.
within their own countries
to London banks
outside their own countries
to developing nations only
Question 30. Question :
Sandy Smith, vice president of marketing for a large consumer products company, will soon travel to Colombia to spearhead an effort to increase her company’s presence there. Sandy is concerned about her safety and has contacted a risk-assessment service for advice. Which of the following is most likely to assist Sandy in keeping a low profile?
Dressing like the locals whenever possible and avoiding expensive jewelry
Participating in public demonstrations attended by large local crowds
Streamlining financial transactions by paying for expenses with large denominations
Maintaining the ability to cover unexpected expenses by carrying a large amount of cash
Question 31. Question :
Explain the concept of culture. Why is it important to avoid ethnocentricity and gain cultural literacy?
Question 32. Question :
Explain the concept of balance of payments and describe its two major components.

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Sci228 quiz 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 latest

SCI228 Week 1 Quiz 1
Question : (TCO 1) Which statement is FALSE concerning the field of nutrition?
Nutrition is the study of how food nourishes the body.
Nutrition encompasses how we consume, digest, metabolize, and store food.
Nutrition is an ancient science that dates back to the fourteenth century.
Nutrition involves studying the factors that influence eating patterns.
Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is NOT required on a food label?
Sodium (mg/serving)
Calcium (mg/serving)
Dietary fiber (g/serving)
Total cholesterol (mg/serving)
Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is FALSE?
Lipids are soluble in water.
Lipids include triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols.
Lipids are comprised of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Lipids yield more calories per gram than carbohydrate or protein.
Question 4. Question : (TCO 1) Which federal agency conducts the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)?
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
ADA (American Dietetic Association)
NIH (National Institutes of Health)
Question 5. Question : (TCO 3) Barbara has just been diagnosed with celiac disease. Which of the following foods would be most dangerous for her to consume?
Rice cakes
Whole-wheat bread
Question 6. Question : (TCO 3) Collectively, the nerves of the gastrointestinal tract are referred to as:
peptic nerves.
hepatic nerves.
enteric nerves.
gastric nerves.
Question 7. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following is the most common form of pesticides?
Question 8. Question : (TCO 3) In which of the following environments does Clostridium botulinum flourish?
< 40 F
> 140 F
Question 9. Question : (TCO 3) The two types of fungi are:
molds and spongiforms.
yeasts and helminths.
prions and dioxins.
molds and yeasts.
Question 10. Question : (TCO 3) Which human organ system is most affected by toxic levels of mercury?
SCI228 Week 2 Quiz 2
Question 1. Question :
(TCO 1) Which of the following is a disaccharide?
Question 2. Question :
(TCO 1) The simplest units of carbohydrates are called:
fatty acids.
amino acids.
Question 3. Question :
(TCO 1) Major fructose sources include:
milk and cheese.
nuts and honey.
fruits and vegetables.
breads and cereals.
Question 4. Question :
(TCO 2) After a meal, which hormone is responsible for moving glucose into the body’s cells?
Question 5. Question :
(TCO 2) ________ is a technique employed by some endurance athletes to increase their storage of muscle glycogen.
Carbohydrate loading
Glycogen surging
Question 6. Question :
(TCO 2) Sugar alcohols are most often used in which of the following products?
Diet sodas
Baked confections
Chewing gums
Infant formulas
Question 7. Question :
(TCO 3) Sean is planning to bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies for his girlfriend. Which of the following artificial sweeteners would be the best substitute for the sugar in the recipe?
Question 8. Question :
(TCO 3) Which of the following is associated with Type II diabetes?
Autoimmune disease
Prone to ketosis
Body fails to produce insulin
Question 9. Question :
(TCO 3) Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Type II diabetes?
Arises most commonly during adulthood
Insulin resistance or insensitivity
Often associated with obesity
The least common form of diabetes
Question 10. Question :
(TCO 4) Yogurt is tolerated better than milk by many lactase-deficient people because:
yogurt has no lactose.
bacteria in yogurt help digest the lactose.
it has a thicker consistency.
yogurt is acidic.
SCI228 Week 3 Quiz 3
Question 1. Question :
(TCO 3) Which of the following fatty acids is generally solid at room temperature?
Question 2. Question :
(TCO 3) Which of the following describes lipids?
Organic nutrients that are insoluble in water
Inorganic nutrients that are insoluble in water
Organic nutrients that are insoluble in fat
Inorganic nutrients that are insoluble in fat
Question 3. Question :
(TCO 6) Sex hormones and adrenal hormones are substances derived from which class of lipid?
Fatty acids
Question 4. Question :
(TCO 6) As of January 1, 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will require food manufacturers to list ________ content on the Nutrition Facts Panel of their products.
essential fatty acid
trans fatty acid
Question 5. Question :
(TCO 6) ________ are the major form of fat in both food and the body.
Question 6. Question :
(TCO 5) Which of the following foods is a source of complete proteins?
Whole grain bread
Question 7. Question :
(TCO 5) Per gram, which of the following foods would contain the highest protein content?
Cooked carrots
Skim milk
Whole-wheat bread
Question 8. Question :
(TCO 5) Two amino acids are joined together by a peptide bond to form a dipeptide. What is the by-product of this process?
Carbon dioxide
Hydrochloric acid
Question 9. Question :
(TCO 5) Which of the following is NOT a major function of protein in the human body?
Maintaining fluid balance
Providing energy to the body
Growth and maintenance of new tissue
Synthesis of hormones
Question 10. Question :
(TCO 5) Vegetarian diets are associated with increased consumption of ________.
vitamins B12 and D
SCI228 Week 5 Quiz 5
1. Question :
(TCO 3) What is an exchange reaction?
A reaction that produces free radicals
A two-part metabolic reaction that includes oxidation and reduction steps
The first stage of cancer development, in which a cell’s DNA mutates
A reaction that converts a provitamin into the metabolically active form
Question 2. Question :
(TCO 3) Carbon and hydrogen are two examples of:
Question 3. Question :
(TCO 7) The most powerful and abundant form of vitamin E is:
Chapter 8
Question 4. Question :
(TCO 7) The deficiency disease associated with Vitamin C is:
erythrocyte hemolysis.
night blindness.
Keshan disease.
Question 5. Question :
(TCO 7) Which of the following nutrients requires the most frequent consumption to assure adequate body stores?
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Question 6. Question :
(TCO 8) Which of the following foods would be the best dietary source of pre-formed Vitamin A?
Question 7. Question :
(TCO 8) The phytochemical found in tomatoes and tomato products is:
Question 8. Question :
(TCO 8) Which of the following is our primary dietary source of Vitamin D?
Green leafy vegetables
Question 9. Question :
(TCO 9) Mary G. is 60 years old and at risk for osteoporosis. Which of the following dietary supplements would be the MOST helpful to minimize bone loss?
Magnesium and fluoride
Vitamin K and fluoride
Calcium and phosphorus
Calcium and Vitamin D
Question 10. Question :
(TCO 9) The chronic overconsumption of ________ can result in a biotin deficiency.
herbal tea
raw egg whites
natural licorice
grapefruit juice
SCI228 Week 6 Quiz 6
Question 1. Question :
(TCO 1) Chemicals that control hunger, appetite, and digestion include all of the following EXCEPT:
Question 2. Question :
(TCO 2) Consuming an excess of _______ calories in one week will result in a weight gain of one pound per week.
Question 3. Question :
(TCO 3) Which of the following BEST describes exercise?
Any movement produced by muscles that increases energy expenditure
Maximal force or tension level that can be produced by a muscle group
Leisure physical activity that is purposeful, planned, and structured
Ability to move a joint fluidly through the complete range of motion
Question 4. Question :
(TCO 4) Which of the following is not one of the physiological effects of regular physical activity?
Decreases the action of insulin
Enhances gastric motility
Maintains and/or increases lean body mass
Decrease high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL)
Question 5. Question :
(TCO 5) What are the standard criteria used for diagnosing an eating disorder?
Analysis of atypical food behavior
Disordered eating questionnaire
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Question 6. Question :
(TCO 6) What is meant by the notion that eating behaviors are conditioned?
Eating habits affect our moods.
Previous experiences, such as those that occur during childhood, affect our current responses to food and eating behaviors.
Food consumption only occurs in response to external stimuli.
The intensity and duration of physical activity impacts our response to food and eating habits.
Question 7. Question :
(TCO 7) Which of the following BEST describes why the body reduces nonvital body functions in untreated anorexia nervosa?
There is insufficient estrogen to regulate these functions.
The body is trying to maintain normal body temperature.
The body needs to conserve energy.
The individual’s activity level is very low.
Question 8. Question :
(TCO 8) What percentage of U.S. women have bulimia nervosa?
Question 9. Question :
(TCO 9) For most adults, it is difficult to get adequate nutrients if eating less than ________ kcals a day.
Question 10. Question :
(TCO 10) Currently, the best known treatment of eating disorders is:
a team-management approach.
psychotropic medications.
IV therapy.
a high-calorie, high-protein diet.
SCI228 Week 7 Quiz 7
Question 1. Question :
(TCO 4) From the third month to term, the developing human is called a(n):
Question 2. Question :
(TCO 4) Recommended weight gain during pregnancy is based on the:
mother’s weight at the end of the first trimester.
size of the fetus at three months’ gestation.
mother’s pre-pregnancy body mass index.
mother’s age.
Question 3. Question :
(TCO 5) To avoid ________ contamination during pregnancy, fish consumption should not exceed 12 oz. a week.
Question 4. Question :
(TCO 6) Which DRI does NOT increase during pregnancy?
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Question 5. Question :
(TCO 7) The stimulus that is needed for continued and sustained production of breast milk is:
high fluid intake by the mother.
high protein intake by the mother.
infant suckling.
Question 6. Question :
(TCO 8) The brain grows the most rapidly during the first ________ years of life.
Question 7. Question :
(TCO 9) Which of the following is NOT a recommendation to avoid allergies in children?
If a child has a negative reaction to a food, never offer it to that child again.
Introduce new foods one at a time.
Rotate foods in the diet rather than serving them every day.
When introducing a new food, watch for any allergic reaction for a week before offering another new food.
Question 8. Question :
(TCO 10) Growth acceleration in adolescence is primarily driven by:
increased physical activity.
increased caloric intake.
hormonal changes.
both increased physical activity and increased caloric intake.
Question 9. Question :
(TCO 10) One should avoid consuming excess Vitamin E when taking the medication:
Question 10. Question :
(TCO 10) Which of the following is FALSE regarding the RDA for carbohydrates?
This recommendation stays the same as we age.
This amount ensures adequate glucose to the brain.
Most healthy individuals require more than this recommendation.
This amount is difficult for elderly individuals to consume in their diets.

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Collaborative learning community: consensus building in health care

Only needing part 3 and 4 completed. 
This is a CLC assignment.
Your health care team is presented with the following case:
A 6-year-old develops a high fever accompanied by violent vomiting and convulsions while at school. The child is rushed to a nearby hospital. The attending physician makes a diagnosis of meningitis and requests permission from the parents to initiate treatment. Both parents are Christian Scientists, and they insist that no medical treatment be given to the child. The physician initiates treatment anyway, and the parents later sue the physician and the hospital.
In a formal, written paper of 1,200-1,500 words, provide the following:

Explain the ethical dilemma portrayed in this case.
Describe the perspectives, needs, and expectations of each of the following health care stakeholders: (a) child, (b) parents, (c) physician, (d) health care staff, (e) hospital, (f) administrator, and (g) attorney.

Include, at the end of your paper, a 200-word dialog in which you explain your decision to the family. (Remember to use language that the family would understand).

Include at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed references from the GCU Library to support your positions. 
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Pleas

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Bus 325 week 10 assignment 5 – company presentation

Assignment 5: Company Presentation
 Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
For this final assignment, imagine that you are an HR manager on a global HRM planning committee. You are required to present to upper management six (6) main concerns related to global human resources matters.
You have already compiled data about four (4) of these concerns in previous assignments for this course, so you will need to add two (2) more elements to the presentation.
The VP of Human Resource Management has asked you to put together a PowerPoint presentation to show upper management. In this presentation, you will want to discuss your previous findings:
· Culture in a global environment
· Expatriate turnover reduction
· Recruitment factors to consider in your chosen country
· Important steps to consider in an on-boarding process
In addition to presenting this data from your previous assignments, the VP of Human Resource Management also wants you to discuss compensation strategies as well as key strategies your company could use to enhance ethical behavior, labor relations, and work conditions.
Create a ten to fifteen (10-15) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:
1. Address concerns from prior assignment feedback.
1. Share information you have learned about different cultures that exist in a global corporation and global market.
2. Explain why expatriate turnover exists.
3. Discuss recruitment strategies in your chosen country from Assignment 3.
4. Explain a global on-boarding process.
2. Convert Assignments 1, 2, 3, and 4 into a cohesivePowerPointpresentation.
3. Suggest a compensation strategy that will support international operations in your company.
4. Indicate two to three (2-3) key strategies your company could use to enhance ethical behavior, labor relations, and work conditions.
5. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
1. Format thePowerPointpresentation with headings on each slide and one (1) relevant graphic (photograph, graph, clip art, etc.) Ensure that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from up to 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
2. Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
3. Narrate each slide as if you were presenting them in a meeting, and write out detailed speaker notes. More information about narratingPowerPointslides can be found here:
4. Use APA formatting to reference your work, including in-text references when necessary. See the APA Guide located in the Student Center of your Blackboard course shell.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are
· Determine the nature ofglobalization, cultures, and labor markets, and assess the impact on human resource management (HRM). 
· Analyze international business strategy to identify human resource requirements and formulate supporting HRM plans that can improve productivity and contribute to the firm’s competitiveness.
· Propose staffing alternatives for foreign operations and address the considerations for the use of expatriates versus localization or third-country nationals.
· Assess recruiting and selection strategies that can be used to effectively meet organizational requirements for operating in multiple countries.
· Select performance management processes to assess and improve performance throughout a multinational corporation.
· Propose training programs to improve performance throughout a multinational corporation and address the considerations for effective learning in a diverse workforce of expatriates, host country nationals, and third-country nationals.
· Suggest compensation strategies to support international operations and balance global operational efficiencies with responsiveness to local labor conditions.
· Analyze effective approaches to the broad spectrum of employee relations issues, including fostering ethical behavior, labor relations, and work conditions. 
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in global HRM.
· Write clearly and concisely about global HRM using proper writing mechanics.

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Idea week 2 assignment | Accounting homework help

IDEA Assignments:
Open and complete the assigned problem(s) in the attached document for the week and upload your results for grading as instructed. IDEA Week 2 ACG 4651(4).docx 
Additional data files needed:

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Module 7 quiz – license

True or false? Purchasing a copy of a popular app for your smartphone means
that you have purchased only a copyright to install and use the software.
A. True
B. False
Question 2
Ryan opts to purchase an Office suite that he installs on his local computer
and which he wants to use anywhere via the internet. The cloud-based version
does not support downloading a limited version of the suite onto the local computer. What type of
license should he purchase?
A. A cloud-based subscription

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Module 9 written assignment – a harrier jet, pepsi, and john leonard

 A common consumer concern is that retailers will not stand behind the promises they make in advertisements. Read the attached document then provide a response in which you clearly state your opinion. Should Pepsi have been required to provide the promised prize in this contest (or the financial equivalent) or should the customer (John Leonard) have known that it was an example of “puffery” and that winning a Harrier Jet was not a realistic prize option? How should a court resolve a matter like this, what should Pepsi’s obligations be, and what if anything should John Leonard have received for his trouble? 
Support your argument in your paper by finding two outside references that relate to this issue.
Your paper should be based on reviewing the attached article and your reading in this course in particular this sessions reading. When writing your paper use the following guidelines:

The body of your paper should be 750-1,000 words in length (not including front matter or end matter like the cover page, abstract, bibliography); in 12 point font, and single or double spaced.

Your paper will be evaluated with attention to the following elements

Meets word count requirement; (750-1,000 words in the body + a Cover and References page)
Mechanics, Usage, and Grammar
Original content and thought
Includes thoughtful analysis and commentary on the provided article plus the outside source you find to answer the proposed question(s).
Document design and layout
Follows APA format for in-text citations and bibliography.

For more information on how to properly format your paper using APA format refer to the Purdue OWL APA website for samples and information: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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Marketing assignment j 6-10 | Marketing homework help

In a single WORD file and write one  single-spaced, typed, journal entries  on real world applications of course concepts on any company’s marketing services. This can be from the viewpoint as a service company employee, or as a customer service experience, or from the services experience of others. You many also use the same company more than once. 
Each journal entry must include the headings in bold below: 

Week Number (Week 6= Chapter 10 & 11 Slides, Week 7=Chapter 12 slides, Week 8= Chapter 13 slides, Week 9=Chapter 14 slides, and Week 10=Chapter 15  slides)
A Description of the named course concept in the service experience. Journaling the same course concept more than once is acceptable. However, students must use at least one different course concept application each week to maximize grades. 
An Analysis of how well the course concept was applied/executed using the named concept. Course concepts to be pulled from slides in week listed in Step 1.
What the Results were; and 
What you would Conclusions/Do differently with the course concept application.

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Organization values presentation | Nursing homework help

Prepare a 10-minute presentation (10-15 slides, not including title or reference slide) on organizational culture and values.

Describe how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes.
Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem solving. Incorporate how system needs and the culture of health may influence the outcomes. How does this relate to health promotion and disease prevention in the larger picture?
Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses did or did not align. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

Solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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