Ethc 445 week 5 discussions

ETHC 445 Principles of Ethics – DeVry
ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 1 Life & Death; Politics & Ethics
There are three basic propositions in standard Utilitarianism (Please be sure to listen to Mill’s audio lecture before joining this threaded discussion):

Actions are judged right and wrong solely on their consequences; that is, nothing else matters except the consequence, and right actions are simply those with the best consequences.
To assess consequences, the only thing that matters is the amount of happiness and unhappiness caused; that is, there is only one criterion and everything else is irrelevant.
In calculating happiness and unhappiness caused, nobody’s happiness counts any more than anybody else’s; that is, everybody’s welfare is equally important and the majority rules.

In specific cases where justice and utility are in conflict, it may seem expedient to serve the greater happiness through quick action that overrules consideration for justice. There is a side to happiness that can call for rushed decisions and actions that put decision-makers under the pressure of expediency.
Here is a dilemma for our class:
You are the elected district attorney. You receive a phone call from a nursing home administrator who was a good friend of yours in college. She has a waiting list of 3,000 people who will die if they don’t get into her nursing home facility within the next 3 weeks, and she currently has 400 patients who have asked (or their families have asked on their behalf) for the famous Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s (fictitious) sister, Dr. Jill Kevorkian, for assistance in helping them die. The 3,000 people on the waiting list want to live. She (the nursing home administrator) wants to know if you would agree to “look the other way” if she let in Dr. Jill to assist in the suicide of the 400 patients who have requested it, thus allowing at least 400 of the 3,000 on the waiting list in.

How would we use Utilitarianism to “solve” this dilemma?
What ethics did your friend, the nursing home administrator, use in deciding to call you?
What ethics are you using if you just “look the other way” and let it happen?

ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 2 Dealing With Emergencies and Outcomes
Chapter 9 of our text includes the terrorism situation at the 1972 Munich Olympics, and it needs to be read before engaging this discussion.
The principle of utility involves maximizing happiness as a desirable outcome of decisions. Although it does not get directly said, there is an inverse intention to minimize the undesirable outcome of disaster. Utilitarian decisions are directed toward outcomes—that is, the consequences of decisions.
The Olympic hostage situation was a high-tension moment, full of dangerous surprises and strategies to deal with the situation that did not work out for the best. Among the strategies was the idea to kill the leader of the terrorists so as to disrupt the terrorist plot and to allow a good outcome in which the
hostages would be saved. In the situation it was also entirely possible that a terrible outcome might occur in which all would die. The situation was an emergency.
The German legal system might eventually take the terrorists and their leader to trial, but first there was the need to end the hostage situation. The account in our text ends with, “But it was the lesser of two evils.”
As utilitarian ethicists this week, how shall we reason through to the decision of the law enforcement authorities at the 1972 Munich Olympics?

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Nurs 6053 wk 3 discussion

Organizational Structures and Leadership
To prepare:

Review the information presented in Chapter 12 of the course text. Focus on the information about formal versus informal structure as well as the types of organizational structures.

Consider the overall structure or hierarchy of your organization or one with which you are familiar. Which organizational structure best describes your organization—line (or bureaucratic), ad hoc, matrix, service line, or flat? Note: It is possible to have a combination of structures in one organization. Is decision making centralized or decentralized in this organization?

What is the role of committees, task forces, and councils in the organization, and who is invited to join? Consider how this relates to formal and informal leadership.

Reflect on how decisions are made within a specific department or unit. Which stakeholders provide input or influence the decision-making process? Assess this in terms of formal and informal leadership.

To support your analysis, consider your own experiences and investigate these matters by speaking with others at the organization and reviewing available documents. Be sure to consider how the concepts of formal and informal structure and leadership relate to one another and are demonstrated in the organization and in the particular department or unit.

On the Week 3 Discussion Board,
 Post 1 page paper on a depiction of your organization’s formal structure, indicating whether it is best described as line, ad hoc, matrix, service line, flat, or a combination. Describe how decisions are made within the organization and within one department or unit in particular, noting relevant attributes of centralized/decentralized decision making. Explain the influence of formal and informal leadership on decision making within

Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Chapter 2, “Classical Views of Leadership and Management”Chapter 3, “Twenty-First Century Thinking About Leadership and Management”
Review Chapter 12, “Organizational Structure”


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Write an essay in response to one of the following prompts. your

 arguments essay   340 word 
what skills qualities, behaviors or gifts make someone an effective teacher? what are the characteristics of a good student? Answer these tow questions by drawing directly and clearly on plato’s, Paulo Freire,Adrienne Rich and one other text from the unit 
Read the texts it’s attachments

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2-3 pages case study | Computer Science homework help

Chapter 11 of your textbook, Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, provides an overview of knowledge management and business intelligence as they relate to organizational decision making. Read Case Study 11-2, “Business Intelligence at CKE Restaurants,” on pages 348–349 in the textbook and answer all three questions regarding CKE Restaurants’ (Hardee’s Restaurant parent company) decision to promote and distribute the Monster Thickburger based on insights derived from their business intelligence system:

How does the business intelligence system (BIS) at CKE add value to the business?
What are some tips for developing and using the BIS described in this case?
Was the introduction of the Monster Thickburger a good idea or an example of information leading to a wrong decision?

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2 | Applied Sciences homework help

Word length: 3,000 words (total)Presentation:1.5 line spacing, minimum font 11, use subheadings for different sections and PRINT WORD LENGTH at end of work 
The aim of the task is to: 
Enable students to demonstrate a critical understanding of the main theoretical principles underlying the management and practice of health-related social marketing within a health improvement context. 
The proposal should include discussion of: 

  What is social marketing for health and why is it considered a useful approach to health-related behaviour change  
  The key concepts and principles underpinning social marketing for health and the application to a chosen intervention.  
  Appropriate methodologies and planning processes/tools for developing health improvement related social marketing interventions.  
  An outline plan for a proposed social marketing intervention.  
  The strengths and limitations of using social marketing as an approach within health improvement.  
  The management issues associated with the use of social marketing for health. It is expected that discussion of these points will include:  
  Critical analysis of the application and management of social marketing techniques and principles in a health improvement context .  
  Critical analysis of the systematic process of developing, planning and managing health-related social marketing interventions.  

 Critical debate of the strengths and limitations and management issues associated with the use of a social marketing approach to tackling key health improvement issues. 
Helpful tips 

  You need to choose a behavior change that will be the focus for your proposed intervention. This should be an intervention that is promoting a behaviour change that is focused on an appropriate topic e.g. smoking/ obesity/ screening , and target audience e.g. women of a certain age/ patients with a particular condition etc. You must decide.  
  This is a structured proposal so use sub-headings in your task to aid structure and coherence  
  Use a social marketing planning tool to help structure your work  
  Draw on the extensive range of social marketing literature  
  Apply theoretical frameworks to actual practice – use examples where possible  
  Check reference citations and listings (Harvard style please)  
  Avoid plagiarism  

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Bus 332 international finance | Business & Finance homework help

BUS332 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT There are two parts in the individual assignment. Each part consists of a case study with a number of questions. Students should answer all questions of each case study. The individual assignment submission is due in week 10. The local lecturer/tutor will decide the due date in week 10. The lecturer/tutor should mark the assignment and provide the feedback to students by week 12.
Blades, Inc., needs to order supplies 2 months ahead of the delivery date. It is considering an order from a Japa nese supplier that requires a payment of 12.5 million yen payable as of the delivery date. Blades has two choices: • Purchase two call options contracts (since each option contract represents 6,250,000 yen). • Purchase one futures contract (which represents 12.5 million yen). The futures price on yen has historically exhibited a slight discount from the existing spot rate. However, the firm would like to use currency options to hedge payables in Japanese yen for transactions 2 months in advance. Blades would prefer hedging its yen payable position because it is uncomfortable leaving the posit ion open given the historical volatility of the yen. Nevertheless, the firm would be willing to remain unhedged if the yen becomes more stable someday. A recent event caused more uncertainty about the yen’s future value, although it did not affect the spot rate or the forward or futures rate of the yen. Specific ally, the yen’s spot rate was still S.0072, but the option premium for a call option with an exercise price of $.00756 was now S.0001512. An alternative call option is available with an expiration date of 2 months from now it has a premium of $.0001 134 (which is the size of the premium that would have existed for the option desired before the event), but it is for a call option with an exercise price of $.00792. The table below summarizes the option and futures information available to Blades:
Ben Holt, Blades’ chief financial officer (CFO), prefers the flexibility that options offer over forward contracts or futures contracts because he can let the options expire if the yen depreciates. He would like to use an exercise price that is about 5 percent above the existing spot rate to ensure that Blades will have to pay no more than 5 perc ent above the existing spot rate for a transaction 2 months beyond its order date, as long as the option prem ium is no more than 1.6 percent of the price it would have to pay per unit when exercising the option. In general, options on the yen have required a prem ium of about 1.5 percent of the total transaction amount that would be paid if the option is exercised. For example, recently the yen spot rate was 5.0072, and the firm purchased a call option with an exercise price of 5.00756, which is 5 percent above the existing spot rate. The premium for this option was 5.0001134, which is 1.5 percent of the price to be paid per yen if the option is exercised. As an analyst for Blades, you have been asked to offer insight on how to hedge. Use a spreadsheet to support your analysis of questions 4 and 6. 1. If Blades uses call options to hedge its yen payables, should it use the call option with the exercise price of 5.00756 or the call option with the exercise price of $00792? Describe the tradeoff. 2. Should Blades allow its yen position to be unhedged? Describe the tradeoff. 3. Assume there are speculators who attempt to capitalize on their expectation of the yen’s movement over the 2 months between the order and delivery dates by either buying or selling yen futures now and buying or selling yen at the future spot rate. Given this information, what is the expectation on the order date of the yen spot rate by the delivery date? (Your answer should consist of one number.) 4. Assume that the firm shares the market consensus of the future yen spot rate. Given this expectation and given that the firm makes a decision (i.e., option, futures contract, remain unhedged) purely on a cost basis, what would be its optimal choice? 5. Will the choice you made as to the optimal hedging strategy in question 4 definitely turn out to be the lowest- cost alternative in terms of actual costs incurred? Why or why not? 6. Now assume that you have determined that the historical standard deviation of the yen is about 5.0005. Based on your assessment, you believe it is highly unlikely that the future spot rate will be more than two standard deviations above the expected spot rate by the delivery date. Also assume that the futures price remains at its current level of 5.006912. Based on this expectation of the future spot rate, what is the optimal hedge for the firm?
Spot rate I I $0072 I 5.0072 Option Information

Exercise price ($)




Exercise price 1% above spot)




Option premium per yen IS)




Option premium (% of exercise price)




Total premium (5)




Amount paid for yen if option Is exercised (not including premium)




Futures Contract Information

Futures price I $.00691’ I $006912

BUS332 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT PART-B (10 MARKS) Assessment of Potential Arbitrage Opportunities
Recall that Blades, a U.S. manufacturer of roller blades, has chosen Thailand as its primary export target for Speedos, Blades’ primary product. Moreover, Blades’ primary customer in Thailand, Entertainment Prod ucts, has committed itself to purchase 180,000 Speedos annually for the next 3 years at a fixed price denominated in baht, Thailand’s currency. Because of quality and cost considerations, Blades also imports some of the rubber and plastic components needed to manufacture Speedos from Thailand. Lately, Thailand has experienced weak economic growth and political uncertainty. As investors lost conf idence in the Thai baht as a result of the political uncertainty, they withdrew their funds from the count ry. This resulted in an excess supply of baht for sale over the demand for baht in the foreign exchange mark et, which put downward pressure on the baht’s value. As foreign investors continued to withdraw their funds from Thailand, the baht’s value continued to deterior ate. Since Blades has net cash flows in baht resulting from its exports to Thailand, a deterioration in the baht’s value will affect the company negatively. Ben Holt, Blades’ CFO, would like to ensure that the spot and forward rates Blades’ bank has quoted are reasonable. If the exchange rate quotes are reasona ble, then arbitrage will not be possible. If the quotat ions are not appropriate, however, arbitrage may be possible. Under these conditions, Holt would like Blades to use some form of arbitrage to take advant age of possible mispricing in the foreign exchange market Although Blades is not an arbitrageur, Holt believes that arbitrage opportunities could offset the negative impact resulting from the baht’s depreciat ion, which would otherwise seriously affect Blades’ profit margins. Determine whether the cross exchange rate between the Thai baht and Japanese yen is appropriate. If it is not appropriate, determine the profit you could genera te for Blades by withdrawing $100,000 from Blades’ checking account and engaging in triangular arbitrage before the rates are adjusted. 3. Ben Holt has obtained several forward contract quotations for the Thai baht to determine whether covered interest arbitrage may be possible. He was quoted a forward rate of $.0225 per Thai baht for a 90-day forward contract. The current spot rate is $.0227. Ninety-day interest rates available to Blades in the United States are 2 percent, while 90-day interest rates in Thailand are 3.75 percent (these rates are not annualized). Holt is aware that covered interest arbitrage, unlike locational and triangular arbitrage, requires an investment of funds. Thus, he
Holt has identified three arbitrage opportunities as profitable and would like to know which one of them is the most profitable. Thus, he has asked you, Blades’ financ ial analyst, to prepare an analysis of the arbitrage opport unities he has identified. This would allow Holt to assess the profitability of arbitrage opportunities very quiddy. 1. The first arbitrage opportunity relates to locational arbitrage. Holt has obtained spot rate quotations from two banks in Thailand: Minzu Bank and Sobat Bank, both located in Bangkok. The bid and ask prices of Thai baht for each bank are displayed in the table below:
Determine whether the foreign exchange quotations are appropriate. If they are not appropriate, determine the profit you could generate by withdrawing $100,000 from Blades’ checking account and engaging in arbit rage before the rates are adjusted. 2. Besides the bid and ask quotes for the Thai baht provided in the previous question, Minzu Bank has provided the following quotations for the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen:
would like to be able to estimate the dollar profit resulting from arbitrage over and above the dollar amount available on a 90-day U.S. deposit. Determine whether the forward rate is priced approp riately. if it is not priced appropriately, determine the profit you could generate for Blades by withdrawing $100,000 from Blades’ checking account and engaging in covered interest arbitrage. Measure the profit as the excess amount above what you could generate by investing in the U.S. money market. 4. Why are arbitrage opportunities likely to disappear soon after they have been discovered? To illustrate your answer, assume that covered interest arbitrage involving the immediate purchase and forward sale of baht is possible. Discuss how the baht’s spot and forward rates would adjust until covered interest arbitrage is no longer possible. What is the resulting equilibrium state called?



SOBAT BANK $0228 j $.0229










Value of a Japanese yen




in U.S. dollars


Value of a Thai baht In




Japanese yen



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Reaction paper for business ethics and governance course

Reaction papers shall 1) State the various sides of an issue; 2) present your position on the issue supported with a clear rationale based upon the readings and other sources you may consult; 3) conclude your paper with a strong and compelling statement for your position
                   A reaction paper simply requires you to read the assigned articles in the attachments b-1 and e 1 , reflect upon the
arguments made and communicate your personal position on the issue.  You should write 3 paragrpgh
1)     begin with a brief summary of the two authors
, 2) state your position on the issue and make a case for that position
 3) make a compelling conclusion to drive home your point.   
Your position should be based upon the ideas of the authors and additional sources you may bring to the
the paper should not be more that 1 page 

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Psychological aspects of aging | Social Science homework help

Psychological Aspects of Aging
Theories of successful aging explain factors that support individuals as they grow old, contributing to their ability to function. Increasing your understanding of factors that support successful aging improves your ability to address the needs of elderly clients and their families.
To prepare for this Discussion, review this week’s media. In addition, select a theory of successful aging to apply to Sarah’s case.
Post by TOMORROW AT 10:00PM NEW YORK TIME a Discussion in which you:

Explain key life events that have influenced Helen’s relationships. Be sure to substantiate what makes them key in your perspective.
Explain how you, as Helen’s social worker, might apply a theory of successful aging to her case. Be sure to provide support for your strategy.

Be sure to support your posts with specific references to the resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Parker family: Episode 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from
Ong, A. D., Bergeman, C. S., & Boker, S. M. (2009). Resilience comes of age: Defining features in later adulthood. Journal of Personality, 77(6), 1777–1804.
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

“The Parker Family” (pp. 6-8)

Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA:  Cengage Learning.

Chapter 15, “Psychological Aspects of Later Adulthood” (pp. 685-714)


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Financial response | Business & Finance homework help

As mentioned in class, the story of options and the development of the Black-Scholes formula is intertwined with the story of financial markets and institutions and financial crisis.
In addition to the development of the B-S formula, the video brings together many concepts that we have seen in class this semester, including (in no particular order):
– Replicating portfolio and no-arbitrage pricing
– Market efficiency vs. beating the market
– Statistical methods for characterizing returns and measuring risk
– Risk transfer role of derivatives and hedging
– Financial markets: derivatives trading and exchanges
– Financial institutions: investment banks, hedge funds, and the Fed
– Financial crisis
o Excessive leverage
o Government bailouts and moral hazard
The video also gives a great glimpse into the world of academic finance, as well as international financial markets and global crises, notably the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and Russian debt default of 1998. While we have not dealt explicitly with international aspects, you will quickly note the similarity between what got us into trouble back then and what got us into trouble today (e.g., excessive debt/leverage to fuel a property boom, underassessment of risk and/or overconfidence in our ability to deal with risk, government bailouts, etc.).  
Choose any five (5) of the bullet points above and discuss the topic further by describing what we learned in class about the topic and linking it to specific parts of the video in which it is mentioned or occurs. A two to three paragraph discussion for each point should suffice, totaling 2-3 pages for the entire assignment.

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