Communication 1 | Management homework help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Five Essentials of Leadership Communication (Links to an external site.).
Create your own top five essentials of leadership communication. Share why you feel these are important and how as a leader you can help others succeed through these five essentials. Your discussion post should be 250 words.

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Board replies | Government homework help

by Collins
Environment            Environments within society are imperative to the outcomes of lifestyles and most importantly humanity.  As stated in Romans 12-2 (NIV), “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  This scripture is imperative in be vital in environments both one is accustomed to and/or the one not accustomed to.  The two environment for discussion involve confronting and not confronting brutal facts, which both present are in today’s society.  
           The first environment having experience with involves a third world country, which villages did not confront the brutal facts, where the people and the truth were not heard do to the oppression of warlords/government.  The villages in multiple African countries depended on humanitarian aid to help survive deriving from bread, water and medicines.  These people didn’t have the education nor knowledge to know the truth do to scares tactics and inhumane activity of warlords.  The villagers only contained faith and the survival of the fittest mentality to live the only life they knew poverty.
           The second environment I currently have experience with is livening in the United States, which brutal facts are ascertained and have tremendous opportunity to be heard derived from the United States Constitution.  The United States Constitution derived from Christian beliefs provides opportunity for one to be heard and truths to be given or obtained.  The brutal facts of sin, hate, and history are confronted with voices heard by both society and the world.  The freedoms this environment provides, allows for opportunity and goals to be reached.
           The contrast teaches us how to construct an environment where truth is heard by learning from other societies within environments that cannot bear the truth.  According to CNN, “The solution lies in good, ethical leadership, strong and enforceable laws against corruption, severe sanctions for corruption crimes underpinned by a national culture of promoting ethics from family to national level” (Veselinovic, 2016).  The environment created to give opportunity without corruption along with Christian beliefs allows for truth to be heard backed by a structured government and Constitution.  Learning from mistakes and utilizing scripture to better self and society is vital in constructing a positive environment allow for truth to be heard.
The Christian Worldview helps develop this environment by trying to live by God’s world and upholding the scripture of the Bible to portray this positive environment of allowing truth to be told along with the peoples voices being heard utilizing quality ethical behavior.  As David stated “The Lord reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment.  He rules the world in righteousness and judges the people with equity.  The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.  Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord have never forsaken those who seek you” (Psalm 9:7-10 NIV).  
The environment justified by the Christian Worldview relates to the ethical components of the Meese and Ortmeier text by the way a society’s ethical behavior relates to the scripture.  According to the text “ethics is learned sporadically from early childhood through adulthood as people acquire values and participate in societal system” (Ortmeier & III, 2010, p. 59).  This is vital to the Christian Worldview in regards to the product of the environment being raised with Christian values and code of conducts.  As ethics is imperative to Christians, numerous challenges are apparent in culturally diverse environments without Christian views (p.59).  As stated in Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
 by Pierce
Communication should be open and ongoing and never one-way. Often when a person feels they will not be listed to or given an opportunity to be heard they will stop communicating. Additionally, communication needs to be truthful. Communications that hedge on the truth by being ambiguous or equivocal lead to unethical communication (Meese & Ortmeier, 2010). Ethical communication flows from the top to the bottom in organizations (Wray-Bliss, 2013). Individual ethics are on display in every conversation, in every communication, and every interaction that a person engages in. Although it may be uncomfortable confronting the truth, the consequences of denying the brutal facts can be more severe. Collins (2001) stated one of the distinctive forms of disciplined thoughts for the great companies was their focus on the brutal facts of reality.  Collins goes on to say that each company had to face the brutal facts and make adjustments for company gains. As supervisors and leaders, we must confront the brutal facts of our employees’ and subordinates’ actions.
As a supervisor, I have had situations where I had to take action without all of the facts. This led to difficulties in future conversations with the subordinate(s) who felt they were not given the opportunity to tell their side of what happened and to defend themselves. Additionally, a breakdown in communication resulted which led to a lack of confidence and trust. Sitting down with the affected officer and having an open and candid conversation where all the facts were “laid on the table”, we were able to repair much of the damage that had been cause, and make huge strides at restoring trust and confidence. Furthermore, I was able to re-evaluate myself as a supervisor and make adjustments in my management style to ensure I do a better job of listening and gathering facts before taking impulsive actions. 
There have been other times I have had subordinates tell me they did not like the way things were being done.  As a young line supervisor this was sometimes difficult for me to accept. As I grew and matured as a leader I came to understand that I needed to empathize with how they felt and make changes if possible. However, when things could not be changed, my subordinates knew why and understood I was still concerned about their opinions.
As Christians, we must rely on God and know that He is in control. Even when we do not know all of the facts, we know who is in control. We trust God will do what He says which will be best for us. Moses and the Israelites found this out as they went to take the land of Canaan (Numbers 13, Holy Bible).  Spies came back and said the land was good, but inhabited by giants. Only Caleb and Joshua said they could take the land with God on their side. The brutal truth was they were outnumbered and the Canaanites were larger than them. However, their vision of taking the land was based on the Word of God saying it was their land to take.  We know when we follow God’s word everything will work out the way He intends. We are told in Romans 8:28 (NKJV) “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those that are called according to His purpose.”

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American history to 1865 | American history homework help

Week 8 assignments…..
Discussion Question and Student response. 
“Eyes on the West” Please respond to the following: 

Before the American Revolution, England had prohibited colonists from migrating westward beyond the Appalachian Mountains. Explore this week’s Webtext materials; then, discuss five (5) factors that led to further westward expansion. Select two (2) of the five (5) factors you previously stated that you believe were most significant in getting Americans to migrate west. Justify your response.

Quiz 6: Westward Expansion (50 points) 
Click the link above to take your quiz.
Must access web portal to take the quiz. 

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Write a replay about a reflection

just write a replay about a reflection post,  write an opinion where you agree or disagree and why ? 

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Which of the following is not an objective mentioned in the text for

Question 1 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is NOT an objective mentioned in the text for data gathered from monitoring?
A. Promoting team members
B. Keeping management informed
C. Auditing
D. Learning from mistakes Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 2 of 20 5.0 PointsThe plan-monitor-control cycle is best described as:
A. an open loop process.
B. a closed-loop process.
C. an ad-hoc process.
D. an informal process. Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 3 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is used when it is especially difficult to find a direct measure of a variable?
A. Frequency count
B. Raw numbers
C. Surrogates
D. Subjective numeric ratings Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 4 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is most closely associated with ordinal rankings?
A. Frequency counts
B. Raw numbers
C. Indicators
D. Subjective numeric rankings Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 5 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is NOT a distinct type of report?
A. Exception
B. Special analysis
C. Critical incident
D. Routine Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 6 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich of the following was NOT listed in the text as a convention for estimating task progress?
A. 50% when task is started and another 50% when it is completed
B. 100% when task is completed and 50% before that
C. Using the ratio of cost expended to total cost budgeted
D. Using the ratio of time expended to the total time scheduled Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 7 of 20 5.0 PointsThe cost/spending variance is calculated as:
A. AC – EV.
B. EV – PV.
C. PV – EV.
D. EV – AC. Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 8 of 20 5.0 PointsEstimated (remaining cost) to completion (ETC) is calculated as:
A. (BAC – EV)/CPI.
B. (BAC – EV)/SPI.
C. (BAC + EV)/CPI.
D. (BAC + EV)/SPI. Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 9 of 20 5.0 PointsIn earned value analysis:
A. it is desirable to have negative variances for both schedule and spending.
B. it is desirable to have positive variances for both schedule and spending.
C. the schedule variance should be positive and the spending variance negative.
D. the schedule variance should be negative and the spending variance positive. Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 10 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is NOT a primary mechanism by which the project manager exerts control?
A. Reviews
B. Personnel assignments
C. Audit reports
D. Resource allocation Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 11 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is NOT a component of a control system?
A. Effector
B. Sensor
C. Decision maker
D. Leveler Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 12 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is NOT a tool used to aid the project manager in project control?
A. Variance Analysis
B. Trend Projections
C. Earned Value Analysis
D. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 13 of 20 5.0 PointsThe most common source of changes to a project based on the natural tendency of the client and project team members to improve the project’s output is called:
A. scope creep.
B. projectitis.
C. multitasking.
D. dynamic scoping. Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 14 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is NOT true regarding meetings?
A. A written agenda should be distributed in advance of the meeting.
B. The agenda should announce preset starting and stopping times.
C. It is appropriate to be flexible and extend a meeting’s stopping time if issues come up that were not on the agenda.
D. Don’t penalize those who show up on time by making them wait for those who are late. Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 15 of 20 5.0 PointsThe first step in setting up a monitoring system is to:
A. identify personnel.
B. identify all project milestones.
C. identify key factors to be controlled.
D. identify reports required. Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points__________ is one of a project manager’s most difficult tasks, invariably involving both mechanistic and human elements.
A. Auditing
B. Special analysis
C. Reporting
D. Control Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 17 of 20 5.0 PointsA useful tool to the project manager, the __________ indicates to a manager when a task or process is becoming unacceptable, typically when the ratio drops below 1.
A. critical ratio
B. control system
C. variance analysis
D. trend projection Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 18 of 20 5.0 PointsSoftware programs such as MSP let you utilize the organization’s local area network (LAN) or Intranet, as well as the Internet, to help with project __________ and __________.
A. communication; monitoring
B. monitoring; data collection
C. status; communication
D. resource usage; monitoring Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 19 of 20 5.0 PointsWhen collecting data, a simple tally of the occurrence of an event is called:
A. numeric ratings.
B. raw numbers.
C. frequency counts.
D. verbal characterizations. Reset Selection
Mark for Review What’s This?
Question 20 of 20 5.0 PointsWhich one of the following is NOT one of the three distinct types of reports?
A. Exception
B. Special analysis
C. Routine
D. Analyzing Reset Selection

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Busn 460 senior project week 7 cango final report and presentation

Final Report and Presentation GuideOverview:The object of this course and this project is to provide you with a realistic situation that you are likely to face in the real world business environment. You’ll be working with limited information, limited support from your client, within a limited time frame – and yet, you have to get up to speed in a new area quickly, and make informed professional recommendations based on your research and analysis.You and your team have been hired by CanGo as consultants to help them improve their fast-growing business. The management team at CanGo is busy, not entirely organized and somewhat overwhelmed by their success. They are looking to you as an objective, intelligent, experienced business person – and to your combined experience as a team to help them figure out what they should do in several areas of their business. CanGo can provide very little guidance to you – if they knew what they were doing they wouldn’t have asked you for help! CanGo is your customer, and they are paying you a great deal of money, so the tone of your work on the project should be that of information addressed to the Board of Directors of this company, and it should be the best professional work of your (academic) career. You should approach this project as if your job depended on it – as if it were paying your mortgage and grocery bill. This project is your new job.In previous courses you have been given specific guidelines, templates and rubrics, but in this course it is up to you to put together the best approach to each project and challenge brought to you by your client. You should draw on all of your past classes to thoroughly address the requirements of this project – marketing, accounting, finance, human resources management, composition and business writing, business policy, information technology, etc. Your efforts should show that you are using all of the tools in your toolbox.The board at CanGo is looking for well supported recommendations, backed up by solid, high quality research, analysis and numbers that support your guidance. They are looking for facts, not opinions. They are looking for objectivity, not ad copy from a vendor’s website. They are looking for your best work, because they really need your help.Final Presentation and ReportThis final report will outline your team’s observations and analysis of CanGo as revealed by all of the videos viewed during the course. Based upon this input, your team will include in its final definitive report a description as what you believe are CanGo’s notable challenges and the team’s recommended solutions to those challenges.You have 7 weeks to learn about the CanGo situation, and simultaneously work to build your substantive recommendations for making it better. This is a real world work situation that analysts face every day, where we have been contracted for a tidy sum to help objectively steer a company toward the next step in their evolution by delivering the most thorough, in-depth and incredibly competent analysis possible, given the time and space allowed. Customers don’t provide templates, rubrics and hints in the real world, they look to us, the educated, trained professionals, for that structure – and they definitely expect to get their money’s worth. We’re not here to summarize, we are here to provide strategic INSIGHT, based on everything you’ve learned in your various experiences (DVU classes).The final paper draws from what you’ve learned that over the course of the videos and resulting analysis reports, but takes it to a higher level with market research, competitive analysis, financial analysis, and strategic recommendations. Telling me a great deal of what I already know as the client (recapping what is presented in the class) is not a good idea. The team video analysis reports provide a basis of fact from which to work on the final paper and presentation, which are to be completely separate documents from the analysis reports, i.e. the final paper cannot be an amalgamation of previous analysis reports.The final report should be an insightful piece of work that takes what you’ve learned about CanGo, what you’ve researched about the market, the industry, the competition, etc., what you’ve analyzed in terms of options, risks and rewards, and delivers meaningful, actionable observations and recommendations to help improve the client’s business. How the team uses the information gathered in the weekly team analysis reports is up to you – you’re the highly paid consultants, and on the other side of the desk here at CanGo, I can only provide limited guidance. Use your imagination, be creative and professional and have fun with it!Recommendations from the board: Make sure your final presentation makes us feel good about the $100,000 check we wrote to you a few weeks ago. The board and our investors are looking for insights, research, well supported and accurately sourced facts, not the obvious conclusions or easily-reachable opinions that we get from our disorganized employees. We expect numerous sources on your reference page, and corresponding citations throughout the paper so that we know when you are speaking and when you are presenting information from a source. We want to see professional quality analysis and business advice that makes a real difference and takes us to the next level. We expect and require the investment in your team to pay off.1.) Teamwork: This is a good time to reinforce the importance of teamwork. You’ve been hired as a team, and each individual on the team has a responsibility to do their fair share of the work for the team qualitatively and quantitatively. This means attending all team meetings, meeting all deadlines set by the team, and being an active contributor at every level to the team effort. Students who fail to contribute equally to the team effort can receive a different lower grade than other team members, and in extreme cases, be removed from the team, making it very difficult to pass the class. Supporting your team members should be your first priority – you are in this together, and everyone must do their fair share for the team to succeed.
2.) Research: The final paper and presentation goes beyond any of the individual issues seen with employees and managers over the last few weeks. Your research should be strategic in nature, looking at the size of current and potential markets, competition, legislation regulation, changes in technology – whatever you think is most important on a strategic level to help this company stay on track and move to the next level.
3.) Team Video Analysis Reports and the Final Project: The team video analysis reports are for your education, that is, to help you stay up to speed with the information presented in the course. The analysis reports cannot be recycled into the final project. Start the final project with a clean sheet of paper, using the analysis reports only for general reference.
4.) Formatting: Your team paper must support your PowerPoint presentation. Present your findings in a concise paper (2,000-2,500 words – exceed the minimum!) using Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced, no unnecessary spaces between sections or paragraphs, 1 inch borders, with an appropriate table of contents and executive summary at the beginning of the paper and supporting data in the remaining body of the paper. This may include diagrams, graphs, Gantt charts, appendices, etc. Appendices in addition to the core five pages are permissible as long as they support your recommendations. As always, accurate APA citation is required for all sources.
5.) Presentation: Because the presentation will be given online in a web conference, your presentation should be very legible, that is all text and graphics should be very clear. Avoid using small text or graphics that are not very sharp, as they won’t show up very clearly in the web conference environment. Additionally avoid the use of the following as they may not function reliably in the web conference environment:a. Unnecessarily complex slide backgroundsb. Animations/animated GIFsc. Slide transitionsd. Sound effectse. Video clipsf. Anything that moves. Keep your presentation clean, simple clear and legibleg. Each team must ask at least 2 questions of other teams
6.) Common mistakes made in previous classes:
a. Referring to the videos or individual employees. Assume this is a real-life environment, and that the board members are not aware of the day-to-day issues of the individual employees.b. Talking points: Assume your audience can read! In a professional presentation environment, few things are more grating than having someone read bullet points off of a presentation word for word. The bullet points on your presentation should be talking points, your presentation material should add depth and color to those talking points. I recommend developing a script based on the presentation points but takes the material to a higher level.c. Technical issues: Practice working in web conferences continuously throughout the course so that you are familiar with your microphone and speaker levels, and how the software works. Login to the final exam session well before the start time, as your team may be selected to go first. It can take several minutes for web conferences to load – don’t be late to the meeting!d. Directions during the presentation: The instructor may provide directions through the chat window during your presentation. If we can’t hear you, or there is some other issue, look for those directions in the chat window.e. Practice, practice, practice! When presentation day comes it is very easy to tell which teams have practiced giving their reports in dry run sessions together and which teams have not. Your presentation should come off as a polished well rehearsed effort, clearly spoken, with smooth, pleasant professional transitions between each team member section, with a clear beginning and a clear end. Be prepared for a Q&A session from the instructor and your peers at the end of the presentation, and be prepared to answer any question that is asked, calmly and professionally.f. Not asking questions: Take notes while the other teams are presenting and be prepared to be called on to ask your (intelligent, thoughtful) questions by the instructor.

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Echd mod13 assignment | Education homework help

Investigate and gather referral information on any agencies that exist in your community to:

Assist or support parents and children undergoing separation and divorce, such as counseling services, Parents Without Partners, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and the like.
Assist parents and their children with special needs or help in the identification and early intervention process.
Offer support to new parents.
Assist, treat, and support families in abusive or violent situations.
Support adoptive families.

 Submit your resources here.  

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Edmg | Sociology homework help

Please describe the following in 2 pages or less: “Your County Manager has just gone to a federally sponsored program on getting volunteers to support the management and administrative side of disaster and recovery portions of emergency management. The Manager attended a seminar on a program called ‘Professional Volunteer Disaster Survey Team (PRO-V-DST)’ which had been developed in Texas in the mid-1990’s. She was quite enthusiastic about the program as it provides a network of professional building inspectors, structural engineers, and architects who form damage survey teams that could be used by State and local governments in need of help surveying damage and evaluating structures following a disaster. In assessing post disaster flood damage to structures in one county, PRO-V-DST impressed the county engineer of that county engineer, who had been overwhelmed by the number of structures requiring a determination of substantial damage, by completing its evaluation in just 2 days. The last tornado your county suffered took weeks to get the survey done and then some of it had to be done over. The County Manager was sold on this program because it would provide professional damage survey resources at what appears to be no expenses as the teams provide volunteer labor, and FEMA provides the funding for meals, lodging, and travel expenses. What difficulties would you have to overcome in implementing a similar program in your county? Would this program really be an asset? How would you handle the County Manager?” 
Must answer the above in APA format. 

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Language development study: writing sample analysis

Assignment Guidelines 
The purpose of this assignment is to help students learn and understand how to analyze a work sample to understand where a child is developmentally along a continuum.
Videos of children creating a drawing work sample will be provided to students or the student can analyze a writing sample of a child in a child care setting.

Select one video.
After watching the video and studying the drawing produced by the child, analyze the drawing according to these guidelines:
Your analysis of the work sample should contain the following:
Video Link Used or Photo of Observation: __________________________
Type of sample: _______________________________________________
Stage:  ______________________________________________________
Rationale: In 3-5 complete sentences, explain why you selected this stage.  Include specific examples from the drawing or video itself. (For example, if you select the scribble stage, you might say, “The child used his whole arm to make marks on the page, and made marks all over the page, but he did not name the marks he made.”)
Due Date

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The information stored | Computer Science homework help

Final Part I: Response Sheet

Question #:




















































1.  The information stored in the ____ is used by the DBMS for a recovery requirement triggered by a ROLLBACK statement, a program’s abnormal termination, or a system failure such as a network discrepancy or a disk crash A. data dictionaryB. transaction logC. metadataD. rollback manager
2. Which of the following is an example of lost update? A. The system assigns the last aisle seat on a flight to John whereas Peter receives a window seat, although both indicated preference for an aisle seatB. John and Peter receive each a window seat as they both requestedC. John is initially assigned the last window seat, but this seat is later on assigned to PeterD. None of the above
3. Julia has a lock on the savings account and Bill is trying to perform a conflicting action on the data: A. Bill’s transaction is granted permission to perform the desired actionB. Bill’s transaction must wait until Julia has read the savings account valueC. Bill’s transaction must wait until Julia’s lock is released D. None of the above
4. Julia has a shared lock on the savings account and Bill is trying to perform an action requesting a shared lock on the same data: A. Bill’s transaction must wait until Julia has read the savings account valueB. Bill’s transaction must wait until Julia’s lock is releasedC. Bill’s transaction is granted permission to perform the desired action D. None of the above
5. Julia has an exclusive lock on the savings account and Bill is trying to perform an action requesting a shared lock on the same data: A. Bill’s transaction must wait until Julia’s lock is released B. Bill’s transaction is granted permission to perform the desired actionC. Bill’s transaction must wait until Julia has read the savings account valueD. None of the above
6. Which of the following will cause a deadlock? A. Transaction T1 requests an exclusive lock on data A at the same time as transaction T2B. Transaction T1 places an exclusive lock on data A, then transaction T2 requests a shared lock on data AC. Transaction T1 and T2 modify data A without any lockD. Transaction T1 places an exclusive lock on data A, then requests one on data B. Simultaneously, transaction T2 places an exclusive lock on data B, then requests one on data A
7. Consider a transaction that updates each of the 100 employees’ salaries in a table (there is one row per employee) under the immediate update mode. The transaction terminates abnormally after 10 rows have been updated in the database (and the normal operations have taken place on the log). What should the recovery procedure perform to make sure the transaction completes as desired?  A. RedoB. Redo followed by execution of the transaction againC. UndoD. Undo followed by execution of the transaction again
8. The _______________  query will output the table contents when the value of the character field P_CODE is alphabetically less than 1558-QW1.
            WHERE P_CODE <‘1558-QW1’;
            WHERE P_CODE = [1558-QW1]
            WHERE P_CODE = (1558-QW1)
            WHERE P_CODE = {1558-QW1}
9. The primary objective of database design is __________________.
A. To create the most efficient database possible
B. To create the fastest queries
C. To create complete, normalized, nonredundant, and fully integrated conceptual, logical, and physical database models
D. To be able to add data quickly
10. The command to join the P_DESCRIPT and P_PRICE fields from the PRODUCT table and the V_NAME, V_AREACODE, V_PHONE, and V_CONTACT fields from the VENDOR table where the value of V_CODE match is ________________.
              WHERE PRODUCT.V_CODE <> VENDOR.V_CODE;                
11. User requirements, existing system evaluation, and logical system design are part of the __________ phase of the SDLC.
A. planning      
B. analysis
C. detailed systems design       
D. Implementation
12. The conceptual design steps determines end-user views, outputs, and transaction-processing requirements are _______________________.
A. Database analysis and requirements
B. Entity relationship modeling and normalization
C. Data model verification
D. Distributed database design
13. ___________________ is a disadvantage of a DDBMS.
A. Data is located near the “greatest demand” site
B. Growth facilitation
C. Danger of a single-point failure
D. Lack of standards
14. A consistent database is _____________________.
A. One in which all tables have foreign keys
B. One in which all data integrity constraints are satisfied
C. One in which all tables are normalized
D. One in which all SQL statements only update one table at a time
15. The ____ contains business data extracted from the operational database and from external data sources.
A. Data store   
B. Data visualization tool
C. Data dictionary       
D. ETL tool
16. The ________________  command is used to list a unique value for V_CODE, where the list will produce only a list of those values that are different from one another.
17. All transactions must display _____________________.
A. atomicity, serializability, and durability
B. durability and isolation
C. serializability, durability, and isolation
D. atomicity, durability, serializability, and isolation
18. The ANSI has defined standards that govern SQL database transactions.  Transaction support is provided by two SQL statements: ____________________ and ROLLBACK.
19. ____________ query optimization takes place at compilation time.
A. Static          
B. Dynamic
C. Automatic   
D. Manual
Use the following tables for a car rental database to answer questions 20-25:
CUSTOMER     In table CUSTOMER, CID is the primary key (Customer ID).  RENTALS    In the table RENTALS, RTN provides the rental number (the primary key), CID is the customer’s unique id, PICKUP is the city where the car was picked up, and Return is the city where the car was returned.  RENTCOST     RENTCOST shows the base cost of renting a given MAKE for one day.  
CITYADJ    If the return city of table RENTALS is the one listed in table CITYADJ, the cost of the rental is multiplied by FACTOR and by DAYS shown in table RENTLENGTH below.  RENTLENGTH     RENTLENGTH shows the number of days for the rental number (RTN) shown in table RENTALS. In a database used in reality, this table would be merged with the RENTALS table.
21. SELECT DISTINCT CUSTOMER.CID, CNAME FROM CUSTOMER, RENTALS, RENTCOSTWHERE CUSTOMER.CID = RENTALS.CIDAND RENTALS.MAKE = RENTCOST.MAKE AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM RENTALS R, RENTCOST CWHERE R.MAKE = C.MAKEAND RENTALS.CID = R.CIDAND RENTCOST.COST <> C.COST)The meaning of this query is:  A. List all customers with more than one car make rentedB. List all customers with one or more rentals for which the cost of each car make rented is the sameC. List all customers who have only rented one make D. None of the above
23. SELECT MAKE FROM RENTALS, CUSTOMERWHERE RENTALS.CID = CUSTOMER.CID AND RESID_CITY = ‘HEMET’GROUP BY MAKEHAVING COUNT (DISTINCT RENTALS.CID) =(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CUSTOMERWHERE RESID_CITY = ‘HEMET’)The meaning of this query is the following:  A. List all makes of cars rented to customers residing in HemetB. List all makes of cars rented to at least one customer residing in HemetC. List all makes of cars rented to all customers residing in HemetD. None of the above
 24. SELECT CID, CNAME FROM CUSTOMER WHERE 0 =(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RENTALSWHERE CUSTOMER.CID = RENTALS.CID)What is the interpretation of this query?  A. List the customers who do not have rentalsB. List the customers who have one rentalC. List the customers who have 0 or more rentalsD. List the customers who have 1 or more rentals
DBST 651

Name:                                                                 Date:

Question 1:(20 Points)
Use the DBST651_final_Part2_q1.sql script attached to respond the following SQL problems:
Create SQL statements for the following scenarios. Your response should include SQL statement, output and any other assumptions you have made to arrive at the solution.
a. For Colorado customers compute the average amount of their orders and the number of orders placed. The result should include the customer number, customer last name, average order amount and the number of orders placed.
b. For Colorado customers compute the number of unique products ordered. If a product is purchased on multiple orders, it should be counted only one time. The result should include customer number, customer last name and the number of unique products ordered.
c. For each employee with a commission less than 0.04, compute the number of orders taken and the average number of products per order. The results should include the employee number, employee last name, number of orders taken and the average number of products per order.
d. For each Connex product compute the number of unique customers who ordered the product in Jan 2007. The results should include the product number, product name and the number of unique customers.
Question 2:
Please provide answers to problems 1-10 in Chapter 7 of Coronel book page 295-296. (10th edition page 282-284)  (15 Points)
Question 3:
Please provide answers to problem 1a-1d in Chapter 10 of Coronel book page 483. (10th edition page 464)  (15 Points)
DROP TABLE ordline cascade constraints;Drop TABLE OrderTBL cascade constraints;DROP TABLE Customer cascade constraints;dROP TABLE Employee cascade constraints;DROP TABLE Product cascade constraints;
CREATE TABLE Product(     ProdNo              CHAR(8),      ProdName     VARCHAR2(50) CONSTRAINT ProdNameRequired NOT NULL,    ProdMfg             VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT ProdMfgRequired NOT NULL,    ProdQOH             INTEGER,    ProdPrice        DECIMAL(12,2),        ProdNextShipDate DATE, CONSTRAINT PKProduct PRIMARY KEY (ProdNo)  );
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P0036566′,’17 inch Color Monitor’,’ColorMeg, Inc.’,12,’20-Feb-2007′,169.00);
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P0036577′,’19 inch Color Monitor’,’ColorMeg, Inc.’,10,’20-Feb-2007′,319.00);
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P1114590′,’R3000 Color Laser Printer’,’Connex’,5,’22-Jan-2007′,699.00);
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P1412138′,’10 Foot Printer Cable’,’Ethlite’,100,”,12.00);
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P1445671′,’8-Outlet Surge Protector’,’Intersafe’,33,”,14.99);
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P1556678′,’CVP Ink Jet Color Printer’,’Connex’,8, ’22-Jan-2007′,99.00);
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P3455443′,’Color Ink Jet Cartridge’,’Connex’,24,’22-Jan-2007′,38.00);
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P4200344′,’36-Bit Color Scanner’,’UV Components’,16,’29-Jan-2007′,199.99);
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P6677900′,’Black Ink Jet Cartridge’,’Connex’,44,”,25.69);
INSERT INTO product    (ProdNo, ProdName, ProdMfg, ProdQOH, ProdNextShipDate, ProdPrice)    VALUES (‘P9995676′,’Battery Back-up System’,’Cybercx’,12,’1-Feb-2007′,89.00);
CREATE TABLE Employee(     EmpNo          CHAR(8),      EmpFirstName    VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT EmpFirstNameRequired NOT NULL,    EmpLastName     VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT EmpLastNameRequired NOT NULL,    EmpPhone        CHAR(15),    EmpEMail        VARCHAR(50) CONSTRAINT EmpEMailRequired NOT NULL,       SupEmpNo     CHAR(8),        EmpCommRate    DECIMAL(3,3),CONSTRAINT PKEmployee PRIMARY KEY (EmpNo),CONSTRAINT UniqueEMail UNIQUE(EmpEMail),CONSTRAINT FKSupEmpNo FOREIGN KEY (SupEmpNo) REFERENCES Employee );
INSERT INTO employee (EmpNo, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, EmpPhone, EmpEMail,     SupEmpNo, EmpCommRate)    VALUES (‘E9884325′,’Thomas’,’Johnson’,'(303) 556-9987′,'[email protected]’,”,0.05);
INSERT INTO employee    (EmpNo, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, EmpPhone, EmpEMail,     SupEmpNo, EmpCommRate)    VALUES (‘E8843211′,’Amy’,’Tang’,'(303) 556-4321′,'[email protected]’,’E9884325′,0.04);
INSERT INTO employee    (EmpNo, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, EmpPhone, EmpEMail,     SupEmpNo, EmpCommRate)    VALUES (‘E9345771′,’Colin’,’White’,'(303) 221-4453′,'[email protected]’,’E9884325′,0.04);
INSERT INTO employee    (EmpNo, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, EmpPhone, EmpEMail,     SupEmpNo, EmpCommRate)    VALUES (‘E1329594′,’Landi’,’Santos’,'(303) 789-1234′,'[email protected]’,’E8843211′,0.02);
INSERT INTO employee    (EmpNo, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, EmpPhone, EmpEMail,     SupEmpNo, EmpCommRate)    VALUES (‘E8544399′,’Joe’,’Jenkins’,'(303) 221-9875′,'[email protected]’,’E8843211′,0.02);
INSERT INTO employee    (EmpNo, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, EmpPhone, EmpEMail,     SupEmpNo, EmpCommRate)    VALUES (‘E9954302′,’Mary’,’Hill’,'(303) 556-9871′,'[email protected]’,’E8843211′,0.02);
INSERT INTO employee    (EmpNo, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, EmpPhone, EmpEMail,     SupEmpNo)    VALUES (‘E9973110′,’Theresa’,’Beck’,'(720) 320-2234′,'[email protected]’,’E9884325′);
CREATE TABLE Customer(     CustNo             CHAR(8),        CustFirstName    VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT CustFirstNameRequired NOT NULL,        CustLastName     VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT CustLastNameRequired NOT NULL,    CustStreet    VARCHAR2(50),    CustCity    VARCHAR2(30),       CustState    CHAR(2),    CustZip        CHAR(10),    CustBal        DECIMAL(12,2) DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PKCustomer PRIMARY KEY (CustNo)  );
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C0954327′,’Sheri’,’Gordon’,’336 Hill St.’,’Littleton’,’CO’,’80129-5543′,230.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C1010398′,’Jim’,’Glussman’,’1432 E. Ravenna’,’Denver’,’CO’,’80111-0033′,200.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C2388597′,’Beth’,’Taylor’,’2396 Rafter Rd’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98103-1121′,500.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C3340959′,’Betty’,’Wise’,’4334 153rd NW’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98178-3311′,200.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C3499503′,’Bob’,’Mann’,’1190 Lorraine Cir.’,’Monroe’,’WA’,’98013-1095′,0.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C8543321′,’Ron’,’Thompson’,’789 122nd St.’,’Renton’,’WA’,’98666-1289′,85.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C8574932′,’Wally’,’Jones’,’411 Webber Ave.’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98105-1093′,1500.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C8654390′,’Candy’,’Kendall’,’456 Pine St.’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98105-3345′,50.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C9128574′,’Jerry’,’Wyatt’,’16212 123rd Ct.’,’Denver’,’CO’,’80222-0022′,100.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C9403348′,’Mike’,’Boren’,’642 Crest Ave.’,’Englewood’,’CO’,’80113-5431′,0.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C9432910′,’Larry’,’Styles’,’9825 S. Crest Lane’,’Bellevue’,’WA’,’98104-2211′,250.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C9543029′,’Sharon’,’Johnson’,’1223 Meyer Way’,’Fife’,’WA’,’98222-1123′,856.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C9549302′,’Todd’,’Hayes’,’1400 NW 88th’,’Lynnwood’,’WA’,’98036-2244′,0.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C9857432′,’Homer’,’Wells’,’123 Main St.’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98105-4322′,500.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C9865874′,’Mary’,’Hill’,’206 McCaffrey’,’Littleton’,’CO’,’80129-5543′,150.00);
INSERT INTO customer    (CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustStreet, CustCity,     CustState, CustZip, CustBal)     VALUES(‘C9943201′,’Harry’,’Sanders’,’1280 S. Hill Rd.’,’Fife’,’WA’,’98222-2258′,1000.00);
CREATE TABLE OrderTbl(     OrdNo        CHAR(8),      OrdDate       DATE    CONSTRAINT OrdDateRequired NOT NULL,    CustNo       CHAR(8) CONSTRAINT CustNoRequired NOT NULL,        EmpNo       CHAR(8),        OrdName    VARCHAR2(50),        OrdStreet  VARCHAR2(50),        OrdCity    VARCHAR2(30),        OrdState   CHAR(2),        OrdZip     CHAR(10),CONSTRAINT PKOrderTbl PRIMARY KEY (OrdNo),CONSTRAINT FKCustNo FOREIGN KEY (CustNo) REFERENCES Customer,CONSTRAINT FKEmpNo FOREIGN KEY (EmpNo) REFERENCES Employee  );
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O1116324′,’23-Jan-2007′,’C0954327′,’E8544399′,’Sheri Gordon’,’336 Hill St.’,’Littleton’,’CO’,’80129-5543′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O1231231′,’23-Jan-2007′,’C9432910′,’E9954302′,’Larry Styles’,’9825 S. Crest Lane’,’Bellevue’,’WA’,’98104-2211′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O1241518′,’10-Feb-2007′,’C9549302′,”,’Todd Hayes’,’1400 NW 88th’,’Lynnwood’,’WA’,’98036-2244′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O1455122′,’9-Jan-2007′,’C8574932′,’E9345771′,’Wally Jones’,’411 Webber Ave.’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98105-1093′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O1579999′,’5-Jan-2007′,’C9543029′,’E8544399′,’Tom Johnson’,’1632 Ocean Dr.’,’Des Moines’,’WA’,’98222-1123′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O1615141′,’23-Jan-2007′,’C8654390′,’E8544399′,’Candy Kendall’,’456 Pine St.’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98105-3345′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O1656777′,’11-Feb-2007′,’C8543321′,”,’Ron Thompson’,’789 122nd St.’,’Renton’,’WA’,’98666-1289′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O2233457′,’12-Jan-2007′,’C2388597′,’E9884325′,’Beth Taylor’,’2396 Rafter Rd’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98103-1121′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O2334661′,’14-Jan-2007′,’C0954327′,’E1329594′,’Mrs. Ruth Gordon’,’233 S. 166th’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98011′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O3252629′,’23-Jan-2007′,’C9403348′,’E9954302′,’Mike Boren’,’642 Crest Ave.’,’Englewood’,’CO’,’80113-5431′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O3331222′,’13-Jan-2007′,’C1010398′,”,’Jim Glussman’,’1432 E. Ravenna’,’Denver’,’CO’,’80111-0033′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O3377543′,’15-Jan-2007′,’C9128574′,’E8843211′,’Jerry Wyatt’,’16212 123rd Ct.’,’Denver’,’CO’,’80222-0022′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O4714645′,’11-Jan-2007′,’C2388597′,’E1329594′,’Beth Taylor’,’2396 Rafter Rd’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98103-1121′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O5511365′,’22-Jan-2007′,’C3340959′,’E9884325′,’Betty White’,’4334 153rd NW’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98178-3311′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O6565656′,’20-Jan-2007′,’C9865874′,’E8843211′,’Mr. Jack Sibley’,’166 E. 344th’,’Renton’,’WA’,’98006-5543′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O7847172′,’23-Jan-2007′,’C9943201′,”,’Harry Sanders’,’1280 S. Hill Rd.’,’Fife’,’WA’,’98222-2258′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O7959898′,’19-Feb-2007′,’C8543321′,’E8544399′,’Ron Thompson’,’789 122nd St.’,’Renton’,’WA’,’98666-1289′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O7989497′,’16-Jan-2007′,’C3499503′,’E9345771′,’Bob Mann’,’1190 Lorraine Cir.’,’Monroe’,’WA’,’98013-1095′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O8979495′,’23-Jan-2007′,’C9865874′,”,’HelenSibley’,’206 McCaffrey’,’Renton’,’WA’,’98006-5543′);
INSERT INTO ordertbl    (OrdNo, OrdDate, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity,     OrdState, OrdZip)    VALUES (‘O9919699′,’11-Feb-2007′,’C9857432′,’E9954302′,’Homer Wells’,’123 Main St.’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98105-4322′);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1116324′,’P1445671’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1231231′,’P0036566’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1231231′,’P1445671’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1241518′,’P0036577’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1455122′,’P4200344’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1579999′,’P1556678’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1579999′,’P6677900’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1579999′,’P9995676’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1615141′,’P0036566’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1615141′,’P1445671’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1615141′,’P4200344’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1656777′,’P1445671’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O1656777′,’P1556678’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O2233457′,’P0036577’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O2233457′,’P1445671’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O2334661′,’P0036566’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O2334661′,’P1412138’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O2334661′,’P1556678’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O3252629′,’P4200344’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O3252629′,’P9995676’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O3331222′,’P1412138’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O3331222′,’P1556678’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O3331222′,’P3455443’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O3377543′,’P1445671’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O3377543′,’P9995676’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O4714645′,’P0036566’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O4714645′,’P9995676’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O5511365′,’P1412138’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O5511365′,’P1445671’,1);
INSERT INTO ordline    (OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)    VALUES(‘O5511365′,’P1556678’,1);
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