Question 1 
_____ believed that nearly all known societies are characterized by some system of division by economic class, which results in conflict as classes compete for wealth, power, and resources.
Auguste Comte
Emile Durkheim
Karl Marx
Harriet Martineau
Question 2 
Formal organizations characterized by written rules, hierarchical authority, and a paid staff, intended to promote organizational efficiency, are referred to as:
Question 3 
_____ established the first rules for conducting sociological research and examined the impact of modern society on social solidarity.
Auguste Comte
Émile Durkheim
Karl Marx
Harriet Martineau
Question 4 
The bonds that unite the members of a social group is referred to as:
Social solidarity
Societal unity
Question 5 
The scientific study of human social relationships, groups, and societies is known as:
Social science
Question 6 
Patterned social arrangements that have an enabling or constraining effect on agency are referred to as:
Free will
Question 7 
Accepted social behaviors and beliefs are referred to as:
Social status
Question 8 
The ability to evaluate claims about truth by using reason and evidence is referred to as:
Critical thinking
Sociological imagination
Scientific reasoning
Logical thought




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Bshs 485 Week 2 Discussions Questions

Developing relationships within the community is essential to implementing change. Unfortunately, many times this does not occur. Why is this important part of the process often overlookedIdentify a community problem in your area. What are the benefits of applying the consensus organizing principles to this problem?What three approaches to community organizing are you most likely to use? Why?

Rank the five core strategic principles by importance. Why did you choose your rankings?

















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HTT 240 Week 8 Assignment Beverage Sales

HTT 240 Week 8 Assignment Beverage Sales

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DB Replies GLST 220


Samantha Brown

discussion board 1


Top of Form

    The difference between the gospel culture and a salvation culture. Gospel culture is culture that is made for the community and is meant to be practiced with others present. This is a community that saturates every situation and every experience. The biggest thing within a Gospel Culture is that people are together and studying their beliefs together. The Gospel is how a person lives their Christian life and how they enter into the Kingdom of God. Within the Gospel we realize that the message or main point of the Gospel is Jesus Christ, he is the center and whole meaning of the Gospel. Salvation is a part of the Gospel, but it is not the main part of the Gospel. The Salvation Culture is more focused on being saved and not much else. Salvation culture is mostly focused on a persons’ individual choice or decision for salvation. Gospel Culture is mostly centered around the Messiah, he is the main focus and who we should live for. The Salvation Culture is mainly concerned with saving your own soul. Salvation culture and the Gospel are intertwined with one another. If you are looking for salvation for yourself then you need to realize that you need to be open to the Gospel as well. Without one you pretty much do not have the other. It is said in the Bible that we need the knowledge of scripture because according to it, we attain our faith through the words of God. Since God is the main focus of the Gospel in Jesus Christ, we have to look to him and his words to really gain salvation. It is known that having only salvation is not enough in general, we have to use it for something. We must also spread the words of Christ by not only going to church on Sundays, or even one or two more times a week. We must spread the words of Christ within separate Bible studies, through street ministries, through any way that we can fit in spreading the words of Christ. Gods real plan of true salvation is that of inclusion and love, also following Christ and spreading his word. It is important to understand that there is a distinct difference within the two cultures even though they do work hand in hand with one another. Gospel culture is concerned with everything it may affect across the boards, whereas salvation culture is purely concerned with just saving ones’ own soul.

Bottom of Form

John Patterson

During this first week of class we were tasked with learning about gospel and salvation cultures and differentiating between the two. Honestly until I started reading THE KING JESUS GOSPEL by Scot McKnight, I never realized the two cultures existed or just how different they are from each other.

     Salvation Culture as it is understood, is more of a watered-down version of a gospel culture and because of how liberal and loose it is compared to a gospel culture, countless people are missing the Mark. In a salvation culture everything is based solely on making a decision to believe that Jesus died for your sins. That is pretty much it, no real accountability or responsibility. Scot McKnight calls this group “The Decided”.  In a salvation culture multiple portions of the Bible are glanced over if not completely disregarded. The plan of salvation is an important and vitally necessary part of the Gospel. However, in a salvation culture, the plan of salvation is treated like it is the gospel in and of itself. It undermines the story of Jesus and Israel. It undermines the prophecies and it even undermines the resurrection.

        A gospel culture was the only culture that was ever intended by the Apostles. Scot McKnight declares that in order to understand the Gospel you must start from the beginning and that starting point is found in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians chapter 15 sums up the Gospel in a nutshell. Jesus was born of a virgin, crucified on a cross, rose on the third day and appeared to Cephas and then to his disciples. Jesus came to earth through 42 generations and through the line of David to fulfill the prophecies that were written about him throughout the old testament. Sin and death entered the World through Adam and with Jesus shed blood victory was won. A gospel culture focuses on Jesus’ lordship, it requires accountability beyond deciding to believe that He died to clean your sins. In a gospel culture one is required to embrace the entire story and not just a small portion.

          It is important to distinguish between a gospel and salvation culture because modern society has tried to put salvation culture forward as the Gospel. Salvation culture, however, is seriously lacking. In its worse form one is led to believe that after they accept Christ into their hearts that they are set and have secured a seat in Glory regardless of what they do after that point. Gospel culture is based on accountability and discipleship. It is not enough to accept Jesus as your personal savior, you must follow Him and be held accountable to His standards. The plan of salvation has it place, it is important to make the decision to accept the gift of salvation, nut if you stop there you expose yourself to missing the entire point.  Word count 478


McKnight, Scot. The King Jesus Gospel. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2016.

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Please follow the instructions below

 Sustaining change can be difficult, as there are many variables that can affect implementation. One critical component of EBP is to ensure that practice change is part of an organization’s culture so it will continue to impact outcomes over time. Name two potential barriers that may prevent your EBP change proposal from continuing to obtain the same desired results 6 months to a year from now, and your strategies for overcoming these barriers. 

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MODULE 10 maternal child Discussion


Group A – Complete the initial response.

Intimate Partner Violence: A 30 y/o woman presents to the Emergency Department with a complaint of sexual assault by a co-worker in her office. She has no facial or body trauma, bruising or lacerations. She is withdrawn, crying and relates feeling very guilty about coming into the clinic but is afraid of getting pregnant. They had begun dating a week ago, but she never believed this man would become so aggressive.

How can you best help this woman?

What medical care should be provided?

What education will you provide to her?

Group B: responding to this discussion

Care for this patient does not conclude at the end of this ED visit.

What follow up care should be provided?

Who is best suited to provide care to this patient? this is a link to the web site.

Discussion: Group B – please complete this initial discussion.

You are working in a rural Family Planning Health clinic and a 16 y/o presents with complaints of vaginal pain, discharge, odor x 4 days. Pain is getting worse. Her mother relates she has a cognitive learning delay and has tried to talk to her about her consensual sexual behavior with multiple partners. She tells you she has “felt some ‘bumps’ down there.” She relates multiple sexual partners because she is now popular and it is part of the ‘game’ to stay popular with her new friends. Diagnosis: HPV with several condyloma lesions, a vaginal yeast infection, and chlamydia.

She is given a prescription for Chlamydia, and the vulvar lesions, told to follow up in 2 weeks.

How do you approach her and begin the conversation regarding safe sexual practices? What are your thoughts about this young lady? How do you feel about her game? How would you proceed to give her education?

Group A: respond to this discussion.

This client is a victim to sexual coercion. As the nurse what is your role and responsibility.

As the nurse what is your role and responsibility?

Can you direct her to a support system that would be on going to assist her?
What will happen to her if she begins to refuse to participate in this sexual behavior?

Include intext citation with 3-4 references

Respond to Group B only

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Chief executive officer (CEO) Beranger wants to ensure that the current regulations and requirements under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Security and Privacy Rules will be met as she continues to move Silver Creek Hospital towards a culture of e-Health beyond the implementation of an electronic health record system to the integration of telemedicine and data mining. She asks that you compose a report of 3–4 pages that includes the following information:  Describe the objectives of the HIPAA Security and Privacy Rules.Discuss how HIPAA attempts to safeguard protected health information (PHI).Explain how abiding by HIPAA rules and regulations may challenge the ethics of health care professionals.Discuss the limitation of HIPAA and the ethical issues related to the use of electronic health data for research and development of evidence-based practice guidelines.

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Globalization is a new word (first used in the 60’s, not commonly used until the 80’s), but it describes a very old process. How does globalization in the modern world differ from previous eras? Why has it changed? Use examples to illustrate your point.

150 word

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BUS 610 week 6 DQ1


Ashford 7: – Week 6 – Discussion 1


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.



Toxic   Culture

In the article “Who’s to Blame for Creating a Toxic Organizational Culture” Guthrie presents the position that as the leader, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was responsible for harboring an environment that led to what was termed Bridgegate. Based upon what you have learned thus far about leadership and organizational culture, do you support or refute Guthrie’s position? Cite at least one source to support perspective. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

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PUB 7002 Week 8 Assignment Summarize Key Aspects of Administrative Law


Week 8 Assignment: Summarize Key Aspects of Administrative Law 

Assume you are an instructor preparing a presentation for graduate students interested in taking an administrative law course. Compare and contrast key defining aspects of administrative law in our system of governance regarding the various ways administrative agencies are controlled and regulated.

Be certain your presentation includes the following: An understanding regarding how agencies enforce their      regulations. An assessment of the role that agency rulemaking plays      in regulating society. A detail of the differences between formal and informal      rulemaking. An interpretation between rulemaking and adjudication. A distinction between formal and information      adjudication. The influence of the media on public opinion of      administrative agencies. A comparison and contrast of the various methods of      judicial, legislative, and executive control of administrative agencies. A proposition for one federal regulation in need of      administrative reform.

Provide specific examples to detail your presentation.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Support your presentation with at least seven (7) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 15-20 slides (with a separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 200-350 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.

Upload your assignment using the Upload Assignment button below.

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