Self-Reflective Discussion

Assignment Expectations: Address concept A and B in about 150 words each. You will be graded on how well you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept, and critical thinking pertaining to the applicability of the concept to your professional practice. Points awarded will follow breakdown below. You will neither be required to, nor graded on responses to your peers. One posting will suffice. The Assignment: Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and discuss two concepts or lessons learned that you believe will be most applicable to your professional discipline. Concept A (points 10/20): Identify /define (points 4/20): …… Your professional discipline: …….. How applicable (points 6/20): …… Concept B (points 10/20): Identify /define (points 4/20): …… Your professional discipline: …….. How applicable (points 6/20): ……

All information in the postings can be shared by all for the betterment of your project.

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Online Discussion help Parenting and Child Development

Discussion: Parenting and Child Development

For this Discussion, watch this week’s Sessions episode on the Hernandez Family.

This is a transcript of Hernandez Family

 Hernandez Family Episode 2 Hernandez Family Episode 2 Program Transcript FEMALE SPEAKER: It’s good to see all our parents again tonight. And I want to say thank you for being here these last few weeks. Today, we’re going to talk about child development, specifically the behavior of our children, and what are some realistic expectations we can have about how they behave, depending on how old they are. Part of understanding human behavior is looking at where someone is in their life, as well at the impact of their environment, whether it’s school, home life, family, or friends. MALE SPEAKER: What’s there to understand? I mean, come on. They’re kids. They shouldn’t be seen or heard, right? FEMALE SPEAKER: We all want our children to behave. But throughout childhood, there are certain behaviors that come with certain ages that can be very challenging to deal with. FEMALE SPEAKER: Tell me about it. FEMALE SPEAKER: So let’s talk about some of your expectations about your children’s behavior. MALE SPEAKER: Well, my son is nine. That age, I expect him to do his chores and listen to me. When I was nine, you better believe I was listening to my old man, or else, you know? MALE SPEAKER: You’ve got that right. And I don’t understand why my son doesn’t listen to me when I tell them to do something. I mean, what if I didn’t listen and come to this class? We might lose our kids. How do I deal with this better? I mean, get him to listen and behave? FEMALE SPEAKER: Well, Juan Junior is eight, and at that age, their attention can be really hard to not only gain, but– Hernandez Family Episode 2 Additional Content Attribution MUSIC: Music by Clean Cuts Original Art and Photography Provided By: Brian Kline and Nico Danks   Post an explanation of the potential value of Juan and Elena’s participation in the parenting class. If a child is exposed to behavior standards that do not account for his or her developmental stage, how might this impact the child’s development?

Please use the Learning Resources. Please use Citing from  

Zastrow, C. H., Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hessenauer, S. L.  (2019). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Chapter 3, “Psychological Development in Infancy and Childhood” (pp. 95-158) Need 2 Responses to below question:

Respond to a colleague’s post by describing an intervention that might be used to address the impact to development described. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

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Psychiatric discussion 7


Explain the goals of therapeutic community/milieu therapy

(Include a list of all references used to support your answer)

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Nursing Report

 What did the IOM Nursing Report from 2016 have to say?   

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Family versus group therapy


Why do you think that family therapy is not as widely used as group therapy?

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Four challenges facing the nursing workforce in the United States

  Select one of the four challenges and expand on how your workforce has responded to the change. How have these challenges affected the access to care for your patients? What can you do to decrease the effect on your patients? Provide a specific example.

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Discussion: Impact of Ageism and Adultism


Adultism refers to the oppression of young people by adults. The popular saying “children should be seen and not heard” is used as a way to remind a child of his or her place and reaffirm the adult’s power in the relationship. The saying suggests that children’s voices are not as important or as valid as an adult’s and they should remain quiet. Children are often relegated to subordinate positions due to socially constructed beliefs about what they can or cannot accomplish or what they should or should not do; this in turn compromises youth’s self-determination. This oppression is further highlighted when considering the intersection of age with race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation. You will be asked to consider all of these when reviewing the Logan case and Parker case. By Day 3

Post an analysis of the influence of adultism in the Logan case. Then, explain how gender, race, class, and privilege interact with adultism to influence the family’s discourse related to Eboni’s pregnancy as well as other family dynamics.

Logans Case study:

 Logan Family Episode 2 Program Transcript FEMALE SPEAKER 1: These fries are really good. Hey, get your own. FEMALE SPEAKER 2: They are good. So what did you mom have to say about all this? FEMALE SPEAKER 1: She’s the stereotype, you know? Teenager, pregnant, dead-end future. Now, she’s got one for a daughter. FEMALE SPEAKER 2: You’re not a stereotype. You’re a beautiful young woman with a great future. FEMALE SPEAKER 1: Some future. I wanted to go away to college. Maybe get a scholarship. FEMALE SPEAKER 2: You can still do that. FEMALE SPEAKER 1: Not with a baby, I can’t. Maybe I can go to community college, but it’s not the dream. That social worker, Miss Warrick, you know what she said when I told her about me? Didn’t you use protection? Just threw it in my face. FEMALE SPEAKER 2: I talked to her once. She got her degree in stupid. FEMALE SPEAKER 1: Talking to my mom is even worse. With her, it’s like deja vu all over again. She got pregnant with me around the same age and she didn’t go away to college, she missed out on things she wanted. She told me all the time how her life would be totally different if she did have me. Some guilt trip, huh? That’s why she wants me to get an abortion, so it doesn’t happen again for me and for my kid. FEMALE SPEAKER 2: What do you want? FEMALE SPEAKER 1: I don’t even know. Here, you can have them. I’m not hungry anymore. 

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health communication

  Health Campaigns Discussio 

  Health Campaigns Discussion

Select one of the behavior change theories and explain what type of prevention or intervention campaign and the target population you would use it for. Describe how the theory fits with your proposed campaign.

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HSA 300 Week 9 Assignment 2 – Middleville Regional Healthcare

Assignment 2: Middleville Regional Healthcare

Due Week 9 and worth 160 points


Middleville Regional Health Care is one (1) of three (3) hospitals serving a community of 350,000 people. Summary statistics on Middleville and its competitors, from the AHA Guide, are shown below in Table 1. All three organizations are not-for-profit.


Table 1: Middleville, Brierfield, and Greystone Health Care Systems






OP Visits


Expenses (000)



























The governing board of Middleville hired a consulting company to evaluate its strategic performance, specifically in the areas of Human Resources, Information Technology, Financing, and Marketing. As part of the consultant’s evaluation, several leaders of Middleville’s units were asked their perspective of the organization’s performance.


You are working for the consultant. Your job is to identify the issues from the response that should be considered further by the consultant team and possibly discussed with the governing board and the CEO. The firm has a rule, “Never offer a criticism or negative finding without suggesting how the client organization can correct it,” so you must indicate what sort of correction you would recommend as part of your list. Because you know there were about two (2) dozen other interviews, you decide you should rank your issues in importance, to make sure the most critical are discussed.


Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Explain the governing board’s role in these strategic initiatives, determining its responsibility and involvement. Evidence-based management means that operational and strategic decisions are made based upon the evidence that goals and objectives are actually being met. Quantitative measurements must be identified and measured. This data is then used to evaluate the HCO’s performance. Name three (3) performances Middleville can use to measure its success in providing quality healthcare to the community, and identify quantifiable, measureable indicators that can be used to do so. Explain the importance of each performance measurement. Given the statistics of Middleville and its two (2) competitors provided in Table 1, recommend to the HCO what areas it should focus on to maintain its competitive market share as well as continue to provide healthcare to the community in the 21st century. Some of Middleville’s Board members are very interested in pursuing advanced technology systems over the next five (5) years, while others are concerned about the enormous expense and need assurance that the investment in technology will be worthwhile. In both monetary and process terms, describe the costs and benefits associated with implementing EMR and associated health data systems. Lay out a plan for how various systems can be implemented. Middleville has faced many challenges in recruiting and retaining nurses and other clinical employees. The economy has hit the area very hard and budgetary limitations have reduced the amount of money available for salary increases. The Board knows it needs to provide other benefits to their valued employees. Provide at least two (2) suggestions to Human Resources to promote employee satisfaction and, therefore, retain experienced personnel. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

a.      Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

b.     Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

c.      Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

 Examine how healthcare management concepts and theories are applied to critical issues in healthcare organizations. Analyze the critical management issues, purpose, functions, and performance measures of different departments within healthcare organizations. Explain how public policy has shaped the development of the U.S. healthcare system. Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services organization management. Write clearly and concisely about health services organization management using proper writing mechanics.

Click  here  to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

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Due Week 10 and worth 235 points

This assignment uses the information you have gathered for your weekly World View Chart Assignments.

Choose ONE (1) category (origin of all things, nature of god, view of human nature, view of good and evil, etc.) from the chart to focus on for this assignment. Consider how the selected category relates to all of the religions covered and to your own social or work experiences.

Write a two (2) page paper in which you:

1.     Select ONE (1) category from the completed World View Chart. Provide a rationale for choosing this category. What is compelling about this category? Why is it important in the study of religion?

2.     Describe the selected content and explain the significance of the selected category across all of the religions studied. Show in what ways the category is significant for each religion.

3.     Give an example of how you have noticed this category in your life, town or country. What impact does this category have in the everyday lives of people who practice religion in your area? (You do not have to give examples of all the religions in your area, just one you have noticed besides any you practice). For example, in Cincinnati, Ohio we have Hindu, Greek Orthodox, Catholic festivals in the summer. So if my category were “Festivals and Celebrations” I could use those events as my example.

4.     Use at least three (3) quality resources as references for the assignment and document your sources using APA Style for in-text citations and references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

5.     Write clearly and coherently using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.

Your assignment must:

·       Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

·       Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

·       Analyze what is meant by religion.

·       Analyze the similarities and differences in the primary beliefs held by major religious traditions and the cultures in which these religions evolved.

·       Describe the varieties of religious experience and practice in a wide range of cultures.

·       Recognize how daily life within various religions and current affairs are influenced by religion.

·       Develop written pieces that demonstrate an analysis of a topic relevant to the course.

·       Use technology and information resources to research issues in religion.

·       Write clearly and concisely about world religions using proper writing mechanics.

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