chapter 6 Understanding Frequencies and Percentages

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ACC 544 Final EXAM

1) Which is NOT one of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct principles?

   A.   The public interest

  B.   Integrity

  C.   Quality control

  D.   Scope and nature of services


2) The ethical philosophy that considers the consequences of similar persons acting under similar circumstances is called

   A.   utilitarian principle.

  B.   imperative principle.

  C.   categorical imperative.

  D.   generalization argument.


3) The fundamental issues in independence require that the auditor avoid

  A.   financial connections with the client and financial connections with the client’s competitors.

 B.   acting as management and representing the shareholder’s interests.

 C.   responsibility for the client’s internal control and subordinating judgment concerning audit issues.

 D.   financial connections with the firm and acting as management.


4) Auditors have greater liability under the Securities Act of 1933. Which is the reason that this greater liability exists?

   A.   The auditor is liable for treble damages under the Securities Act of 1933.

  B.   The plaintiff does not have to prove that the financial statements were misstated.

  C.   The plaintiff does not have to prove that they relied on the financial statements.

  D.   The plaintiff does not have to prove that there were damages.


5) The legal doctrine that states that a successful plaintiff may recover the full amount of damages from any defendant thathas the ability to pay is called

A)        Joint and several liability.

B)        Proportionate liability.

C)        Complete liability.

D)        Total liability.


6) The SEC regulation that governs disclosures in annual reports other than financial statements is the

   A.   Securities Act of 1933.

  B.   Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

  C.   Regulation S-X.

  D.   Regulation S-K.


7) Inspection of tangible assets provides evidence for which assertion?

  A.   Existence and occurrence

  B.   Completeness

  C.   Rights and obligations

  D.   Presentation and disclosure


8) The risk that the auditor may provide an inappropriate opinion based on their review of materially misstated financial statements is referred to as

   A.   audit risk.

  B.   detection risk.

  C.   information risk.

  D.   business risk.


9) Auditors perform the steps in which order?

 A.   Determine audit risk; assess control risk; determine detection risk; and set materiality.

 B.   Set materiality; determine audit risk; assess control risk; and determine detection risk.

 C.   Set materiality; assess control risk; determine detection risk; and determine audit risk.

 D.   Determine audit risk; set materiality; assess control risk; and determine detection risk.


10) An internal control questionnaire (ICQ) contains the question: “Does a single individual receive and list cato sales and general ledgers?” What action must an auditor take if the manager of accounting responds yes to the

  A.   No action is required because yes responses on an ICQ indicate the presence of good control.

  B.   Statistically sample the response along with all other yes responses to verify their accuracy.

  C.   Treat it as a potential control weakness and perform appropriate testing.

  D.   Include it with other reportable findings in the next audit report.


11) In addition to gaining an understanding of the internal controls, an external auditor, at minimum, is expect

 A.   evaluate the internal auditors’ work as an important part of the accounting system element of the inter

 B.   observe client employees to determine the extent of their compliance with quality control standards.

 C.   trace a few transactions through the control process to obtain evidence that the controls have been pla

 D.   study organization charts to obtain an understanding of the informal lines of communication.


12) Which method provides the auditor with the best visual grasp of a system and a means for analyzing complex operations?

  A.   A flowcharting approach

  B.   A matrix approach

  C.   A questionnaire approach

  D.   A detailed narrative approach


13) Which of the accounts is NOT included in the revenue and collection cycle?

  A.   Cash in bank

  B.   Raw materials

  C.   Accounts receivable

  D.   Bad debt expense


14) The most reliable evidence comes from

  A.   a positive confirmation.

  B.   a blank confirmation.

  C.   a negative confirmation.

  D.   examining a sales invoice.


15) Custody is transferred from the warehouse to the shipping department upon authorization of the

  A.   shipping order.

  B.   purchase order.

  C.   customer order.

  D.   invoice.


16) An enlightened management may decrease the probability of fraud in the company best by

 A.   restricting authority for profit objective determination to top management.

 B.   stressing negative observations on their work to increase performance.

 C.   measuring performance and awarding bonuses on the basis of short-term operating results.

 D.   establishing work teams that share responsibilities, performance, and bonuses based on collective effor


17) A proof of cash is normally used

  A.   for all engagements.

  B.   when control risk for cash is low.

  C.   to test the transactions process when controls over cash are weak.

  D.   when lapping is suspected.


18) Which is an appropriate audit program step for the review of canceled checks for authorized signatures?

 A.   Compare the check date with the first cancellation date.

 B.   Examine a representative sample of signed checks, and determine that the signatures are authorized in the corporate signature book.

 C.   Determine that all checks are to be signed by an individual authorized by the board.

 D.   Confirm the signatures from a sample of checks directly with the bank.


19) The production authorization starts with a

  A.   purchase order.

  B.   sales forecast.

  C.   production plan.

  D.   bill of materials.


20) Which is NOT recognized by GAAP as appropriate for determining inventory cost?

  A.   FIFO

  B.   Weighted average

  C.   LIFO

  D.   Standard costs


21) Inventory must be recorded when

  A.   the company has title to it.

  B.   the related revenue is recognized.

  C.   it is received.

  D.   it is shipped from the vendor.


22) Canceling invoices with a paid stamp after payment is a control that relates to which assertion?

  A.   Existence or occurrence

  B.   Rights and obligations

  C.   Completeness

  D.   Valuation or allocations


23) Which is NOT a step in the search for unrecorded liabilities?

  A.   Examine the open purchase order file.

  B.   Examine the unmatched receiving reports.

  C.   Examine disbursements for the period immediately before the end of the period.

  D.   All of these are steps in the search.


24) Which control question relates to the existence and occurrence objective in purchasing and accounts payable?

 A.   Are the purchase order forms prenumbered and is the numerical sequence checked for missing documents?

 B.   Does the chart of accounts and accounting manual provide instructions for classifying debit entries?

 C.   Does the accounting department check invoices for mathematical accuracy?

 D.   Are receiving reports prepared for each item received?


 25) The audit objective that all transactions and accounts that should be presented in the financial statements are included is related to which assertion?

  A.   Existence or occurrence

  B.   Presentation and disclosure

  C.   Rights and obligations

  D.   Completeness


26) Which best describes the main reason independent auditors report on management’s financial statements?

 A.   A management fraud may exist, and it is likely to be detected by independent auditors.

 B.   The management that prepares the statements may have a poorly designed system of internal control.

 C.   The management that prepares the statements and ther persons who use the statements may have conflicting interests.

 D.   Misstated account balances may be corrected as the result of the independent audit work.


27) The audit objective that all footnotes have been included in the financial statements is related most closely to which assertation?

  A.   Existence or occurrence

  B.   Presentation and disclosure

  C.   Rights and obligations


  D.   Completeness

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1-2 Pages. APA Format. Masters Level. Review Attachment

  Briefly summarize the research article you selected. Explain how the potential for violence was assessed and the important data, results, and “key takeaways” from the study. Explain how a forensic psychology professional might use the results from this study in a correctional setting.

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Discussion 2: Case Study: Part II


It is the responsibility of organizational psychology professionals to stay current with and be able to apply new information, research, and theories on work motivation. In Week 1 of this course, you analyzed a case study and identified challenges to work motivation. In this Discussion, you revisit the case study (ATTACHED) and apply your current knowledge and awareness of work motivation. As you revisit the case study, consider how your completion of the course thus far might influence the challenges you identify and the recommendations you might make to address those challenges.

For this Discussion, review the case study provided in this week’s Learning Resources . Identify challenges to work motivation and consider recommendations to address those challenges.

Note: Either the challenges you select or the recommendations you provide MUST differ from those you provided in Week 1(Attached).

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief description of at least two work motivation challenges in the case study. Then provide recommendations on how you might address those challenges and explain why each recommendation may be effective. Explain how your completion of this course thus far influenced the challenges you identified this week and/or the recommendations to address those challenges. Be specific and use the Learning Resources and current literature to support your response.

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Internation Relations Essay

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BUS 591 Week 1 Assignment


Week 1 – Assignment 

Week One Homework Problems

Complete P1-3B and P1-4B from Problems: Set B Chapter 1 and P2-7B from Problems: Set B  Chapter 2. These problems are located under “Additional Exercises and Problems” on the Textbook Student Companion Site. Use the following Workbook Template Week One. Submit your work to your instructor by the posted due date. Show all your work in order to earn full credit.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

BUS591 – Financial Statement and Analysis

Week 1 Homework Assignment Templates

Instructions: Only enter data in the yellow boxes. The remaining areas are already completed for you. 

Save the file as follows:  lastnamewk1.docx

Submit to the assignment box before the due date.(Late assignments will receive a late penalty).

Grading Rubric:There are a total of 68 “questions” for you to answer (as determined by the yellow box). Each item is worth 0.06 points for a total of 4.00 points.


P1-3B, Prepare an income   statement, retained earnings statement, and balance sheet; discuss results.





(a)Prepare an income statement   and a retained earnings statement for the month of May and a balance sheet at   May 31, 2014.




Income   Statement


For   the Month Ended May 31, 2014




Account title





Account   title



Account   title



Account   title



Account   title



Total   expenses



Net income






Retained   Earnings Statement


For   the Month Ended May 31, 2014


Retained earnings, May 1




Account title






Account title



Retained earnings, May 31







Balance   Sheet


May   31, 2014




Account title



Account title



Account title



Total   assets




Liabilities   and Stockholders’ Equity




Account   title



Account   title



Total liabilities



Stockholders’ equity


Account   title



Account   title



Total   stockholders’ equity



Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity




(b) Briefly   discuss whether the company’s first month of operations was a success.


Enter text answer here.



(c) Discuss   the company’s decision to distribute a dividend.


Enter text answer here.



P1-4B, Determine items to   be included in a statement of cash flows, prepare a cash flow statement and   discuss the results.





(a)Determine which items   should be included in a statement of cash flows and then prepare the   statement for Preacher Corporation.


Enter text answer here.




Statement   of Cash Flows


For   the Year Ended December 31, 2014


Cash flows from operating activities








Net   cash provided by operating activities



Cash flows from investing activities








Net   cash used by investing activities



Cash flows from financing activities








Net   cash provided by financing activities



Net increase in cash




(b) Comment   on the adequacy of net cash provided by operating activities to fund the   company’s investing activities and dividend payments.


Enter text answer here.




P2-7B, Compute values and   ratios for the following; discuss results.





(a)For each company, compute   these values and ratios:
be   sure to show your computations!


Home Depot



Working   Capital




Current   ratio (round to two decimal places)




Debt   to total assets ratio




Free   cash flow




Earnings   per share





(b) Compare   the liquidity, profitability and solvency of the two companies.


Enter text answer here.


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Individual Project! Capital Budgeting and Projections! 6 Pages and NO PLAGIARISM PROFESSOR USES SAFEASSIGN!


Perform an internet search for a current health care organization of your choice (preferably publicly traded for-profit organizations because these organizations must report all financial data and make it available to the public). In your search, select and evaluate the report of the financial information from the past 4 quarters or more. Complete the following for this assignment: Predict the effect of changes in all financial metrics to changes in a proposed strategic plan in your chosen organization for the following 3 scenarios: Payer mix changes from 50% Medicare and 5% Medicaid patients to 70% Medicare and 10% Medicaid patients in 1 year. Professional turnover goes from 5% annually to 10% annually. Demand for services increases 20% in 1 year Search course materials including your text and the Internet for assistance in completing applicable financial calculations for this assignment. Using the statements that you located, provide a financial plan that will do the following: Create projected financial statements to analyze effects of alternate operating assumptions on the firm’s financial condition Determine the projected financial requirements that will be needed to support each of the 3 sets of alternate operating instructions Forecast the financial sources that might be needed to support your alternative assumptions Assess the projected results using a financial condition analysis to the forecasted data Provide appropriate spreadsheets such as Projected Income Statement and Projected Balance Sheets to validate your projected assumptions. Consider the effect of the following factors to justify the changes that may be needed to the strategic plan as a result of your analysis: Validity of data in the decision-making process Revenue growth rate Capacity Rate of turnover

The body of the resultant paper should be 6 pages and should include at least 5 relevant academic or professional references published in the past 5 years.

For a resource guide on using the online library to search for references, click here.

Please submit your assignment.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.

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In “Final Jeopardy” (pp. 234-242), Stephen Baker expresses an interesting look at the way technology, especially in terms of machines, could dramatically change the relationship between mankind and technology—not just helping us to locate information, but

In “Final Jeopardy” (pp. 234-242), Stephen Baker expresses an interesting look at the way technology, especially in terms of machines, could dramatically change the relationship between mankind and technology—not just helping us to locate information, but also to show us how to think about it. What are Baker’s concerns about this evolution in technology, and what are his reasons (stated or implied) for optimism? As you consider the relative strengths and weaknesses of those reasons, explain whether and why you find yourself more pessimistic or more optimistic about our changing technologies as presented by Baker.

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Rough Draft of the Anthropology of Gender Research Paper

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Week 3 – Assignment       

Rough Draft of the Anthropology of Gender Research Paper

Review the Research Paper instructions found within the Research Paper link in Week Five.

For this assignment, write a rough draft of the Research Paper. Your rough draft should demonstrate sufficient preparation and include an introduction with an appropriate and explicitly stated thesis statement that takes a position and directly responds to your chosen topic, and includes a conclusion.

The paper must be four to five pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In addition to the text book, you must use at least five scholarly sources, which can be found in the Ashford University Library, to support your points. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

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HIS104 Assignment 4

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