LIB 332 week 2 Assignment


Week 2 – Assignment


Scientific Revolution and Popular Memory

The Scientific Revolution holds a powerful place in the popular understanding of science. It is taught in high school physics and history classes, is the subject of entire courses at the college level, and its meaning is still debated by scholars. However, the most popular narrative of the Scientific Revolution is heavily tilted toward Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, and Sir Isaac Newton, with other scientific pioneers often conspicuously absent except for in classes at the college level. First, pick one of the three mentioned above and one of the following or any other scientist discussed in this week’s readings.   Rene Descartes Robert Boyle Johannes Kepler Tycho Brahe Paracelsus William Harvey Gottfried Leibnitz Robert Hooke Giovanni Cassini Edmund Halley

Then, building off of your first response to this week’s “Scientific Revolution” discussion, write an essay that evaluates the scientific accomplishments of the two scientists and postulate why one is better known in the general public than the other. What does this tell us about how popular memories and narratives are created?

The paper must be at least three pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly sources, one of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library, and the textbook to support your points. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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please follow all instruction and make sure you support every thig you say where you get the I dea froncitations and references A MOST IMPORTANT support every thisng

 1.  Instructions

    A. students name citations references

    B. Students name Citation and references



support with evidence every thing youn say from where you get the Idea

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phd Isaac Newton/music7

I need two discussion replies – 150 words each


Use the internet to find another song that uses a Moog synth (you may also pick a track that uses a different kind of synth, but you must find out what kind of synth it is).  Post a YouTube link in the class discussion board and indicate the time when the synth enters the mix.  Breifly discuss what the timbre of the synth adds to the sound i.e. what effect does this have for the listener?

To give you some more familiarity with the Moog synth sound here is an online demo moog synth, which allows you manipulate the timbre of the sound.  You can play notes by using the top letter and number row of your computer keyboard. 

Online Moog:

Spend a minimum of 10 minutes trying to get a few different sounds out of this instrument.  There is a document with the “manual” and some background, which you may open and use as a reference as you experiment with it.  Talk briefly about your experience with the online synth.  Remember that if you get stuck or can’t “fix” the sound, just hit refresh on your browser to reset.


If you are having trouble or wish to go deeper into this experience here is a video tutorial.

Online Moog Tutorial:

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See assignment details

Please follow assignment details and rubric requirement. thank you

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Assignment 1 Retrospective Analysis of Personality

Assignment 1: Retrospective Analysis of Personality 

Due Week 9 and worth 220 points

In this assignment, begin by taking a retrospective look at your life history, to discuss which aspects of your personality have remained consistent and which aspects of your personality have changed over time. Then, analyze the roles of nature and nurture in shaping your personality. Subsequently, discuss possible sources of inaccuracy and bias in any retrospective analysis. Finally, discuss the reasons why systematic scientific studies are considered more valuable than individual accounts. 

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:Reflect on your life history and discuss which aspects of your personality have changed over time and which aspects have stayed consistent.Based on your retrospective analysis, describe the roles of nature and nurture in shaping your personality. Reflect on your justification for distinguishing between nature and nurture. Discuss the possible sources of bias and inaccuracy whenever a person looks back on their past history. Be sure to discuss factors related to memory and factors related to cognition. Describe why the science of psychology places more emphasis on results based on scientific studies than it does on personal experience and anecdotes.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.  Check with your professor for any additional instructions.To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for your paper should be your own experience and the Webtext. For this reason, APA citations and references are not required for this assignment.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.  The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Relate psychological concepts to real-world situations.Describe the major theories of personality development, learning, memory, cognition, consciousness, development and social psychology.Use technology and information resources to research issues in psychology.Write clearly and concisely about psychology using proper writing mechanics.

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“Stanford Marshmallow Experiment” – Delayed Gratification in Children

Abstract Writing

“Stanford Marshmallow Experiment” – Delayed Gratification in Children
Guidelines and Samples

Your abstract is a short description (250 words) of what you did and learned from your research project. It should be interesting, informative, and written for a broad audience. Don’t assume the reader knows why your work is significant. Format (Abstracts are limited to 250 words) Introduction

1 sentence placing the study in context and 1-2 sentences explicitly stating what the study investigated and why it was special. Body

1-3 sentences summing up the approach, or the most important methods used to investigate the problem Results and Discussion

1-3 sentences that summarize the MAJOR results and potential future applications. Summary

1 sentence that summarizes why your results are significant and perhaps what you will do in the future. Things to Avoid References to other literature References to figures or images Overuse of abbreviations or acronyms Repetition Including unnecessary or vague sentences

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Healthcare Access

Access The Agency for HealthCare Research and Quality (AHRQ) website and select one of the multiple funded programs available to research.

Write a 1,500-1,750-word essay addressing the following questions with regard to your chosen program. Use at least three to five academic sources in writing this paper. What is the mission and budget? What is the strategic plan of the program? What do they do to control the quality of health care? What do they do for cost containment? How are they aligned with health care professionals? Is this a valuable program or a waste of taxpayer money? If the program has faults, how could it be improved or should it be abandoned? Be prepared to defend your position.

4. Mission and Budget

Read “Mission and Budget,” located on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website (2015).

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MN568 Advanced Practice Nursing – Discussion Board: Topic Cough

No Plegarism please,  will be checked with Turnitin. 

Will need minimum of 300 words, APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and Include: 3 references with intext citations.  

Topic: Cough

Respiratory System

You will be assigned one topic from the list below.

For your assigned topic (Cough), you are to discuss:

the incidence and prevalence of the disorder

pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective

physical assessment and examination, 

evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. 

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MN 507 unit6 DQ 2


Topic 2: Comparing the History of Health Systems and Health Reform

Compare the history of U.S. health, financial, and system reform from President Roosevelt through the current U.S. President’s administration to the history of health reform in another country. 

Please carefully review the Discussion Board grading rubric in the grading rubrics section of the Course Home. 

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XBIS 219 Week 8 CheckPoint Web 2.0

XBIS 219 Week 8 CheckPoint: Web 2.0




Review Section 5.2 in the text.


Write a paragraph of at least 200 words addressing the following: How would you describe Web 2.0 to someone who has not taken a course in information systems? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Web 2.0? How has Web 2.0 impacted business?


Post your CheckPoint in the Assignment section of eCampus.


Note that any citations should follow APA guidelines.

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