Instructor Approval Please

Instructor Approval Please

The articles at the beginning of Unit 7 illustrate different intervention strategies and theories for social workers. Use those articles, as well as your material from the entire course, to compose your research paper.

Your essay has two sections. Please address each section thoroughly.

Section 1:

  • Choose a “private problem” that could be indicative of a systemic issue. You are welcome to use the same issue that you discussed in your Unit 5 work.
  • Find a reliable graph or chart that illustrates that this “private problem” could be a systemic issue. In other words, evidence your claim (no Wikipedia, please). Place it in your essay and explain your findings in relation to the issue.
  • Discuss American attitudes, minority treatment, and/or historical events that could contribute to this potential systemic issue.

Section 2:

  • Create a Planned Change Model for that imaginary person with the “private problem”. Remember to address each of the following points of that model (in the readings at the beginning of this unit, if you need to refer to them).
  • Engagement: Assuming you’ve had no prior knowledge of a person who’s been referred to you with this issue, what would this type of communication look like with a person with this “private problem”?
  • Assessment: Examine the private problem through the micro, macro, and mezzo sociological lenses.
  • Planning: Once you’ve assessed the situation, how would you go about planning remedies/solutions?
  • Implementation: How do you make sure that solutions are implemented? Do you rely on the person who has the “private problem” or do you do it yourself?
  • Evaluation: What controlled environment could you use to evaluate the effectiveness of how well your plans addressed the “private problem”? What does that communication sound like? How do you deal with an issue that was NOT resolved by a potential solution?
  • Termination: At what point do you, as a social worker or other professional, decide that your imaginary person’s “private problem” is solved? What are two to three indicators that your imaginary client has felt empowered and learned the skills to achieve social/economic justice?
  • Follow-up: How often do you think this should happen? What does this look like?

Please use standard APA format for headings and citations to address the following writing prompt. Your response should be a minimum of five pages, but no more than eight pages (unless you have instructor approval).

Please use academic journals, course text, and/or scholarly articles to support your claim.


To identify the social welfare and policy responses to racism and discrimination.

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Assessment Description Research Different

Assessment Description Research Different

 Assessment Description

Research different popular nontraditional health care practices. Write a 1,000-1,200-words exploring nontraditional health care practices and include the following:

  1. Describe nontraditional health care practices in different cultures. Compare at least three cultures.
  2. Explain the importance of these practices in providing holistic and quality health care.
  3. Identify the nontraditional health care options in your areas, and identify the number of people choosing to use them over traditional medical practices. Propose reasons why the number of people using nontraditional health care options is rising.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Say Something Substantial

Say Something Substantial


  1. Read and choose one (1) scenario below to respond to.
  1. Then, comment on one (1) classmate’s posting that you did NOT choose. In other words, if you chose Scenario #1, then comment on one classmate’s posting for Scenario #2. Be sure to say something substantial.
    • Did you learn something new?
    • Do you agree? Why or why not?
    • How would you modify this information?

To begin the discussion, click on the “Create Thread” link above.

Scenario #1 – Mental State:

Stacey Brown, an 18-year-old Hispanic female, comes to the Emergency Room with complaints of feeling sad. She states “I don’t want to live anymore”. She states that her boyfriend broke up with her 2 months ago and has a new a girlfriend.  She lives at home with her mother and her mother’s boyfriend.

  • Based on her presenting signs, what other questions would you elicit?
  • How would you demonstrate knowledge of cultural sensitivity/humility in approach to this patient?
  • What would you assess?
  • What could be the problem?

300 words

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Enormously Profitable 19Th Century

Enormously Profitable 19Th Century


Mexico & Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet

Directed by Ilana Trachtman, Produced by Ilana Trachtman, Wall to Wall Media, Thirteen Productions, Inkwell Films, In Black in Latin America, Episode 4 (Arlington, VA: Public Broadcasting Service, 2011)53 minutes

In a style similar to “Wonders of the African World,” Skip Gates will travel to places in Latin America where Africa has touched the continent with lasting cultural results to explore what happens when African and Hispanic worlds meet. In Mexico and Peru, Professor Gates explores the almost unknown history of the significant numbers of black people–the two countries together received far more slaves than did the U.S.–and the worlds of culture that their descendants have created in Vera Cruz on the Gulf of Mexico, the Costa Chica region on the Pacific, and in and around Lima, Peru.

Haiti & Dominican Republic: An Island Divided

 In a style similar to “Wonders of the African World,” Skip Gates will travel to places in Latin America where Africa has touched the continent with lasting cultural results to explore what happens when African and Hispanic worlds meet. In the Dominican Republic, explore how race has been socially constructed in a society whose people reflect centuries of inter-marriage and how the country’s troubled history with Haiti informs notions about racial classification. In Haiti, hear the story of the birth of the first-ever black republic and investigate the slaves’ hard fight for liberation over Napoleon Bonaparte’s French Empire. 

Cuba: The Next Revolution

 In a style similar to “Wonders of the African World,” Skip Gates will travel to places in Latin America where Africa has touched the continent with lasting cultural results to explore what happens when African and Hispanic worlds meet. In Cuba Professor Gates finds out how the culture, religion, politics and music of this island are inextricably linked to the huge amount of slave labor imported to produce its enormously profitable 19th century sugar industry, and how race and racism have fared since Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution in 1959. 

Brazil: A Racial Paradise?

Directed by Ricardo Pollack, Produced by Ricardo Pollack, Wall to Wall Media, Thirteen Productions, Inkwell Films, In Black in Latin 

 In a style similar to “Wonders of the African World,” Skip Gates will travel to places in Latin America where Africa has touched the continent with lasting cultural results to explore what happens when African and Hispanic worlds meet. In Brazil, Professor Gates goes behind the façade of Carnival to discover how this “rainbow nation” is waking up to its legacy as the world’s largest slave economy. 

  1. After watching one of the assigned episodes of Black in Latin America, comment on what you saw. How did the episode enrich your understanding of the African influence in Latin America?  Use examples from the episode to support your conclusion.

You may also choose to jot down any thoughts or questions this unit inspired that you might want to revisit later for your final project. See the due date in the course schedule


  • Journal entries should average 250 words each (more is fine; it will be difficult to make substantive reflections in much less than this).
  • Clearly label (number your journal entry)
  • Your entries will be kept private and are meant to help you deepen your understanding of the course concepts and also help you generate ideas for your final project.
  • Make sure to proofread and revise your posts. Even though these entries are personal, it is still expected that you produce college-level writing.
  • Keep up with the due dates for each entry. You don’t want to fall behind.
  • If you meet all of these criteria, producing a well-developed entry, you will receive a “complete” grade on this assignment.


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Factors Affecting Location Decisions

Factors Affecting Location Decisions

150 words


  1. Consider the factors affecting location decisions for manufacturing and services. How are they different?  
  2. In most cases, the manufacturing operations supply products to the service operations.  What strategies are used relating to the supply chain logistics network to support improved performance? 
  3. Consider the operational risks that exists within a supply chain.  How can ERP systems and lean systems be applied to help mitigate these risk within the entire supply chain?

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Help Control Workers ’

Help Control Workers ’

150 words


  • Why are benefits strategically important to employers, and what are some key strategic considerations?
  • Based on the information discussed in the chapter, how would you oversee the design (or redesign) of a benefits program in a large organization? What issues would you consider?
  • What can first-line supervisors do to help control workers’ compensation costs, and how might they be rewarded for doing so?
  • What should an employer do when facing an OSHA inspection?
  • As the HR manager of a distribution and warehouse firm with 600 employees, you plan to discuss a company wellness program at an executive staff meeting next week. The topics to cover include what a wellness program is, how it can benefit the company and employees, and the process for establishing it. 

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150 Words Discuss

150 Words Discuss

150 words


  • Discuss what factors make up an organization’s culture and how do you ensure that culture is sustainable and ethical?
  • Have you ever received a performance appraisal? Describe your reaction to the appraisal system. If you haven’t, please explain what appraisal process you would prefer.
  • As a manager, discuss what would you do if you discovered a group of employees were slaves to their placement agencies?

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Togetherness — Whereas Sympathy

Togetherness — Whereas Sympathy


In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee (1960) wrote, “You never really know a man until you understand things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (p. 30). As a social worker, you are called upon to walk in the skin (or shoes) of your clients, understanding their lives and circumstances so that you can help them toward wellness. This empathic quality is a hallmark of the profession.

There is a difference, however, between empathy (feeling with the client) and sympathy (feeling for the client). Empathy promotes a relationship—in other words, a sense of togetherness—whereas sympathy indicates a separation.

In this Assignment, you reflect on a situation where others approached you with empathy or sympathy and examine the effect of that interaction.

Reference: Lee, H. (1960). To kill a mockingbird. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott.

2 or 3-page

  • Explain a time or event in your life when you were struggling.
  • Identify some of the statements those around you said to you.
  • Determine whether the statements were ones of empathy or sympathy, and explain why.
  • Describe how these comments made you feel.
  • Identify two statements that someone could have said to you that would have given you comfort.

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Conduct Persisted Despite Numerous

Conduct Persisted Despite Numerous

You are the Director of Human Resources for a medium-sized, private company and have discharged Aimee, a 25 year old black at-will employee for poor work, constant tardiness, and taking longer breaks than authorized by company policy.  She is not well liked by her fellow workers, and her work is indeed slightly below satisfactory levels. Company files evidence numerous sub-standard reviews and that her conduct persisted despite numerous written warnings.  You are confident that the company has proper cause to terminate Aimee whether she was at-will or not.  When you call her into your office to notify her of her termination, she gets very indignant saying that her work is fine and that she’s not the only one late or abusive of break periods.  She then asserts that she’s being singled out because of her sex and her race.  She asks about severance pay, and you notify her that there will not be any.  Aimee then informs you that she is going to sue the company for wrongful termination based on discrimination and for severance pay.  The company does not want Aimee to work there any more under any circumstances but does not want the cost or publicity that a law suit would bring.  What would you suggest to possibly abate the law suit?

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Ethics Incidents – Incident

Ethics Incidents – Incident

 1) Discuss the legal constraints on the construction of healthcare facilities. How do zoning requirements, building codes, building permit requirements, and certificate of need laws regulate the creation of healthcare buildings?

2) Ethics Incidents – Incident 2: Emergency Department Repeat Admissions

 If you were a senior management team member, what might you recommend to Losinski to address the problem of ED overuse?

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