Walden Msn Program Outcomes

Walden Msn Program Outcomes


Include an explanation as to how Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and social change initiatives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Also include an explanation for how the Walden MSN Program Outcomes and perspectives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Finally, explain why networking is important and how it may help you achieve your professional and academic goals. 

 So you can can look on the Walden University catalog and also I am a pediatric nurse

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Using Specific Terminology Included

Using Specific Terminology Included

The purpose of the Final Reflection is to reflect on your successes, your challenges, and your plans going forward in college.  To do this, you will provide specific, honest examples from your life that are related to topics found in this COL course.


This Final Reflection will help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in college and your professional life:

  • Evaluating your metacognitive      abilities
  • Identifying the importance of      resources to aid in achievement
  • Demonstrating an awareness of      effective strategies for time management
  • Reflecting on the importance of      your mindset and its connection to success


Your task is to format an APA paper and type a paragraph in response to each question, using specific terminology included in the question to demonstrate your understanding.  Provide multiple, specific, personal examples in each paragraph, illustrating the application of these topics in your life. 

1. This semester, you have explored metacognition (learning how to learn) by analyzing how you think, how you process information, and how to improve your metacognitive abilities.

  • In your own words, explain metacognition and why this      understanding is important for academic success.
  • Describe at least two (2) specific examples from your      courses this semester in which you used a metacognitive strategy for      academic success.
  • Discuss at least two (2) different metacognitive      strategies you will use as you move forward academically and      professionally. (You may refer to Appendix A in McGuire’s Teach      Yourself How to Learn for a compilation of strategies.)

2. Consider the college resources and personal connections you encountered during this COL course (tutoring, advising center, library, financial aid office, student organizations, peers). 

  • Discuss at least two (2) college resources at your      school that you have used and/or plan to use going forward( Tutoring,      library).   
  • Describe in detail how these college resources can help      you academically and/or professionally. 
  • Explain the benefits of engaging with your peers in      this COL course.
  • Discuss why the development of connections is important      to you not only academically, but also personally and professionally.

3. Good time management is one of the key skills needed for success in college.

  • Discuss in detail at least (2) specific time management      techniques/strategies you are currently using to balance your schedule      with school, work, leisure time, and relationships. 
  • Describe your plans for effective time management in the      future, including choices you may make for academic and/or professional      success.

4. Mindset encompasses how we respond to challenges, especially in the academic world.

  • Describe the concepts of growth and fixed mindset in      your own words.
  • Discuss at least two (2) specific examples of how you      adopted a growth mindset or how you reverted to a fixed mindset when faced      with a challenge this past semester. How did your choices impact outcomes?
  • How will you apply the concept of a growth mindset to      future academic and/or professional challenges?

5. As you finish this course for the School of Health Care, what is your biggest take-away? 

  • How has this “take-away” made your college experience      better and/or is a realization that will make your future academic career      better?


Criteria for Success

You will be successful in this assignment if you can: (a) Type a paragraph in response to each question (do NOT list questions…just answer in paragraph format), for a total of five paragraphs in APA format.  (b) Demonstrate an accurate understanding of each topic, using specific terminology from the question. (c) Provide multiple, personal examples related to each topic. (d) Edit your sentences to eliminate errors in spelling and grammar.

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Think People Would Live

Think People Would Live


The coldest city in the world is located in Russia.  Read the article, captions, and flip through the picture on the link below.  What is the name of the coldest city in the world?  Which sub-region according to the audio PowerPoint lecture of Russia is it located in?  What does this link tell you about the geography of Russia?  Why do you think people would live in such a harsh environment?

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Decreased Medication Administration Errors

Decreased Medication Administration Errors

Personal Goal and Objectives: Personal goals and objectives are centered on improving the quality of our practice improvement projects based on healthcare in a nursing environment and the institutional healthcare environment in an inter-professional delivery model. The target audience is the patient, a problem, and a population. Interventions are based upon the specific problem to resolve. The evidence is gathered once a patient, a problem, or a population needs improvement. The data is reflected on improving a standard, a policy, a procedure, and a protocol to improve practice. The outcome is measured as a result of established evidence-based interventions to improve the overall quality of healthcare delivery. This assignment should be 2-3 pages of the body with 3-5 references in APA 7th edition format.

TOPIC FOR THIS: Decreased medication administration errors.



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59 Pm Ct Eating

59 Pm Ct Eating

For this discussion, you are asked to watch and reflect on the video 6 Types of Eating Disorders.

(Psych2Go, 2018)
Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

After viewing the video, you are asked to share your reflections in your discussion post.

Include the following in your reflection:

  • Share your initial impressions
    • Describe what information in the video surprised you.
    • Detail any eating disorders you were not aware of prior to viewing this video.
  • Share a personal story about someone you know that has an eating disorder.
    • What is the eating disorder?
    • What were the symptoms and treatment?
    • How does the individual manage the disorder? 
  • Share your thoughts on what may have caused the eating disorder. Be sure to justify your thoughts using at least one external source.
  • Describe how you would discuss this with someone you suspected had the disorder.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

This topic is valued at 40 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria (Read Me First Section of the Course).

Peer Response: Unit 4, Due Sunday by 11:59 pm CT

Eating Disorders 


Please respond to at least one (1) peer, preferably a peer that discussed a different eating disorder than you did. In your response include the following: 

  • Compare and contrast your impressions of the video to that of your peer. Were you surprised by the same things?
    • If yes, why do you think you had the same reaction?
    • If no, why do you think you had a different reaction?
  • Compare your personal story to those of your peer.
    • Contrast the observed symptoms to those you observed.
    • How might you suggest the individual with this disorder manage it?
  • Detail your response to your peer’s thoughts on what lead to the disorder.  Be sure to justify your response, whether you agree or disagree, using at least one external source.
  • Comment on your peer’s plan to discuss this disorder.

Before submitting a response, proofread all posts thoroughly for any spelling and grammar errors. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

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Sugarcane El

Sugarcane El



To say that all African slaves who were brought to the Americas shared an identical history and culture is the same as saying that all Latin American peoples share an identical  history and culture: it is a generalization. There was not one Pan-African identity. In fact, the primary regions from where these people were taken were diverse in all aspects of culture and society–from religion and customs to language and social hierarchy. Because these groups were so diverse, communication was often difficult among groups since they spoke different languages. 

The principal areas of Africa from which these slaves were obtained were West Africa (Senegal to Gabon fifty-five percent); Central Africa (Congo and Angola twenty-five percent); and East Africa (mainly Mozambique — twenty percent). Those taken specifically to the United States were drawn from West Africa (Senegal to Gabon seventy-three percent); Central Africa (Congo and Angola twenty-five percent); and East Africa (mainly Mozambique — two percent), The removal of slaves from Africa followed a general pattern that, starting in West Africa, saw the prime source areas shifting eastward and southward over time. This meant that the following areas successively became the focal point of obtaining slaves: Senegambia/Sierra Leone, Windward Coast, Gold Coast, Bight of Benin, Bight of Biafra, Congo/ Angola, and Mozambique (New Jersey Historical Commission).  As a result, cultural practices and creative expression in the Americas evolved depending on the African group present in the region. Thus, customs and practices deriving from African origin in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean are not necessarily similar or related to customs and practices in Brazil or Peru. Next we will examine a few of these cultural expressions.  


Afro-Brazilian Culture


Slavery in Brazil

Between 1561 and 1860, about 43% of all Africans brought to the Americas landed in Brazil, totaling almost five million. About 70% of the enslaved Africans in Brazil were Angolan. Other noted African regions of the slave trade included Nigeria and Benin. Having established an economic culture largely based on slave labor, Brazil was the last country in the western hemisphere to abolish slavery in 1888, trailing Cuba by two years and the United States by 23 years. Today, Brazil reports some ninety-seven million African descendants out of a total population of 190 million. Brazil has the second largest percentage of African descendants in the world, only second to Nigeria. About a third of Brazil’s enslaved Africans were trafficked through the port of Bahia. Today, Bahia continues to be a center of black life in Brazil. Given such a long history of African presence, African culture has survived in terms of the religious syncretism of Candomblé and Umbanda to the religious representations of Xangô. In addition, carnival is a sure sign of African culture thriving in Brazil.

The Brazil Institute briefly explains post-abolition life (Links to an external site.) in the country and the government-sponsored policy of branqueamento, meant to whiten the population, beginning the long and complicated views on race with which current Brazilian society struggles. 

Although Brazil still struggles to address the consequences of 350 years of slavery, the African influence on the nation is one of the most rich in Latin America. We will briefly explore the religion Candomblé, Samba and Carnaval, and Capoeira, which all came from the black communities of Brazil, the quilombos

The episode “Bahia: Brazil’s African Connection (Links to an external site.)” of In the Americas with David Yateman provides us with an introduction to Afro-Brazilian culture and Salvador da Bahia.


“African Slave Trade in Latin America.” Center for Latin American Studies, Vanderbilt University.

Gates, H.L (2011). Black in Latin America. 13-180. New York: New York University Press.


Afro-Cuban Culture


Slavery in Cuba

Beginning in 1762, a brief British occupation led to a huge increase in African slavery on the island of Cuba. Later, Cuban planters continued to import large numbers of Africans, with the period from 1790 to 1867 as the largest period of slave importations. After Haiti’s sugar economy collapsed, Cuba soon replaced Haiti as the world’s number one supplier of sugar. Between 1651 and 1866, Cuba received almost 800,000 enslaved Africans. Capitalizing on Haiti’s failed state, Spanish conquistadors went full speed ahead into cultivating Cuba’s sugar plantations. By the 1820s, Cuba had become the “largest sugar exporter in the world and the largest slave economy in the western hemisphere. (Gates).  By 1850, sugar was almost 83% of Cuban exports and 40% of those sugar exports going to the United States. On October 10, 1868, Cuba began its first War of Independence from Spain. Plantation owner Manuel de Céspedes freed his slaves and armed them to fight for independence. Forty-eight hours later, brothers Antonio and José Maceo, free blacks, joined the rebels against Spain. On February 10, 1878 the Treaty of Zanjón, a peace agreement, was signed. General Antonio Maceo and others unsuccessfully protested that the abolition of slavery was not a part of the treaty. During Cuba’s second War of Independence in 1896, the Maceo brothers died in battle just six months part. It would be another decade before the Maceo brothers’ dream of a free Cuba for all would be realized. Slavery was abolished by royal decree on Oct, 7, 1886, some 21 years after the United States.


The 20th century Cuban poet, Nicolás Guillén, writes about the brutality and legacy of slavery in much of his works, like his poem “Caña” (“Sugarcane“):

El negro
junto al cañaveral.

El yanqui
sobre el cañaveral.

La tierra
bajo el cañaveral.

que se nos va!

The black man
bound to the canefield.

The Yankee
above the canefield.

The earth
beneath the canefield.

seeps out of us!

As in other parts of the Americas, slavery left a lasting mark on Cuban culture and society. Next, you will learn more about these influences, particularly in music. We will be spending time at the end of the semester discussing the music of Latin America, so this will be an introduction. 


“African Slave Trade in Latin America.” Center for Latin American Studies, Vanderbilt University.

Franklin, J. (1997). Cuba and the United States: A chronological history. 1-4. Melbourne: Ocean Press

Gates, H.L. (2011). Black in Latin America. 13-180. New York: New York University Press.

Landers, J. (2008). Slavery in the Spanish Caribbean and the Failure of Abolition. Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 31(3), 343-371

After reviewing the learning materials in this module (lectures, readings, videos), answer the following prompt in a focused response:

After learning about the African influence in Latin America, how significant are the cultural contributions from the African diaspora, and how do they add to the complexity of Latin American identity? What stood out? 

Submit a well-composed response by writing in the “Reply” section directly below this prompt. If you would like to reply to other people, write in the “Reply” section below their post. 


  1. Produce a substantial response to the given prompt (about 200 words – remember, your post should be detailed and specific enough to demonstrate that you have a thorough understanding of the learning materials

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Apa Reference List Exceeds

Apa Reference List Exceeds

Hi I need a 20-slide PowerPoint presentation using a case study. The presentation will use the “nursing process ” to discuss the following section:

Holistic assessment of client’s condition.

Priority Interventions that Promote Client Safety

Client’s Cultural Values in Implementation

Advocacy: Right to Autonomy & Adherence to Plan of Care

Team Members, Communication, Collaboration

Assignment details:

1-  Name the file: ACI_NUR280W8_209838_Acosta Y.

2-  Create cover slide:

a.  The name of the assignment: Case Study about Graves’ disorder

b.  The name of the course

c.  Name of your professor

d.  Your name

3-  Slides 2-19 you will evaluate the case study using the nursing process and discuss the 5 concepts above. 

4-  Finally, list your references in APA style in slide 20.  If the APA reference list exceeds slide 20, you may use as many additional slides to list all of your sources.

Attached you will find an example of a powerpoint; that is how the teacher wants it. Whatever is  HIGHTLIGHT MUST BE in the introduction. She gave us this so we could use it, so feel free to do it.

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Based Practice Activities Like

Based Practice Activities Like


Peer 1

World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human subjects 

When performing medical research involving human subjects, it is essential to adhere to specific ethical guidelines outlined in this article. A few examples of these guiding principles are respect for autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence. The World Medical Association (WMA) drafted the Declaration of Helsinki to serve as a comment of ethics for health stidies conducted on human research participants (Cantín, 2018). These principles apply to research conducted on human physical material and personal information.

Ethical issues in reproductive genetic carrier screening.

The article sheds light on various conditions that question how RCS reflects societal values. The article supports conducting RCS and breaks down the advantages that outweigh that it is an experiment that reflects good values. The authors argue that because screening can be frustrating for individuals with the genetic diseases that are being screened for, it is regarded morally sound to test only for genes linked to severe conditions. Also, it is important to consider ethical considerations while deciding how to fund RCS because public funding can be interpreted as an official stamp of approval for screening (Dive & Newson, 2020). An official, publicly supported screening program may offer benefits, but there may be disguised value implications with such support.

Is it ethical research for children? Reflection on research involving children.

The article discusses the Ethical Study Involving Children (ERIC) project highlighting the ethical implications and approaches when children are used as research subjects. When researching minors, researchers face many complex ethical problems and complications that go far beyond the purview of existing institutional review and governance mechanisms (Lee, 2020). Researchers, however, as a group, have a great deal of expertise in using common ethical standards in various contexts.

Research Involving Children and Adolescents in Situations of Violence: Ethical Aspects to be Considered

The article discusses the researcher’s essential of considering various ethical aspects in the planning and development of research that uses children who are victims of violence as subjects. The authors stress the importance of providing a safe space for open communication between the researcher and the research subject in which the participant feels comfortable disclosing their experiences with sexual abuse (Platt, 2022). This argument stresses the need for researchers to consider the wish to protect children and adolescents from the risks associated with research work.  

Ethics: Electronic Surveillance of Nurses in the Workplace: Ethical Considerations.

According to nurses, the researchers evaluate the ethical considerations of the use of surveillance cameras with supporting information on how the use of cameras is ethical and why it is not ethical. Considering the diversity of the benefits and drawbacks associated with electronic workplace surveillance, this type of surveillance must adhere to ethical guidelines (Wallace, 2018). Using electronic monitoring of nurses in the workplace is not appropriate without conducting an appropriate needs assessment. Instead, it should be executed according to the requirements of the situation.


Cantín, M. (2018). World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human subjects. Reviewing the Latest Version. International Journal of Medical and Surgical Sciences, 1(4), 339–346. https://doi.org/10.32457/ijmss.2014.042

Dive, L., & Newson, A. J. (2020). Ethical issues in reproductive genetic carrier screening. Medical Journal of Australia. https://doi.org/10.5694/mja2.50789

Lee, S. (2020). Is it ethical research for children? Reflection on research involving children. Journal of School Social Work, 52, 29–51. https://doi.org/10.20993/jssw.52.2

Platt, V. B. (2022). Research Involving Children and Adolescents in Situations of Violence: Ethical Aspects to be Considered. SOJ Pediatrics and Clinical Neonatology, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.53902/sojpcn.2022.02.000514

Wallace, R. (2018). Ethics: Electronic Surveillance of Nurses in the Workplace: Ethical Considerations. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(2). https://doi.org/10.3912/ojin.vol23no02ethcol01

Peer 2

Summary of Ethical Approaches used in Research Articles

Ethical Issues in Genetic Research” by the National Human Genome Research Institute

The ethical issues surrounding genetic research are covered in this article. The authors contend that the autonomy of persons, beneficence, and non-maleficence should all be respected when doing genetic research. When genomes research is carried out on groups, like the ones represented in MalariaGEN, which are characterized by lower average income and literacy levels, many ethical considerations are highlighted. Such issues must be adequately addressed in such research, which is crucial (Nepi, 2019). According to the researcher’s experience, it is where ethics is ingrained in the design and implementation of such research initiatives that the ethical issues in genomics research can be best detected, examined, and solved.

            The Use of Deception in Psychological Research” by Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair

The ethical ramifications of utilizing deception in psychological research are covered in this article. Psychologists can conduct more realistic studies using deception and examine phenomena that are otherwise impossible to explore under controlled conditions. Without a question, research that uses deception has broadened and improved the body of knowledge in psychology. Despite its advantages, deception can raise ethical issues and, if not employed appropriately, may negatively affect research subjects. While deception may be necessary for some circumstances, the author contends, researchers must take precautions to make sure that participants are not injured by the experience.

Research Involving Children: An Ethical Framework” by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics

The ethical issues of researching children are covered in this article. The authors contend that while children shouldn’t be subjected to study unless it is in their best interests, those who do it should take precautions to ensure the rights and well-being of those subjects.

Genetic and Genomic Healthcare: Ethical Issues of Importance to Nurses

New methods for health promotion, maintenance, and treatment have become possible since the human genome was fully sequenced in 2003. New gene-based technologies are being developed for the screening, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of both rare and common diseases as a result of genetic research, which is also improving our understanding of the genetic components of common diseases including cancer, diabetes, and stroke. Given their position at the center of patient care, nurses will actively engage in genetic and genomic-based practice activities like gathering family history, gaining informed consent for genetic testing, and delivering gene-based therapies. All nurses must be able to properly transmit genetic and genomic information to patients while being aware of related ethical concerns under this new model of healthcare. The article lists six genetic and genomic medical procedures that raise ethical concerns for nurses. It provides an overview of existing and forthcoming ethical challenges for each activity mentioned. In order to best serve the needs of their patients, families, and society, nurses should incorporate thorough and up-to-date knowledge of genetics and genomics into their practice, according to the approaches presented in the article.

Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects” by the World Medical Association  

The ethical guidelines that must be observed while using human subjects in medical research are outlined in this article. Respect for individual autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence are some of these principles (Hong et al., 2019). Physicians who take part in medical research have a responsibility to safeguard the lives, health, dignity, integrity, and right to self-determination of research participants. Medical research involving human participants must adhere to commonly recognized scientific standards, be supported by competent laboratories and, when necessary, animal testing, as well as a complete understanding of the scientific literature and other pertinent sources of information. Respect must be shown for the well-being of animals utilized in research.


Hong, J. Y., Han, K., Jung, J. H., & Kim, J. S. (2019). Association of exposure to diagnostic low-dose ionizing radiation with risk of cancer among youths in South Korea. JAMA network open, 2(9), e1910584-e1910584.

Nepi, L. (2019). Ethical issues concerning the informed consent process in paediatric clinical trials: European guidelines and recommendations on minor’s assent and parental permission. BioLaw Journal-Rivista di BioDiritto, (1S), 53-63.

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Implementation Process Moving Transforming

Implementation Process Moving Transforming

  • introduce the Change Project
  • Background and evidence supporting the change
  • Literature Review:  Include at least two sources of literature to describe the change theory/theories utilized in this change project.

ASSESSMENT (approximately 1 page)

  • Recognition of the need for change in the status quo.
  • How did you determine that there was a need for change (survey,

interview, …?)

  • Interest:  Desire for a change in the system.
  • Motivation:  Forces motivating change; were there any incentives to increase motivation.
  • Environment:  Characteristics that indicate openness to change in a system (if not, why not)

PLANNING (2 pages)

  • What was each step of the planning process
  • Unfreezing: Include driving and restraining forces
  • Goals:  short & long term (be specific & measurable)
  • Sources of Power:  Who has the power in the system and how it is used
  • Resistances:  Attitudes and beliefs; finances

IMPLEMENTATION  (approximately 1 page)

  • What was each step of the implementation process
  • Moving
  • Transforming intentions into actual change behavior
  • Recognition, reward system

EVALUATION (approximately 1 page)

  • Evaluation measures the degree to which the goals were achieved
  • How will success be measured (audits, surveys, observation) include any tools developed for measure.
  • Examine progress against pre-established goals
  • Revisions in plan

PLANS FOR STABILIZATION (approximately 1page)

  • Refreezing
  • Administrative
  • Commitment of system

REFLECTION (approximately 1 page)

  • Describe the personal and professional experience of the change project
  • Describe the most successful experience of the process
  • Indicate  element/s that were the most problematic or challenging
  • Indicate what would be done differently in the project if it were done again.
  • Describe your personal leadership style (Yoder-Wise Chapter 3) in the change project
  • Consider how will you utilize this experience in your future
  • Writing mechanics, construction, grammar

References, APA Format, grammar, spelling, structure, use of headings, 12-font Times New Roman, title page. My topic for this research is on FALL RISK

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Discussion Attached Thanks

Discussion Attached Thanks

Please reply to the following discussion with one or more references. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite resources in your responses to other classmates. 

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