6 759 –

6 759 –


Discussion: Teamwork in the Work Place

Think about a time when you worked in a group to achieve a specific goal. This may have been planning a party, working in a collaborative group for school, or working through a project for work. Consider the benefits and challenges as you worked through to achieving your goal. Now, think about if you added diversity to your group. Your group members may be from another country or even have very little experience or education. How might this impact the overall outcome of your project? As you begin to consider your future professional work, you might find that it will be necessary to work and collaborate with others to accomplish specific goals. Because of this, group think, individualism, and collectivism will be critical to understanding the behavior of others in the work place.

For this Discussion, you will you will explore individualism and collectivism and how each might impact the dynamics of a group.

To Prepare:
  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and think about how group think, individualism, and collectivism impact your daily life as well as your professional work.
  • Consider the following:Imagine you are on a team at work and have a deadline quickly approaching. The project is critical to your employer’s success. Your eight-person team is composed of diverse workers. There’s a range in age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, and experience level, among other distinctions. Your team’s progress has encountered some challenges. Some team members are managing home and work life duties, and other team members are having difficulty working together across their differences.
Post and provide a definition of individualism and collectivism. Based on your knowledge from culture and psychology, list three possible solutions to accomplish the looming deadline of the project in the scenario provided and why these solutions would be the best possible solutions. Learning Resources
Required Readings

Aycan, Z. (2002). Leadership and teamwork in developing countries: Challenges and opportunities. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 7(2).

Credit Line: Aycan, Z., & International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. (2002). Leadership and Teamwork in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities. Retrieved from ​dx.doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1066​. Used with permission of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.  

Hwang, A., Francesco, A. M., & Kessler, E. (2003). The relationship between individualism-collectivism, face and feedback and learning processes in Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 34, 72–91.

Liu, J. H. (2012). A cultural perspective on intergroup relations and social identity. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 5(3).

Credit Line: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, & Liu, J. H. (2012). A Cultural Perspective on Intergroup Relations and Social Identity. Retrieved from ​dx.doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1119​. Used with permission of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. 

Sanchez-Burks, J., Lee, F., Choi, I., Nisbett, R., Zhou, S., & Koo, J. (2003). Conversing across cultures: East-West communication styles in work and non-work contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(2), 363–372.

Credit Line: Conversing Across Cultures: East-West Communication Styles in Work and Non-Work Contexts by Sanchez-Burks, J.; Lee, F.; Choi, I.; Nisbett, R.; Zhou, S.; Koo, J., in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 85, Issue 2. Copyright 2003 by American Psychological Association. Reprinted by permission of American Psychological Association via the Copyright Clearance Center

Smith, P. B. (2015). To lend helping hands: In-group favoritism, uncertainty avoidance and the national frequency of pro-social behaviors. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(6), 759–771. doi: 10.1177/0022022115585141


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Good Data ” Tiffany

Good Data ” Tiffany

You enter your project team meeting with Mike and Tiffany to hear them discussing the tools that they found to conduct an analysis of the industry and competitors. “Mike, there are so many more tools than I even realized to give us some good data,” Tiffany states. 

“I know,” Mike says. “That’s why I wanted to take some time to look at our options and figure out what information we really need to support the board’s decision.”

Mike and Tiffany both found some great tools from their research on the subject. Complete the following:

  • Based on your classmates’ discussion posts for Week 2, do you still believe the tools that you selected will work best for a global strategy? Why or why not? 
  • What evidence do you have to support your decision? 
  • How would you refute the people who chose an additional tool rather than one of the tools that you selected? 
  • Based on the tools that you selected, provide a brief analysis of your market, using those tools. 

4-6 pages

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Considering ” Mike Interjects

Considering ” Mike Interjects

As you close your weekly meeting with Deborah, she says, “There are some very good ideas here. I would like to see you continue with a global marketing plan. We need more concrete analysis and data for the presentation. Get your team to work.”

After your meeting with Deborah, you briefly meet with your team to discuss moving toward a more formal analysis. 

“Tiffany and Mike, we need to provide a more detailed analysis,” you explain. “You’ve done a great job so far looking at what resources we need and potential countries, but we need to really dig deeper on this.”

Tiffany nods her head in agreement. “Definitely,” she says. “We need to look at some internal variables as well as political, environmental, sociocultural, and technological environments of the countries that we are considering.”

Mike interjects, “Well, that’s something we should consider, but it’s not the only way to analyze this type of project. This is such a big decision, and we need to give as much information as we can.”

You reply, “Great point, Mike. We should look at this from a couple of different angles.”

The next step in your strategic marketing plan is to determine the tools that are needed to conduct an analysis of the industry and competitors. Complete the following:

  • What are two analysis tools that could be used in this situation? 
  • Why do you think these are the best ways to analyze the market? 
  • How will you use these tools in your plan?

400-600 words

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Diabetes Type Two Involves

Diabetes Type Two Involves


Advanced Pharmacology

Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. ( McCance & Huether 2019).  Per The American Diabetic Association (ADA) each year 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes.  There are different types of diabetes in this paper we will differentiate between the various types and focus on type 2 diabetes.

Comparison of different types of diabetes including drug treatment

Type 1 Diabetes: caused by Beta-cell destruction leading to absolute insulin deficiency ( pancreas stops producing insulin) . This is the most common form of diabetes. Patients with type 1 diabetes are insulin-dependent.  About 75% of them develop before the age of 30.  Patients are prone to diabetic ketoacidosis.  Type 1 diabetes is secondary to other diseases such as pancreatitis, it is also said to be caused by genetic predisposition and environmental factors. It is most common in people of African and Asian descent.  Clinical manifestations of type 1 diabetes include Polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, weight loss, and fatigue.  Patients with type 1 diabetes take different types of insulin. Rapid-acting (Lispro ), short-acting ( regular insulin ) intermediate-acting ( NPH), long-acting (glargine).

Type 2 Diabetes; is caused by the progressive loss of b-cell insulin secretion frequency on the background of insulin resistance ( insulin becomes resistant, may be produced but does not do its job).  Patients with type 2 diabetes are usually not insulin dependent but might be insulin requiring depending on the severity of hyperglycemia.  Not ketosis-prone but may form ketones under stress. obesity in the abdominal region.  Mostly occurs in those 40years of age and above . has a strong genetic predisposition and is often associated with dyslipidemia and hypertension. Prevalence is highest among American Indians and Alaska Natives and lowest among non-Hispanic whites.  Clinical manifestations of type 2 diabetes are nonspecific but the most common ones are; recurrent infections ( boils and carbuncles, skin infections, and prolonged wound healing ), genital pruritus, visual changes, paresthesias, fatigue, and Acanthosis nigricans ( brown to black pigmentation in body folds associated with insulin resistance ).  Treatment of diabetes type two involves lifestyle modifications like weight loss which results in improved insulin sensitivity, and glucose tolerance, and preserves beta-cell function.  In cases where diet and exercise yield unsatisfactory results, first line of drugs for type 2 diabetes is Sulfonylurea, and in some cases insulin is added if the oral hypoglycemic agents do not work. they are nine classes of oral hypoglycemic agents with metformin being the drug of choice.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus ( GDM);  Any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition of symptoms during pregnancy.  Caused by insulin resistance combined with inadequate insulin secretion in relation to hyperglycemia. occurs in obese women mostly older than 25years of age, and who have a family history of diabetes. prevalent in women in certain ethnic groups, Hispanic, Native American, Asian, and black. The metabolic stress of pregnancy may uncover a genetic tendency for type 2 diabetes mellitus.  The ADA recommends that pregnant women with risk factors be screened at their first prenatal visit, those without a risk factor should be screened with an oral glucose tolerance test at 24 -28 weeks gestation. Treatment will depend on the level of hyperglycemia. monitoring calorie intake and lifestyle modification and glucose monitoring are important.

Juvenile Diabetes; Is a Chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. It typically appears in adolescents and is characterized by polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, fatigue, and hunger. Treatment includes monitoring blood sugar levels, exercise, and diet modification. The same treatment for diabetes type 1 applies to juvenile diabetes.


A genetic-environmental interaction appears to be responsible for type 2DM. The most well-recognized risk factors are age, obesity, hypertension, physical inactivity, and family history. They are 9 classes of oral glycemic agents that are the first line of drugs for the treatment of type 2DM.

METFORMIN ; is a Biguanide that works by decreasing hepatic glucose production and increasing insulin sensitivity and peripheral glucose uptake.  Metformin is well absorbed from the GI tract and distributed via the bloodstream throughout the body. Metformin provides more opportunities for the cells to bind sufficiently with insulin, initiating the process of glucose metabolism.  Hypoglycemia can occur if metformin is taken with cimetidine, nifedipine, procainamide, ranitidine, and vancomycin. Metformin is administered in type diabetics where diet and exercise have failed to reduce blood sugar levels. oral tablet of 500mg once a day is administered with evening meals initially, the provider titrates the dosage depending on blood sugar control. The maximum dose per day is 2000mg.


 The goal of treatment with type 2 diabetes is the restoration of near-euglycemia and correction of related metabolic disorders. Diet is an important factor in controlling type 2 diabetes. A  diabetic diet is a healthy -eating plan that is naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories, this includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When extra calories and fat are consumed, your body creates an undesirable rise in blood glucose.  Healthy meals should be eaten at regular times a day.  choose healthy carbohydrates, fiber-rich foods, fish, and good fats. avoid foods high in saturated fat , trans fat, cholesterol and sodium

Long-term and short-term effects of type 2diabetes on patients.

Complications of type 2 diabetes can either be acute or chronic ..

Acute; include hypoglycemia  and Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNKS)

Chronic; Diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, Acute kidney injury ( AKI) , macrovascular problems.


Benson, E. B., & Alfors, S. N. (2007). Prescription drug advertising and promotion: Learnings from recent food and drug administration warning letters. Drug Information Journal, 41(3), 281–289. https://doi.org/10.1177/009286150704100301

Bissonnette, D. J. (2019). A diabetic nation: An American Tragedy (1st ed.). Kendall Hunt Publishing.

McCANCE, K., & HUETHER, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology. The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and children (8th ed.). ELSEVIER.

Sharma, A., & Agrawal, A. (2014). Association of dyslipidemia with diabetic complications (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

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Professional Air Conditioning Experts

Professional Air Conditioning Experts


When your house’s air conditioning goes down on a hot day, who can you trust to provide quick and high-quality service? PriceMyAC is the answer! Our team of professional air conditioning experts can get to work right away with prompt 24-hour AC Repair Phoenix, Tempe, Sun Lakes, Queen Creek, and Greater Metro areas. We’ve been servicing, installing, and repairing air conditioners in people’s homes for years. If you’re looking for AC Repair or Installation, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.


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000 Reply Quote Email

000 Reply Quote Email


A brief explanation of the differences between the types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Be sure to include dietary considerations related to treatment. Then, explain the short-term and long-term impact of this type of diabetes on patients. including effects of drug treatments. Be specific and provide examples.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease process resulting in hyperglycemia. This increase in blood glucose levels is caused by a defect in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, is distinguished by beta-cell destruction, which leads to insulin deficiency and supplemental insulin dependency. The most common cause is autoimmune cellular-mediated destruction of pancreatic beta-cells. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and is characterized by a gradual and progressive loss of pancreatic beta-cell function caused by genetic defects. Type 2 diabetes is not commonly insulin-dependent, but it may necessitate some insulin supplementation. Gestational diabetes mellitus is a type of glucose intolerance that develops or is discovered during pregnancy. It is caused by a combination of insulin resistance and insufficient insulin secretion in response to elevated blood glucose levels (McCance, 2018). An oral glucose tolerance test, performed as part of routine antenatal care, is used to diagnose it.

PO diabetes medications will be discontinued routinely in inpatient hospital settings, and patients will be transitioned to pre-prandial and nightly blood glucose checks. Finally, clinicians strive for tight glycemic control with no hypoglycemic episodes. This is accomplished by administering insulin subcutaneously. Insulin for medical use is produced using recombinant DNA technology and is either identical to or modified to be human insulin. Analogs have the same effects and pharmacologic action as human insulin but with different onset, peak, and duration times (Rosenthal & Burchum, 2018).

Insulin is delivered subcutaneously in the form of a prepared substance in a vial or pen device. The prescribed dose will be administered by the patient who has received suitable instruction or by a healthcare professional while a patient. The skin at the injection site is cleaned with an alcohol swab and allowed to dry naturally without being blown or fanning. A 45° or 90° angle is chosen when inserting the needle into the cleaned skin location. Then, insulin is injected into the skin and left there for five seconds by pushing the plunger of the syringe or the pen button.

The type of insulin prescribed can vary based on the patient’s needs. One example regimen combines long-acting insulin with mealtime insulin with quick onset. This will influence the patients’ day-to-day lives since they must monitor their glucose levels before meals and receive multiple daily injections. Long-acting insulin, such as insulin glargine or Lantus, is administered in a predetermined dose once a day. It has no peak, an onset of 1-1.5 hours, and a duration of 20-24 hours. Rapid-acting insulins, such as Humalog or NovoLog, have an onset of 15 to 30 minutes or 10 to 20 minutes, a peak of 30 to 90 minutes or 40 to 50 minutes, and a duration of 3 to 5 hours. Pre-meal blood glucose levels determine the dosage. In addition, patients can determine prandial insulin dosages using carb counting or a sliding scale.

Billington et al., 2007, studies have shown a long-term improvement in A1C levels for people who utilize a sliding scale as opposed to measuring carbohydrates. Counting carbs necessitates certain dietary considerations to match the number of carbs in each meal with the serving size. The blood glucose level at the time of the meal is treated using a sliding scale, and the rapid-acting agent should be provided up to 15 minutes before the meal or immediately after eating.

Insulin is not always the first-line medication for at-home diabetes management, but it is a standard and widely used option. Patients will be encouraged to make changes to their diet and exercise routines at first. Later, they can be started on a PO biguanide, metformin, followed by sulfonylurea. Whatever the treatment method, it is critical for the clinician to speak with the patient and coordinate a plan that will work with the patient’s lifestyle and overall health needs. Insulin is not always the first-line medication for at-home diabetes management and is a widely used option.


Billington, E., Fraser, T., Tawashy, A., & Tildesley, H. D. (2007). Carbohydrate counting vs. sliding scale for insulin dosage estimation. Canadian Journal of Diabetes31(2), 117-124.

McCance, S.H. K. (2018). Pathophysiology. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/#/books/9780323583473/

Rosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2018). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice providers. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.000

REPLY QUOTE EMAIL AUTHOR 9 hours agoElizabeth Arnold RE: Discussion: Diabetes and Drug TreatmentsCOLLAPSE

Hello Rosalie,

     I enjoyed reading your post and was really interested in your discussion regarding sliding scale insulin and carbohydrate counting. Adherence to medication regimens, diet plans and activity recommendations have been long standing issues identified in the diabtic patient population. It has been further identified that patients with increased risk for comorbidities, poor prognosis, increased stress, and depression are more likely to struggle with long term compliance (Katsaridis et al., 2020). I have been reading about the efficacy of sliding scale insulin orders for the inpatient population. The sliding scale based on glucose reading alone is a reactive approach that is based on the previous insulin given rather than the anticipated or expected insulin needed. For example, if a patient has a blood glucose level prior to eating, they may not receive insulin based on the sliding scale. After that patient eats they may be at increased risk of hyperglycemia for several hours until the next blood glucose reading (Abuelsoud & Khalaf, 2020). This may be one reason for the move towards carbohydrate counting as a method for glucose control, in addition to basal insulin regimens ( Abuelsoud & Khalaf, 2020). The technique in which insulin is administered is also very important. In addition to the angle of the injection, the length of the needle is also important. Literature has been recognizing and recommending shorter needles to ensure subcutaneous injection rather than mistakingly entering the muscle (Hirsch & Strauss, 2019). The development of lipohypertrophy can also occur with needle reuse and improper injection site rotation (Hirsch & Strauss, 2019). Ongoing education and support for this patient population is so important to help minimize disease related complications and increase dietary and medication adherence. 


Abuelsoud, N., Khalaf, H. (2020). Studying the efficacy of insulin sliding scale: clinical pharmacy 

     approach. The Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 33(3). 947-952. 


Hirsch, L., & Strauss, K. (2019. The injection technique factor: what you don’t know or teach can 

     make a difference. Clinical Diabetes Journal. https://doi.org/10.2337/cd18-0076

Katsaridid, S. et al. (2020. Low reported adherence to the 2019 American Diabetes Association Nutrition recommendations among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, indicating a need for improved nutrition       

     education and diet care. Nutrients. DOI:10.3390/nu12113516.

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Following Guideline + 10

Following Guideline + 10

Many times we find ourselves out of the house without many food options except “fast food”. I think we all know that in general fast food is not a good food option but sometimes we have no choice, or just don’t care. It is possible to make healthier fast food options though. The point of this discussion is to have you work through some options for “healthy” fast food. Use the instructions below to construct 3 meals that fall within FDA guidelines for a “healthy” meal. We will not factor in dietary restrictions (including for medical reasons) or personal metabolic variations. You should choose foods that you would actually eat though.

Type up your resulting meals along with nutritional information, changes and sources in the discussion forum. Yes, this discussion will include some basic math in some cases and you must include those calculations when necessary. For example, if you get an Egg McMuffin without cheese (which isn’t specifically on the menu when I checked), you will need to include the total calories for the Egg McMuffin and then show the deduction for removing the cheese. (There are multiple sources for estimating the values of a slice of processed American cheese, or just look at the difference between a cheeseburger and hamburger on the lunch menu.) IMPORTANT – Make sure you include the final totals for each meal. Also include the source(s) of your information.

Part 1 – Breakfast

Choose a national/regional fast food chain (something with a drive-thru) and construct a breakfast with a beverage (water is ok but you must indicate it) that falls within the average recommended guidelines for an adult (I provide guidelines below). You can customize your meal any way you want to (“hold the cheese” for example) but you must provide documentation (web links) to your source(s) of information. You must also show your breakdown of the numbers along with any changes to the standard menu that you’ve made. Your meal should fall between 600-700 calories. Remember that any calories lose by reducing fat, you must replace with non-sugar carbs or proteins.

You should not exceed the following guidelines (+/- 10%):

Total Fat – 22g

    Saturated Fat – 7g

    Cholesterol – 100mg

Sugars – 10g

Sodium – 800mg

You should meet or exceed the following:

Total Carbs – 80g

    Fiber – 8g

Total Protein – 17g

Part 2 – Lunch

Choose a DIFFERENT national/regional fast food chain (something with a drive-thru or a sandwich shop like Subway, Blimpie, etc.) and construct a lunch with a beverage (water is ok but you must indicate it) that falls within the average recommended guidelines for an adult (I provide guidelines below). You can customize your meal any way you want to (“hold the cheese” for example) but you must provide documentation (web links) to your source(s) of information. You must also show your breakdown of the numbers along with any changes to the standard menu that you’ve made. Your meal should fall between 600-700 calories. Remember that any calories lose by reducing fat, you must replace with non-sugar carbs or proteins.

You should not exceed the following guideline (+/- 10%):

Total Fat – 22g

    Saturated Fat – 7g

    Cholesterol – 100mg

Sugars – 10g

Sodium – 800mg

You should meet or exceed the following:

Total Carbs – 80g

    Fiber – 8g

Total Protein – 17g

Part 3 – Dinner

Choose a national/regional restaurant chain (something WITHOUT a drive-thru) and construct a dinner with a beverage (water is ok but you must indicate it) that falls within the average recommended guidelines for an adult (I provide guidelines below). You can customize your meal any way you want to (“hold the cheese” for example) but you must provide documentation (web links) to your source(s) of information. You must also show your breakdown of the numbers along with any changes to the standard menu that you’ve made. Your meal should fall between 600-800 calories. Remember that any calories lose by reducing fat, you must replace with non-sugar carbs or proteins.

You should not exceed the following guidelines (+/- 10%):

Total Fat – 27g

    Saturated Fat – 8g

    Cholesterol – 120mg

Sugars – 12g

Sodium – 960mg

You should meet or exceed the following:

Total Carbs – 96g

    Fiber – 10g

Total Protein – 20g

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Research Appropriate Nursing Interventions

Research Appropriate Nursing Interventions

Compare and contrast two different forms of shock, selecting from cardiogenic, hypovolemic, neurogenic , anaphylactic, and septic shock. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences in the two forms of shock with regard to pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment. Research appropriate nursing interventions and treatments for each form of shock and summarize your findings in a 150 word post in the discussion board.

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Least 7 Organelles

Least 7 Organelles

help study for project

I need someone to assist me with finding a cell

theirs an example of the cell I will draw it myself I just need you to label each organelle

 at least 7 organelles/structures found in a typical animal cell

I need a photo of the cell and a sheet labeled with each organelle is 

  • A detailed key/legend that matches the model;
  • Each organelle or part with its basic function;
  • A disease or disorder that is associated with the malfunction of each cellular organelle/structure;
  • Reference website where you found information about the disease; 
    • References from government websites, academic institutions, or organizations that are recognized authorities on the subject (see my Cystic Fibrosis example) are recommended
    • Do not use websites, such as Wikipedia, WebMD, Healthline, forums, personal blogs, or popular magazines (i.e., Women’s Health, etc.) 
    • Recommended reference websites: 
      • https://www.nih.gov/ (Links to an external site.)
      • https://www.nlm.nih.gov/ (Links to an external site.)
      • https://www.cdc.gov/ (Links to an external site.)
      • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ (Links to an external site.)
      • https://www.health.harvard.edu/health-a-to-z 

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Airline Passenger Experience Association

Airline Passenger Experience Association

The national airline of Fiji is called Fiji Airways. The Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) has awarded Tourism Fiji with a Diamond accreditation for its Travel Ready Program, as stated on phrazle the organization’s official website. Fiji Airways has attained the highest possible APEX accreditation, the Diamond level, which implies they use hospital-level safety procedures. Fiji Airways is also one of just six airlines in the world to have the coveted SKYTRAX 5-Star COVID-19 Airline Safety Rating.

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