Others Cultural Knowledge Cultural

Others Cultural Knowledge Cultural


Review your responses to the self-evaluation questions from the Learning Guide.  For each of the five (5) categories below, describe in detail the social work best practices that you plan to utilize personally to improve your cultural competence skills and social work practice skills.  Please be reminded that related to the Learning Plan assignment, you were asked to consider a particular racial (USE AFRICAN AMERICANS), ethnic or oppressed population that you may need to learn more about (or have ideas about that may not be accurate) and address your learning/growth needs based on the selected population and the categories below.

 Please use the attached document to help support the paper, I have already provided some examples but use more detailed examples to support for each sub heading. No big vocabulary words. 

 please provide examples supporting the particular group: examples such as wanting to learn, need to learn, relearn about the group (African Americans) for the paper. The particular group that i am focusing on for the paper is AFRICAN AMERICANS. 

  1. Open Attitude
  2. Self-Awareness
  3. Awareness of Others
  4. Cultural Knowledge
  5. Cultural Skills

It is to be written in paragraph form, using APA format.  Each of the five categories should be addressed under a separate sub-heading.  A reference page is required, with APA formatted citations.

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Please Find 1 Recent

Please Find 1 Recent


Your Special Project for Lesson 5 is to search and describe 5 informal fallacies from things around you.   Please find 1 recent example (within the last 10 years) from each of the following categories:

1.  A print advertisement-from newspaper, magazine, web, billboard, “junk mail” ads, marketing email, etc.

2.  A TV advertisement 

3.  A “Letter to the Editor”-from any newspaper or news web site. You have access to many of these sources, including The Oklahoman and The New York Times

4.   A social media ad (or other internet ad) that showed up on your timeline/browser.   

5.  A political ad, political debate, political news show, etc. involving an Oklahoma-related issue or candidate. Individual campaign websites or social media platforms may be a good place to start here.

Please number your findings, 1-5. Next to each number, include a link to or screenshot/photo of the ad. Also include a complete MLA citation or credit for the source.  Below each citation, complete the project in narrative/paragraph form.  Describe the context of the ad, including who it was created by, where and when it was originally published. Name the fallacy, tell me the context of the fallacy, describe the fallacy, and give a rationale of why you see it as a fallacy.  

After you have completed all 5 examples and narratives, write a final concluding paragraph reflecting on the experience of finding fallacies around you and how fallacies play out in your own life

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Topic • Avoid Logical

Topic • Avoid Logical

 Writing work 3—Connecting through Classical Argument Argument: What Is It? In its most basic form, an argument can be broken down into two components: • A claim (a statement that requires evidence) • Support (evidence that supports the claim) For this work, however, you will be writing a classical argument. A classical argument takes this simple definition of argument and expands upon it, breaking it into more specific and defined components. Argument: The Classical Pattern The classical pattern of argument – the type of argument you will write – is divided into the following components: 1. Introduction 2. Narration 3. Partition 4. Argument 5. Refutation 6. Conclusion Argument: The Introduction In your introduction, you lead your audience to the topic in a clear, natural manner. In other words, you don’t want to throw your audience into the middle of your argument without introducing the subject matter. There are several ways to accomplish this goal: • Cite a surprising statistic that makes the audience realize the significance of your topic • Recount a recent news event related to your topic • Tell a hypothetical story related to your topic • Relate the experience of somebody connected to your topic Argument: The Narration In the narration of your argument, you will give your audience enough information to both understand your argument and realize its significance. Typically, you need to achieve the following: • Connect your topic to your audience • Make your audience understand how your topic affects them • Provide context – social, cultural, legal, historical – so that your audience sees the overall situation surrounding your topic • Explain your topic – and any related terms/concepts – in a manner that your audience can understand Argument: The Partition Your partition is your thesis, which should be a claim. Crafting an effective claim is the most important part of writing this work, for it is the foundation of the entire work. Indeed, without a claim, you have no argument. Your claim should meet several criteria: • It must be arguable. If everyone agrees with your thesis, you have a statement of fact – not a claim. The proper response to your thesis should not be “Okay,” but “Oh really? Show me!” • It must be defendable. While your claim must be arguable, it should not be so outlandish that it is impossible to defend. If you find that it is, stop and revise. • It should be clear and specific. Your audience needs to know the direction of your argument. Argument: The Argument This part of your argument is the heart of the work Here you will make the case for your thesis, remaining objective and using sound logic along the way. In your argument, remember to: • Thoroughly support all aspects of your thesis with evidence • Build your argument upon logos, avoiding any manipulative appeals to emotion • Use pathos judiciously and cautiously, reserving it to put a human face on your topic • Avoid logical fallacies Argument: The Refutation An argument is not complete until it acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints. Showing your audience that you are fair and open-minded, the refutation is as important as your argument. In your refutation, you should: • Acknowledge and summarize opposing viewpoints; then • Show why these opposing viewpoints are not valid; or • If you have to concede a point, show why — overall – your viewpoint is still preferable • Remain objective and fair Argument: The Conclusion is a crucial part of your argument, reiterating your claim, reminding your audience of your main points, and often encouraging the audience to take action. Do not skimp on your conclusion simply because it is the only thing between you and being finished. Instead: • Bolster your argument by reiterating your claim • Provide a synopsis of the main points of your argument • End with a call to action, encouraging your audience to take action 

      Use the above information and write a classical argumentative work of 3 pages in MLA format I need it in 6 hours’ time


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Neoliberal Globalization Impacts Filipina

Neoliberal Globalization Impacts Filipina

 Try to choose 2 of the key words to answer questions. 350 words

Key words: colonialism and settler colonialism, culture of conquest (land dispossession, racism, resource extraction), femicide, patriarchal white supremacy, neoliberal globalization, special economic zones, militarization, commodification of care, labor brokerage state, development

1. Compare and contrast how neoliberal globalization impacts Filipina care workers and women working in maquiladoras along the US/Mexico border. How have these women become vulnerable as workers within a global capitalist system in very specific and different ways? Who benefits from their vulnerability?

2. Compare and contrast how Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color experience violence differently based on the intersectionality of race, gender, sexuality, class, and nationality. How does white supremacy manifest differently for different groups?

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Retrieved 21 September 2022

Retrieved 21 September 2022

 the topic is: veganism impact.

The research questions are:

1. what is the impact of veganism on natural and environment

2.how is long term health impacted by a vegan diet 


Forrest, C. (2022). Potential Risks of Vegan Diet. Clean Eating Kitchen. Retrieved 21 

September 2022, from https://www.cleaneatingkitchen.com/vegan-diet-dangers-


Kale, S. (2019). The 14 things you need to know before you go vegan. The Guardian. 

Retrieved 21 September 2022, from 



Wang, F., Zheng, J., Yang, B., Jiang, J., Fu, Y., & Li, D. (2015). Effects of Vegetarian 

Diets on Blood Lipids: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis of Randomized 

Controlled Trials. Journal of the American Heart Association, 4(10). 


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Use 12 Pt Times

Use 12 Pt Times

 Read the “Game of Thrones and Philosophy” excerpt of chapter 16 and answer the following questions.

1. How did you feel about/view chivalry before this reading?

2. Do you feel differently now?

3. Which of the Seven do you identify with?

No formal heading is necessary. Use 12 pt Times New Roman font, double spaced, and a minimum of 250 words.

Answer the questions—NO SUMMARY. Also, label the question.

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Post Two Tips

Post Two Tips

This week, we’re studying the major scale, which is often associate with composers like Mozart. In the YouTube video below, you will recognize the use of the C Major scale:


Music from other cultures uses the same collection of notes, but perhaps in different contexts. See the video from the Hindustani tradition of North India, below:


As a result, musicians are OBSESSED with practicing scales. There are TONS of videos on YouTube for practicing scales on guitar, piano, saxophone, voice, flute, you name it. Some are good, some are cheesy, and everything in between. 

Do a YouTube search on practicing scales (maybe on an instrument you’ve played or experimented with) and post TWO tips you learn from the videos here. 

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Intellectual Aspects Across

Intellectual Aspects Across


Human Growth and Development focuses on human growth and development over the lifespan! This course is important because it gives the student a background in human growth and development from before birth, through childhood, into adulthood, and through death and grief. By the end of this course, students will walk away with a broad understanding of the processes and influences affecting the developing person.  The focus is on biological, social, emotional, and intellectual aspects across the lifespan, and individual application is emphasized. 

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Interest Regarding Workplace Motivation

Interest Regarding Workplace Motivation


Developing questions and hypotheses about workplace motivation is one of the most important steps to understanding and applying the theories of motivation in the workplace. This week, you will look more closely at this vital part of theory building and how you can go about developing quality application-focused ideas, questions, and hypotheses. First, provide an analysis of your own experience with workplace motivation through unsystematic and systematic observation and issues that can help you to develop sound research. Second, how would you apply your ideas regarding workplace attitudes that impact motivation?

Next, go the PG Library and find a scholarly research article on one of the theories discussed and relate it to a topic of interest regarding workplace motivation and attitudes. Briefly recap the study and provide your evaluation of how well the research adds value to the field of workplace motivation.

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Physical Changes Cognitive Changes

Physical Changes Cognitive Changes


an audience of parents of adolescents to help them relate to the changes your children will be going through. Complete the following in your presentation: 

  • Explain the changes their children will go through related to adolescence, including: 
  • Physical changes 
  • Cognitive changes 
  • Social changes 
  • Neurological changes 
  • Explain changes in behavior they will likely see in their children, including: 
  • Risky behavior 
  • Inconsistent judgment 
  • Increased desire for independence and how it relates to brain functioning 
  • Discuss behavioral issues common in adolescence, including:
  • Identity crises 
  • Challenges related to fitting in 
  • Teen suicide 
  • Discuss parenting advice for parents of adolescents. 

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