Please Also Provide 2

Please Also Provide 2

Assignment: Critique the theory of Self-Efficacy using the internal and external criticism evaluation process.

* This is a Discussion post pertaining to Nursing!

*410-420 words

*APA 7th

* 3 SCHOLARLY REFERENCES from journals within the past 5 years. 

* Less than 10% Plagiarism 

* 100% Original work not previously sold; I don’t want to post the same work another student may have posted!  

Remember, this is a discussion reply. Please also provide 2 discussion replies. 150-200 words each with 1 scholarly reference. 

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7Th Edition Apa Format

7Th Edition Apa Format



Directions: Answer the questions in a minimum of 300 words utilizing the 7th edition APA format to cite your reference. 

1. Differentiate the structures and functions of the major external and internal female genital organs.

2. Outline the phases of the menstrual cycle, the dominant hormones involved, and the changes taking place in each phase.

3. Identify external and internal male reproductive structures and the function of each in hormonal regulation.

4. Draw the female reproductive organ and label its parts. Upload your picture of your drawing here.

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Outline Appropriate Client Education

Outline Appropriate Client Education


1. Examine common gynecologic concerns in terms of symptoms, diagnostic tests, and appropriate interventions.

2. Evaluate risk factors and outline appropriate client education needed in common gynecologic disorders.

3. Delineate the nursing management needed for women experiencing common gynecologic disorders.

4. Compare and contrast the various contraceptive methods available and their overall effectiveness.

5. Explore the challenges associated with induced abortion in our society today.

6. Analyze the physiologic and psychological aspects of menopausal transition.

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Observation Https Www

Observation Https Www

Topic 1: Supporting Adult Learners

Providing feedback to adult learners supports their professional growth and builds capacity as a teacher in the classroom. Begin your Discussion Board by watching these (2) two minute videos.

Video #1 Instructional Leadership–No Observation

Video #2 Instructional Leadership–With Observation

After watching the videos:

What guidance happened in #2 that was not a part of #1?

How might that guidance support an adult learner?

How would the instructional leader’s, post observation conference change with the added data from video #2?

How would the teacher benefit from the added information provided in video #2?

As a teacher, what are you looking for in your instructional leader as they support your growth in the change process?

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Nathan Et Al

Nathan Et Al


  In the scenario presented to us in the Bate’s video, we saw Devin, a 14-year-old male patient with a chief complaint of cough, trouble breathing, and a recent cold. He reports that he cannot catch his breath and that his chest felt as if it was closing in on him. Devin’s mother gives a brief history of his current symptoms reporting a subjective fever and coughing episodes that occur two times were week on average. She also explains that he has been suffering from dry skin with rashes and patches to his body.

  • What preliminary diagnoses are you considering at this time?
    • Childhood asthma
    • Pneumonia
    • Vital upper respiratory infection
  • What areas of physical examination are important for this patient?
    • Vital signs: normal temperature, heart rate 90 bpm, respirations 20/min, blood pressure 120/75 mmHg, height: 5’3, weight: 69 kg, BMI: 27
    • Skin inspection: dry with rashes and patches (commonly seen in patients with asthma)
    • Pharynx (tonsils): enlarged (can be contributed to obesity and results in snoring)
    • Lungs: intercostal retractions present, bilateral expiratory wheezing with prolonged inspiratory expiratory ratio with use of accessory muscles
    • Heart: normal assessment
    • Abdomen: normal assessment
  • What are your three diagnostic considerations in order of priority?
    • Childhood asthma: Due to Devin’s recent symptoms of a cold, this may trigger an asthma exacerbation. His positive history of a nighttime cough, intermittent shortness of breath, and trouble breathing with exercise can help point to this diagnosis. Identifying if he has been experiencing nocturnal symptoms that contribute to sleep disturbances and daytime sleepiness can also be associated with acute asthma exacerbations (Trivedi & Denton, 2019).
    • Bacterial or Community acquired pneumonia: Common symptoms for bacterial pneumonia include a productive cough, fever, chest pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath (Nathan et al., 2020). At this time, bacterial pneumonia can be ruled out as Devin has not been experiencing most of these symptoms.
    • Upper respiratory infection: In viral URIs, an individual may exhibit nasal congestion, cough, rhinorrhea, sneezing, low-grade fever, etc. (Mann et al., 2021). Devin seems to have experienced a few of these symptoms which may have triggered an acute asthma exacerbation.
  • List three next steps in your diagnostic workup
    • Pulse oximetry: Determines if oxygen saturation is within normal limits.
    • Chest x-ray: Confirms if there is consolidation (can help rule out pneumonia). In Devin’s case a chest radiograph would not be warranted because of he does not display the symptoms associated with pneumonia.
    • Peak flow meter: Is commonly used in individuals with chronic asthma and can be useful when assessing pulmonary function.

            As a nurse practitioner it is essential we conduct an in-depth and comprehensive assessment to determine the cause of Devin’s symptoms. Differential diagnoses and ruling out other causes can help steer us towards an accurate diagnosis of childhood asthma and identify proper interventions when treating this condition. A step-by-step approach is necessary to prevent us from missing any crucial information, both subjective and objective, during the interview and assessment processes.  

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Negritude Movement Influence African

Negritude Movement Influence African

Based on your reading of Leopold Cedar Senghor, “Night of Sine” please answer the following.

What is Negritude movement and what does it symbolize?

How did the Negritude movement influence African independence?

Is there any influence of the Harlem Renaissance on the Negritude movement?

How does the poem exemplify Negritude?

What are the criticisms of Negritude, particularly from Wole Soyinka.

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Past Several Years Traveling

Past Several Years Traveling

Julia Morales, age 65, and Lucy Grey, age 73, are partners who have been together for more than 25 years. They are retired and have spent the past several years traveling together. Julia has lung cancer, which has been treated with chemotherapy and radiation, and now she wishes to stop treatment. Lucy is supportive and feels she will be able to care for Julia in their home. Lucy’s past medical history includes a knee replacement. Their support system includes Julia’s son, Neil, and Lucy’s niece, Nora.

My name is Julia Morales and I just turned 65-years-old. My life has not been a traditional one. I have always believed in following your dreams and being true to yourself, that’s what my parents taught me. When I look back over my 65 years on this earth, I feel happy and proud with what I have accomplished, and I don’t need any pity. Of course I was shattered when I learned I had lung cancer four years ago. But I fought a good fight. I followed all the recommendations my doctor had for me. I did the radiation and all the chemotherapy. I even got complementary treatment from a naturopathic doctor. It’s just that we all know it’s not doing any good anymore. I’m ready to stop all the treatment and just let go. It hurts to breathe, it hurts to move. Everything hurts. But like I said, I don’t need any pity. I’ve had a really great life. Would have liked to stick around a little longer, but I know it’s not to be. Still, I think my folks would be pretty proud to see what I’ve done. They got married young, right out of high school, and my Dad left Ohio to go off to war. He left Mom behind and fought in Europe for two years. My Dad was a strong person, he landed on the beach at Normandy and lived to tell about it. My mom worked hard in a factory while he was gone, and when he got back they had me, their only child. They did so much for me. Whatever I was interested in, they encouraged. We were a close family, took a lot of trips together, that’s how I got the traveling bug. They wanted me to go to college to be a nurse, or a teacher. I went because they saved money and encouraged me. But I never really wanted to be a nurse or a teacher. I got a degree in business instead, and ran a small nursery. My folks were happy because I was happy. Then when I was about 50, I got tired of the business end of it, so I sold it to a young couple, and continued to work for them. I loved the place and the job. Still do. Just haven’t had the strength to work for the past six months. I had a few relationships in college, got married for a short time right after I graduated. Had my son, Neil, he’s 42 already.

But that didn’t last. We got divorced when Neil was little, I raised him on my own. I still talk to my ex on occasion. He remarried, though I never did. I had a few relationships, and always lots of friends. I met Lucy over 20 years ago when she moved in next door. We’ve been together ever since. We’ve traveled all over in the past 20 years. She would never have gone without me doing the planning, but she’s enjoyed it as much as I have. We’ve been to Japan, Italy, Ireland, and all over the US. She has a bad knee and had surgery, she’s a little unstable and I worry about that.

We had to stop taking the long trips. I’ve been pretty healthy too, until this cancer. I smoked for about 10 years, after college. Then I quit. We didn’t really know then that it was dangerous.

Nobody knew. I was surprised when I got lung cancer. At first we thought I had pneumonia. But it never got better, and after the bronchoscopy they found lung cancer. I did the radiation treatment and the chemotherapy. For some of it I had to be in the hospital a few days, which just about killed me. Never did like hospitals, ever. But the treatment makes you so sick you want to die. And the bad thing is, it didn’t cure the cancer. We tried a few different treatments but no more. Nothing good came out of it. I just felt weak and sick, and the cancer got worse. I’m ready to stop all this. I just want to be here in this house that I love. I’m comfortable here. Lucy is here, and she understands. She doesn’t like to see me so sick either. She does a good job taking care of me, and we’re doing OK. My son Neil would like me to try more treatment, but even the doctor says there’s not much more they can do, besides keep me comfortable. I’m tired, and I’m just ready to let things happen naturally. Do you think that’s giving up?”

Discussion Questions

1. What are Julia’s strengths?

2. What are your concerns for this patient?

3. What is the cause of your concern?

4. What information do you need?

5. What are you going to do about it?

6. What is Julia experiencing?

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Time Sourcing Original Pieces

Time Sourcing Original Pieces

Luke’s Furniture Of Character was established in 2016 by a team of passionate retro aficionados! We started small in our garage in Watsonia and we now boast a 500 sqm warehouse as well as a 200 sqm workshop in Heidelberg West! We pride ourselves in bringing an eclectic mix of vintage Australian and European mid-century furniture and one-off collectibles. We spend an incredible amount of time sourcing original pieces from Australia and Europe, then restoring them to a very high standard! 

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Agree Classmate 1 Discussion

Agree Classmate 1 Discussion

Discuss how and why you should avoid office politics. This is not talking about political discussions, but internal office politics


Classmate 1 Discussion

Politics can quickly make parties out of a group that was very much united. I have seen it be a reason for quitting, a reason for workplace violence, and most of all the alienating of those who could be your biggest contributors. There is nowhere you can get by stepping on people that you can’t all go together. And if there is such a place, do you want to be the guy that got there by ruining other people’s trust in you. I liked the quote from Churchill about eagles are silent but parrots jabber. Praise privately and criticize publicly. There is a great need to stop gossip and focus on what we say as leaders. 

Honestly, I think being silent and thoughtful makes a big difference. When you are able to look out for your team, even when speaking to your team or leaders, you build the team. When you gossip and throw people under the bus, you weaken your trust with them and weaken your team. No one ever is mad at the guy that keeps his mouth shut and thinks up an honest response. There is no need to be defensive against people who work on your same team. When you get riled up against your teammate you can easily make them your enemy. Think Lincoln. Dignified, deliberate and able to see all sides of the issue and make a decision. He asked questions to understand. You should too. Anytime that there is a possibility of conflict that could cause drama, ask a question instead. 

Classmate 2 Discussion

I try hard to avoid office politics, but let’s be honest, it’s not the easiest thing to do.  I can see where people get disgruntled when the wrong person gets a promotion or a better bonus.  It’s hitman nature to try and protect what you have fought for and invested time in.  I have found a few ways to deal with disappointments in the workplace. Staying out of the conversation and avoiding gossip is one of the easiest things to say but not necessarily the easiest to do.  I have had to teach myself to just walk away and not say anything, regardless of my agreement or disagreement.  On the other hand, I have also made it part of my mission to stand up for what is right, and to do the right thing, even if it is unpopular.  This can be extremely difficult, especially if you are in the minority.  To avoid these situations, just step back and take a look at everyone’s point of view.  Be slow to speak and even slower to react.

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Also Must Choose Ten

Also Must Choose Ten



Case Study # 1

You are being given a printed copy of background and case study information on Ted Bundy. Please read through the materials provided and then respond to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Your responses should be typed in 12 point font and double spaced. Please place your name at the top of the page; it is not necessary to create a cover page.

1. Please refer to Table 7-1 in your textbook. It is titled Psychopathic Behaviors Identified by Hare and Cleckley. After reading through the background information you are to choose FIVE of the behaviors from the Hare PCL Checklist and FIVE of the behaviors from the Cleckley’s Primary Psychopath Description list and provide examples of how Ted Bundy meets each of those criteria. 

For example (and you cannot use this specific one): According to Cleckley one of the characteristics of psychopaths is that they tend to be intelligent and Bundy graduated with a degree in psychology and attended Law School.

You also must choose ten total different characteristics. For example, do not choose pathological lying from the Hare scale and Untruthfulness from the Cleckley list and then use the same example for both. I want 10 different behaviors. (This section is worth 30 points).

2. For this question please refer to Table 7-2 titled Summary of the Four Hypothesized Core Factors of Psychopathy. Provide at least 2 examples for each one of the four factors that shows how Ted Bundy meets these features of psychopathy. You should have a total of 8 answers when you are done. (This section is worth 16 points).

3. Review the definitions of primary psychopaths, secondary psychopaths and dissocial psychopaths. Based on these definitions as well as your evaluation of Bundy in the previous two questions, identify which type of psychopath you believe Bundy to be and why? Again provide some evidence based on what you have learned about his case and what the requirements are for the type of psychopath you determine him to be. (This section is worth 4 points).

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