Solid Well Balance Yet

Solid Well Balance Yet


Completing this fast food challenge was exactly that, a challenge. I wanted to be honest and not simply find food items that met each criteria. This gave me a realistic view of the items I actually eat and the nutritional value associated. The dietary guidelines states that a woman who is less active should have 1600 calories, slightly active 1,800 and active lifestyle is 2,000-2,200. With the meals selected my total caloric intake is 1,842 which falls in line with me for the slightly active woman. With all meals I would drink water which aids in flushing out sodium from my system. With my schedule now at work, school and parenting this could be quite accurate on a day for me. It is an eye opener on how I thought certain food choices were solid well balance yet the sodium is higher than the guidelines state. 

Sophia :The difficult part for me is was trying to exceed the total carb, fiber, and protein limit. I feel like its impossible because most items that exceed the mark for those things also exceed the other nutrients which makes it impossible to list although I feel like some restaurants work in your favor because you can make it the way you want like chipotle. This was challenging trying to follow.

respond with 250 each with questio included

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Short 2 Page Paper

Short 2 Page Paper

In this module we have been examining environmental indicators and standards. One way to be aware of the environmental impact of a person or business is to know the carbon footprint. In this assignment you will calculate your carbon footprint. Please write a short 2 page paper that you submit online, please make sure it is well written and properly cited.

  1. How did you calculate your carbon footprint? Tell me the calculator and website you used. Why did you use this calculator?
  2. What is your carbon footprint? Were you surprised? Was it more or less than what you expected?
  3. What are some ways you can reduce your own carbon footprint?
  4. Did the calculator you used offer any ways to offset your carbon footprint? If so, what were they? How does it work?

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Week 4 Listening Discussion

Week 4 Listening Discussion

Week 4 Listening Discussion: The Kennedy Center’s Digital Stage

The Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. has a “digital stage, which includes video of iconic speeches, concerts, artists’ stories, and other historical moments. 

Spend some time on the site (be sure to SCROLL down), then post with 5-6 sentences of commentary on what it meant to you

Can you find something you’ve never seen before? Something that moves you in an unexpected way? Something by an artist, you know, but very different than that person’s other work? 

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6 Program Description Many

6 Program Description Many


RED 4325 Reading to Learn:  ELLs in Grades 4 – 6

Program description

Many students encounter difficulty as they transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn” in fourth grade, and this difficulty can be even more difficult for English language learners. Why do so many students experience what is often referred to as the “fourth grade slump”? What can teachers do to make the transition into the upper elementary grades less difficult, especially for ELLs? This webcast explores effective strategies for instruction and assessment that can help address these important questions.

Watch the following video:

Reading to Learn:  ELLs in Grades 4 – 6Links to an external site.

Read the following text:

Effective Reading Interventions for Kids with Learning DisabilitiesLinks to an external site.

After watching and reading the text,  copy and respond to the following questions in a Word Document, number each question, use Times New Roman font, and use 12 point font. Use the text and video as evidence to support your answers and cite them APA format :

  1. What do we mean when we say that good comprehension instruction takes place beforeduring, and after reading?
  2. What are some examples of the academic language that students need to know in the discipline /grade level you plan to teach?
  3. Describe some specific effective strategies that you can use to help ELL students learn vocabulary (at least 2 strategies).
  4. Create a graphic organizer that could be used in a class to teach a concept in your discipline and explain why it would be effective with ELL students (cite in APA format any sources you may use). Add the graphic organizer and also explain. 
  5. If you were to begin a new lesson or unit of study in a class, what method(s) might you use to preview difficult vocabulary or concepts with your ELLs?

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Strategies Help Students Learn

Strategies Help Students Learn


Watch the following videos:

Accommodations and Modifications for Students with DisabilitiesLinks to an external site.

Differentiating Instruction: A Guide for Teaching English-Language LearnersLinks to an external site.

Links to an external site.Differentiating Instruction: It’s Not as Hard as You ThinkLinks to an external site.

Then, answer the following questions in your discussion post:

  • What is the difference between accommodation and modification?
  • How do teachers tailor their lessons to reach all students? (give at least one example)
  • What are ways to differentiate instruction for ELL students? (fully explain and describe what that may look like)
  • How may using these different techniques and strategies help students learn in your classroom? (fully explain and support with examples of how the strategies will help students)
  • Describe how you would address the needs of your ELL and ESE students in your content area class. How could you differentiate the text you would you use? What accommodations and modifications would you provide?

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Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy


Objective:  In order to synthesize the written table format of the occupational therapy domain areas and
to develop a visual cognitive map of the domains so as to apply the principles of the domains to a case
study each student will create two visual maps to demonstrate their knowledge.  (This is as
demonstrated in class).
Instructions:  This assignment has two parts:
Part 1.  The generic visual map will include:
* Each broad Domain area
* Main categories under each broad domain area
* at least one example under each main category.
For example:  
Broad Domain = Client Factor
Main Category = Body Functions
One example = Mental Functions
Part 2.  Students will then use the case study below and apply the domains outlining a 2nd visual
map with the client’s information.  
Harold is a 55-year-old Caucasian man who was admitted to the inpatient psychiatric unit of the
veteran’s administration hospital from the emergency room (ER). He was brought into the ER by police
after getting into a fight at a local bar. Harold was treated for minor cuts and abrasions. The owner of
the bar knows Harold well and did not want to press charges.
Harold has a history of alcohol and heroin abuse that goes back 32 years. He started using drugs
when he was in Vietnam and became addicted to heroin and then cocaine. He has been living in his own
home and rents out rooms to his friends, most of whom are his “drinking buddies” as well. He has not
been able to hold a job for more than a few months due to his substance abuse. Harold has tried a
variety of different jobs and has been through several work retraining programs. He did find that he likes
working with computers; however, he was unable to retain any job in the highly competitive job market.
He would end up getting drunk or high and not show up for work for a few days, neglecting to call in.
Harold finished college prior to enlisting in the army. His father had served in World War II, and
he felt it was his duty to serve as well. Harold was married for 6 years after he returned from Vietnam,
and he and his wife have one son. They divorced because of his substance abuse problem and his wife
and son moved away; she did not want their son to be influenced by Harold. He has not seen his son

Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTAP 1210 Foundations in Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy Practice Framework Mapping Assignment
B.3.2.  Demonstrate knowledge of and apply the interaction of occupation and activity, including areas of occupation, performance skills,
performance patterns, context(s) and environments, and client factors.
since they moved away 27 years ago. Harold has two siblings, but has little contact with either of them.
Both his parents are deceased.
Harold would rather have fun than be responsible. He is easily influenced by his friends to go out
drinking or score some cocaine. His entire social circle is made up of people he either does cocaine with
or drinks with. He does not have the ability to make his own decisions and stick to them.
He is admitted to the locked psychiatric unit for detoxification. He will be seen by the
psychiatrist, occupational therapist, and psychiatric nurse. He will be incorporated into the milieu of the
unit and. expected to participate in group activities as determined by Harold and the team.
At the occupational therapy evaluation, Harold presents as disheveled in appearance. He does not have
any clothes with him, so he is wearing a hospital johnnie, hospital robe, and slippers. He is unshaven, his
hair is still matted with blood, and it is clear that he has not yet showered. When asked by the OT if he
wishes to take some time to clean up before the interview he asks “What’s the point?” He is
administered an interest inventory and indicated interests in watching sports on TV and going to movies.
He appears easily distracted, loses his train of thought easily, and needs to ask for questions to be
repeated. When given a simple copying task, he has difficulty following directions. He cannot remember
the events leading up to his hospitalization. When asked what a typical day was like, Harold cannot give
any specific information. He says that he and his buddies just “kinda hang around all day and do
whatever we feel like doing.” It is unclear if anyone in the household is responsible for grocery shopping,
cleaning, or any other homemaking tasks, though Harold does not appear malnourished. Harold had to
leave the occupational therapy evaluation before it was completed because he became very anxious and
started to shake. It is unclear what his goals are and whether he is truly invested in his recovery process.

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Undesirable Effects Prevented

Undesirable Effects Prevented


Difference Is Not a Problem 

As the Nurse Executive, you are a role model in setting the direction of an organization’s work environment.  As the leader, you will set the tone, the standard, the importance in your organization for diversity, multiculturism, and respect for all. 

Read the AONE Guiding Principles for Diversity in Organizations.

The AONE asserts, “It is the position of AONE that diversity is one of the essential building blocks of a healthful practice/work environment.”Argue the veracity of this position statement.Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Share which of the specific AONE position statements you agree with (if any) and why
  • Share which of the specific AONE position statements you disagree with (if any) and why
  • Discuss if Executive Leaders are responsible for the standard: “Racism and its companions—biases, stereotypes, and prejudices—must be understood and its undesirable effects prevented.”
  • Choose one of the four Guiding Principles you feel is most important with which to align your organization. If you do not currently work, reference a former or future place of work.

NOTE- Just write 100-120 words

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Us Use Filler Words

Us Use Filler Words


Watch the video below and answer questions in a paragraph format NOT questions and answers. Use the book and showcase what you have learned and how you can use it towards improving your delivery. Cite the book and page number.

150 words and reply to 2 peers.


Watch one of your previous presentations and grade how many uhm and ahs you counted?.

Then write about how you will improve these based on all the learning.

What are my thinking words?

How can this help me when asking for a raise or for a job interview? 

How to Stop Saying “Um”, “Like”, and “You Know”Many of us use filler words like “um”, “like”, and “you know” without even realizing it. Whether you’re giving a presentation or talking to your friends, overusing filler phrases can make you seem less intelligent or less confident. It’s sad that such a superficial thing can distract from an otherwise compelling message, but it’s just human … 

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New Technology Listing One

New Technology Listing One

Describe the need for Telehealth services. Explain the difference between Synchronous Telehealth and Asynchronous Telehealth. 

Find an article that discusses another new or upcoming technology change. Discuss the main points of the article related to the technology (remember to cite the article). Then explain how nursing will be directly impacted by this new technology listing one positive and one possible downside. 

  • Title Slide (1 slide)
  • Objective Slide (1 slide)
  • Need for Telehealth services. (2 slides)
  • Difference between Synchronous Telehealth and Asynchronous Telehealth. (1 slide)
  • Personal opinions of Telehealth. (1 slide)
  • Article on new or upcoming technology change, with main points regarding technology. (remember to cite the article) (2 slides)
  • How nursing is impacted by the new technology discussed in the article.  (2 slides)
  • References (1 slide)

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Response Posts Response Post

Response Posts Response Post


As you begin your first clinical site rotation, the preceptor asks you about the ethical treatment of clients with Alzheimer’s disease. You are not sure of how to respond, so she suggests you review the Belmont Report. You see that this report has three principles: beneficence, justice, and respect for persons.

  • Select one of these principles and describe why it is essential to you as a professional nurse when caring for clients with Alzheimer’s Disease and their family
  • Describe a possible scenario that reflects how nursing services are applied with the principle that you selected.
Response Posts

Response Post 1: After reviewing the post of your colleagues, select one that has chosen a Belmont Report principle different than your own and comment on how it is different yet complementary to the principle you selected.

Response Post 2: Find a classmate that has chosen the same principle yet described a different scenario. Describe how your classmate’s case may or may not reflect the two Belmont Report principles that he or she did not highlight.

Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s post by the end of the week. All posts require references AND in-text citations in full APA format. Information must be paraphrased and not quoted. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. NOTE: Finalized postings must be submitted by deadlines. Any edits after deadline will be counted as late submissions and deducted accordingly. If you need to make any corrections for clarity’s sake only, you can write an addendum as a reply to yourself. The initial post will still be the one receiving full grade.

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