Critical Thinking Class Asignment

Critical Thinking Class Asignment


In this forum, tell us about how media, technology and the corporate world influence your life.  What types of media/technology are in your life everyday, which do you rely on, spend the most time with, wish you could do without, etc? How does it feel to be part of a consumer world?  When are you made aware of your own habits as a consumer? How do you make decisions about what media and technology you spend your money on/spend time using? How do you make decisions about what companies you purchase items from or what businesses you shop from?

Review your own social media accounts.  What do you think they tell the world about your values, happiness, beliefs? What do they tell you about your values, happiness, and beliefs? Then, evaluate the positive and negative aspects of such influence in your life. Are you in a place where you are content with the balance of these influences? (Note: if you do not have any social media accounts, you can look at a social media account of a large company or organization of your choice).

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Help Shape Public Health

Help Shape Public Health

Question 1

1) List each of the Core Functions of Public Health and the two levels at the CENTER of the Core Functions of Public Health.

2) Then, under each of the Core Functions of Public Health, list the Essential Services that fall within or “under” that Core Function.


a) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, describe what you think each Essential Service means, and

b) give an example of what that Essential Service is (an example could be a type of service provider, or who performs that service, or a description of a type of that essential service).

Question 2

1) List the Three Classifications of Organizations that help shape public health based on funding sources, responsibilities, and organizational structure.

2) Visit the website of an organization of your choosing from EACH of the three classifications and list/describe the following:

a) Mission statement or purpose of each organization.

b) Scope or reach of each organization (geographically, population-size, organization size, how many served – it could be many different things – you make the call).

c) Governance structure of each organization. For example:

  1. What is the leadership structure?
  2. Where does their funding come from?

d) List some of their services, recent accomplishments, and/or projects!

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2 Pages Define “

2 Pages Define “


How do social workers apply a strengths-based and person-in-environment perspective to different populations and social problems? First, social workers assess the identified client and the client’s environment, recognizing that the interaction between person and environment may be creating or contributing to the problem. Depending on the assessment, the target for change may be the person and/or the environment. Second, social workers assess client strengths and then utilize those strengths during the change process. A strengths-based perspective asserts that all individuals, families, groups, and communities have strengths.

As a BSW social worker, you may be placed in the role of case manager, and this week’s assignment will help you consider that role when working with a specific population.

 2 pages

  • Define “generalist practice” using your own words, supporting the ideas and concepts of the definition with citations to the course readings.
  • Briefly describe a population and/or problem you might work with as a social worker.
  • Explain the role of a case manager with this population and/or problem.
  • Explain how a case manager could apply the person-in-environment perspective with this population.
  • Explain how a case manager could apply a strengths-based perspective with this population.
  • Apply concepts and material from this week’s resources 
    • Support your application of this week’s resources using APA citations and a reference page.



Segal, E. A., Gerdes, K. E., & Steiner, S. (2019). An introduction to the profession of social work: Becoming a change agent (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 6, “Generalist Social Work Practice”

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Pick One Theoretical Perspective

Pick One Theoretical Perspective

 If given the choice, would you purchase an unusual car such as a hearse for everyday use? How would your friends, family, or significant other react? Since deviance is culturally defined, most of the decisions we make are dependent on the reactions of others. Is there anything the people in your life encourage you to do that you don’t? Why don’t you?

Compare and contrast the modernization theory and dependency theory. Which do you think is more useful for explaining global inequality? Explain, using examples.

Pick one theoretical perspective: functionalism, symbolic interactionism, conflict theory, or feminism, and explain how they examine race and ethnicity. Provide an example of a research topic that would be explored using this theory, and discuss your reasoning. 

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Sexual Trauma Mostly Occurs

Sexual Trauma Mostly Occurs

Discussion: Interventions for Survivors of Sexual Trauma

One in 6 females and one in 33 males have experienced some form of sexual trauma in their lives (RAINN, 2009). Many who seek treatment present with issues unrelated to sexual trauma. Given the high percentage of sexual trauma survivors, it is very likely that you will encounter clients with such a history during your career, regardless of your specialization. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with a sexual trauma framework and skills specific to working with this population. While sexual trauma mostly occurs on an individual level, it also can have a significant impact on the family system. As a practitioner, you may intervene with the individual survivor, the parent(s) of a child who has been sexually abused, the spouse of a rape survivor, and/or the family system as a whole.

For this Discussion, select two types of sexual trauma from the readings this week and think about two interventions you might use for each and why.

By Day 4

Post a brief description of two types of sexual trauma. Then, describe two interventions you might use for each, and explain why you would select these interventions.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.

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P 102 Public

P 102 Public

In Chapter 4 of An Introduction to Human Services eight edition -Tricia McClam, the Medical Model (p 102), Public Health Model (p 112), and the Human Service Model (p 119) are discussed. Watch the video clip from an episode of “Hoarders” and answer the questions below.

Hoarder Denise's House Tour | Hoarding: Buried Alive

1) What model(s) of delivery would you apply to this episode of Hoarders when assisting the client in the show? (there is more than one answer)

2) Why did you choose the model(s) of delivery selected for this case? Why does you model or your models fit this case best?

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Restaurant Owner Might Address

Restaurant Owner Might Address


  • When a restaurant employee slipped on spilled soup and fell, requiring the evening off to recover, the owner realized that workplace safety was an issue to which she had not devoted much time. A friend warned the owner that if she started creating a lot of safety rules and procedures, she would lose her focus on customers and might jeopardize the future of the restaurant. The safety problem is beginning to feel like an ethical dilemma.
    • Suggest some ways the restaurant owner might address this dilemma. What aspects of HRM are involved?

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Leading Concerns Among Human

Leading Concerns Among Human

 Deliverable Length:  4–6 pages (not including cover page and resource page) 

 Assignment Details

Safety issues have been one of the leading concerns among human resources (HR) professionals. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the government organization that enforces laws and standards to ensure that companies are in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and its updates. OSHA can conduct inspections of companies and even halt their operations due to safety and health violations. In your assignment, please answer the following questions:

  • As an employee, what is your role in improving the safety and health conditions in a company?
  • Describe some recent examples of OSHA violations. What should have the company been doing to prevent them?
  • As an HR professional, what would you do to help a company prepare for an OSHA inspection?
  • Thinking about the COVID-19 pandemic, what could OSHA do to help keep employees safe and healthy?

Click here to access the assignment template.

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Observation Surveys Interview Focus

Observation Surveys Interview Focus

Please read the case and answer the 5 questions that follow. Note: It is important you reference your textbook, page 117- 140 when completing this assignment (for all the questions below). 

Case: Fashion and Safety at Bloomingdale’s

Bloomingdale’s is a chain of luxury department stores owned by Macy’s with more than 10,000 employees in 12 states. Founded in 1872, Bloomingdale’s has been considered a destination store to find the latest fashion design. Although retail is a safe job compared to manufacturing, there are still numerous ways that employees can get hurt on the job. For example, employees can be injured by falling off ladders while changing displays, incorrectly using boxcutters to open packages, or not following correct procedures cleaning up broken glass on the retail floor when customers drop merchandise or knock it off display shelves.

Bloomingdale’s wants to reduce safety claims to lower costs by improving employee knowledge of safe practices, providing consistent safety training across departments and stores, and encouraging employees to call out their peers’ safe and unsafe work behaviors and practices.

Bloomingdale’s currently uses a combination of approaches for increasing employees’ safety awareness, including posting safety messages in break areas, providing classroom training, and holding pre-shift meetings. But Bloomingdale’s doesn’t believe employees are getting a consistent safety message and it doesn’t know whether they understand safety practices and how to apply them while they are working.

Bloomingdale’s is looking for a training approach that (1) can be completed by employees during their work hours without taking them off of the retail floor, (2) appeals to a diverse, multigenerational workforce, (3) is flexible enough so that it can be customized to address the unique safety challenges that stores and departments have, and (4) provides a way to measure employee learning and link their learning back to business goals.

Questions (Note: be sure to reference your textbook when completing these questions). 

  1. When a needs assessment is completed, one of the key things to figure out is if training is the best solution. Do you believe reducing employee injuries at Bloomingdale’s can be solved through training? Explain your answer.
  2. Your Employee Training & Development Links to an external site. describes 7 techniques that can be used to conduct a needs assessment. However, in practice, the 5 most common techniques include:
    • Observation
    • Surveys
    • Interview
    • Focus Groups
    • Documentation

Describe the technique(s) you would use to conduct a needs assessment for Bloomingdales’. Explain why you would use the technique(s).   

3. Would you involve employees in the needs assessment? If so, why would you include them?

4. Would you involve managers in the needs assessment? If so, why would you include them?

5. What do you believe is the most difficult part of conducting a needs assessment? Explain your answer.

Hint! To answer #5, you are encouraged to research potential challenges that may happen when needs assessments are conducted. Here are two examples of articles that may help:

  • 7 Obstacles To Consider During Training Needs Links to an external site.
  • Four Barriers to Consider When Conducting a Training Needs Links to an external site.

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Legal Environment Thoroughly Review

Legal Environment Thoroughly Review

HR Knowledge 1: The Legal Environment

Thoroughly review the following video:

Based on your review, please respond to the following:

Specifically focus on the 4 categories of the regulatory environment. Select any two of the categories and explain to executive management why your selected categories are extremely important to organization effectiveness and efficiency. Remember, you are briefing executive management and not lower managers or employees, so your response should be SPECIFIC and appropriate to higher management communication.

Note: Your response to the discussion must be informative, be supported with research, and follow the requirements set by this course.

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