Based Practice Change Occurring

Based Practice Change Occurring

After reading Our Iceberg is Melting, consider Kotter’s “Eight-Step Process of Successful Change” in relation to Evidenced Based Practice . Think about a relevant evidence-based practice change occurring on your unit  currently or in the past. (Don’t have a good example? It’s ok to come up with a hypothetical one based on experiences on your unit for this assignment.)

I currently work on a inpatient psychiatric unit

What was done well?

Identify one of the eight steps that was done well in your scenario.

  • Describe in detail how this step was accomplished.
  • Identify penguins from the team in the book that relate to individuals involved in the step you’ve described.  What roles did they play on the team on your unit?

What was not done well?

Identify one of the eight steps that was not done well in this scenario – perhaps, an opportunity missed.

  • Describe in detail how this step actually played out and how it could have been done better.
  • Identify penguins from the team in the book that relate to individuals involved in the step you’ve described.  What roles did they play on the team on your unit?

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Publicly Available Secondary Dataset

Publicly Available Secondary Dataset

Please provide an example of one useful, publicly available secondary dataset that you are familiar with and think may be useful for the final project in this class – specifically for your project! 

Please briefly outline some pros and cons of the dataset and discuss its usefulness in 1-2 paragraphs. 

NB; My final project will be medical abortion, and has decided to create a policy that will provide a strong persuasion to stakeholders that will be enacted into law that focuses on population needs, expansion to access, and opposing further restrictions. The policy I want to focus on will be to improve access to reproductive services in Arkansas for a larger number of women. Arkansas has a long history of being anti-abortion, having legislation in place prior to Roe v. Wade; much of it went into law after the emergence of Covid-19 and related restrictions.

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2 – 3 Slides

2 – 3 Slides


Part 1: Key Project Elements

  • Describe the three healthcare settings that you explored as proposed sites for an EBP QI project.      For each health care setting, identify the following defining features: patient population, mission, public or private entity, single institution or member of a corporation, and others you identify as significant.
  • Compare the settings for strengths and weaknesses as sites for an EBP QI project. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Explain the practice problems that you explored based on your interests and identified needs of the health care settings you investigated.
  • Explain why each problem is a potential focus for an EBP QI project. Be specific and provide examples.
  • For each health care setting, describe the stakeholders whose approval would be required to initiate an EBP QI project and implement the results.
  • Compare similarities and differences in stakeholder requirements across the settings.
  • Identify the one proposed health care setting/practice site and one proposed practice problem you have selected as the focus of a hypothetical presentation to stakeholders,      and explain your choices.

Part 2: Implementation Science Presentation

Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 3–5 slides, plus cover and reference slides, to inform a set of potential stakeholders at the practice site you have identified for a proposed EBP QI project. Although you will not make your presentation, it should be authentic to the purpose and include the following:

  • Introduce the framework or model you have selected for the EBP QI project and your reasoning. (1–2 slides)
  • Present a draft of the proposed practice problem. Include notes for each slide describing points you would make to the assembled stakeholders to obtain their approval or buy-in for the EBP QI project. (2–3 slides). 

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Evaluate Middle Range Theories

Evaluate Middle Range Theories

Using the criteria presented in week 2, critique the theory of Self-Efficacy using the internal and external criticism evaluation process.

Note:   the week 2 activities was “Making judgement as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very important.  Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate middle range theories.”

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Credible Internet Resources

Credible Internet Resources

Describes the following:

  • Common causes of patient falls
  • Actions to prevent falls from occurring

You should be using complete sentences to answer the questions. Ensure that you are using correct grammar. In addition, support your answers using your textbook, course materials, credible internet resources, and scholarly journals. All citations must be in APA format.

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2 Supporting Peer Reviewed

2 Supporting Peer Reviewed


Be sure to provide 2 APA citations of the supporting evidence- based peer reviewed articles you selected to support your thinking.


(Please review attachments)

Please do not plagiarize nor reword another persons assignment that has been previously submitted.

Look at the attachment for the assignment and SOURCES to NOT USE!!!

DO NOT turn in late, please pay attention to the DUE DATE.

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Also Called Multilevel Lists

Also Called Multilevel Lists

Instructions: Now it is time to develop a topic outline for your argumentative work.

  1. Select one of the following writing prompts:
    • Are emojis beneficial or destructive to communication?
    • Is age a major factor in college success?
    • Is a college degree worth its price, since you will have student loans by the time you graduate?
    • Has the use of technology affected the development of human intelligence?
    • Do introductory courses, such as foreign language, history, algebra, etc. help college students to become more prepared for their degree?
    • Is college for everybody?
    • Internet ethics: Do online ethics need to be strict?
  2. Research the issue selected.
  3. The issue you select should be researchable, arguable, and supported by credible sources in 2-3 pages.
  4. Think of three points of discussion that will hold together your meaningful argument. 
  5. Use the information from your research to develop a topic outline. Create an outline following these steps:
    • In Microsoft Word, outlines are also called multilevel lists. The following steps show how to write a new outline from scratch.
    • Click Home and, in the Paragraph group, click the arrow next to Multilevel List.
      • Choose an outline style from the List Library. Point to each outline style in the library to view all the levels for the style.
      • Start typing to begin the list. Press Enter when you finish the line to start a new line.
      • To start a new list level, press the Tab key and begin typing.
      • Press Enter to return to the previous list level.

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Vivid Physical Reality

Vivid Physical Reality

PrompttCritical Lens: “A work of literature must provide more than factual accuracy or vivid physical reality… it must tell us more than we already know.” – E. M. ForsterConsider the quotation above and decide whether you agree or disagree with it. Then, write an essay in which you support your assessment of the quotation through analysis of one or two of the literary texts you have read. Be sure to support your argument with specific details from the literary text(s) you have chosen . Your analysis should include consideration of formal features of the text(s), such as plot, setting, theme, and characterization.<< Read Less

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Youtubeunit 2 Https

Youtubeunit 2 Https

Write a 3 page reflection on the following links and videos provided below. Reflect on the main points “highlights” of the readings and videos below by asking questions like What have I learned in this Unit ?” “Why is this important?”, “What does this new knowledge mean to me?”, “How will this knowledge help me in future?”.

the Links are 

Unit 1

(18) The Seven Sacred Laws (English Version) – YouTube

Unit 2

Please follow the 2 documents uploaded for 

1. the essay structure guide 

 2. the criteria for the essay

Please include a reference page and intext citations with at least 2 of the references from the links and videos above in APA Style 7th edition.

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Roger Brown Described Five

Roger Brown Described Five


In your readings this week, Roger Brown described five stages of language development based on MLU.  In thinking about the stages, most children are able to use most of the variations in the English language by age 5.  Perform a morphological analysis using one of the language samples provided.  Discuss whether you believe this child is on target or should be referred for further evaluation.  Support your premise using the unit resources. 

In response to your peers explain why you agree or disagree with their analysis.

 A Child Tells a Story – YouTube 

 Jack and the Beanstalk- as told by a two year old – YouTube 

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