Attachment Pattern Might Impact

Attachment Pattern Might Impact

1.  Reflect on the ways you have been a “secure base” for your clients. If you have not yet had a therapy client, reflect on what you will do to be a “secure base” for your clients when you begin your work as a therapist. After reflecting, describe what you did do (or will do) behaviorally — what would audio-visual equipment filming you see you do and/or hear you do?

2.  Mikulincer & Shaver state that one of the therapy tasks of a good therapist is to “explore and understand how the client currently relates to other people.” Sometimes this results in the therapist helping the client “become aware of previously unrecognizable biases and failed relational strategies.” How does a therapist do this while still maintaining the role of a “secure base” for the client – and environment in which the client feels safe exploring?

3.  With what components of the Mikulincer & Shaver article did you align or find helpful? Why? Were there any parts of the article with which you disagreed or did not find to be helpful? Why?

4.  David Wallin, author of Attachment in Psychotherapy (2007), states in an interview that “…if we think about therapy as kind of a new attachment relationship, it’s a new attachment relationship that’s between two adults. but also a relationship between the therapist as parent and the patient as baby…We bring those yearnings, those fears, to adult relationships. I think it’s meaningful to think of that as, in a sense, the baby part of us. When that very young part of us can come alive in the relationship with a therapist, there’s an opportunity for that part of us to change and to develop.” Obviously, the relationship between a therapist and a client is not in reality a relationship between a parent and a child.  What really was Wallin talking about in providing this metaphor?

5.  Discuss how a therapist’s own attachment pattern might impact the therapeutic process with that therapist’s clients.

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Help Connect Academic Theory

Help Connect Academic Theory

Media can be a great source to help connect academic theory to social context and culture. For this assignment, your task is to identify some form of media that helps demonstrate the classical school/deterrence perspective of crime causation. Your media source may be any of the following: newspaper article, podcasts episode or blog post.

Authors and Context

Theory connection

What is the overarching message?

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Negro Problem Double Consciousness

Negro Problem Double Consciousness

address the below constructs placing the corresponding number in parentheses so that I might see exactly where and how it is expressed.  Be mindful that definitions alone will not adequately get to what is being asked of you.  It is necessary for you to explain with examples and prose that effectively synthesize your thoughts.

You’ll be brilliant.

  1. Control, Prediction and Understanding
  2. Subjectivity and Objectivity
  3. Race as a defining and refining context 
  4. Intellective Competence 
  5. Hegemony and Hierarchy
  6. Race as Fiction and Race as Real 
  7. The significance of Immanuel Kant 
  8. Social Darwinism
  9. A Racialized Society
  10. Master Narratives of Race 
  11. Human Personality Development With Racialized Societies and the Centrality of Identity
  12. The Negro Problem 
  13. Double Consciousness 
  14. Asset v. Pathology
  15. Adaptation
  16. Resilience v. Defiance 
  17. The Politics of a Black Personality and Tethered Strategies

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Follow Current Apa Guidelines

Follow Current Apa Guidelines

Part 1: Interview with a Parent of an Adolescent

For the first part of this Parent Interview Assignment, you will interview a parent who has raised a child into/through the adolescent years. Use the following questions in the interview as well as one additional question you create that is of particular interest to you. Be sure to transcribe the interviewee’s responses to all 12 questions as accurately and completely as possible.

1.       How old is your child/children?

2.       How has adolescence different from the elementary school years for your child/children? What changes have you seen in them?

3.       What age has been your favorite in the parenting process? Why?

4.       (If a parent has a boy and girl) Which gender has been more challenging to raise? Why?

5.       What do you think are the greatest challenges to children/adolescents today?

6.       What areas of parenting do you feel like you’ve been a success? What areas have been challenging?

7.       What things are necessary to raise a healthy child?

8.       What is the best parenting advice you’ve ever received?

9.       What role does faith play in your family life?

10.   If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?

11.   How do you cope with the anxiety and pressures that come with parenting?

Part 2: Reflective Analysis of the Interviewee’s parenting skills

For the second part of this Parent Interview Assignment, you will write a reflection on the topics discussed in the interview. Included in your reflection should be encouraging/suggestions you would offer the parent in response to the answers given (Encouragements/Suggestions should be made as if you were living through the experiences in real time…what would you have said at the time they were living through what was revealed in their answers).  Be sure to support your thoughts with Scripture and follow current APA guidelines. Your reflection must be a minimum of 250 words.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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Community Mental Health Clinic

Community Mental Health Clinic

The positives and negatives of psychotherapy when the therapist and the client are both African American

In seeking a therapist, it is natural to want to speak with someone who looks like you. Thirty black clients at a community mental health clinic in Los Angeles were polled on their preferences for black therapists over those from other racial or ethnic groups and the variables that contributed to their preferences.

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Choose One Peer

Choose One Peer

Choose one peer-reviewed empirical article in psychology. In 1-2 double-spaced pages, answer these questions in complete sentences.

  1.  Introduction 
    1. Who wrote the article and in which journal was it published?
    2. What was the research question or hypothesis (some studies will have more than one)?
    3. What background information was cited that led to the formation of this question?
  2. Method 
    1. Who were the participants, and how were they recruited?
  3. Results 
    1. What were the main findings of the study?
    2. Do these results address the research question?
  4. Discussion 
    1. What conclusions did the author draw from the results? Are the conclusions justified based on the results?
    2. How do these findings relate to the literature (e.g., do they confirm earlier studies? Contradict? Raise new questions?)?

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English Language Proficiency Specific

English Language Proficiency Specific

For the third milestone of your final project, submit an overview of the communication tool and media campaign plan. Identify relevant audiences for your media campaign and how you plan to interact with them. Provide the critical information that you need to disseminate to the population at risk (primary audience). Identify other relevant audiences (secondary or tertiary) and discuss how information prepared for them may differ.

Discuss considerations for presenting appropriate information to the relevant audiences including elements of health literacy and numeracy (e.g., communication skills, knowledge, culture and English language proficiency specific, representative heuristic). Review research on the theories used to predict persuasion and guide behavior change that might be appropriate for communicating this critical information to your target audience(s) and describe how you will incorporate these in your communication strategy.

Discuss the communication tool that will be the most effective for disseminating the information that will be used in your media campaign (e.g., social media, news article, report card, PSA). Explain why this tool will be an effective means of communication for the chosen health topic with the targeted population.

Discuss legal and ethical standards and policies that must be considered in developing the media campaign and how these apply to your population at risk. Propose potential partners in your campaign and how you might involve them.

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Week 7 Learning Modules

Week 7 Learning Modules


Read article Medicare coverage of nonphysician provider services posted under Week 7 Learning Modules. ARTICLE ATTACHED BELOW.


Read this article and give three specific examples of either something you learned that you were previously unaware of or an issue that you found interesting or objectionable.  Post your answers through this assignment link.  (3% of course grade)

please add references and citations

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Always Use New

Always Use New

Attend a patient self-help group where an NP in practice may refer her/his patients.  Write a detailed summary (details of what is to be included on BB and syllabus) of this meeting and post it in the assignment tab for a grade(5%).  


Project #1 Guidelines

Attend a patient self-help group to which an NP in practice may refer her/his patients, and write a summary of your OPINION of the meeting as a whole—including the general purpose of the meeting, targeted audiences, the location, accommodations, professionalism, quality of the business meeting, quality (not content) of the speaker, audience involvement, etc. Do you think you will refer your patient to this group? Why or why not. Submit a response via Blackboard on the due date listed. Be prepared to discuss details in class.


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Describe 3 Process Skills

Describe 3 Process Skills

 Deliverable Length:  400-600 words; 

 You need to coach your HRD team about using the correct process skills that they will have to teach the leadership of Pegasus. Discuss the following:

  1. Identify and describe 3 process skills that are necessary for the consultant to have to facilitate change.
  2. Describe what will and will not work at Pegasus.

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