Last 5 Years Published

Last 5 Years Published


What is a major function of the limbic system? Explain your answer with at least 200 words, minimum  of 1 scholarly reference in APA format within the last 5 years published. No plagiarism please.

The correct answer is C

a. Overall control of fluid balance

b. Required for logical thinking, reason, and decision making

c. Determines emotional responses

d. Responsible for artistic and musical talents

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Professional Development Plan Develop

Professional Development Plan Develop

Professional Development Plan

develop a strategic plan to aid your transition into the role of a professional nurse. , address each of the following criteria:

  • Discuss factors influencing your decision to obtain a BSN degree.
  • Discuss how the role of the baccalaureate differs from your current role.
  • Describe new opportunities that may be available after degree completion.
  • Examine one of the two models of socialization discussed in your readings and place yourself in one of the stages.
    • Provide your rationale for that placement.
    • If none of the models or stages fits your experience, create your own model (or stage).
  • Identify two professional short-term goals.
  • Identify two professional long-term goals.
  • Expound upon the challenges and barriers you face in pursuit of your short- and long-term goals.
  • Identify mentors and support systems that aid you in overcoming challenges and barriers necessary to achieve goals.

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Minimum 1 Scholarly Reference

Minimum 1 Scholarly Reference


A patient says that she has recently noticed a lump in the front of her neck below her “Adam’s apple” that seems to be getting bigger. During the assessment, what finding would lead the nurse to suspect that this may not be a cancerous thyroid nodule? Explain your answer with at least 200 words, minimum 1 scholarly reference in APA format within the las 5 years.

(the correct answer is B: It is mobile and soft)

a. It is tender.
b. It is mobile and soft.
c. It disappears when the patient smiles.
d. It is hard and fixed to the surrounding structures.

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Use Going Forward Including

Use Going Forward Including

  • A description of your target organization 
  • An existing policy or program in that organization;
  • Background about the current state of your policy/program; what are its accomplishments, challenges, where it fits within broader city operations and how favorably it is viewed by senior leadership;
  • An overview of your proposed solution;
  • A list of resources you have already carefully reviewed including city docs, relevant docs from other cities, relevant docs that provide a conceptual foundation 
  • Resources and docs you plan to use going forward including interview subjects, primary and secondary sources.   
  • You should think through questions such as:
    • Who needs to buy into this plan?’, 
    • How do I structure this as a pitch for those people?’, 
    • What does success for various stakeholders look like?;
    • How will this make lives easier or their work more impactful?

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Interactive Web Based Case

Interactive Web Based Case


In the helping relationship, the social worker must maintain a balance between flexibility and appropriate boundaries. One such boundary is the use of touch. In social work, touch has long been held as dangerous and taboo. It may be harmful to a client, and it is important to be aware of the client’s past history. For example, a child with a history of sexual abuse could interpret touch as a sexual advance. However, touch can be a positive action, particularly for certain cultures.

On top of these perception and ethics issues, you should also determine your personal perspective for how you might use touch in your work with clients. In this Assignment, you reflect on your own culture and the role of touch in the helping relationship.

 watch the video Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas, Episode 3.

2 pages

  • Explain how you view the use of touch in your personal life (e.g., tend to hug all friends and family or only touch close friends and family).
  • Explain how your perspective on touch was developed (e.g., via family culture or experiences with friends).
  • Identify two reasons you might use touch with a client, and why.
  • Explain how you view the initiation of and reaction to the use of touch in Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas, Episode 3.
  • Explain how you will determine that this use of touch will be positive for the helping relationship.
    • What would tell you that the use of touch is not appropriate for the client?


Cummins, L., K., & Sevel, J., A. (2017). Social work skills for beginning direct practice: Text, workbook, and interactive web based case studies (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

  • Chapter 5, “Basic Skills for Direct Practice” (pp. 87-96)

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Responses Must Reflect Critical

Responses Must Reflect Critical

write response with your original ideas to each author

  • These responses must reflect critical thinking. Using evidence to support your reasoning, provide commentary responding to peer insights. This may include agreeing, disagreeing, or adding additional insights or considerations. In either case, you should bring in reasoning or ideas not addressed by the author. 
  • Each response must be a minimum of a paragraph, but no more than two paragraphs. 

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News Article Might Influence

News Article Might Influence

“Abnormal Psychology in the News.” There is a great deal of new research into the origins, diagnosis, and treatment of various mental and emotional disturbances. The results of these studies are typically published in scientific, peer-reviewed journals. However, the general population generally does not read or have the scientific background to understand these reviews and thus relies on popular media as their source of information.

This assignment requires you to find a recent (published no earlier than January 2017) popular press report (e.g., newspaper, magazine) discussing some form of psychopathology (any of the disorders we’ve covered in this course, for example, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, alcohol dependency, etc.) and compare it to information found in scientific journals.

Based on this comparison you will determine the accuracy of the news report as well as how the presentation of the news article might influence public knowledge and opinions about mental illness.

The paper should be written in APA style and should be 3 – 5 pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt. font).

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First Starts Attending Rutgers

First Starts Attending Rutgers

  • How does the narrator describe Oscar’s transition from childhood into adolescence?
  • How do Oscar’s sister, Lola, and her friends treat Oscar?
  • What is Oscar’s summer in the Dominican Republic like?
  • Describe the relationship between Oscar and Ana.
  • What is Oscar’s experience like when he first starts attending Rutgers?
  • What is Lola’s relationship like with her mother?
  • How does it work out for Lola when she decides to run away and move in with her boyfriend, Aldo?
  • How is Lola’s mother able to bring her back home?
  • What is life like for Lola when she moves to the Dominican Republic?
  • What gets Lola very tense and anxious at the end of the chapter?

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Plagiarism Mini – Case

Plagiarism Mini – Case

no plagiarism 

Mini –case study #1:

Everyone loved Bob’s smoked brisket. His combination of wood for smoked flavor and his own techniques created an excellent product. Friends and family keep telling Bob he should open his own BBQ restaurant and make money selling his brisket.

Time passes and a local property (former 50’s gas station) is available for rent. With reinforcement from those friends who encouraged him earlier and three key family members who committed to being part of the business – Bob opens Bob’s Bad Barbecue (BBBQ). Bob and the family team worked on an expected cost list that included his rent, utility connection/monthly bill, insurance, permits, etc.

They also created their menu – a simple selection of 3 primary meats – beef, pork, and chicken. Five side dishes, fresh baked (frozen) dinner rolls, two flavors of homemade clobbers, and brownie squares.

Equipment was both purchased and rented. Bob had to buy another smoker to handle volume. The refrigeration, freezer and ice machine was rented. The used convection oven was purchased. They used a three compartment sink for cleaning.

Service is counter order with someone bringing out to the table any item that could not be immediately plated. Drinks are self-served bottles on a side counter. They have tables and chairs that can seat 25 total. Call in orders are also picked up at the counter. The building did not have the option to put in a drive by window. A basic cash register was used with orders written on an order pad.

The Grand opening and the first 5 months of operation went smoothly. Business was brisk and Bob was meeting his bills but not taking home much pay. Some days he ran out of brisket before closing. If a large takeout order was placed it directly impacted the amount of product for regular daily sales.

One day a friend said to him – “Bob, how many of those brisket sandwiches do you need to sell each day to break even”? Bob didn’t have an answer. He was using his “gut instinct” to determine how much meat to smoke each day. Food inventory was purchased from the local grocery store, a food distributor, and a local meat processor (beef). He set menu prices based on what other restaurants in the area charged.

Bob was beginning to realize he needed to get a better handle on his operation. Specifically, storage of inventory, purchasing schedule, menu costs, and a tracking system so forecasting would be more accurate.

Then mid-March 2020 arrived and restrictions due to COVID-19 shut down his operation.

How could Bobs Bad Barbeque survive?

Based on the information presented above, answer the following questions using resources from this module but also other references that support your answers. Answers should be detailed.

  1. What top three mistakes did Bob make prior to COVID-19 that prevented him from more easily adapting to COVID-19 restrictions? 15
  2. What controls are missing from Bob’s operation currently? 6
  3. As BBBQ reopens following COVID-19 reopening rules, provide three key actions that Bob should take to reestablish his business and allow for growth so that he regains the ability to not just meet bills but also to pay himself (make a profit). This should be from an improved operations/control aspect. 15


Your detailed response to questions. 36 points total.

References in APA format that support your key points. 2 points per question.

Grammar/spelling. 2.5 points per question.

Attach answers in a word doc under the assignment. 

FYI articles: to an external site.

Popular BBQ joint runs out of brisket amid meat shortage. to an external site.

Barbecue restaurants deal with smokin’ brisket costs. As wholesale prices double, some pass along part of cost to diners to an external site.

COVID Can’t Keep Barbecue Icon Pat Martin Down

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Combating Corruption Textbook

Combating Corruption Textbook

In Plato’s Republic, he tells the story of the ring of Gyges, (re-told on p.29 of your Combating Corruption textbook). Would you want that ring? If you had it, what would you do with it?

I do not have the book to be able to read this… Can anyone help me?

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