· Understand Common Social

· Understand Common Social

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Topic Impact of Medical Tourism and the Contribution of Tourism

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· Understand common social science research designs.

· Understand measurement principles.

· Understand the purpose of sampling.

· Critique research findings and effectively communicate research results to others.

Select an academic referred research article in an area that fits your professional and academic knowledge goals – you should now be identifying articles that support your topic for this semester.  This article should have qualitative research methodology.

After reading and analyzing the article, complete the following questions.

1. Specifically, what is the purpose of this research?

2. Describe the qualitative research method used in this article. Who are the subjects?  Do they appear to be an appropriate population for this study?  Does there seem to be a quantitative methodology also used?  If so, describe.  

3. What is the “So What?” of this research study? What has been added to the body of academic and/or professional knowledge?

4. What are the implications for future research from the author? What would you add for future research?

5. APA reference of the article.

Format for submission:

Typed, 1” margins, 12 point font.  Follow the APA Style Manual for referencing.

Attach highlighted PDF of full text article with the submission of the critique 

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Human Caring Apa Format

Human Caring Apa Format

Which of the culture and caring theories most resonates with you for your practice as a future psychiatric NP? How does the theory integrate the nursing paradigm?  What parts of the theory do you identify with? How does the theory help to meet CLAS standards to advance health equity?

Different theories: Leininger’s Cultural Care Diversity Theory, Campinha-Bacote Model, Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

APA format, correct grammer, Contains references for sources cited, Written by a professional or scholar in the field and indicates credentials of the author, Is no more than 5 years old for clinical or research articles 

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Alarming Healthcare Data Breaches

Alarming Healthcare Data Breaches

There are 3 parts to this discussion. Main discussion below and 1 reply to each individual student’s post underneath. (2 students total)

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why. Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples.  ***You are encouraged you to think beyond electronic medical records when completing your discussion posts this week since it has been overly talked about already.

3 APA sources no older than 5 years. APA Format must be exceptional for full grade. 

 ****TIPS WHY Grade has been dropping Here are a few writing hints. Italicize journal titles and volume numbers. When you have three authors, you use the et al reference in the intext citation (Dent et al., 2020). Only capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.   

Student 1 reply

 Erica simplice

Technology has made its mark on the health care field. With the rise of technology usage in the healthcare field, it is not a surprise to see new technology trends popping up in various healthcare settings. One of the main uses of technology that I use every day is telemedicine. Telemedicine is the use of different modalities such as email, video chat, telephone, and remote devices to provide health care information and education (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021).  Many providers are now either solely virtual or slit their time between in-office and telemedicine visits. With the use of telemedicine patients’ data can be shared quickly and

A benefit of telemedicine is that many patients who do not have the means of getting to a doctor’s office can still receive medical services. The downside of telemedicine includes the many different regulations and guidelines for telemedicine practice. For example, who has ownership of the data? The legal protection of a patient’s protected health information is left up to the state and federal laws that do not adequately address the patient’s privacy needs (Nittari et al., 2020). There is a question of whether the health care provider or facility owns the patient’s health information or if the patient does. Another risk when it comes to the use of technology in this way is data accuracy. There is a question of misdiagnosis when it comes to telemedicine visits because the provider is not seeing the patient face to face therefore, they cannot physically examine the patient. According to Fouladirad and Teo, the lack of assessment skills such as palpitation and auscultations can result in misdiagnosis in many diseases such as appendicitis and congestive heart failure (2018). Losing the physical aspect of patient care can not only increase the rate of misdiagnosis but can be fatal if the patient is not treated for the appropriate conditions.

I believe that the use of video and remote devices will be the most promising technology to impact healthcare because healthcare facilities are always looking for new ways to provide more efficient patient care and cut costs. The less a provider must be at the facility, the less money it will cost that facility. Remote devices such as cardiac monitoring for the home and wireless diabetes devices can help increase better patient outcomes with chronic illnesses. The data from remote devices can be translated to the doctor’s office as it is occurring and can help mitigate adverse patient outcomes if the data is monitored closely. Being able to have real-time data can aid in clinical decision-making and faster response times to things like high glucose levels or atrial fibrillation.

Gajarawala, S. N., & Pelkowski, J. N. (2021). Telehealth benefits and barriers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(2), 218-221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2020.09.013

Nittari, G., Khuman, R., Baldoni, S., Pallotta, G., Battineni, G., Sirignano, A., Amenta, F., & Ricci, G. (2020). Telemedicine Practice: Review of the current ethical and legal challenges. Telemedicine and E-Health26(12). https://doi.org/10.1089/tmj.2019.0158

Fouladirad, S., & Teo, T. (2018). Telehealth: Technology and healthcare. On the cover246, 37.

Student 2 reply

 Ashley Newcomb

Technology has come a long way throughout the last few decades. From paper charting to electronic health records (EHR) data has gone from looking for charts to having them at the tip of our fingers. At this time most healthcare agencies have gone to EHR, and many have some sort of system that allows patients to see their records online. At the facility that I currently work at they use a system called myhealthevet for veterans to look at their records, manage their appointments, and even send messages to their healthcare providers.

There are some challenges to the myhealthevet though. One challenge is that not all individuals have internet access. Another challenge is that not everyone is technology savvy. According to Faverio (2022), about 75% of individuals 65 years old and older use the internet. That leaves ¼ of the older population unable or having troubles with using the myhealthevet application. Many doctors do not feel like patients should have access to their records. According to D’Costa et. al (2020), doctors fear that having access to their records can make the patient unnecessarily worry or overwhelm them.

There are benefits to having the myheathevet too. Many times, patients do get overwhelmed when all the information is given to them in large amounts at once upon being discharged. However, by having access to their records, they can read the information and get a better understanding of it after they are discharged and able to think more clearly. With this app veterans can look at their records, set up appointments, and send messages to their providers. If the clinic is already closed, then they can still send a message and the provider will answer when they return to work or they can set up an appt. For individuals that work nights this is a wonderful feature because they are sleeping when others are awake making it hard for them to talk to the doctor’s office during regular service hours.

There is always risk involved when having information online. Security breaches happen all the time in the healthcare. According to Georgiev (2022), security breaches have cost over $6 trillion dollars and more than 2100 breaches have happened since 2009. This is a huge amount of money and information that has gotten out. Another risk for patient care would be that the veterans do not understand the information in their charts. This can cause them to get scared or nervous about something that they read. As far as risk for legislation risks malpractice is a risk associated with EHRs. According to D’Amore (n.d.), there were 2 malpractice cases involving EHRs from 2007-2010 but went to 66 cases from 2014-2016.

When looking at what healthcare trends are happening now, I would have to say the telehealth technology is a promising technology that will lead us into the future. Telehealth has become a major system of use since the coronavirus epidemic. This system can help individuals that are not able to get out of their homes by themselves or have a hard time getting out to be able to still see their doctor. With telehealth and all the electronics that patients can now have at home to send data to their doctor’s office and the doctor can see the vitals, weight, and even listen to the patient’s lungs and heart while the patient is in their own home. As more advancements happen in this area, I feel like more information will be able to be provided to the provider via electronics. This will also improve patient care by having individuals see their doctor on a regular basis even when they are not able to get out.


D’Amore, P. (n.d.). Patient risks associated with electronic health records. D’Amore personal injury law, LLC. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://www.damoreinjurylaw.com/blog/patient-risks-associated-with-electronic-health-records.

D’Costa, S.N., Kuhn, I., & Fritz, Z. (2020). A systematic review of patient access to medical records in the acute setting: Practicalities, perspectives and ethical consequences. BMC Medical Ethics. 21(18). DOI https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-020-0459-6.

Faverio, M. (2022, Jan. 13). Share of those 65 and older who are tech users has grown in the past decade. Pew Research Center. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/01/13/share-of-those-65-and-older-who-are-tech-users-has-grown-in-the-past-decade/.

Georgiev, D. (2022, Aug 3). 25+ alarming healthcare data breaches statistics 2022 [& the largest healthcare data breaches]. Techjury. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://techjury.net/blog/healthcare-data-breaches-statistics/#gref.  

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English Ii Classes

English Ii Classes

 A requirement for all English II classes is to complete a literary  analysis . A literary analysis focuses on analyzing the  techniques that make a literary work effective, identifying them in the  books you read and writing to explain what you’ve identified.  You will need to read The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich (page 126)  and choose one of the following topics for your literary analysis: 

Topic ( Why does Henry jump into the river? Does he intend to drown, or is it  accidental? In what ways does he change in the story, and what things  cause him to change? )

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Spent Less Time

Spent Less Time


Please respond with your feedback for the improvement, maintenance, and integrity of this course.  Please respond to the following questions in a numbered list:

1.  What skills do you feel that you acquired or improved from this course?  Explain.

2.  What was the most helpful or interesting part of the course? Why?

3.  Do you feel that the course content was appropriate for an introductory-level course?  Explain.

4.  Do you see any differences in your thinking after taking this course?  Explain.

5.  What content/ideas do you wish we would have examined more? What content/ideas do you wish we would have spent less time on? Explain.

6. What would you do differently to make this course more engaging or interesting for you?

7. What advice do you have for students who take this course in the future?

8. (optional) What questions or comments do you have for Prof. Goodman?

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Please Read Instructions Carefully

Please Read Instructions Carefully


Taking a SWOT at the World

You are going to establish a brand for yourself.  The brand should reveal your mission, your values, your dreams, and an essential spirit of yourself.  To aid in this, you will use the SWOT Model found in Chapter 10 (p. 330-331) included below. 

Your project will have several components:

Cover page: should include with your name, the course title (PHIL 1123 – EW03F), the due date of this assignment, and one word that describes your life bolded and centered on the page.

Page 1: A self- evaluation, addressing each of the components of the SWOT model.  Each component should have at least 5 bullet points.

Page 2:  You will create a small logo that reflects your SWOT analysis. The logo should be your own creation and should not be taken from or based on another logo or online image. Below the logo, briefly explain the components of the logo and why you chose them.

Page 3:  You will create a slogan that reflects your SWOT analysis. Below the slogan, briefly explain why this has meaning to you and how it reflects your SWOT analysis.

Pages 4-5:  You will write a vision statement (that is expressed as a life mission).  Your vision statement should contain the following components:

a.  My Aspiration

b.  My Mission

c.  My Values

d.  My Motto

Aim for a complete paragraph for each component.

Page 6:  A one page self-reflection on the absolute most important aspect of your life.  Tell me what are its roots, who it affects, what will it look like in the future, and why you need it.

The project should be saved as a .doc, .docx, or PDF document. It should be uploaded with all 6 pages in one single document/file, not as 6 separate files.

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Policy Restricting Employee Internet

Policy Restricting Employee Internet

 350-600 words

The following case study provides an example of an ethical/legal issue faced by many HR professionals. The issue of technology in the workplace and employee use of the technology has become an increasingly common challenge, and you have seen how this may be an issue with the jewelry company. 

Click here for the case study. (https://www.scu.edu/ethics/focus-areas/business-ethics/resources/littlebrother-is-watching-you/ )

After reading the above article and researching other examples of what some companies are facing, post your response and a defense of your position to the following questions:

  • Do you feel a policy restricting employee Internet use is ethically sound?
  • Do you feel that the monitoring of employee activity on the computer is ethically sound?
  • What are the business implications for employees’ personal use of company assets?
  • What approach will you take to address this issue with the jewelry company? 

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2 Paragraphs Referenced Total

2 Paragraphs Referenced Total





Total Rewards Knowledge 2: Effectively Communicating Total Rewards

Please view the following video in its entirety:


You know from the video that there are at least 4 stakeholder groups to communicate the total rewards program for the organization. One stakeholder group is executives, and another is employees. How and what would you communicate on the total rewards program to each? Does each group get the same message? HINT: There is additional information on communicating total rewards in the textbook.

Note: Your response to the discussion must be informative and thorough, be supported with research, and follow the requirements set by this course.

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2 Paragraphs References Total

2 Paragraphs References Total

apa format

1-2 paragraphs



Total Rewards Knowledge 1: Examining Total Rewards

Please view the following video in its entirety:


In the video you learned about the 6 components of the total reward program. Now, except for compensation and benefits, of the 4 remaining components select 2 that you consider most important to you and explain why. Make sure you are specific and not just defining your selections Note: Your response to the discussion must be informative, be supported with research, and follow the requirements set by this course.

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Corresponding Lecture Notes Discuss

Corresponding Lecture Notes Discuss


Chapter 7 and the corresponding lecture notes discuss a phenomenon known as flashbulb memories. For your initial post, submit a minimum of 2 paragraphs (3-5 sentences minimum each paragraph) summarizing your responses to the questions below. OR, you can simply number your answers. Don’t forget to engage with at least 2 of your classmates in a meaningful way so you can earn those precious Engagement points! Each peer response should be at least 1 paragraph (3-5 sentences minimum) in length.

1. Given what you read in Chapter 7 and the corresponding notes, how do you define flashbulb memory in your own words?

2. Identify and describe a flashbulb memory that you have for a national/historic event, sharing the major details that you can remember. Who were you with? What were you doing? How were you feeling? Any sights, sounds, smells that you can remember?

3. Identify and describe a flashbulb memory that you have for a personal event, sharing the major details that you can remember. Who were you with? What were you doing? How were you feeling? Any sights, sounds, smells that you can remember?*Note that this is a public forum so do not share anything with the group that you aren’t comfortable sharing!

What classifies as a national/historic event? Any major event that others in the class might also have memories for such as 9/11, a hurricane or other natural disaster, an election night, mass shootings, death of a celebrity, space launch, pandemic, verdicts of course cases that garnered national attention (e.g., O.J. Simpson, George Floyd, etc..), national protests, etc…

What classifies as a personal event? Any event that you experienced such as a birthday, wedding, funeral, car accident, graduation, special day, traumatic day, etc…

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