Three Main Theories

Three Main Theories


In chapter six you learned about learning. 🙂 The book points out the three main theories of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. 

1) Briefly describe the key points from each of these learning styles. 

2) Which learning style do you think is most effective? As a child, do you remember your parents using any of these? If so, which ones and give an example.

 should be a minimum of 200 words and contain a scholarly reference that is NOT your textbook or videos I provided.  

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Thrasymachus Thought Speakers Gained

Thrasymachus Thought Speakers Gained

 ***I already converted the scanned textbook into word to make it easier for you***

The Classical Origins of Public Speaking                                     

Upon reading Michael and Suzanne Osborn’s Classical Origins of Public Speaking (located in the Supplemental Readings section of D2L and attached below), please answer the following questions on a separate WORD document that includes your name, date, and title of the assignment. Please number each answer and make sure that your name is on this assignment as well as all others.

Your answers should be thorough and well reasoned approx. 5-10 sentences in length for each question, and evidence an in-depth understanding of the reading material.  Upload your WORD document in the drop box.

1. According to the text what is a communication symbol? How does it contribute to the “miracle of language”? Have you ever thought about communication in this same way?

2. Both Gorgias and Protagoras emphasize the precarious nature of truth in their approach to rhetoric.  According to the text, why is the idea that “humans make their own truth” central to the nature of communication? 

3. Thrasymachus thought speakers gained power by emphasizing presentation skills and impressive language over actual content. Do you agree with this strategy or might this vary from situation to situation? Can you think of any current media, political, or entertainment industry examples of Thrasymachus’ point of view?

4. Give an example for each of Aristotle’s theory of proofs (Logos, Ethos, Pathos).  How can you, as a public speaker, employ these tools to your advantage? 

5. What would be the effect of requiring citizens today to present their own cases in court? Would you favor such a system? Do you favor more direct participation, and public communication by citizens in government? Would Plato?

6. In your own opinion, why is the study of ancient rhetoric important to today’s student of public speaking? How can you apply these theories to your own communication or speaking?

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World War Ii

World War Ii


Should the deployment of weapons of mass destruction ever be considered in a time of conflict when there can be significant non-combatant (civilian) casualties? What considerations should be made when thinking about those decisions? Is there differentiation across the inhabitants of a nation, its military, and its government?

Approach this question in the abstract, and not as specifically being about World War II or any related prior knowledge. It may be useful to create that sort of distance as you consider the issues around such decisions. 

Please be mindful and respectful of the language that you use when considering this topic.

One paragraph 150 to 250 words

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Use Text Examples

Use Text Examples


  • Choose a symbol from either “The Gift of the Magi” or “Everyday Use” and discuss what significance this symbol had to you as the reader (an example of this would be the combs Jim gave to Della and a discussion about a precious gift that you received or gave).  Use text examples in this section.
  • If someone were to write your life story, what symbol would be present and why?  How does this symbol represent you?   You can attach a picture of your symbol (an example of this might be a baby blanket from your childhood, or a baseball from your first game). 

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Provided Group Health Insurance

Provided Group Health Insurance

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides a guaranteed unpaid and job-protected leave of absence for employees to provide care for family and medical reasons. It allows them to continue to have company-provided group health insurance coverage. They are eligible for 12 weeks of leave in a 12-month period to care for family members or 26 weeks of leave to care for a member of the military. When they return, they are eligible for their previous job or one with similar duties and responsibilities. With your classmates, please discuss the following:

  • What are some examples of ways that employers have violated FMLA laws? If you were their human resources (HR) professional, how would you have prevented the violation?
  • How would you change the FMLA to help companies and employees better manage work and family responsibilities?

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Skills Engagement Exercise

Skills Engagement Exercise


Please respond to the following:

  • Introduce yourself to your peers by sharing something unique about your background. Explain how you expect this course will help you move forward in your current or future career.
  • Review your results from the Apply Your Skills Engagement Exercise: Security or Autonomy on page 67 in Chapter 2 of the textbook.
    • Indicate whether you wish to optimize security or autonomy in your career.
    • Include your rationale.
  • Think of one manager that you have had who made a real impact.
    • Describe what made them effective and ways that they could have been more effective.
    • Read one of your classmates’ responses and compare your managerial experiences.
  • I will send page 67 in chapter 2 of the text book if you can’t access it
    • this is the book that goes with the class
    • Richard L. Daft. 2022. Management. MGT500 Blackboard Course.  

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Definitions May Become Less

Definitions May Become Less


Levels of Prevention

What are two questions you would ask this patient?

The first question I would ask this patient is how long the lump has been there. It is important in my opinion to establish a time lime. I would also be interested in the patient’s family history. The patient is 32 y/o which is young for breast cancer so I would like to know if there is family history of the disease and if so at what age it occurred.

What are two risk factors would you want to assess for?

Two risk factors for this patient are family history of breast cancer or other cancers as well as the use of hormonal medications which could be contraception.

What are the levels of prevention for this patient?

Primary prevention includes health promotion and risk reduction. Health reduction includes healthy behaviors that may reduce breast cancer risk which can include physical activity, consuming diets high in fruits and vegetables, smoking cessation, and limiting alcohol. Secondary prevention is the identification and treatment of premalignant or subclinical cancers. Screening by means of mammography is a typical example of secondary prevention. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) issued a grade B recommendation for using a risk tool to screen women for BRCA gene mutations if they have a family history of breast, ovarian, tubal, or peritoneal cancers.27 BRCA gene mutations account for up to 10% of all breast cancers (Bickley, 2020, p. 606).  A level B recommendation means that The USPSTF recommends the service. There is high certainty that the net benefit is moderate or there is moderate certainty that the net benefit is moderate to substantial. The recommendation for practice is to offer this service. Tertiary prevention is defined as symptoms control and rehabilitation. These definitions may become less useful in the future as they do not account for the new incoming data such as molecular data

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Addresses Potentially Significant Yet

Addresses Potentially Significant Yet

There is a plethora of research which shows there is a lack of education and knowledge pertaining to nurses in the intensive care unit being prepared to care for patients during their end of life. Prepare an outline of you Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) project pertaining to this topic. 

Section 1 includes the introduction, background and significance, the problem statement, and the clinical question. This section includes the conceptual and theoretical framework:                                                                                                               

Section 2 is the literature review which is a thorough examination of the literature relating to the clinical issue, the theory, and content in section1.

 The student will develop a conceptual framework as foundational preparation for sections 1 & 2 in the DNP Project. 

APA format is required. Assignment length is 350 – 500 words.

The student will be graded on:

The student Identifies a creative, focused, and manageable topic that addresses potentially  significant yet previously less-explored aspects of the topic (lack of knowledge/experience of nurses caring for patients during the end of life process). (16.67%)

Synthesizes in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/approaches. (16.67%)

All elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are skillfully developed. Appropriate methodology or theoretical frameworks may be synthesized from across disciplines or from relevant subdisciplines. (16.67%)

 Organizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus. (16.67%)

 States a conclusion that is a logical extrapolation from the inquiry findings. (16.67%)

 Insightfully discusses in detail relevant and supported limitations and implications. (16.67%)

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4 Information Literacy ◦

4 Information Literacy ◦

Web Validity Assignment – 


Purpose of the assignment: evaluate 2 professional and/or consumer health websites.

According to recent studies, due to its accessibility and “easiness” patients are using the Internet as the second source of health information after physicians, (HON, 2014).  In light of this, it is important that nurses are able to identify reliable, accurate online sources for health teaching their clients or when referring clients to resources for further information.

The Health on the Net (HON) Foundation has developed a code of conduct to standardize the reliability of health information. The HON code defines a set of eight (8) principles to maintain basic ethical standards. These include: Authorative, Complementarity, Privacy, Attribution, Justifiability, Transparency, Financial Disclosure and Advertising Policy. The definitions of these terms can be found at Health on the Net Guidelines

You may need to right click the link and click “open in new tab”.

 Students are required to choose a specific health related topic and then research it using two (2) websites of their choice.

Choose a topic that interests you from the following; Post Partum Depression, Thyroid Cancer, Meningitis, Depression, Congestive Heart Failure, Asthma, Diabetes

• Use the template provided, as instructed. The form will expand to contain as much information as you wish to put in your information

• Research each of the websites to identify the eight HON principles. A title page and reference page is required with this assignment and is included with the template.

•  Answer the questions in the table as instructed on the form.

• The answer to Question #3 must include a proper APA citation of the textbook in Texidium and identification of your websites you used to compare the website information. There are resources to assist you with properly formatting the APA citation.

• The last question is NOT about the topic that you selected, it is about using the internet to locate valid websites and applying it with evidence to nursing practice. Take this into consideration when constructing your answer to the final question.

• When complete, submit your work in the assignment box on eConestoga.

• At 11:59 PM on the DUE date.

• Only certain files are acceptable to assignment drop box. Acceptable for this assignment is MS Word,. If you are using Mac (Apple) software it is your responsibility to convert your assignment to an acceptable format.

This assignment is worth 20% of the final course grade. Please review the rubric prior to beginning this assignment, as it will be graded according to this rubric.

Learning Outcomes: After completing this assignment the student will be able to:

4 Information Literacy

◦ Examines and compares information from various sources in order to evaluate reliability, validity, accuracy, authority, timeliness, and point of view or bias.

◦ Evaluate the validity and reliability of websites providing health information.

◦ Explain how knowledge of web validity can enhance patient health and health literacy.


Health on the Net Foundation. (2019). The HON code of conduct for medical and health web sites (HON code).

Ofcom. (2015). Children and parents: Media use and attitudes report 2015.

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Active Shooter Emergency Action

Active Shooter Emergency Action


Executive leadership in the 21st century requires attention to a wide variety of potential emergency situations. These may be internal such as active shooters, biocontrol, technology takeover, catastrophic infrastructure failure, or external, such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and a host of accidents such as airplanes crashes, train derailments involving hazardous materials. You, as leader, will analyze which of these potential situations are likely given your demographic area.Thankfully, there is a wide variety of resources to assist in the development of these plans, and most organizations have existing plans.For this assignment, utilize as many of these resources as you wish:

  • Emergency Management
  • FEMA Planning Considerations: Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks (PDF)
  • AONE Guiding Principles: Role of the Nurse Leader in Crisis Management (PDF)
  • The Joint Commission Online
  • Homeland Security: Active Shooter Emergency Action Plan Guide and Template
  • Current organizational plan at place of employment
Create a Disaster Preparedness plan.

Include the following aspects in the Assignment:

  • Choose one aspect of interest to you from the wide variety of complex coordinated emergency response plan needs (Active Shooter, Terrorist Response, Natural Disaster Response, etc.)
  • Develop a 10 to 15 slide presentation
  • Your plan may modify an existing plan
  • This is a high-level overview of the major aspects of the emergency response plan needs
  • More granular details can be added as speakers notes if you wish
  • Include:
    • Risk Analysis,
    • Resource Analysis,
    • Standards,
    • Literature Review,
    • Goals,
    • Timeline,
    • Evaluation

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