Writings Address Aside

Writings Address Aside

Read all the excerpts from Poems of the Atomic Bomb by Toge Sankichi. What other concerns do the poems and Toge’s writings address aside from the devastation of the blast itself? Can you find any parallels or common themes that have been reflected in past readings or discussions? Also, share any other thoughts, impressions, or questions about the reading — you can address the questions provided in the lecture as well.

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Affordable Care Act Explain

Affordable Care Act Explain

Provide a brief synopsis of the health disparities and social determinants of health.

Provide a brief synopsis of the Affordable care Act

Explain your selection of a policy—why, as a policy advocate, did you select this specific policy to promote change regarding the social problem?  

Identify the person or group who enacted the policy and explain their motivation or reason for advocating for this policy.  

Describe the ways in which the policy impacts minority populations and discuss the consequences—intended and unintended. 

Describe what needs to change within the policy to improve social advocacy 

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 Harvard Business Review

 Harvard Business Review

TOPIC: Benchmark – Leadership Communication

Choose a leader of a well known organization. The leader could come from business, politics, nonprofit, activism, education, etc.

In 1,200-1,500 words:

Briefly summarize the leader’s leadership background and identify their leadership style. Justify your characterization (e.g., what characteristics does the leader have that make them an autocratic leader.)

Explain how their leadership style has shaped, or will likely shape, communication within their organization.

Recommend systems or processes their organization could implement to facilitate effective communication based on their leadership style.

Recommend strategies their organization could implement to limit or solve various forms of conflict that may arise due to their leadership style.

Minimum five credible sources required.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite for similarity score and plagiarism.


Argenti, P. (2015). Corporate communication. (7th ed.). McGraw Hill. Retrieved from https://bibliu.com/app/#/view/books/9781259295942/epub/OPS/xhtml/halftitle.html#page_29,63,66

Read “Disruptive Leadership: The Amazon Management System,” by Charan and Yang, from Rotman Management (2020). 

Read “Leadership Styles: One Size Does Not Fit All,” by Sarah Fister Gale, from Chief Learning Officer (2019). https://journals-sagepub-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/doi/full/10.1177/1741143217739543

 Read “How to Work with Someone who Creates Unnecessary Conflict,” by Amanda Ripley, from Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (2021).  

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Homophobic Males Might Try

Homophobic Males Might Try

Bullying, gang violence, and hate crimes all have a common denominator: acts of violence toward individuals or groups from whom the perpetrator(s) feels some level of threat. This threat results in the perpetrator(s) taking action. A bully might attempt to intimidate a classmate to relieve his or her own sense of insecurity through a false sense of power. A gang might attempt to gain respect by imposing a general sense of threat on a neighborhood. A group of homophobic males might try to solidify their own sexual orientation by attacking an outwardly gay male.

An additional commonality between and among these types of crises is the collective impact of their actions on a community. Individual survivors/victims of the crises, as well as the community as a whole, must accommodate the experiences and navigate through the aftermath.

For this Discussion, select one crisis from the following: bullying, gang violence, or hate crimes. Then conduct research in the Walden library about the primary effects of the crisis you selected and the intervention strategies to address those effects. Use this research to support your discussion posts.    

By Day 4

Post a summary of the primary effects of the crisis you selected (bullying, gang violence, or hate crimes). Then, describe two intervention strategies you would use to address the effects of the crisis you chose. Be specific and use examples to illustrate.

Note: Include the type of crisis you selected in the first line of your post. You will be asked to respond to a colleague who chose a different type of crisis from the one you discussed.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.

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Day 7 Submit

Day 7 Submit

By Day 7

Submit a 1-2 pgs in which you:

  1. Briefly describe the setting where the intervention/treatment plan was conducted. 
  2. Briefly discuss how you used the literature to guide your practice (i.e. actual use of the treatment/intervention plan).
  3. Briefly summarize the experience of actually working with the client and any emerging themes (i.e., anything in the literature that captured your attention or was repeated throughout) that were present during the intervention.

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Least Five Sentences

Least Five Sentences

Comparative/Contrast Essay (Dogs vs Cats)

  • The comparison/contrast essay should consist of 600-700 words and at least five paragraphs, which should consist of at least five sentences each.
  • The comparison/contrast essay should be organized as follows:
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Contractions, first-person pronouns, and second-person pronouns should be avoided.
    • Provide a strong transition between all paragraphs
    • Be sure to check your essay formatting before submitting.

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Answers Must Include Apa

Answers Must Include Apa


What is digital transformation and what are the main domains of this concept? 

Please explain and have some proof or your thoughts  

All answers must include APA 7th in-text citation (video and research) as well as APA 7th edition references.  

All reference links should be valid!  References should be from valid books, journals, and well-reputed articles.  

There is no need for a table of content or executive summary.  

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Mammograms Emergency Services

Mammograms Emergency Services

 Peer 1

  Should a multispecialty medical group want to segment the market in the community by income levels and further go on to target such a niche group of middle-aged, white-collar professionals who are married, with both spouses working outside the home then they would need to consider a few things in their marketing strategy. A niche group is a very small and specialized market segment with a highly defined set of needs (Berkowitz, 2019). The niche strategy targets this special group with specialized products and/or services. The sociodemographic segmentation here includes the middle-aged aspect and then both genders are included.

          Now how does the medical group tailer to this niche group? They can figure out the Four Ps:

  • Product – targeting middle-aged people means the 40-65 age range. You need to provide services such as preventative screenings (colonoscopies and mammograms), emergency services, health wellness programs, immunizations (Health screenings for men ages 40 to 64, n.d.) (Health screenings for women ages 40 to 64, n.d.).
  • Price – pricing should remain competitive with other local medical groups. While they are working now, middle-aged individuals are getting ready for retirement.
  • Place – Services would be offered in the medical groups business and might offer a concierge component for a price. There should be extended hours since they are working professionals.
  • Promotion – The medical group can promote on social media such as Facebook, coffee shops, even popular podcasts. Anything that the adults in that area are into. Maybe doing a small neighborhood survey to see the best ways to advertise and what the community needs could help.

Peer 2

 Marketing is essential for any business and/or organization as it promotes the buying and/or selling of a specific product or service. The activities involved in the marketing process refer to selling, advertising, and delivering of products to other business and/or consumers (Marketing in Business: Strategies and Types Explained, 2022). In order for a business or company to implement the best marketing strategies/practices that reach their target audience, they must incorporate a specific appeal, and have a vast knowledge of the 4 P’s of marketing (Team, n.d.). The 4 P’s of marketing include product, place, price and promotion, and the five separate marketing appeals that organizations should have great knowledge on which include: emotional, fear, humor, logical and bandwagon appeal Berkowitz, 2016).

The multispecialty group that has decided to segment its market according to income, has conclude their target a small niche of middle-aged, white collar professionals who are married. The middle age age group that is being targeted in this case are between the ages of 45-65 years old. The marketing plan should address the needs and wants of their audience which should emphasize on the following:

Health care coverage that offers preventative care measures and monitoring for diseases that are common in this age group such as hypertension, heart disease, hypercholesterolemia, arthritis, diabetes and obesity. Coinciding with this preventative care, should focus on ensuring that both spouses have an annual check up, for monitoring of any potential changes that may have occurred within both individuals (Study.com | Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers, n.d.). An appropriate contributing marketing plan for this type of a circumstance would be to also include children of the spouses being covered in and underneath the family health plan. One final marketing plan for this target audience would be to offer late evening appointments to allow for appointments to be made for the couple since they are fully employed.

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Bahamas Apa 6 Edition

Bahamas Apa 6 Edition

What are major problems in the destination that need to be addressed? These are major global issues like health threats, environmental disasters, political unrest, global warming or other factors that influence the destination in terms of tourism (think Florida and sea level rise, covid we also had zika, etc)

The destination is BAHAMAS 

APA 6 edition 

170 words 

2 references 

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Many Medical Devices Allow

Many Medical Devices Allow


Cybersecurity Part I Assignment

As a nurse or healthcare professional, it is important to realize that cybersecurity is a real phenomenon in healthcare. The Internet of Things (I.o.T.) has grown over the years allowing many medical devices and consumer wearables to interconnect with hospital EHR. However, the current state of security in many medical devices allow hackers easy access to steal massive amounts of sensitive data from healthcare providers’ systems. If needed, review the week two Discussion video which includes security concerns (Todd Coleman on health tech tattoos). It is vital that health care stay ahead of the security curve at the cusp of an explosion of personal, wearable technology.

Evaluate the need of securing the I.o.T. in Healthcare.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

1) Use the security assessment template created as part of DQ 1

2) Create recommendations on how to address each of the risks identified on the template

3) Place these risks at an Enterprise level (use prior lecture on Enterprise resources provided in the text, weekly readings, and article above)

4) Assess the risk from an individual, process, and technology standpoint.

5) This is not a formal paper and there is no minimum length. Each bullet must be thoroughly explored.

6) At all times, proper sentence structure, grammar, and spelling are required. Grammarly is a free tool to assist you. All references used must be placed.

Cybersecurity Part II Assignment

The final project for this course will be created each week. Each assignment will lead to a second assignment that adds to the PPT slide deck. In this manner, you create the final project as you progress through the course. This model provides for deeper learning and a more rigorous final project.

Create PPT slides based upon assignment part I.

1) Include the following aspects in the assignment:

2) Construct 5 PPT slides to illustrate your content and tools from part 1

3) Add speakers notes as needed

4) Follow the rules of good PPT slide construction

5) Submit the slides for grading and feedback

6) File to slides to add to the final presentation

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