Software Development Plan

Software Development Plan

Develop a HIT Strategic Plan for your own company. Address the following components:

  • Provide a statement of corporate/ institutional goals and objectives;
  • Provide a statement of HIT goals and objectives;
  • Discuss priorities for the applications portfolio;
  • Include the specifications of overall HIT architecture and infrastructure;
  • Include a software development plan;
  • Include a HIT management and staffing plan; and
  • Include a statement of resource requirements.

Reference your readings and include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar articles.

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Public Display Toward People

Public Display Toward People

This discussion relates to this week’s learning objectives for Modules 8 – 10.

You can reach learning objectives by reading the case study you are assigned and providing thoughtful response that includes critical thinking. You will be expected to apply course concepts to your client’s case.

You need to address the following questions in your response:

  1. Based on the content in Modules 8 – 10, identify one area you think needs immediate support for this family? How might a social worker advocate for or offer a service to meet that need?  What intersecting identities or cultural considerations should be considered when working with the client/family? (4 points)
  2. How might a school social worker support the school age clients in this family? For this answer, name the client you are focusing on, their strengths, and areas they might need support, as well as how you would support as a school social worker. (3 points)
  3. What person(s) is living with physical, cognitive, and/or developmental challenges in the case study and what is the challenge? What are ways to support and/or provide services for the individual(s) to ensure they have a supportive environment? In what ways might a social worker advocate for them at a macro level (4 points)
  4. What kinds of attitudes does the public display toward people who are in the same human developmental stage as Margaret’s father? How would you navigate supporting Margaret in addressing the attitudes and expectations people have of those in his developmental age? What biopsychosocial-spiritual challenges do you think Margaret’s father could be facing?  (3 points)
  5. What is one question that you have about your case study/client and its relation to this week’s module material? (1 point)

300 words + 100 peer review

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Key Points Contained

Key Points Contained

When you recruit your first participant, remember to use the Oral Consent script. You are free to adapt the script to your own language as long as you cover the key points contained in the script.

You will turn in two (2) documents for the Interview and Transcript One assignment.

1.) Your completed Transcription with your Self Assessment Paragraph at the end of your transcript.

2) Your completed Transcription Self-Assessment and Grading Rubric. 

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Kentucky Blockchain Technology Working

Kentucky Blockchain Technology Working

For Journal #2 (Week 7) you will be providing information on the topic you wish to research for Paper #2. Paper #2 will be a research paper that will be submitted to the Kentucky Blockchain Technology Working Group to potentially be included with their 2022 Annual Report to the Kentucky General Assembly and Governor’s Office. The purpose of this research is to provide elected officials (legislative and executive) with the state of blockchain regulation and adoption within the differing states as well as regulation by the Federal government either through legislation or agency regulation. Therefore, topics can include:

  • Examination of how a single state in addressing/regulating/adopting blockchain and cryptocurrency. States selected should either be in the forefront of blockchain (Texas, Wyoming, etc), or should be a neighboring state to Kentucky or a state from the southeastern United States (VA, NC, SC, TN, GA, FL, AL, AK).
  • Examination of how multiple states may be addressing the same field or aspect of blockchain/cryptocurrency/digital assets. This could include banking, mining, cryptocurrency, records management, creation of working groups or funded agencies within the state, etc.)
  • A comprehensive examination of the Catawba Digital Economic Zone (CDEZ) that has been implemented by the Catawba Tribal Nation in South Carolina (Home – Catawba Digital Economic Zone)
  • Comprehensive overview of proposed legislation by the US Congress
  • Potential regulation of blockchain/cryptocurrency by Federal Government agencies (including SEC, CFTC, OCC, etc)
  • A comprehensive overview of crypto mining in the state of Kentucky.
  • Other similar topics you wish to research in the government, regulatory and state approach to blockchain and cryptocurrency.

For you journal you will be drafting a two-paragraph entry. You will provide one paragraph discussing your desired topic of research and explanation of why you want to examine this topic and then a second paragraph explaining how you will go about researching this topic. Please ensure that these are somewhat substantive paragraphs (150-200 words each; or 300-400 words total).

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Subordination Licensed Withdrawal Infantilization

Subordination Licensed Withdrawal Infantilization

Read excerpt from the following chapter from Carah:

  • This chapter adds more detail to our examination of how meaning is made. It specifically helps us understand the theory of semiotics and the method of analysis.
  • It returns to the definition of hegemony, power, ideology and discourse examined in the introductory chapter

After you have read the chapter watch the following film.

Watch Codes of Gender: Identity performance in pop culture.

We are examining how meaning is made. Meanings are constructed through our coding practices. This film uses the research of Erving Goffman to examine how codes have been used in advertising.  For this film complete the following: 

On a document,  type out each of the phrases listed below.  Underneath each heading explain in two or three sentences what is meant by the term.

  • The Feminine Touch
  • The Ritualization of Subordination
  • Licensed Withdrawal
  • Infantilization
  • Codes of Masculinity

For your assignment to be counted as complete, you must explain the concepts using your own words. Do not simply cut and paste quotations from the film. Make sure that it is clear how you understand the concepts.

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Previous Assignments Complete

Previous Assignments Complete

  Deliverable Length:  1,250–1,500 words 

You are meeting with your HRD team and preparing to meet all of the Pegasus department heads. You are preparing for the first change intervention. Using the results of the previous work for this project (previous assignments), complete the following:

  1. Discuss the specific steps or interventions to begin the change reorganization.
  2. Determine the first 5 interventions you would recommend to begin the change-management reorganization and your rationale for why you would use these interventions in this sequence.

Be sure to include outside research, and support your recommendations with cited material.

The recommendations may be used individually, combined, or implemented in a time line.

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Hostile Work Environment Offensive

Hostile Work Environment Offensive

 Deliverable Length:  4–6 pages (not including cover page and resource page) 


According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. It can come in a variety of forms, such as the following:

  • Hostile work environment
  • Offensive statements
  • Pictures
  • Insults
  • Intimidation
  • Assault

Prevention can be an effective way to help eliminate these behaviors in the workplace. Employers should create a workplace climate where these kinds of concerns can be raised and addressed. For this assignment, please create a training that will be provided to all employees to help prevent harassment in the workplace. The training should include the following sections:

  • A company anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy statement based on relevant employment laws
  • A set of employee expectations regarding professional workplace behavior
  • A step-by-step guide for employees on how to report workplace harassment or discrimination
  • A guide for managers on how to address workplace harassment or discrimination claims

Click here to access the assignment template.

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Analysis Must Portray Specific

Analysis Must Portray Specific

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Outline for your Week 6 project

Select a health care facility or service at which you work or with which you are familiar. 

During Week 6, you will design and prepare a 700- to 1,050-word Business Proposal for a process improvement or cultural change that would affect all levels of staff in the organization and improve productivity within the organization. You will be required to include the following in your Business Proposal for Change in Week 6:

  • Purpose of the change proposal
  • Analysis of need for change (why)
  • Review of the current literature supporting the change from a minimum of 3 reputable sources (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality)

Financial analysis of the change to include the following:

  • Potential costs for the change  
  • Supplies
  • Space
  • Staff
  • Time (i.e., participation time and/or facilitation time)  
  • Actual costs may or may not be included; however, the analysis must portray specific costs that should be considered within the context of the proposal.
  • Risks vs. benefits:
  • Impact on operations
  • Implementation plan related to proposed change:
  • How will you measure outcomes and the success of the implementation and change?  
  • Communication plan to organization
  • Evaluation strategies:
  • How will you measure the success of the change?
  • Exit strategy:
  • What is your exit strategy (if the proposal fails)?
  • Conclusion

This week, prepare a175-word outline summary of your proposed business change for which you will prepare your plan. Share this summary in the discussion.

Include the following in your summary:

  • Purpose of the change proposal
  • Analysis of the need for change (why)
  • Annotated bibliography of 3 reputable sources (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality) that support your proposed change
  • Financial estimate of costs of the proposed change
  • Potential risks and benefits of your proposed change
  • Scholarly sources to support your perspective on this issue

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Negative Implications

Negative Implications


  1. Being an effective communicator:
    • Why is it important for a manager to be an effective communicator?
    • Can a manager be effective if they are not a good communicator? Explain.
    • Have you ever experienced this in your own job? Explain.
  2. Grapevine communication:
    • What kind of impact can grapevine communication have on an organization?
    • Share any examples of how the “grapevine” affected your own workplace.
    • What can managers do to limit the negative implications of grapevine communication on the organization?

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Health Care System Using

Health Care System Using

Choose one of the Security Risk Assessment Videos to watch

Summarize the main points of the video

Share your plan to improve your knowledge of security basic. 


                                                           CLASSMATE POST 1

I watched the “Security 101: Security Risk Analysis” video for this week’s discussion post. A risk-management system strengthens how an organization identifies potential risks and how to prevent them from happening (Hebda et Al., 2018). The first step in managing a risk-management system is to perform a security risk analysis. In a security risk analysis, it is crucial to identify how information is stored (i.e. hard drives, CDs, mobile devices), where the information goes (i.e. providers within and outside the organization, backup hard drives), and how information is transmitted (i.e. e-mail, fax, shared network drives). Once this data is collected, the next step is to identify and document possible threats, such as hackers, natural disasters, and power outages, and weaknesses in the security controls. After assessing current security measures and calculating probabilities of potential risks, strategies are developed to prevent those threats from occurring and to correct such actions should those threats occur. (The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 2014)

To improve my knowledge of security basics, I will continue to watch the other videos provided by the website and explore other resources that the website has to offer. I will also review chapters in our class textbook that discuss information security in the healthcare setting.


Hebda, T. L., Czar, P., & Hunter, K. (2018). Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals (6th ed.). Pearson Education (US).

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. (2014, April 17). Security 101: Security risk analysis. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from

                                                                      CLASSMATE POST 2

  The video Security 101: Contingency Planning discusses designing a course of action for organizations to effectively respond to an unexpected event or future event that may or may not happen. In healthcare, it is designed to help protect electronically protected health information (ePHI) (Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, 2014). The unpredictable nature of life and business shows the need for a contingency plan which is also a requirement of the HIPAA Security Rule. The plan also outlines methods to restore data. It involves five essential elements: data backup, disaster recovery, emergency mode operation, testing and revision procedures, applications, and data criticality analysis; where the first three are a requirement for all health institutions under the HIPAA rule, while the other two are addressable (Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, 2014). A contingency plan is crucial to improve healthcare provision and comply with HIPAA regulations.

           Security information is always evolving and requires an elaborate plan to gain knowledge continuously. I plan to enroll in a short course covering security to provide the foundation for my security knowledge. It will inform me of the basics and allow more focused learning on complex issues. There are several free online courses on security that I can enroll into implement the first stage of my plan (Mohamed Shakeel et al., 2018). Secondly, I will engage in online research of journals and articles relating to security in healthcare to improve my knowledge further. Several platforms, such as, provide recent articles on healthcare security that would allow me to remain updated with trends and new information (Mohamed Shakeel et al., 2018). Next, I will assess the health Information Technology in one healthcare organization to understand the application of the knowledge learned and to gain some practical knowledge on how various elements work. I believe my plan will significantly improve my knowledge of security and privacy.


Mohamed Shakeel, P., Baskar, S., Sarma Dhulipala, V. R., Mishra, S., & Jaber, M. M. (2018). Maintaining security and privacy in health care system using learning based deep-Q-networks. Journal of medical systems, 42(10), 1-10.

Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. (2014, April 17). Security 101: Contingency Planning [Video]. YouTube.

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