Would Consider Interoperability

Would Consider Interoperability

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, create a new thread, and choose whether you would consider interoperability or scalability to be more important to blockchain’s future. Explain your decision and use examples from Chapter 12. Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read or videos you watched from this week’s assigned activities. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

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12Pt Time New Roman

12Pt Time New Roman

To Submit your case:

  • Follow instructions given in each steps
  • use this template for write up
  • follow the rubric provided


  • Each individual case should be 3-4 pages, double spaced, with 12pt Time New Roman or Arial font and 1 inch margin. 


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Second “ Article ”

Second “ Article ”

This week, you will reflect on the role of diversity in research and practice by developing a 3 to 5-page newsletter with two key articles:

  • One “article” will be focused on describing the importance of diversity in the workplace and the challenges inherent to a diverse workplace relative to the forensic psychology field. This is a fairly wide-open topic and can relate to diverse offenders, diversity differences between treatment providers and offenders, treatment efficacy related to diversity, or any other topic you feel can adequately describe the importance and challenges related to diversity in forensic psychology.
  • A second “article” will be focused on why diversity is important in forensic research and whether diversity is considered in research on your literature review topic. Here you should consider what elements you have found to be relevant in your topic related to diversity. It may be that there is limited research on your group, and you need to compare and contrast with other groups, or you may find that research on your group does not encompass the needed diverse groups. Again, there are many directions you can take this article, but be sure you are addressing why diversity is important in forensic research and, in particular, your literature review topic.

This newsletter should utilize scholarly resources to back up your ideas. It is not an opinion piece, but rather a newsletter giving information utilizing an academic tone and scholarly support.

Length: 3 to 5-page newsletter which includes 2 articles, page length does not include a title page or reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 3-5 scholarly resources.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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Child Studies Major Perhaps

Child Studies Major Perhaps

 Phonological awareness in preschoolers is often cited as the single best predictor of later reading success.  These skills include the ability to rhyme, discriminate syllables, and manipulate phonemes (add, delete, substitute and blend individual sounds).  Review the three sample home/classroom activities located in the Readings and Resources section.  As you review them, note the multi-sensory nature of these devices and the ability to tap into various learning styles, as well as, the opportunities for repetition, predictability, and mastery of the targeted phonological skill.  Now create your own!  For this discussion, provide three home or classroom activities targeting each of the following skills:

  • Rhyming
  • Syllables
  • Alliteration

You might want to mention a favorite children’s book.  If you are a Child Studies major perhaps refer to a lesson plan you have seen in your own practicum.  If you are a Psychology major you may want to visit a popular website like Pinterest or Scholastic for ideas.  Be creative!  

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Discuss Resources Including Budget

Discuss Resources Including Budget


To assess a clinical issue that is the focus of the Quality Improvement Project.

Evaluate the clinical project.

Putting it all together for the final Quality Improvement Project.

Content Requirements:

A description of the clinical issue to be addressed in the project.

A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for the project. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the quality improvement process.

An outline of the action plan for the project.

An assessment of clinical issue that is the focus of the quality improvement project.

Discuss stakeholders and decision makers who need to be involved in the quality improvement project.

Discuss resources including budget, personnel and time needed for the quality improvement project.

Discuss potential strategies for implementation and evaluation.


Submission Instructions:

The work is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

The final project is to be 8 – 12 pages in length and formatted per current APA, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

Incorporate a minimum of 9 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

Journal articles and books should be referenced according to the current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).

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Increased Productivity Since Several

Increased Productivity Since Several

   Grammar matters because it is the language that makes it possible for people to talk about language. It is possible to name types of words and word groups essential for forming a sentence through grammar. Any person, including a child, can do grammar. Studying grammar has always made communication between two people or more clearer (Balirano & Nisco, 2015). Once an individual understands the language and appreciates the varieties and patterns involved, it will be easy to understand how other languages are also constructed while making learning easy. For that reason, grammar matters, and it is essential to use proper grammar in business.   
 Grammar matters in business because it provides information that helps the stakeholder or readers involved with comprehension (Jakes, 2021). The grammar structure makes it important because precise meanings of information are conveyed through proper writing, punctuation, and spelling. Therefore, by eliminating grammatical errors from writing, the author will be rewarding his or her readers with clear communication (Balirano & Nisco, 2015). Knowing grammar offers a good window into the human mind, thereby helping develop an amazing complex mental capacity (Jakes, 2021).   
 Grammar is always associated with correctness and errors. However, having more information about grammar also helps people understand what makes paragraphs and sentences clear, precise, and interesting (Jakes, 2021). Grammar is found everywhere and can also be part of literature discussion, especially when learners read sentences closely in stories and poetry. For that reason, knowing about grammar means that the reader learns that all languages and their dialects always follow specific grammatical patterns (Balirano & Nisco, 2015). For instance, correct grammatical patterns are defined by question marks, dahs, colons, semicolons, ellipsis, and commas. Whichever the case, grammar remains a set of patterns for how words are put together to form clauses or phrases, whether spoken or in writing (Anyprofessor.com). Different languages have different patterns (TED, 2007).
 Good grammar in business can result in increased productivity since several businesses depend on written guidelines. The guidelines include emails, memos, formal letters, minutes, and reports (TED, 2007). Therefore, correct grammar and spelling will help employees understand instructions better while avoiding confusion about what is expected of them. The communication process becomes clear with correct grammar, which also maintains harmonious working relationships within the organization (Balirano & Nisco, 2015).   
 Grammar can keep the business at a competitive edge. The fact remains that bad grammar will always affect business because many customers would hesitate to purchase from websites that exhibit apparent grammatical and spelling errors (Jakes, 2021). Business competition is always challenging, and business owners always have a short time to impress potential new customers. There is no room for making them lose interest because of poor grammar (Jakes, 2021). Learn more about geography assignment help to writer better documents.
 Grammar matters in the business world because it makes communication more effective (Balirano & Nisco, 2015). Any business organization will not want to distract its readers from the message being conveyed by giving them spelling and grammatical mistakes (Jakes, 2021). This is because grammatical errors always make written words harder to comprehend. No business owner will want to create a distraction in an audience’s mind, especially when trying to get them to take the instructions being put across seriously (Jakes, 2021).
 Grammar matters in the business world because it is always linked to impression. First impression matters in the business world. Therefore, a high level of professionalism in the business world is achieved through good grammar (Balirano & Nisco, 2015). Besides giving readers a good first impression, the objective is also to get their attention while earning their respect. For that reason, correct grammar, good spelling, and correct punctuation will also give the audience confidence in the person conveying the information (Balirano & Nisco, 2015).   
 Good grammar in the business world brings a good reputation. This is because suppliers and clients will most likely trust an organization that communicates correctly and clearly (Jakes, 2021). The use of correct and proper grammar will help an organization maintain its reputation and credibility as a professional. Again, a trustworthy enterprise always views its interactions with traders and customers as equally important engagement (Balirano & Nisco, 2015).   
 In conclusion, good grammar in business should be adopted by organizations regardless of the industry of operation or size. The basic part of ensuring good grammar should include spell-checking, proofreading, revising, and punctuation (Balirano & Nisco, 2015). Proofreading the written information is important, and the writer or a colleague can do it. Sometimes is always a good idea to have a fresh pair of eyes to look into the written information to ensure quality grammar. Taking a break after revising the written work is also important because it helps improve the ability to spot mistakes (Balirano & Nisco, 2015). In the process, the writer finds the opportunity to correct punctuation and sentence structures and wording. Proofreading and revising already written work is important for emails where people do not get a second chance to make a first impression.
  References Balirano, G., & Nisco, M. C. (2015). Languaging diversity: Identities, genres, discourses. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.   Jakes, T. D. (2021). Don’t drop the mic: The power of your words can change the world. New York: Faith Words. TED. (2007). TED: Ideas worth spreading. New York: TED. Retrieved from: https://247essayhelp.com/assignment-help-service/get-biology-assignment-help-from-expert-writers/ .   
 Potential impact on the delivery of leisure activities
 Delivery of leisure activities is a means of providing leisure products and services to the public. Better problem solving, enhanced work ethics, increased creativity etc. are all benefits of leisure. Quality leisure time has been found to benefit psychological and cognitive wellbeing, physical health, and overall quality of life outside of the workplace. Negative impacts of leisure activities are pollution. Nursing assignment help explains this topic in detail.
 Positive impact on the delivery of leisure activities
 Mental health
 Participation in sport and recreation activities can reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Participation in group recreation provides a sense of value, belonging and attachment. According to Bandura’s social cognitive theory, behavior is shaped by the interaction between individual and environmental factors. Participating in activities that you enjoy will improve your mental and physical abilities (Nghiêm-Phú, 2021).
 Family relationships
 Family bonds are increasingly strengthened by shared leisure activities. According to recent study, family satisfaction, family contact, and family stability are all positively associated to co-participation in leisure activities (Kim et al., 2017).
 Generating Revenue
 The number one goal of maximum leisure centers is to serve the network, however they make large returns as well as they provide the services at a fee.
 Creation of new social relationships
 Recreation activities are crucial for strengthening and retaining a wholesome network (Lee & Heo, 2020). Proximity to parks and leisure centers ends in safer, purifier neighborhoods, volunteerism, stewardship and creates a livelier network atmosphere promoting sociability.
 Improving concentration
 Physical activity and mental stimulation can help prevent against cognitive decline and improve brain function.  Negative impacts
 People engaged in recreational activities can cause pollution to the air, soil, and groundwater The green space for entertainment purposes is deteriorating i.e. cement should be applied to basketball and tennis courts, leaving no space for plants and trees. Biodiversity and ecosystems can be destroyed. For example, vessels have destroyed parts of coral reefs and are responsible for the death of marine animals such as manatees (Randler et al., 2021).
 References  Aging, developmental disabilities and leisure: Policy and Service Delivery Issues. (2013). Activities With Developmentally Disabled Elderly and Older Adults, 141–152. https://epicessayhelp.com/tag/childcare-assignment-help/   Kim, J., Heo, J., Dvorak, R., Ryu, J., & Han, A. (2017). Benefits of leisure activities for health and life satisfaction among Western migrants. Annals Of Leisure Research, 21(1), 47-57. https://doi.org/10.1080/11745398.2017.1379421  Lee, H., & Heo, S. (2020). Benefits of leisure activities for the quality of life of older South Korean adults. Leisure Studies, 40(2), 199-211. https://profsonly.com/tag/nursing-assignment-help/   Nghiêm-Phú, B. (2021). Preferences for travel and tourism activities: contributions of personal skills and perceived travel benefits and stresses. World Leisure Journal, 1-18.    https://doi.org/10.1080/16078055.2021.1961165  Randler, C., Staller, N., & Tryjanowski, P. (2021). Negative social jetlag – Special consideration of leisure activities and evidence from birdwatchers. Journal Of Sleep Research, 30(6). https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.13372

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Less Breast Milk Available

Less Breast Milk Available


  1. A mother of a 6mo old has returned back to work and is having trouble with pumping. She states that she is having less breast milk available. What recommendations should the Nurse Practitioner make? What is the most recent research about the benefits of breastfeeding?  What laws are in place to support breastfeeding at work? Are employers required to allow breaks or space to feed? Is there a stigma to breastfeeding in public? Is there any research that demonstrates breastfeeding and early maternal child care in the US vs other countries?


Providing supportive evidence with correct APA citation.

 Your evidence should be scholarly articles, professional websites, research studies, and or books that provide supportive evidence in the last 5 years.

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List 3 Possible Dd

List 3 Possible Dd

A 35-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency room after cardiac arrest with pulseless electrical activity. Approximately three weeks before admission, she had fractured her ankle after falling down a flight of stairs. A closed reduction was performed, and a cast was applied. According to her husband, on the evening of admission, the woman stood up from the bed, complained of chest and back pain as well as shortness of breath and nausea. She subsequently fell to the floor and followed with what was described as seizure-like activity with vomiting.  Her husband called 911. Upon arrival, the paramedics found the woman on the floor, conscious, complaining of chest pain and nausea. She was oriented to person, place and time, but agitated and somewhat combative.  She rapidly became unresponsive, with agonal respirations. The patient was intubated.  She subsequently became pulseless.  CPR was initiated.

List 3 possible DD’s for this woman and include a detailed rationale for each diagnosis that incorporates the patient’s symptoms and the pathophysiology of the disease. Please also include a reference for your rationale (Textbook with specific page numbers, powerpoints name numbers, or any evidence based articles/sources ). 

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Initial Posting Case 17

Initial Posting Case 17

The case study associated with this week is Case 14 is titled “Cheryl”. This case is  found on page 99 of the book: Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists by Preston, O’Neal, and Talaga. 


  • Examine the week’s assigned case study
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation providing an overview of the case, target symptoms and medication treatment plan. Include rationales for the medication treatment plan.
  • Formulate a question regarding the case study and include the rationale for the answer.
  • Include one scholarly peer-reviewed reference for the initial posting

  Case 17 Cheryl R. is a twenty-eight-year-old married woman with two children under three years of age. She has been referred by her family doctor, who has been treating her depression for nine months with fluoxetine, 20 mg daily. Her physician states that medication adjustment is not indicated and thinks “talking therapy” will be beneficial. Her psychiatric history is negative for hospitalizations, and she has never been in therapy. She describes a “lifetime of sadness” with periodic episodes of suicidal ideation during late adolescence. Cheryl reports moderate improvement in her depression since starting the medication and wants to continue taking it. However, she says that some of her initial symptoms of irritability, tearfulness, and tiredness have never really improved. She reports continued initial insomnia and describes lying awake worrying about things. Her major concern is that she is not the “best mother” she can be. On particularly “bad days,” she places the children in front of the television and retreats to her room. She wishes she had more “good days,” which occur about every three months and last about a week. During these periods she begins sewing and craft projects for the house, socializes with neighbors, exercises, and “feels on top of the world.” She appears slightly nervous and describes her mood as “pretty bad.” She describes her marriage as “average” and her children as the “center of her life.” She is moderately impatient with the interview questions relative to history taking, since she wants to “get on with things.” You are encouraged by Cheryl’s motivation for treatment. However, you internally question whether she may fit the profile for bipolar II. In the process of the diagnostic interview, you elicit enough information indicative of hypomanic periods that predated the initiation of fluoxetine to warrant further consultation with her original prescriber or a psychiatrist. Listed below are important diagnostic specifiers for bipolar I and bipolar II. The reader should refer to DSM-5 for a full explanation of coding and recording proce dures for these specifiers. Episode severity Remission status With anxious distress With mixed features With rapid cycling With melancholic features With atypical features With mood-congruent psychotic features 106 Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists With mood-incongruent psychotic features With catatonia With peripartum onset With seasonal pattern The mixed episode was recognized in DSM-IV-TR as a discrete clinical entity, requiring that full diagnostic criteria be met simultaneously for bipolar I and major depression. In DSM-5 a specifier has been added, termed mixed features, applicable to a current manic, hypomanic, or depressive episode in bipolar I or bipolar II disorder. Mixed features would apply to mania or hypomania with depressive features, and to depressive episodes with features of mania or hypomania

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3 Easy Steps

3 Easy Steps


This assignment provides an opportunity to get comfortable by talking about something you are passionate about. This can be how to make your favorite meal, how to take your blood pressure, how running affects your health. etc. 

The topic is YOUR CHOICE. 

A sample outline is attached as well as a sample video in the folder. 


Today I will show you how to take your pulse in 3 easy steps.

today I will talk about three reasons I like surfing.

Three reasons why exercise is good for you.

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