english hw 5 – Essay Writers

Part 1
Write a brief (75 to 150-word) literacy narrative which explores some aspect of the Four Basics (Exposure, Motivation, Practice, or Feedback, as it applies to your experiences. Your literacy narrative should describe one event or experience related to writing and show what you learned from it or how it shaped your writing process or attitude toward writing.
It is important to know what resources you have to help you through this class.Browse the following resources, and, in 75 to 150 words, describe how you think you will be able to use two or more of these to improve your writing skills.
EN101 Syllabus
EN101 APA Sample
EN101 APA Template
Writing and Documenting in APA
Glossary of Writing Terms
Frequently Asked Questions
Part 2
The first part of this assignment will help you “flesh out” your topic. Take 10-15 minutes to free write about your topicWrite down everything that pertains to your topic, including questions your readers might have. Don’t worry about grammar or sentence structure; this is a brainstorming activity.
Next, create an outline as a preliminary structure for the narrative essay. but be sure to include the following:
Outline in three to five parts only (rule no. 1)
Don’t describe; summarize (no. 5)
Outline whole sentences only (no. 8)
You may use as many of the other rules as you feel necessary. The goal is to present a structure for how your final essay may look. As such, an outline is not a series of paragraphs or a rough draft.
Part 3
This essay explores the Narrative Mode, which is perhaps the most natural style of writing for most people.
One of the goals of the narrative form is to allow readers to feel as if they are not simply reading someone else’s story, but that they are somehow part of it.Unlike simply telling a story though, a narrative essay has a specific piece of information to share, a lesson for the reader.There should be a clear reason for your telling the story.This is where the “essay” in the narrative essay becomes apparent.
Your assignment this week is to write such an essay. Refer back to your outline of a significant event that you wrote for W2.Keep in mind that you are writing a story and it is important to freely tell your story.But, this is still an academic essay.The goal of your story is to support a clearly stated thesis/lesson for the reader.As such, your tale should be wrapped in a clear introduction and conclusion.
Your essay should contain the following basic features:
An introduction with an attention grabbing opening (hook), a well-defined message or argument (thesis), and any background information the reader needs to fully understand your story;
Body paragraphs which a tell the story of your clear and specific, singular event that illustrates the essay thesis;
Vivid language that works to recreate the event, including descriptions of where the event took place, the people who were involved, and the things these people said and did;
A conclusion that briefly implicitly or explicitly reviews your story, reiterates the lessons you learned and that you hope the reader to learn, and provides a closing thought such as
owhy this event is still personally significant,
othe state of your life since the event and how you feel about it,
ofuture plans related to the event,
orhetorical questions for the reader, etc.
In addition to the above, the final draft of your essay should be:
From 250-500 words in length, typed in Times New Roman 12pt. font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins.
Uses APA style (a title page and citations as needed which are modeled in your APA guide),
Written in first person;
Edited for spelling, mechanical, grammatical, and typing errors
Part 4
This week, you will be changing gears and moving from narrative writing to beginning on the informative paper. For this assignment, please review the directions for the Week 5 assignment and think of a topic you feel would be appropriate for an informative paper. Then, once you have that idea, you will complete an outline for that essay (please base your outline structure off the example outline).
For your outline, please complete ALL of the following statements or questions:
The audience for my paper is ___________
What I want them to do/think is _________
Which essay prompt am I focusing on?
What is my topic?
What is the goal of my essay?
What details will I need to accomplish this goal?
What issues might I encounter?
What is my working title?
Part 5
For this assignment, write an Informative Essay.
b. How-to: Write an essay explaining how to do something specialized or out of the ordinary. Make your essay interesting and engaging, and write to a specific audience that needs to know or can benefit from learning how to perform this task. (For example, everyone needs to know how to change a tire, but an essay about changing a tire will be more effective if it targets college freshmen who commute to campus.) Include several of the Eight Teaching Tips, Do not refer to yourself.
Additional requirements for your Informative Essay:
500-700 words
APA Style (title page, running heads, 12-pt. Times New Roman, double spaced, etc.)
Part 6
This essay explores the persuasive mode, one of the more common kinds of writing you’ll experience throughout your college and professional career. Your goal is to persuade your audience to consider your position on a controversial, two-sided subject.
This five paragraph persuasive essay (introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion) is made up of the following:
A clear persuasive thesis statement in the first paragraph after the topic is introduced and the importance of the issue is clear to the reader
Logical transitions between the into, the body, and the conclusion
Body paragraphs that support the persuasive thesis with evidence as well as address the opposing viewpoints
A conclusion that wraps up all the information presented in the body
Utilize your pre-writing and outlining strategies from week two to help you organize and plan your essay. It is not required to have research and source material for this essay, though it can greatly help support your argument. Using sources shows how your ideas build upon the ideas of previous writers and why your claims merit consideration — because they are supported by credible experts in their field. If you do use source material from the EBSCO library, please give credit to the author with in-text citations and a references page using APA formatting.
The rough draft of your essay should contain the following basic features:
A well-defined issue that is controversial by nature
A clear thesis statement that demonstrates the position you will be taking throughout the essay
A counter argument with at least one credible source defending the opposing viewpoint
A refutation to or compromise with the counter argument
In addition to the above, the rough draft of your essay should be:
From 500 to 700 words in length, typed in Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-spaced, with one inch margins
Written primarily in third person
Edited for spelling, mechanical, grammatical, and typing errors
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