A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing or medicine to critique.
- Articles used for one assignment can’t be used for the other assignments (students should find new research articles for each assignment).
- The selected articles should be original research articles. Review articles, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, and systemic review should not be used.
- Mixed-methods studies should not be used.
Your critique should include the following:
Research Problem/Purpose
- State the problem clearly as it is presented in the report.
- Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing knowledge?
- Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?
- State the purpose of the research.
Review of the Literature
- Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
- Were the references current? If not, what do you think the reasons are?
Theoretical Framework
- Are the theoretical concepts defined and related to the research?
- Does the research draw solely on nursing theory or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
- Is a theoretical framework stated in this research piece?
- If not, suggest one that might be suitable for the study.
- What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
- Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?
- Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?
- What type of design (quantitative, qualitative, and type) was used in this study?
- Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
- State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
- Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
- State the type of reliability and the validity of the measurement tools.
- Were ethical considerations addressed?
Data Analysis
- What data analysis tool was used?
- How were the results presented in the study?
- Identify at least one (1) finding.
Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
- What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
- In terms of the findings, can the researcher generalize to other populations? Explain.
- Evaluate the findings and conclusions as to their significance for nursing.
The body of your paper should be 4–6 double-spaced pages plus a cover page and a reference page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA guidelines.
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Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.
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Rubric Detail A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Mostly Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Research Problem/Purpose
25.2 (9.00%) – 28 (10.00%)
Research problem, purpose of research, and relevance to nursing are clearly identi!ed.
21.28 (7.60%) – 24.92 (8.90%)
Research problem, purpose of research, and relevance to nursing are somewhat identi!ed.
16.8 (6.00%) – 21 (7.50%)
Research problem, purpose of research, and relevance to nursing are mostly absent or misidenti!ed.
Review of the Literature
37.8 (13.50%) – 42 (15.00%)
Concepts explored in the literature review are clearly identi!ed. Critique of the references is included and well developed.
31.92 (11.40%) – 37.38 (13.35%)
Concepts explored in the literature review are somewhat identi!ed. Critique of the references is included, but may not be fully developed.
25.2 (9.00%) – 31.5 (11.25%)
Concepts explored in the literature review are misidenti!ed. Critique of the references is severely lacking.
Name: NURS350-Research Critique
Description: This rubric is used to evaluate the Research Critique Assignment in NURS350.
Grid View List View
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Theoretical Framework
25.2 (9.00%) – 28 (10.00%)
A theoretical concept/framework is identi!ed and well analyzed for appropriateness. If the article lacks a concept/framework, a suitable one is suggested.
21.28 (7.60%) – 24.92 (8.90%)
A theoretical concept/framework is somewhat identi!ed and analyzed for appropriateness. If the article lacks a concept/framework, a potential concept/framework is suggested, but it is somewhat inappropriate.
16.8 (6.00%) – 21 (7.50%)
A theoretical concept/framework is somewhat identi!ed and analyzed for appropriateness. If the article lacks a concept/framework, a potential concept/framework is suggested, is not identi!ed or is grossly inappropriate.
Variables, Hypotheses, Questions, and Assumptions
12.6 (4.50%) – 14 (5.00%)
IV and DV are identi!ed and de!ned. Discussion on measurability is included. Research question and hypothesis are identi!ed.
10.64 (3.80%) – 12.46 (4.45%)
IV and DV are somewhat identi!ed and or partially de!ned. Discussion on measurability is somewhat included. Research question and hypothesis are partially identi!ed.
8.4 (3.00%) – 10.5 (3.75%)
IV and DV identi!cation and de!nition are absent or severely lacking. Discussion on measurability is absent or inaccurate. Research question and hypothesis are not identi!ed or grossly misidenti!ed.
Methodology 50.4 (18.00%) – 56 (20.00%)
Type of design, sample size, study population, sampling method, and type of reasoning are properly identi!ed. Reliability and validity of measurement tools, ethical
42.56 (15.20%) – 49.84 (17.80%)
Type of design, sample size, study population, sampling method, and type of reasoning are somewhat identi!ed. Reliability and validity of measurement tools, ethical
33.6 (12.00%) – 42 (15.00%)
Type of design, sample size, study population, sampling method, and type of reasoning are absent or misidenti!ed. Reliability and validity of measurement tools,
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ethical considerations, and probability vs. non- probability sampling are discussed.
ethical considerations, and probability vs. non- probability sampling are discussed, but some information is inaccurate.
measurement tools, ethical considerations, and probability vs. non- probability sampling are either absent or grossly inaccurate.
Data Analysis 37.8 (13.50%) – 42 (15.00%)
Data analysis tool is identi!ed. An explanation on how the results are presented in the study is included and accurate. At least one !nding is appropriately identi!ed.
31.92 (11.40%) – 37.38 (13.35%)
Data analysis tool is somewhat identi!ed. An incomplete explanation on how the results are presented in the study is included. At least one !nding is identi!ed.
25.2 (9.00%) – 31.5 (11.25%)
Data analysis tool is absent or misidenti!ed. An explanation on how the results are presented in the study is absent or grossly unclear. Findings are not included or are grossly inaccurate.
Summary, Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
50.4 (18.00%) – 56 (20.00%)
Strengths and limitations of the study are identi!ed. A discussion on whether or not the study can be generalized is included. An evaluation of the !ndings, conclusions, and signi!cance to nursing is included and appropriate.
42.56 (15.20%) – 49.84 (17.80%)
Strengths and limitations of the study are somewhat identi!ed. A discussion on whether or not the study can be generalized is included but may not be fully developed. An evaluation of the !ndings, conclusions, and signi!cance to nursing may not be fully developed.
33.6 (12.00%) – 42 (15.00%)
Strengths and limitations of study are absent or lacking. A discussion on whether or not the study can be generalized is absent or lacking. An evaluation of the !ndings, conclusions, and signi!cance to nursing is absent or inappropriate.
Mechanics and APA Format
12.6 (4.50%) – 14 (5.00%)
Written in a clear,
10.64 (3.80%) – 12.46 (4.45%)
Writing is generally
8.4 (3.00%) – 10.5 (3.75%)
Writing is generally
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Written in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses are mostly error free. Information from sources is appropriately paraphrased and accurately cited.
Writing is generally clear and organized but is not concise or formal in language. Multiple errors exist in spelling and grammar with minor interference with readability or comprehension. Most information from sources is correctly paraphrased and cited.
Writing is generally unclear and unorganized. Some errors in spelling and grammar detract from readability and comprehension. Sources are missing or improperly cited.
Name:NURS350-Research Critique
Description:This rubric is used to evaluate the Research Critique Assignment in NURS350.
Critique Research Article
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the ability to critically read and understand an investigative study. I have chosen the research article “A case study exploring the experience of graduate entry nursing students when learning in practice”. According to Stacey et al. (2015) there is complex background turbulence during the process of achieving a nursing degree. There is some controversy as to the methods used to educate nurses. This creates a potential challenging environment for newly graduated students. The purpose of this article is to explore how new nursing students presents themselves in an environment where stereotypes criticize their capabilities during their provisional period. This article directly relates to nursing by gathering information that describes the challenges that most if not all nurses come across as they gain experience in their nursing career.
The information used in this article is current, updated and published within a ten-year window from todays date. The development of hypotheses used in this study were integrated from already theorize studies relating to this topic. Such as “Current nurse education is failing to promote capability, criticality and flexibility amongst the nursing workforce” (Watson 2006, Roberts et al. 2009), “GEN students possess a range of specific attributes which are beneficial to nursing graduateness” (Hackett & McLafferty 2006, Raines 2009, Neil 2012, Stacey et al. 2014), “GEN student are likely to feel hostility from established nurses in practice due to their academic qualifications” (Brookfield 1993, McKenna et al. 2006) and “GEN students are perceived as unwilling or unable to engage in caring activity as a result to intellectual ability” (Watson & Thompson 2000, McKenna et al. 2006, Watson 2006). Concepts explored in this study was analyzed as “exploration of a contemporary phenomenon in a real life context when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident” (Stacey et al., 2015). With this said this study has the possibility to challenge, extend or confirm already existing theories.
The theoretical framework of this article are considered to be related to the research by nursing theories and social discipline. The framework of the research includes theoretical sampling strategy using selected group of students to participate in a two-year research study. There are other disciplines also involved in this study, social discipline is seen throughout this study as students learn to co-exist into the nursing environment. The framework used in this study is a comparison of gathered data, and compered with already existing research.
A dependent variable found in this article is education performance. Students when in clinical practice come across obstacles that decrease their learning experience. By compacting a lot of material in a short period of time, skepticism is an outcome and impacts the nurse’s perception of the student’s competency. The student must present themselves in a way where their competency is assessed positively. The independent variable is the qualitative data found in this research. In the design of this study, information gathered relied on diary information, focus groups, and practice documentation. Participants were expected to capture their experiences in a written format by keeping a diary, participate in interviews in 6 month intervals that lasted 60 to 90 minutes. According to, (Stacey et al., 2015) eight participants chose to take part and engaged in this study for the full duration of 2 years. Therefor operational definitions were clearly defined in this research study, they are also concrete and measurable.
Stacy et a., (2015) hypothesized professional socialization involves a process of compliance as opposed to conformity which can entail a degree of internal conflict where personal values are compromised. It also seen that the individual’s performance deviates, due to the role expectation, moral obligation, and the interaction with others.
The design used in this study is qualitative case study approach, it was use to explore the student real-life experiences as a new nurse in a clinical setting. This study used inductive reasoning. It began by observation of the lack of qualitative research of graduate entry nurses experience, students were placed in a clinical setting to gather experiences. The data was the analyzed and reviewed for validity, and lastly disclosing the findings.
The sample size of this study consist of a cohort of eight Graduate Entry Nursing (GEN) student participants, with ages ranging from 20 – 40, previous education consisted of foreign language degree, science degree, arts degree and one with masters in therapeutic intervention. Previous health care related experience is a variation of none, criminal justice services, learning disability charitable organization, and youth work counseling. Twelve practice assessors that took part in the assessment of the GEN student were also asked to participate. Assessor field of practice includes adult and mental practice. Years of registration was 8 – 34 years. The investigator in this research study choose probability sampling, samples were gathered giving all individuals in the population equal chances of being selected. Valid tools used in this research consisted of existing theoretical suppositions and compared themes from student focus group, and diary feedback. Ethical consideration was taken. Approval was requested from the host institution Faculty Medical Research Ethics Committee (Stacy et al, 2015). Due to the dual role of the researcher and lecturer, and the potential risk of coercion.
Data analysis was gathered using theoretic supposition, this allows generalized thought process and pattern matching. The results from the research study are presented in a comparable format. The finding consists of four suppositions, each one also includes student accounts, followed by feedback from practice assessors, and lastly the researches finding. The first supposition is “Current nurse education is failing to promote capability, critically and flexibility amongst the nursing workforce. Students account is that there is still low priority of teaching un the clinical environment. There is a student perception that practitioners are too busy to help with the learning of new nurses. As a result, student nurses help performing other task that have no value to their student nurse learning. Allowing some skepticism in regards to the new nurse competency.
The feedback gathered from the assessor, includes the ability to fit in the amount of knowledge and skills needed in a shorter period of then what the mentor completed. The finding that from the researcher was, students must present their selves in a confident manner. Student had to engage in finding performance approaches, to not have their competency questioned. This evolved them doing procedures that they didn’t feel comfortable doing. Participant #5 disclosed that throughout training she receive good feedback on the questions and opinions she gave. However, her mentor received different feedback from the assessor such as being arrogant and overconfident, being that she is in the stage of training. Moral distressed was documented in the part of professional socialization.
Structure of the study is considered a strength for this article. As for limitations of the study were identified within the findings. The structure of how to achieve the data by creating an objective helped direct the research. Also this research was based on dairy interviews, focus groups, and practice trials. The limitations of this research corresponds to the findings of the researcher towards one group. The relevance of the findings only relates to one cohort of nursing students, the claims made in the research cannot relate to other cohorts. More research would need to be done in order for the research to be relevant to other populations. The significance of this research is valid towards nursing because of the focus towards the students and their performance and experience in the nursing program.
Stacey, G., Pollock, K., & Crawford, P. (2015). A case study exploring the experience of graduate entry nursing students when learning in practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(9), 2084-2095. doi:10.1111/jan.12673
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