A Data Picture of Our School

Title page (Title, author and institution ONLY)Abstract (own page, double-spaced, 150-250 words)Body with APA correct headings that capture: Overview of Your School, add Interpretation of the Data, Explanation for Missing Data, Data Picture of Your School (table), Conclusion References this my schoolI want The 5 Essentials report under school environment should be filled in – and I can’t look it up because I don’t know what school this is. Did you find this data on the Illinois School Report Card? If so, go to the School Environment tab and see what you can fill in. Also, you need to give an overview of the school at the beginning of your paper that shows where the school is, etc. https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/School.aspx?sou…5Essentials Survey Survey-based evaluation of essential components for school success The 5 Essentials report under school environment should be filled in – and I can’t look it up because I don’t know what school this is. Did you find this data on the Illinois School Report Card? If so, go to the School Environment tab and see what you can fill in. Also, you need to give an overview of the school at the beginning of your paper that shows where the school is, etc. Average Effective Leaders Do principals and teachers implement a shared vision for success? Average Collaborative Teachers Do teachers collaborate to promote professional growth? Less Supportive Environment Is the school safe, demanding, and supportive? More Ambitious Instruction Are classes challenging and engaging? More Involved Families Does the entire staff build strong external relationships? Collaborative Teachers Effective Leaders Supportive Environment Involved Families Ambitious Instruction MOST IMPLEMENTATION MORE IMPLEMENTATION AVERAGE IMPLEMENTATION LESS IMPLEMENTATION LEAST IMPLEMENTATION Also, you need to give an overview of the school at the beginning of your paper that shows where the school is address Address and Contact Information 42 W MADISON ST 2ND FLR CHICAGO IL 60602 (773)553-2747

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