Evidence for the theory of evolution

1. Evidence for the theory of evolution includes all but __________ (Points : 5)         the fossil record.        biochemical similarities among all living things.        catastrophism.        biogeography.
2. Chelonia mydas is the scientific name for the green turtle. Chelonia is the __________ (Points : 5)         genus.        species.        order.        domain.
3. Characteristics of prokaryotes include all of the following EXCEPT FOR: (Points : 5)         a single, circular chromosome        most commonly reproduce by asexual fission        having membrane enclosed organelles        small in size and can only be seen with a microscope
4. Protists ____________. (Points : 5)         are prokaryotic cells.        have a nucleus.        are most closely related to animals.        live in dry environments.
5. Viruses are __________ (Points : 5)         prokaryotic cells.        eukaryotic cells.        non-living particles.        large in size.
6. Angiosperms produce all of the following EXCEPT __________ (Points : 5)         flowers.        fruit.        pollen.        cones.
7. An organism is multicellular, has cell walls made of chitin, and absorbs its food. In which Kingdom does it belong? (Points : 5)         Animalia        Fungi        Plantae        Protista
8. Dissolved sugar is carried throughout the plant in which tissue? (Points : 5)         cortex        xylem        cambium        phloem
9. Characteristics of animals include all of the following EXCEPT FOR: (Points : 5)         multicellular        unwalled cells        capable of photosynthesis        have the ability to reproduce sexually
10. Which of the following statements is TRUE? (Points : 5)         Mammals are invertebrates.        Invertebrates have a backbone.        There are more species of invertebrates than vertebrates.        Arthropods are the least abundant species.
11. Where is bile produced? (Points : 5)         the gall bladder        the pancreas        the liver        the small intestine
12. The sites of gas exchange in the lungs are the ____. (Points : 5)         bronchioles        alveoli        bronchi        integument
13. The functional units inside of kidneys are the ____. (Points : 5)         sarcomeres        ureters        malpighian tubules        nephrons
14. ___ tissue allows a body to detect and respond to internal and external changes. (Points : 5)         Epithelial        Muscle        Connective        Nervous
15. Which blood vessels return the blood to the heart from the lungs? (Points : 5)         pulmonary arteries        pulmonary veins        systemic arteries        systemic veins
16. The relationship between a flowering plant and mycorrhizal fungi is an example of ___. (Points : 5)         commensalism        parasitism        mutualism        predator/prey interaction
17. Currently, the human population is nearing ___. (Points : 5)         275 million        3 billion        7 billion        9 billion
18. Which of the following organisms would be found at the lowest trophic level of a food chain? (Points : 5)         rabbit        hawk        mushroom        oak tree
19. Which of the following is not considered a density-dependent factor? (Points : 5)         An infestation of parasites on a deer population        Competition for nesting sites for bald eagles        Predation of cheetahs on a population of gazelles        A hard freeze on a plant population
20. A keystone species ___ (Points : 5)         nfluences the survival of several other species within a community.        never goes extinct.        has little impact on the ecosystem.        has the largest population in an ecosystem.

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