courts prosecution and the defense 2

Assignment 2 Suggested Revision
Assignment 2: Courts, Prosecution, and the Defense
Due Week 7 and worth 200 points
The courts have one of the most important roles in the Criminal Justice system. They are responsible for the interpretation and application of law when crimes are committed and they help to bring resolve to disputes between people, companies, and units of government.
In preparation for this assignment, please carefully review the following cases.You will be assigned ONE of these examples to do your paper on:
Case #1 – Police Officer Betty Shelby shooting of Terrence Crutcher
Case #2 – Police Officer Roy Oliver shooting of Jordan Edwards
Case #3 -Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez shooting of Philando Castile
Case #4 -Baltimore Police Department and the death of Freddy Gray
Case #5 – Police Officer Peter Liang shooting of Akai Gurley
Case # 1 – Completed if your last name starts with A-D
Case # 2 – Completed if your last name starts with E-H
Case # 3 -Completed if your last name starts with I-M
Case # 4 -Completed if your last name starts with N-S
Case # 5 – Completed if your last name starts with T-Z
Based on your understanding from the readings in chapters 7-9, write a three to four (3-4) page court report in which you:
1.Summarize the case, including a detailed description of the crime that took place. The summary of the case MUST be done in a factual manner.Do NOT insert your personal opinions. In this exercise, you are an official of the court and you are presenting the facts of the case only!
2.Describe the key characters in the case and the roles they played.
3.Explain the charge(s) against the defendant(s) and the evidence presented to justify the charge(s). Indicate whether or not the defendant was offered some form of plea deal prior to the court date.
4.State whether any witnesses were called in the case. If so, identify the witness(es) and provide a rationale as to why they were called.
5.Highlight the outcome of the case (verdict) and take a position on whether the verdict was appropriate based on the charges. Remember to look at legal issue verses training issues.Poor training does NOT always mean the act was illegal!!
6.Include at least one (1) additional quality reference in addition to the case file presented.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
·Follow standard court report format, using the sample provided for reference.
·Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
·Explain the development of American courts and illustrate the concept of the dual-court system.
·Distinguish between the various courtroom participants, and describe the stages in a criminal trial.
·Use technology and information resources to research issues in criminal justice.
·Write clearly and concisely about criminal justice using proper writing mechanics Using Strayer Writing Standards (SWS)
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