BUSA 2005
Assignment 3
Management Project Outline (Team Project)
Teams: Max 7/Min 5 Auto select in d2l prior to 1st lab
Project Marks: Each team member must achieve a minimum of 50% marks in their assigned sections to earn group marks. If less than 50% is achieved in an individual’s section, this will result in 0 (0%) marks for the presentation and other group work. Dismissal from the team as per the Team’s Planning Package policies, will result in (0%) marks for the Team Management Project.
- Use management concepts to describe two organizations operating within the same industry.
- Use primary and secondary research to describe two organizations.
- Use management concepts to describe the extent to which the culture, structure, and strategy of each organization is aligned with the external environment of their industry.
- Apply management concepts to your Team.
- Week 8: Draft version of project report, Sections 2, 3, and 4 to be reviewed in class. Submit via dropbox.
- Week 12: Each Team is to submit Management Project and Presentation slides to D2L before the start of class. Due 5:00pm Wk 12.
- Week 12 & 13: In class Team presentations – maximum 15-20 minute presentation (not including Questions and Answer component. Each team member must participate in the presentation. Teams will be randomly picked.
- Week 12: Typed Summative Peer Evaluation to be uploaded to your D2l in the Learning Hub before the start of class. Due 5:00pm Wk 12.
Management Project Criteria
[See Management Project Marking Criteria]
Report and Presentation Content (35% of final grade)
Each Team will submit a typed, hard copy report, totaling a maximum of 16 pages (excluding appendices, title page, and table of contents), that is properly cited (http://libguides.bcit.ca/business for more information). The report must be based on information collected from primary and secondary sources and research, including interviews with organization/industry representatives, and research from the business sources (i.e., press, websites, industry sources, and peer reviewed journals and databases).
Note: Any form of plagiarism will result in a zero (0%) mark for that section. No redos will be allowed. See BCIT Policy 5104. [https://www.bcit.ca/files/pdf/policies/5104.pdf].
Teams may NOT exceed this page limit, but may put relevant information in appendices. Teams should concentrate their writing on the application of course concepts. Font: 12. Line spacing: 1.5.
Title Page
Table of Contents
- Introduction and Background: describe for each organization and briefly compare and contrast. (2 pages) [group section]
- External Environment Analysis (describe for the industry as a whole) (2 pages) [individual section]
- Organizational Culture (describe for each organization and compare and contrast) (2 pages) [Individual section]
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics (describe for each organization and compare and contrast) (2 pages) [Individual section]
- Organizational Strategy (describe for each organization and compare and contrast) (2 pages) [Individual section]
- Organizational Structure and Design (describe for each organization and compare and contrast) (2 pages) [individual section]
- Innovation and Change (describe for each organization and compare and contrast) (2 pages) [Individual section]
- Alignment and Summary (describe for each organization the extent to which their respective culture, structure, and strategy are aligned to the external environment) (2 pages) [Group or Individual section, depending on group size.]
- Presentation [group preparation and delivery]
- Appendices
Guidelines for Report Content
Introduction and Background (2 pages) [Group section]
This section should introduce the organizations. For example – What industry do they operate in? What do they sell, produce, or provide? What size are they (number of locations, sales, market share, industry rankings? How long have they been in business: Is this a “mature” or “new” organization? Who owns them? Are they publicly traded or privately owned? Include the vision and mission statements, and organizational goals. Also consider additional information such as: recent financial results, ownership structures, board of directors’ names, market share information, etc.
External Environment Analysis (2 pages) [Individual section]
Identify and describe the most important components in the specific and general environment, and how they will impact the organizations. Are these components changing or stable? Explain the degree of environmental uncertainty that the organizations experience. What are the issues that might have a significant impacts on the organizations in the next 3 or 5 years? Use appendices for supporting data.
Organizational Culture (2 pages) [Individual section]
Describe the organizational culture of the organizations. Is the culture strong or weak? Illustrate with specific examples. Describe how each organization’s culture was established and is maintained. Go beyond the general descriptions and “value statements” on their websites, and try to uncover the “real” culture – Three Levels of Organizational Culture.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics (2 pages) [Individual section]
Discuss crucial issues related to ethics and/or CSR specific to the companies or to their industry. How do the organizations respond to these issues? What are the organization’s reputations towards CSR and ethics? What stage do you think each organization is in terms of the progression of CSR – continuum of social responsiveness? Think critically about this topic – each organization’s website will likely claim they are very strong – are they? Illustrate with specific examples to support your analysis.
Organizational Strategy (2 pages) [Individual section]
Identify and describe each organization’s current strategy. Can you identify and describe their competitive advantage? Include specific information on mission, goals, and strategies. A situational analysis (SWOT), and Porter’s Five Industry Forces analysis must be included in the appendix. Discuss the main points in the body of your Team’s report.
Organizational Structure and Design (2 pages) [Individual section]
Identify and describe each organization’s structure. On what basis are departments formed? What do the chain of command and span of control look like? Is the structure centralized, or decentralized? Are there elements of mechanistic and/or organic organizational design? Identify, explain, and illustrate, with specific examples. Supporting data and organizational charts for each organization must be included in an appendix.
Innovation and Change (2 pages) [Individual section]
For each organization, discuss to what extent the organization demonstrates innovation as part of its working culture. Discuss change management strategies that are prevalent and discuss where the organization could/should improve its approach to innovation and change to prevent organizational decline.
Alignment and Summary (2 pages) [Group or Individual section]
For each organization, discuss the extent to which the organization’s culture, strategy, and structure are linked to the external environment. Is one organization more aligned than the other? Illustrate with specific examples. Teams must include the “Alignment Table” as part of their presentation.
Include charts, data, resources, bibliography, and any other material that is appropriate. Only include information that supports the content and key points of the project. Every appendix should be numbered and referred to in the body of the report.
Alignment Table
Organization #1 |
Organization #2 |
External Environment Analysis
· Degree of certainty / uncertainty
Organizational Culture
· Key Characteristics
Organizational Structure and Design
· Mechanistic versus Organic
Organizational Strategy
· Growth or Other
· Differentiation or focus or cost leadership
Innovation and Change
· Demonstration of innovation and change culture
· Modelling change management practices |
Team Presentation
- Each Team will present their findings during a maximum 15 minute presentation during Week 12 and/or 13. Each Team member will meaningfully participate representing their sections. Team members must be prepared to answer questions from the audience.
- Results of the Summative Peer Assessment will be factored into each student’s individual Team Management Project section mark.
- If a student is dismissed from their Project Team, as per their Team’s Planning Package policies, the student will receive zero (0%) marks for the presentation.
Suggested Team Presentation Resources: (Note: This is not an exhaustive list)
Introduction and Background |
Organization website, interviews, online databases, government websites |
External Environment Analysis |
Industry information, industry associations, business publications, online databases, government websites |
Organizational Culture |
Organization website, interviews, observation with site visit |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics |
Organization website, observation, independent third party sources, business publications |
Organizational Strategy |
Organization website, interviews, business publications |
Organizational Structure and Design |
Organization website, interview(s) |
Alignment |
Requires input from all sections to be synthesized and analyzed |
The business press, including newspapers, general business magazines, and specialized industry newsletters, magazines, articles, and publications. Examples include: The Globe and Mail, National Post, Wall Street Journal, BC Business, Canadian Business, Business Week, The Economist, etc.
EDGAR (www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml, www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html), is a mandatory filing system for foreign and domestic US public companies required by law to file disclosure forms with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
SEDAR (www.sedar.com), is a mandatory filing system for Canadian public companies developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators, which is a coordinating body comprising Canadian provincial and territorial securities commissions.
www.fastcompany.com/welcome.html |
www.bcit.ca/library |
hiring.monster.com/resourcecenter/resource_center.aspx |
www.cnn.com/business |
www.bcbusinessmagazine.com |
www.vault.com |
www.books24X7.com |
Canadian News Wire (CNW): www.newswire.ca connects organizations to relevant news and information, including social media releases that allow multimedia content.
Globe Investor: www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor offers current financial news and articles on stock trends.
Canadian Press: www.thecanadianpress.com, in addition to being a multimedia news agency, provides subscribers with news alerts to developing stories related to a specific company or industry.
Business Wire: www.businesswire.com monitors and distributes daily news headlines from major industries.
BUSA 2005
Management Project – Marking Guide
Researched Companies _______________________________________________
Team Name ________________________________________________________
Student Names and Student Numbers
(please include names used for registration as well as preferred names)
Project Marks: Each team member must achieve a minimum of 50% marks in their assigned sections to earn group marks. If less than 50% is achieved in an individual’s section, this will result in 0 (0%) marks for the presentation and other group work. Dismissal from the team as per the as per the Team’s Planning Package policies, will also result in the in zero (0%) marks for the presentation and other group work.
Individual Mark: 50 (must achieve 50% to earn group and presentation marks.)
Group Mark: 50
Presentation: 35
Total Marks: 135
Introduction and Background (Group Section, 2 pages)
Report Content Marks: /40
Grammar, citations, formatting marks: /10
Any form of plagiarism will result in zero (0%) marks for the group section.
1. Clear indication of the nature of the business, what industry they are in; main competitors; primary product/service that is provided
2. Indication of type of corporate ownership and governance (private, or public, partnership, franchise, etc.)
3. Some history of the organization; is this a “traditional” or a “new” organization?
4. CEO (or most senior manager) identified in report; key executives are listed in an appendix
5. Size of the organization: number of employees; number of locations; sales; market share; industry ranking and financials (some discussion in the report; detail in the appendices)
6. Organizational effectiveness or ineffectiveness is identified and illustrated with specific examples
7. The vision and mission statements and organizational vales or guiding principles are provided
8. Top marks are reserved for Teams who provide some indication or evident that this is a successful organization and therefore worthy of study
External Environment Analysis (Individual Section, 2 pages)
Report Content Marks: /40
Grammar, citations, formatting marks: /10
Any form of plagiarism will result in zero (0%) marks for the group section.
1. Identify, and clearly describe, several of the most relevant environmental components, both specific and general for the industry, and how they impact the organizations (detail in the appendices)
2. Discussion of the degree of uncertainty (complexity, change, and resource availability) in the environment for the particular industry
3. Identification of key issues/trends that might have a significant impact on the organization in the short term (the next 1 to 2 years) and in the long term (the next 3 to 5 years)
4. The most important stakeholders or stakeholder groups and their respective interests have been identified, and some indication of how these stakeholders impact your organizations
5. Top marks are reserved for Teams who provide some discussion of how the organization has responded (or is responding) to changes in its external environment; and how these changes impact each organization’s performance
Organizational Culture (Individual Section, 2 pages)
Report Content Marks: /40
Grammar, citations, formatting marks: /10
Any form of plagiarism will result in zero (0%) marks for the group section.
1. Clear description, using all (or at a minimum, several) relevant examples of culture (seen, heard, and believed); provide examples of artefacts, and/or values (details in the appendices)
2. Discuss the strength (strong or weak) of the organization’s culture illustrated by specific examples; discuss whether the organization’s culture is successful or not
3. Top marks are reserved for Teams who indicate how the culture was established or developed, and is maintained
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics (Individual Section, 2 pages)
Report Content Marks: /40
Grammar, citations, formatting marks: /10
Any form of plagiarism will result in zero (0%) marks for the group section.
1. Indication of the relative importance of CSR and ethics for the organizations; how do the organizations support CSR and ethical behavior?
2. Indication of the organization’s reputation in regards to CSR and ethics; identify crucial/major issues related to ethics and/or CSR specific to the organizations or industry, and discuss how the organizations/or industry responded to these issues
3. Top marks are reserved for Teams who also indicate where each organization is on the continuum of social responsiveness
Organizational Strategy (Individual Section, 2 pages)
Report Content Marks: /40
Grammar, citations, formatting marks: /10
Any form of plagiarism will result in zero (0%) marks for the group section.
1. Identification, description, and labelling of current corporate strategy, current business strategy, or current unique business model
2. Situation Analysis for each organization; Porter’s Five Industry Forces Analysis (to be included in the appendix)
3. Organizations’ source of competitive advantage is identified and discussed
4. Top marks are reserved for Teams who provide reasoned speculation about the effectiveness of the current strategy in the past and going forward; does the strategy need to be reassessed to effectively address upcoming threats, etc.?
Organizational Structure and Design (Individual Section, 2 pages)
Report Content Marks: /40
Grammar, citations, formatting marks: /10
Any form of plagiarism will result in zero (0%) marks for the group section.
1. Description of current organizational structure and its key design elements, such as departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization versus decentralization, etc.
2. For large national or international organizations, the organization of a single store, branch, or other organizational unit described
3. Identification of the organizational structure type, organic, or mechanistic
4. Organizational chart for each organization
5. Top marks are reserved for Teams who discuss how the organizational structure provides for coordination of work, and how the structure impacts the authority of managers in the organization
Innovation and Creativity (Individual Section, 2 pages)
Report Content Marks: /40
Grammar, citations, formatting marks: /10
Any form of plagiarism will result in zero (0%) marks for the group section.
1. Discuss to what extent the organization demonstrates innovation as part of its working culture.
2. Discuss change management strategies that are prevalent in the organization.
3. Include an example of a change process that was either successful or failed and provide an analysis based on course work and change and innovation theory/practices.
4. Discuss where the organization could/should improve its approach to innovation and change to prevent organizational decline. Be creative in this section.
Alignment and Summary (Group Section or Individual Section, 2 pages)
Report Content Marks: /40
Grammar, citations, formatting marks: /10
Any form of plagiarism will result in zero (0%) marks for the group section.
1. Summary discussion of the similarities and differences between the organizations
2. Assessment of the fit between environment, strategy, culture, and structure for each organization
3. Top marks are reserved for Teams who provide evidence to support effect alignment or Teams who provide evidence to support that strategy, culture, and/or structure need to be “re-aligned” for a better fit with each other and/or with the external environment
References, Source Documentation, Bibliography, and Appendices (Criteria for each section)
Extent/scope, and quality, of references; references are not limited to just an organizational website, and they include articles from business publications and other sources
1. Sources cited throughout the report
2. Bibliography is correctly formatted
3. Quality of appendices used for illustration purposes
4. Details are provided for the primary research; name of interviewee, position, date of the interview, list of interview questions, etc.
General Presentation, Clarity, and Consistencies (Criteria for each report section )
1. A well-integrated presentation with no grammatical/spelling errors, and clear, concise, and logical development.
2. Appropriate use of course concepts and terminology throughout
3. Evidence that primary and secondary research have been used effectively to present key ideas
4. Citations are correctly used.
5. No plagiarism identified.
Team Presentation ( /35) (Group Section) See Marking rubric below.
1. Each Team will present their findings during a maximum 15-20 minute presentation during Week 12 and/or 13.
2. Each Team member will present their own sections and be prepared to answer questions from the audience.
3. Top marks are reserved for Teams whose presentations are delivered as though written by one person
Presentation Marking Rubric
Level 1
1 point |
Level 2
2 points |
Level 3
3 points |
Level 4
4 points |
Level 5
5 points |
1 |
Research quality and quantity |
Few or no sources cited and is not cited in APA style |
Less than ten sources. Not all sources are relevant and credible and cited in APA style. |
At least ten different sources. All sources are relevant and credible and cited in APA style. |
At least fifteen different sources. All sources are relevant and credible and cited in APA style. |
At least twenty different sources. All sources are relevant and credible and cited in APA style. |
2 |
Analysis of research |
No analysis is evident. |
Some research findings have been synthesized but not in a clear, useful and informative way. |
Some research findings have been synthesized in a clear, useful and informative way. |
Most research findings have been synthesized in a clear, useful and informative way to support virtual team effectiveness. |
All research findings have been synthesized in a clear, useful and informative way to support virtual team effectiveness. |
3 |
Presentation Content |
Used content that was confusing and seemed unrelated to overall presentation theme. Little or no evidence provided during course of presentation. |
Used content related to theme of presentation, though audience required to make many of the connections, as well as having to accept presentation on face value due to an overall lack of evidence. |
Used content that was structured and relevant. Some examples provided. |
Used content that was well structured and relevant, although further examples would improve overall presentation. |
Used clear and purposeful content with creative examples to support ideas presented during the presentation. |
5 |
Presentation Delivery |
Presenters did not engage audience. The presentation was poor and did not maintain audience interest. |
Presenters did not engage audience and maintain interest for full presentation. |
Presenters engaged the audience and maintained interest for some of the presentation and solicited questions and provided responses. |
Presenters engaged the audience and maintained interest for most of the presentation, soliciting questions and providing responses. No notes were used. |
Presenters engaged the audience and maintained interest for the full presentation, soliciting questions and providing excellent responses. No notes were used. |
6 |
Handout Content |
Content includes minimal research which is presented as a list and not synthesized. |
Content includes some research findings which are not all synthesized. |
Content includes research findings and some relevant facts that have been synthesized. The handout is clear and well formatted. |
Content includes key research findings and relevant facts that have been synthesized. The handout is clear, informative and well formatted. |
Content includes key research findings and relevant facts that have been synthesized. The handout is creative, clear, informative and well formatted. |
7. |
Response to Questions |
Responses are vague and confused. |
Response includes some content based on the project. |
Response includes reference to relevant facts that have been synthesized. |
Responses bring forward key findings. The responses are clear, and informative. |
Responses include key research findings and relevant facts that have been synthesized. Responses deepen and broaden the understanding of the material. |
8 |
Final Grade
/35 |
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