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Analyzing on Accountability

•Analyze and explain which is a better accountability of measure, external or internal controls or the character of the administrator. ~Define in detail how you support your choice.
•Explain why or why not you believe that most citizens today view public service as the highest and noblest calling. ~If not, describe what would need to change for this to be true.

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A 1500 WORD MINIMUM TERM PAPER :  A term paper of no less than 1500 words (you can have as many over that amount as you wish) will be written on a Topic which you should select from a list of Language Development Hypotheses.  This list is provided at the very end of this survival message, and is also available in the Class Requirements Section of the online Course.  The Term Paper is to present a discussion based on a minimum of three articles, books or chapters in a book (excluding the class Text, of course), that describe, or support or refute the hypothesis you have selected from the list.  A minimum of three citations (you can have as many above that number as you wish) with references in APA format will be included at the end of the paper. An example of APA format is also provided in the Class Requirements Section of the online Class.

Also, at the end of the paper you should include a short Appendix, which will answer three questions:  1. What were the databases, if any, that you used to find each article or book; 2. What was the search strategy you used (i.e., the search words you used) in each database to find the articles; and 3.  Was each article that you cited an example of Primary or Secondary research?

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SCI 207 Entire Course (New). Get an A++.

SCI 207 Week 1 Lab 1 Introduction to Science

SCI 207 Week 1 Assignment Environmental Footprint

SCI 207 Week 2 Lab 2 Water Quality and Contamination

SCI 207 Week 3 Lab 3 Biodiversity

SCI 207 Week 3 Assignment Outline of the Final Lab Report

SCI 207 Week 4 Lab 4 Energy Sources and Alternative Energy

SCI 207 Week 5 Lab 5 Weather and Climate Change

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CMGT 410 Week 1 Individual Project Proposal

Individual Project Proposal:


Consider the following scenario:

You have been hired by a large company with branch offices around the country to assist with rollout of a new companywide compliance system.


While initially the focus was on implementation of the technology, it was found that success will require at least 10 hours of training for all managers across the country on both the use of the new platform as well as a host of new compliance policies being introduced.


Of the options discussed, it was generally agreed than the training should be hands-on and conducted in person at a central location. This will obviously require getting organizational buy in as not all managers are going to be willing to commit to taking time out from their normal responsibilities just for some training.


In addition, such large scale centralized training has not been done before by this company; therefore, the CEO wants feedback from participants to evaluate the effectiveness of any training sessions.


As a result, your manager has given you the responsibility to develop an outline for a proposed project that would meet this upcoming need.


Submit a 2- to 3-page memo that does the following:


• Names the project


• Briefly describes the project


• Identifies potential stakeholders directly or indirectly involved


• Specifies the overall objective and any outcomes for this project


• Details how success will be evaluated


• Highlights what is needed to ascertain the measurable organizational value (MOV) of this project.


You will need to make some assumptions (it is even encouraged) but the assumptions must be documented.

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OMM 618 week 2 Assignment


Ashford 3: – Week 2 – Assignment


Recruiting and Staffing Plan

Assess the opening case study from Chapter 6: “Amazon is Hiring…Big Time!” In a three- to five-page paper (not including the title and references pages), create a recruiting and staffing strategy for Amazon, and select one position from the given list to write a recruiting and staffing plan; consider how many of these positions Amazon needs to fill. You must select from the following full-time positions: Warehouse Supervisor, Delivery Representative, and Customer Service Manager.)

Your paper must include the following:

Write an introduction including the selected position,      a preview of your paper, and a succinct thesis statement. Discuss the legal landscape, including special legal      considerations that the company should be aware of. Create a recruiting plan for the position selected that      includes the following:

Explain what recruiting is and why it is important. Explain the tools that will be utilized to find       candidates for filling the selected position, and state why each tool was       selected. Create a selection plan for the position that includes      the following:

Explain what staffing is and why it is important. State what assessments will be used and why. Discuss the types of interviewing techniques that will       be used and why. List five job-specific interview questions for the       position candidates. Write a conclusion paragraph that reaffirms your thesis      statement.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. It must include citations and references for the text and at least three scholarly sources, one of which must be from the Ashford University Library.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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World View Chart Assignment

World View Chart Assignment    Week 2 World View Chart Assignment Submission Attached Files: Horizontal REL212 Weekly World View Chart.docx (21.207 KB ) REL212 Weekly World View Chart.docx (19.912 KB ) 

Click the link above to submit your assignment.

Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.
Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.

*Be sure to download the attached World View Chart provided for these assignments.*

World View Chart Assignments
Due Weeks 2 through 10 and worth 35 points each week, with a total of 315 points.  

A world view is a fundamental or basic orientation of thinking – like a mindset – which guides a culture and / or a person’s life. Like a point of view, it can be built of concepts, ideas, values, emotions, and ethics. Weltanschauung is the German word for this idea. Your goal for this course is to understand the world views of these various religions. In order to prepare you for your final assignment, you will outline the world views of various religions in the chart below, adding to it each week.

For this assignment, students will complete the weekly area of the chart, filling in the aspects of each religion as it is presented in the readings and resources. This chart, when complete, will be the starting point for the written assignment, due in Week 10.

For each weekly submission: Review the weekly lectures and supplemental materials provided, then complete the chart by elaborating on each section related to the weekly content. Identify key details and examples from the weekly resources to serve as a basis for the content being recorded in your chart. Write clearly and coherently using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.


Cosmogony – Origin of the Universe

Nature of God

View of Human Nature

View of Good and Evil

View of “Salvation”

View of After Life

Practices and Rituals

Celebrations and Festivals

Week 2
Hinduism and Jainism









Week 3









Week 4
Daoism and









Week 5









Week 6









Week 7









Week 8









Week 9









Week 10
New Religious Movements









The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze what is meant by religion. Analyze the similarities and differences in the primary beliefs held by major religious traditions and the cultures in which these religions evolved. Describe the varieties of religious experience and practice in a wide range of cultures. Recognize how daily life within various religions and current affairs are influenced by religion. Use technology and information resources to research issues in religion. Write clearly and concisely about world religions using proper writing mechanics.

Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

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BUS 365 week 5 DQ 2


Week 5 – Discussion 2


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.


This   is Your Chance to be an Education Innovator

Using what you have learned so far, what recommendations could you make to a “panel of education experts” on how math and science education could be improved? What would you recommend to make math and science more inclusive of women and minorities? How could we make math and science careers more inviting to more people?  Use principles from the text and other sources to prepare your recommendations.  Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. 

Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.



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Smith Week 1 Evidence Based

Week 1: Role of Research and the Importance of the Searchable Clinical Question

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The practice of nursing is deeply rooted in nursing knowledge, and nursing knowledge is generated and disseminated through reading, using, and creating nursing research. Professional nurses rely on research findings to inform their practice decisions; they use critical thinking to apply research directly to specific patient care situations. The research process allows nurses to ask and answer questions systematically that will ensure that decisions are based on sound science and rigorous inquiry. Nursing research helps nurses in a variety of settings answer questions about patient care, education, and administration.

As you contemplate your role in the research process, read the following article.

Kumar, S. (2015). Type 1 diabetes mellitus-common cases. Indian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 19, S76–S77. doi:10.4103/2230-8210.155409. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Choose one case study, and formulate one searchable, clinical question in the PICO(T) format. There are several potential questions that could be asked.

Identify whether the focus of your question is assessment, etiology, treatment, or prognosis.

Remember to integrate references.

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Week 5 Course Project Milestone: Annotated Bibliography

Week 5 Course Project Milestone: Annotated Bibliography

Submit Assignment Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: review all chapters Lesson Minimum of 5 scholarly sources (This includes the source from Week 3 Proposal.) 

Create a complete annotated bibliography for 5 academic scholarly sources (including your source from Week 3). Include the following: Introduction and thesis for your paper (to the best extent as you know it at this time) Publication details Annotation (a detailed reading of the source)

The annotation section should include the following: Summarize key points and identify key terms (using quotation marks, and citing a page in parentheses). Describe the controversies or “problems” raised by the articles. State whether you agree or disagree and give reasons. Locate one or two quotations to be used in the final research project. Evaluate the ways in which this article is important and has helped you focus your understanding.

Example Publication

APA Reference
Mezirow, J. (2003). Transformative learning as discourse. Journal of Transformative Education, 1(1), 58-63.

Annotation Example
In this article, Mezirow (2003) makes a distinction between “instrumental” and “communicative” learning. “Instrumental learning” refers to those processes which measure and gage learning, such as tests, grades, comments, quizzes, attendance records and the like. “Communicative learning,” on the other hand, refers to understanding created over time between individuals in what Mezirow calls “critical-dialectical-discourse,” (p. 59) which is a fancy way of saying, important conversation between 2 or more speakers. Another key idea Mezirow discusses is “transformative learning,” (p. 61) which changes the mind, the heart, the values and beliefs of people so that they may act better in the world. Mezirow argues that “hungry, desperate, homeless, sick, destitute, and intimidated people obviously cannot participate fully and freely in discourse” (p. 59). On the one hand, he is right: there are some people who cannot fully engage because their crisis is so long and deep, they are prevented. But, I don’t think Mezirow should make the blanket assumption that everyone in unfortunate circumstances is incapable of entering the discourse meaningfully. One thing is certain: if we gave as much attention to the non-instrumental forms of intelligence–like goodness, compassion, forgiveness, wonder, self-motivation, creativity, humor, love, and other non-measured forms of intelligence in our school curriculums, we’d see better people, actors in the world, and interested investigators than we currently have graduating high school.

Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 1-2 paragraphs per annotation 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page

This activity will be graded based on Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric.

Weekly Objectives (WO)
WO2.1-2.3, 2.6 

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday Rubric

Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric – 100 ptsAnnotated Bibliography Grading Rubric – 100 ptsCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength5.0 ptsOutstandingMeets length requirement0.0 ptsNo EffortDoes not meet length requirement5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent10.0 ptsOutstandingAddresses all aspects of the assignment.8.5 ptsAbove AverageAddresses most aspects of the assignment.7.5 ptsAverageAddresses some aspects of the assignment.6.0 ptsBelow AverageAddresses few aspects of the assignment.0.0 ptsNo Marks10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation50.0 ptsOutstandingFor all 5 sources, the annotations summarize the articles; identify the key points; analyze the issues; assess the value of the source.42.5 ptsAbove AverageFor 4 sources, the annotations summarize the articles; identify the key points; analyze the issues; assess the value of the source.37.5 ptsAverageFor 3 sources, the annotations summarize the articles; identify the key points; analyze the issues; assess the value of the source.30.0 ptsBelow AverageFor 1 or 2 sources, the annotations summarize the articles; identify the key points; analyze the issues; assess the value of the source.0.0 ptsNo Marks50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization10.0 ptsOutstandingIdeas are logically organized, including inviting introduction (with a thesis statement) and a satisfactory conclusion that come together in complete concepts.8.5 ptsAbove AverageIdeas are well organized, including inviting introduction (with a thesis statement) and a satisfactory conclusion, with complete concepts.7.5 ptsAverageOrganization and concepts need some restructuring.6.0 ptsBelow AverageOrganization and concepts are difficult to follow and incomplete.0.0 ptsNo Marks10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting15.0 ptsOutstandingThroughout the whole work, the writing actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.12.75 ptsAbove AverageThroughout most of the work, the writing actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.11.25 ptsAverageThroughout some of the work, the writing actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.9.0 ptsBelow AverageThroughout little of the work, the writing actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.0.0 ptsNo Marks15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA: Citation and Reference Formatting10.0 ptsOutstandingThroughout the whole work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style.8.5 ptsAbove AverageThroughout most of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style.7.5 ptsAverageThroughout some of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style.6.0 ptsBelow AverageThroughout little of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style.0.0 ptsNo Marks

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