Anyone good with Educational Psychology?

1. Does all negative reinforcement decrease behavior? Why or why not?

2. After being told repeatedly by her mother not to ski without proper eyewear, Samantha sustains snow blindness and eye burn, ruining the remainder of her ski trip. What effect might this have on her choice to use eyewear in the future? Why might this natural consequence have more of an effect on her behavior than actions taken by her mother’s nagging?

3. When 8-year-old Barry cannot get his way with his mother, she begins to whine. Barry’s mother finds that if she gives Barry a cup of cocoa and talks about what’s bothering him, the whining stops. However, Barry’s mother is puzzled because Barry’s whining is getting more frequent. Why?

4. A local psychologist recommended to Barry’s mother (above scenario) that she ignore the whining. Barry’s mother tried this on two consecutive occasions and the whining got worse! Barry’s mother is about to sue the psychologist for malpractice, but in your wisdom you point out what process the psychologist had in mind and the phenomenon which has occurred. Explain.

5. Twins Jacob and Jeremy are arguing about who gets to use their Nerf gun next. Their mother takes away the gun and says that she will return it when they have played nicely for 10 minutes. What two processes has she used in order to achieve the results she wanted? Why would it be better to use the two contingencies together rather than to use one alone?

6. Mathias, an 11th grader, sassed his mother. As a result, his mother told him he could not drive his car for a week. This is an example of …?

7. Before rolling the dice in Monopoly, Charlie blew on them. He landed on Free Parking and collected a $1,000 bonus. What effect, if any, might this likely to have on his behavior the next time he rolls the dice? If this occurrence had an effect, what process would be operating, and what would be likely to happen to the effect over time?

8. Mr. Jones asked for a volunteer to go to the blackboard to work a math problem. After several seconds of silence, he finally said, “Well, then, I’ll do it myself.” The class was then more likely to respond with silence to requests for volunteers. What process was operating?

9. Andrew is the class clown. The teacher knows that Andew acts silly to get the attention of the other students. The teacher talks to the class one day when Andrew is absent and agrees that in the afternoon, if everyone does not laugh at John’s silliness, they be allowed 15 minutes extra free time. As a result, Andew’s silly behavior has decreased. By what process has John’s silliness decreased (be specific as to the type)?

10. Mrs. Jones, a 7th grade teacher, told another teacher in the lounge that she is “fed up with her class’ misbehavior and disrespect.” “From now on I’m going to start using some negative reinforcement. Students who misbehave in my class will have to copy a page from the dictionary.” What, if anything, is wrong with Mrs. Jones’ statement? What, if you answered that it is incorrect, does she really mean?

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In preparation for a court appearance, the federal law enforcement agency wants to ensure proper forensic processes and techniques are used in a computer crime case involving identify theft.

When challenging the admissibility of the digital evidence, the defense examiner will evaluate the authentication and chain of custody techniques used. The federal law enforcement agency would like your company, AB Investigative Services (ABIS), to identify in a report the possible authentication and chain of custody techniques acceptable in the investigative process, including issues relating to First and Fourth Amendment privacy issues with respect to computer-related technologies.

Using the library, Internet, or any other credible materials,  provide the following in your report to the federal law enforcement agency:  Begin the report with a one page overview of the forensics process and the steps taken by an examiner related to identity theft and computer crime. Provide 2-3 pages identifying: two recommended examples of authentication acceptable in the investigative process of identity thefttwo recommended examples of chain of custody techniques of digital evidence.Provide 2-3 pages explaining: what is considered legal or illegal under the guidelines of the First and Fourth Amendments in relation to the identity theft investigation

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Module 8 Assignment


Step 1: On a sheet of paper, write down 15 specific things you did over the course of the past 24 hours (for example: got out of bed, drove/rode/walked to class, brushed teeth, etc.).  Next, categorize each of the behaviors on your list into one of three types or sources of motivation: biological (i.e., drive-reduction theory), stimulus (i.e., arousal theory), or learned (i.e., incentive approach). 

Step 2:

Thoroughly discuss the following: Discuss three behaviors from your list that you were able to categorize easily (include the behaviors and their category).  What were the motivations behind those behaviors?  Discuss three behaviors that you had difficulty categorizing.  What about these behaviors made them more difficult to categorize? 

Important guidelines to follow:

Write at least a 300-word, well-developed and well-written response.  Use APA Formatting Guide to create accurate citations and documentation to give credit for any resource material used in your response. Your assignment   is due  October 29 in class. 

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Digital Portfolio – Final Portfolio


It’s time to submit your digital portfolio. Remember, your final portfolio must include: A professional cover page for your portfolio and cover letter You can start off the portfolio with a professional title/cover page of your choice. Be professional about this format, as it may be what you submit to a future employer. Simplicity is best. For example:

Professional Digital Nursing Portfolio
Jane Doe
2014 A professional resume Complementary portfolio items: CPR card, immunization record, student organization membership, college & community service information A professional thank you letter after the interview, as submitted in module 9 discussion. A professional resignation letter

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1. What are the 3 reasons we still have a gender wage gap in the US? What role does comparable worth have in alleviating the gap? What specific positive effects would the elimination of the gap have on women’s lives?

2. What are the two types of sexual harassment; how has the EEOC helped change women’s lives regarding harassment? Do you have any experience with such workplace behavior, and how did you handle it?

3. Define the glass ceiling, glass escalator, and the glass precipice. 

4. What is the difference between reproductive labor and productive labor? Who does most of each in your current household? In the household in which you were raised?

5. Using 2 key concepts (which you will define), persuade your brother to begin to do his fair share of the housework in his marriage to his fully employed wife. Be sure you mention the positive effects his sharing the load will have on his marriage.

6. Define vertical and horizontal segregation.

7. How does the Lily Ledbetter Act improve upon previous legislation?

8. What key concepts, from this week or other weeks, are evident in this series from The Inquirer about workplace inequities in Philadelphia’s taxpayer funded workforce?

 9. Using one of our key concepts from this week, compose a response to President Trump’s selection of two white men to advise him on issues facing women in the workforce:

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BUS 210 Week 2 Assignment- Evolution of Business Presentation

BUS 210 Week 2 Assignment- Evolution of Business Presentation

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EDU 650 week 5 DQ 2


Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Discussion 2


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.



No   Excuses University– Data Management

“Don’t be buffaloed by experts and elites. Experts often possess more data than judgment.” – Colin Powell

 In chapter nine, Lopez suggests that for data-driven decisions to be made, school leaders must make data easily accessible as well as openly shared.  Consider this as you respond to the discussion.

Initial Post: Address each of the discussion points beginning with a description of any classroom and/or assessment experience you may have. If you do not have direct classroom experience, you may respond to these questions based on your own understanding of what occurs in your own children’s school, or a professional or volunteer position you’ve held outside of a school setting. What are the common reasons why staff members keep      their data private from each other?  In what ways might you break      down these barriers? For those with classroom and assessment experience,      describe how easily accessible, openly shared, and deliberately arranged      are your data today?  For those without such experience, discuss the      importance of the 3 pillars of data management and how you intend to apply      this to your anticipated practice. What will you do to make your system for data      management exceptional?

 Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Make an effort to select a classmate with and without experience so as to think critically about both perspectives in relation to your own.  Provide specific feedback regarding your classmates’ ideas for breaking down barriers.  For those classmates with experience, any similarities and differences you share regarding accessibility, sharing, and arrangement of your data.  For those without experience, share how your perception is changed regarding the importance of the three pillars of data management and provide feedback about their ideas for applying it to their own practice. For each classmate you respond to, reflect on their ideas for making they system for data management exceptional. What recommendation can you make to further enhance their idea? 

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u09d1:Multiculturalism or Colorblindness SOC:2000


In your Rethinking the Color Line text, read:Article 12, “Color-Blind Privilege: The Social and Political Functions of Erasing the Color Line in Post-Race American,” pages 92–100. Use the questions below to guide your reading.How does colorblindness function to negate or ignore the privilege of some groups?How has the notion of colorblindness affected white perceptions of race and equality?According to Gallagher, what role has the media played in creating or upholding this ideology? Acts of shared consumption?How does the ideology of colorblindness support shared cultural beliefs of an American meritocracy? What is the result of this?How is race or color a choice in the colorblind society, according to the author? How does this create a perception of reverse discrimination for dominant groups (whites in this society)?Do Census and other data support the notion that we are a colorblind nation?Article 11, “Beyond Black and White: Remaking Race in America,” pages 86–91. Use the questions below to guide your reading.Why does listing multiple races matter?How does this issue with the census demonstrate race as a social construct?Which group appears least likely to choose multi-race categories? Why?How will intermarriage affect the definitions of race in the future?Why is it important to examine subgroups in instances of intermarriage rather than broad trends?Media

Review the following media piece to prepare you for this unit’s discussion questions:”We the People of More Than One Race.” Click “Launch Presentation” to begin.Toggle Drawer[u09d1] Unit 9 Discussion 1 Multiculturalism or ColorblindnessResources

Before beginning this discussion, conduct some research using the Capella library or use another reputable Web site that advocates either multiculturalism or colorblindness.

For this discussion, you will be divided into 2 groups. Group 1 will argue that colorblindness is the best approach in the context of the questions below. Group 2 will advance multiculturalism as a more useful solution to issues of racism, again within the context of the questions below:Is American society in danger of hardening or increasing the divisions among ethnic groups?Is too much weight given to pluralism? Does this create subpopulations that will view others with considerable hostility, or is hostility more likely with an emphasis on assimilation? Which does America want?If all are competing for the same limited resources, how is this tension best mitigated?

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SOC 312 week 5 Discussion 1


Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Discussion 1


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.




 Your text shares many negative effects of technology and the media’s influence on children. Regardless, technology is increasing rapidly and is only becoming a larger portion of our children’s lives. After reading “Mass Media, Television, and Children’s Socialization,” choose an age level (toddler, preschool, or elementary age) upon which to focus in this discussion. Then, list three positive examples of how technology has enhanced socialization for children in that age group. Give two additional examples of how parents/educators can use technology to further enhance a child’s socialization.  

Guided Response:

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Respond to at least two of your classmates by Day 7, and share an additional example that you believe will compliment their suggestions.

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MN 504 week 2 DQ 1


Topic 1: Define and Describe Your Foreground and Background Information 

In Unit 1 you identified a PICOT question. Using the same question, rewrite the question for your peers and define the difference between foreground and background information as it relates to your PICOT question. Also, provide a general overview on what evidence is available. 

See the Discussion Board grading rubric on the Course Home. 

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