fix the paper

i need someone help me check a 5 pages paper about (GMO) for SENTENSECE STRUCTURE and GRAMMAR MISTAKES!!!!!! just need fix it

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“Cultural Lag”: Vice or Virtue? I. Prohibition II. Christian fundamentalism III. Folk revival other key terms: Scopes “monkey” trial Clarence Darrow vs. William Jennings Bryan the Nashville Agrarians “Twelve Southerners”, I’ll Take My S

“Cultural Lag”: Vice or Virtue?



I. Prohibition


II. Christian fundamentalism


III. Folk revival




other key terms: Scopes “monkey” trial

                          Clarence Darrow vs. William Jennings Bryan

                          the Nashville Agrarians

                          “Twelve Southerners”, I’ll Take My Stand

                            William Faulkner and “Southern gothic” writing

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Assignment 4- 2nd draft – only KIM WOODS

Addition comment from Professor

My professor said nursing assignment’s reference all need to 2013-2018

Fact sheet need to add 2 pictures to attract people

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political sciences

Please respond to the following:

On average, 95-100% of incumbents in Congress are re-elected. Do you think this negatively affects Congress’s ability to make decisions or pass legislation? Why or why not? Do you think higher turnover in the House and the Senate would have a positive impact on Congress and improve decision-making? Why or why not? 

200-250 words 

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Upload Assignment: Week 7 Assignment: Installation of Hadoop on windows OS


In this assignment you will be installing Hadoop on your computer. For this you are required to following the steps in the article listed below to perform the installation of Hadoop on a Windows or Linux Machine. Note, the prerequisite for this installation is to have Java version 1.8 or greater in your system.

Your deliverable for this assignment will be the following screenshots and write up.

1. Using a word document provide the following screenshots from your own installation of Hadoop with proper figure title and notes: A screenshot of your check for java version through this command on command prompt. Tip – Run the command:  java –version A screenshot of your environment variable showing the Variable_name as HADOOP_HOME A screenshot of the contents of your mapred-site.xml, core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, and hadoop-env.cmd files A screenshot of your check on whether Hadoop is successfully installed. Tip Run the command:  Hadoop version

2. In the second section of your document describe five (5) advantages of implementing Hadoop MapReduce. Provide

See Article below

Singh, D. (2019). How to Install and Run Hadoop on Windows for Beginners. Retrieved from

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BUS 308 week 2 DQ 2


Ashford 3: – Week 2 – Discussion 2


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.




 Variation exists in virtually all parts of our lives. We often see variation in results in what we spend (utility costs each month, food costs, business supplies, etc.).  Consider the measures and data you use (in either your personal or job activities). When are differences (between one time period and another, between different production lines, etc.) between average or actual results important?  How can you or your department decide whether or not the observed differences over time are important?  How could using a mean difference test help?

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts.  Respond to at least two classmates and comment on the use of the test.

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COM 440/POL S 461 Assignment 1

COM 440/POL S 461 Assignment 1: Spring 2016 One of the best ways to learn the rules of law is to apply them to hypothetical situations. That’s why I’m asking you to analyze one case problem with several parts involving material discussed in Lessons 1 and 2 (including the discussion forums) and chapters 1 -3 of the textbook. Please refer to Practice Exercise 2-2 for examples of this type of legal analysis. The first step is to read the facts of the case problem carefully and e-mail me if you have any questions. The next step is to identify the correct area (or category) of law that is applicable to each question of the case problem. In other words, does the question deal with sedition or fighting words or prior restraint or time, place and manner rules or another area (or category) of law covered in Lesson 2? This part of the analysis is essential because the legal rules differ depending on the area of law under consideration. Once you determine the area/category of law that’s applicable (and sometimes it’s given), then the last step is to apply the correct legal rules to the facts of the case problem and to state your conclusions. Here’s the case hypothetical, followed by instructions on how to prepare your assignment. Case Hypothetical Let’s assume that Gloria Santos is the Green Party nominee, campaigning for the open congressional seat held by Representative Jim McDermott, who decided not to run for reelection this year. People opposing her candidacy have already created a website dedicated to her defeat. The website’s domain name is, and it is the first website that comes up in an Internet search for information about her candidacy. The website labels her a Communist and includes false statements about her positions on the environment, workers’ rights, low-income housing and police accountability, among other issues. The website also attacks her character and fitness to hold political office, calling her a liar, a thief and an illegal immigrant. It promises to publish detailed accounts of her anti-business policies and illegal activities throughout the campaign season. Gloria Santos and her supporters are outraged and contact the city prosecutor, who is her friend, asking for his help in shutting down the website. The city prosecutor asks a local judge to order the website’s creator to shut down the website immediately before most voters become aware of it because of its lies, deception and character assassination. 1. Would such an order be constitutional? In other words, should the local judge, using equity law, order the website’s creator to shut down the website? First, identify the specific area (category) of law that directly relates to this situation; second, identify the theory or interpretation of the First Amendment that is most applicable to this type of situation; third, apply the relevant legal rules; and, fourth, explain your conclusion. (35 points) Continuing this case hypothetical, let’s assume that Gloria Santos’ supporters want to hold a political rally in Red Square on the UW-Seattle campus from noon to 1 p.m. on Monday, Memorial Day. They asked the appropriate university administrators for a permit, and some administrators expressed concern that people would assume that the university was supporting her candidacy if they allowed the political rally in Red Square. 2. Should university administrators allow this political rally? In other words, would this political rally be constitutionally protected under the First Amendment? First, identify the specific area (category) of law that relates to this situation; second, apply the correct legal rules to the facts of the case problem; and, third, explain your conclusion. (25 pts) Let’s assume Santos’ supporters did hold the political rally, and Santos spoke at it. During her speech, she called for a political revolution where ordinary citizens would unite to overthrow the billionaires and capitalists who control this country’s economy and political system. Several opponents to her candidacy attended the rally and were offended by her call for a revolution. One man shouted that she and her supporters should be arrested for sedition because they were advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government and the country’s economic system. 3. Should Santos and her supporters be arrested for sedition? In other words, would such arrests be constitutional? Please apply the correct legal rules and explain your conclusion. (20 pts) Another man yelled that Santos was a dangerous Communist and would be a threat to the Seattle way of life if she were elected to Congress. He then tried to push his way to the podium, and when two of her supporters stopped him, he screamed insults directly at them for several minutes. Several bystanders urged police officers on the scene to arrest the man for fighting words. 4. Should the police arrest the man for fighting words under these circumstances? In other words, would such arrests be constitutional? Please apply the correct legal rules and explain your conclusion. (20 pts) Here’s how to prepare and submit your assignment. 1. Create a Word document and enter your full name at the beginning of your assignment. 2. Begin each of your answers with the specific question number that you’re answering. For example, when you answer question 1, please start your answer with “Question 1.” or 1. This will help me grade your assignment. 3. Refer back to the question after you finish a draft of your answer to make sure that you answered the question completely and didn’t get side tracked into discussing other unrelated areas of media law. 4. Proofread carefully (double-check spelling, grammar, accuracy). 5. Upload your assignment to the website. You are responsible for making sure that your assignment is posted on the website by the deadline so please double check that it uploaded successfully. If you have trouble uploading your assignment, please e-mail me before the deadline. 6. Save a copy of your work in case something happens to the uploaded file. Deadline: Wednesday, April 13, 2016, at 11:59 p.m., Pacific Time If you can’t meet this deadline, you must e-mail me before the assignment is due and ask for an extension. This rule applies even if you are ill or have computer problems. Otherwise, there will be an automatic penalty of .5 for every 24 hours late. For example, a 4.0 grade would drop to a 3.5 if the assignment is submitted five minutes after the deadline and to a 3.0 if it is submitted 24 hours and five minutes late. Note: This assignment is worth 10 percent of your course grade. Please refer to the grading rubric to see how I will evaluate it. Here’s the grading scale that I use for the four assignments:

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What is sampling theory?


What is sampling theory? Describe it and provide examples to illustrate your definition. Discuss generalizability as it applies to nursing research.

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08/17/2016 Ethics and Social Justice

Assignment 2: Income Support Policies

In this assignment, you must examine the philosophical underpinnings of the economic system and its relationship to ethics and social justice by examining income support policies. You will also view the socially constructed ways of developing and distributing resources and implementing societal values. You will examine the “problem of justice” by considering the following:The distribution of goods and servicesAn individual’s share in goods and servicesThe allocation of rights and duties

Research income support policies using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

Select two policies for examination from the list that follows. You can select from other types of income support policies; however, be sure to submit your choices to the facilitator for validation before continuing with this assignment.Social SecuritySupplemental Security Income (SSI)Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Then, compare and contrast the selected income support policies. Address the following:List and describe each income support policy’s target population, means of funding, and intended outcomes.Explain the positions a conservative politician or commentator, and a liberal politician would take on the policy. Address anything they might have in common ideologically and also describe their differences.Give reasons and examples in support of your analysis.

Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc.

By Wednesday, August 17, 2016, deliver your assignment to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox.Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Listed and described each income support policy’s target population, means of funding, and intended outcomes demonstrating in-depth research.24Explained each policy from the perspective of conservative politician or commentator, and a liberal politician.40Gave valid reasons and well-researched examples in support of assertions.16Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total: 100

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15 slide powerpoint – Industrial Hygiene (+ title slide and reference slide)


Unit II PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15 slides (not counting title and reference slides) that provides an overview of the three major environmental, health, and safety (EHS) disciplines. 

Include each of the following elements: 

· summary of the responsibilities for the discipline,

· evaluation of types of hazards addressed by the discipline, 

· description of how industrial hygiene practices relate to safety and environmental programs, 

· description of how industrial hygiene practices relate to environmental programs, 

· evaluation of types of control methods commonly used by the discipline,

· interactions with the other two disciplines, 

· and major organizations associated with the discipline. 

Construct your presentation using a serif type font such as Times New Roman. A serif type font is easier to read than a non-serif type font. For ease of reading, do not use a font smaller than 28 points.

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