wee k4


With the focus on qualitative design and sampling, this is a great opportunity to compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research approaches. For each of the following areas, apply information that considers one advantage and one disadvantage regarding control over study conditions with the quantitative research approach; control over study conditions with the qualitative research approach; extending or generalizing results from a sample to a larger group or population with the quantitative research approach; and extending or generalizing results from a sample to a larger group or population with the qualitative research approach.

Be sure to include scholarly references to support your information.

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Explain the difference between internal and external evidence. How can each of these types of evidence be utilized for quality improvement in the clinical setting? 

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. 

Learning Materials  Melnyk, B. M. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (3rd ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health. ISBN: 978-1-4511-9094-6. Read Chapters 4 and 5.

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Final Project: Introduction, Literature Review, and Methods Section & Final Research Paper (A+ Or Money Back Gaurantee Only Users)

I have most of the work for this project done below is all the componets that you need to include i will also include all the work that i have done so far. This project will require you to add atleast 40% of your own research and knowledge. Must have accurate Understanding of APA format and citations. Must include intext citations. This is two seperate assignments please make sure to include two seperate papers. The first paper is just composing all the work i will provide as well as writing up a liaterature review for all the info i provided my instructor has asked that many sources be used and cited for the literature review/ introduction area. I will be purchasing a plagarism check on these assignments if you dont pass it i will give you a rating so bad no one will ever got to you for work again. That being said only people with 5 star rating and more than 20 ratings need apply. Please follow the grading rubric word from word. Feel free to change any of the information i provided on my assignments as long as you are keeping to my research question and my hypothesis.

First Assignment


The introduction and literature review should address your research question: why it is important, and how prior research does or does not support your hypothesis, as well as providing a background on what we know about this topic.


Your methods section, in addition to covering the subheadings of participants, instruments, and procedure, must include a fourth subheading called ethical issues and note any ethical issues that need to be considered, as well as how they would be handled.

Be sure to include a title/cover page and a reference page formatted in APA style.

 Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points With clarity and good writing style and grammar, you presented your proposed methods section for your research paper.
participants (15 points)instruments (15 points)procedure (15 points)ethical issues and how they would be handled (20 points)65You submitted an introduction and literature review that included a research question, a statement regarding the importance of the research topic, background information and a review of the literature regarding the topic, and a proposed hypotheses.20You wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.15Total: 100


Second Assignment


Your final paper should be double-spaced, 8 to 10 pages in length, and properly edited.


Please use the following information to help you with each section:

 Cover page: Pay attention to APA style and refer to the example in your textbook.

 Abstract: Is written on its own page and is a very brief summary of your study. Think in terms of one sentence stating your research question, one or two sentences regarding background and what we already know about it, one or two sentences regarding your methodology (e.g., how many participants were used and how were your variables assessed), and one or two sentences about your findings.

 Intro/lit review: incorporate the feedback and make revisions to the introduction and literature review submitted in Week 4.

 Method section: incorporate the feedback and make revisions to the Method section submitted in Week 4.

 Results section: in one paragraph, state what statistical test would have been used and why it was chosen.

 Discussion section: broken down into the following paragraphs:

paragraph 1: statement of your results/findings (or what you imagine might be your results).
paragraph 2: what might have affected those results (i.e., threats to internal and external validity). Include flaws in your design and confounding variables.
paragraph 3: implications for your findings including the significance and impact on the field as well as future research directions.Reference page: Pay attention to APA style and refer to the example in your textbook.

 Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points

Abstract: Clear and concise review of most important components of the research study. Met the required word count.44

Literature review: Convincing evidence is given that a thorough review of literature was completed and  a variety of sources (at least 4) are appropriate and directly used to support hypothesis44

Methods: Clear understanding of participants for research study20

Measures or Instruments: Measures/instruments used in research study are identified and accurate.20

Procedure: Procedures for research study are identified and accurate.20

Ethical Issues: Presentation of possible ethical issues and solutions is clear and convincing and present APA ethical guidelines.36

Results and Discussion section: Anticipated results, flaws, Implications for results, Future directions52Writing Components (20% of LASA 2 grade)

Organization (16 points): Introduction, Thesis, Transitions, and Conclusion.

Usage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, Spelling, and Sentence structure.

APA Elements (24 points): Attribution, Paraphrasing, and Quotations.

Style (8 points): Audience, and Word Choice.64Total: 300



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Assignment 1: LASA 2: The Application Paper

By Monday, October 19, 2015, using the textbook and Argosy Online Library, write a 5-7 page paper using APA standards for citation of sources that focuses on the following:

Interview two different individuals regarding their positions in society.  Analyze their responses regarding:Identify each person’s class, race, and gender.What role has class, race, and gender played in their lives?  How do you see these stratifiers as playing a role, even if the interviewee is unaware of it?Apply one of the sociological perspectives (structural-functional, social-conflict, or symbolic-interaction) to the individuals’ lives.  Why did you choose this particular perspective?  How does it explain each person’s life and life choices?What are some the benefits and limitations to using interview as a research methodology?Analyze each person’s components of culture (language, symbols, material objects, and behaviors) and relate them to his/her stratified position in society. 

Please post your completed paper in the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Described each person’s class, race, and gender.40Evaluated the role of social stratification.60Applied a sociological perspective to each subject.60Explained the benefits and limitations of the research methodology.20Analyzed the components of culture and related them to social stratification.56Presentation Components

Organization: Introduction, Transitions, Conclusion.16

Style: Tone, Audience, Word Choice.16

Usage and Mechanics: Grammar, Spelling, Sentence Structure.16

APA Elements: Attribution, Paraphrasing, Quotations (when appropriate or assigned).16Total: 300

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Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics

  To Prepare Review the interactive media piece in this week’s Resources and  reflect on the types of drugs used to treat pediatric patients with mood  disorders. Reflect on situations in which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Think about strategies to make the off-label use and dosage of drugs  safer for children from infancy to adolescence. Consider specific  off-label drugs that you think require extra care and attention when  used in pediatrics. By Day 5 of Week 11

Write a 1-page narrative in APA format that addresses the following: Explain the circumstances under which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Be specific and provide examples. Describe strategies to make the off-label use and dosage of drugs  safer for children from infancy to adolescence. Include descriptions and  names of off-label drugs that require extra care and attention when  used in pediatrics.

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Nursing or paramedic tutors

2200 words essay (Including Intext References )


For this essay, select either 

Essay Case Option 1 (the paediatric case) or 

Essay Case Option 2 (the adult case).

 Review your chosen case and the clinical documents. Using the clinical reasoning cycle you are required to assess, plan, implement and evaluate your care for the patient. After identifying the relevant assessment data you must identify two (2) priority problems for your patient. For each priority problem identified, list two (2) nursing interventions (collaborative/independent) linking to your research of the literature. Include a one to two line rationale for each intervention. Evaluation of your care is essential. 


The 2200 word essay should cover the points below:  Introduction (150 words approx): State an overview of the patient’s condition and identify the TWO priority nursing problems. Give a brief plan for the essay topics.
  For each of your identified priority problems (950 words approx): Briefly explain how it relates to the patient’s assessment data. You will need to draw on your understanding of pathophysiology to explain the link between the problem and the patient’s signs and symptoms. Identify TWO priority nursing interventions to address the problem. Justify the nursing interventions you will implement (explain what is involved in implementing the intervention, why it is suitable, any relevant positive or negative aspects/considerations) and support/justify the use of these interventions with reference to current evidence-based literature. Outline the evaluation criteria/data that would indicate that each intervention is improving or resolving the identified problem.
      Conclusion (150 words approx): Briefly restate the patient’s condition and problems and how the nursing interventions can benefit the patient’s health.
  You need to discuss at least one independent nursing intervention in your essay.
  For any collaborative nursing interventions you must discuss the nursing responsibilities and actions in relation to this collaborative intervention.
  Medications cannot be both of your chosen collaborative interventions for a problem. If a medication is one of your collaborative interventions you must identify an appropriate drug that is likely to be/or has been prescribed by the doctor. You must consider and discuss the nursing responsibilities associated with the medication (action, dose, side effects, prevention and management of same, administration requirements, evaluation).


• A minimum 20 references but be cited from valid, contemporary journal articles or books no older than 7 years. 

      Use  APA referencing for citing academic literature

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effect of social media on nursing practice/ethics

 i would like an essay on social media and nursing ethics. The focus should be on patients getting information about their diagnosis from an unreliable internet source and how a nurse should intervene and educate a patient. Also, i will like you to include statistics. Thanks 

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#35772 – 1- Page within 6 hrs


Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced)

Number of sources: 3

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay

Academic Level:Master

Category:   Nursing

Language Style: English (U.S.)

Order Instructions: ATTACHED

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SOC 333 Week 1 Individual Assignment Social Movements and Gender

Individual Assignment: Social Movements and Gender

Select three social movements you believe significantly affect public opinion on gender issues.

Write a 700- to 1,400-word paper to explain the effects of these movements on gender. Address the following questions:

Describe each social movement. What was the social and political environment when the movement occurred?

Describe the effect each movement had on society. How did the movement change public opinion on gender issues? What other changes did it bring? What effect, if any, does the movement have on your view of gender in today’s society?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Include a minimum of two academic references..

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Sociology help?

Assignment 3: Obesity in America


Due Week 9 and worth 65 points 


Obesity in America is considered an epidemic. There are many contributing factors to obesity (both childhood and adult), such as biological, environmental, social, or economic factors. Review the information on obesity on pages 383 to 385 in the textbook. You may also use the Internet or Strayer Library to research obesity and its causes. 


Suggested Reading:


“What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity?” located at http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/obe/risks.html 

Write a one to two page (1-2) page essay in which you:


Describe the effect that obesity (childhood and / or adult) has had on you personally or your community.

Select one (1) contributing factor to childhood or adult obesity. Recommend two (2) preventative measures related to the selected factor that people can take in order to reduce their chance of becoming obese.

Discuss one (1) sociological theory that relates to the selected contributing factor to obesity. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:


Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for the essay should be the article from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the sections noted in your text. For this reason, APA citations or references are not required for this assignment.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:


Define the basic concepts used in the discipline of sociology.

Explain the major theoretical paradigms of sociology.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology.

Write clearly and concisely about sociology using proper writing mechanics. 

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