Social Structure Matrix

Complete   the University of Phoenix Material: Social Structure Matrix.

must be complete by 08/27/2016: 10pm est

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Health Policy, Politics and Perspectives (Testimony – Medicare-for-All proposal)

For this assignment, you will complete a testimony regarding the Medicare-for-All proposal that you feel is the best policy approach to behavioral health in terms of benefits, coverage, and consumer cost sharing. If you think that none of the current Medicare-for-All proposals are the best alternative and wish to oppose a particular bill in favor of the ACA or a public option, that is acceptable.

What does the legislation do, what is your opinion and why, and what are you recommending legislators do?

1.  At the beginning of your testimony, state clearly what the legislation does and your position on it. Are you there to speak for it, or against it, or recommend some changes? Do not assume the committee members are familiar with the legislation, so a brief explanation of what the legislation does is needed. 

2.  What is the rationale for your position? For example, why the legislation is needed, or not needed, or why it should be changed and how? In this section, you should provide supporting information for your position, including evidence, statistics, and make other cogent arguments. This should not be just about your opinion or your emotional reaction to a policy issue. You need to back up your position with facts and supporting evidence. 

3. What are its implications for improving health care? Use APA citations and references. Watch the sources you are citing – use credible sources!

4. Make recommendations to legislators on how you want legislators to act in relation to the legislation – oppose or support it; make changes in it, or proceed with caution because of certain concerns with it that you have raised with them.

Guidelines for Written Testimony:

– Three to four (3 – 4) pages long, double spaced, 12 font Times Roman

– Turnitin Assignment (NO PLAGIARISM) !

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Please pay attention to this assignment or I will not comply with you…


I need this assignment due by Friday March 20 at 1700 eastern standard time.  Paper must be PLAGERIZED FREE!!!!!   If the assignment is not due by due date and the requirements are not fulfilled I will be requesting a full refund!  Please pay attention to the red bold sentences in the attachment that I sent.  This assignment will be three different papers for three different people with the same assignment content and all the papers need to be plagerized free as I will check it. This means three different of everything on this assignment.  


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NR 534 week 1 IP

  Week 1: Creating a Philosophy of Leadership

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Please note, all NR534 discussions occur in small groups. For this reason, please review the Small Group Discussion Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)

Part 1: Individual

Whether or not it is written or verbally articulated, everyone has an idea or belief system about leadership that influences their behavior as a leader and a follower. Many factors combine that inform your leaderhip philosophy. Discuss your personal beliefs, values, experiences, and current leadership principles and trends that influence your leadership philosophy. In 3-5 sentences clearly articulate your personal leadership philosophy. This should begin with, “My philosophy of leadership is…..” Describe how your leadership philosophy relates to the position and the organization within which you currently work. How does it affect the work you do, how you make decisions, and the culture you promote.

Part 2: With Your Group Discuss the commonalities and differences among the statements from the group. How does your personal philosophy compare to the philosophy of your organization? How do you reconcile discrepancies between them? What impact does congruency between your personal leadership and the organization’s philosophy have on creating a person-centered, caring healthcare organization?

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BUS 311 – Sole Proprietorship

BUS 311 – Sole Proprietorship

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N homework help

n homework help 

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Monitoring Our Home Planet(Argosy University)

Monitoring Our Home Planet(Argosy University)

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cancel this

see attached tasks, do each in an independent document

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defensible solution to neurological disorder

The final paper is a concluding argument revealing a “defensible solution”of  What  facts about neurological disorder help to relate the condition of spinal cord tumor/cancers to neurological dysfunction supported by the “evidence” of ethical/ cultural consideration as well as mathematical/ analytical consideration.
Important: this final paper should include a newly composed introductory section, and a final conclusion section which presents your discussion of (and argument for) the solution. Your argument for the defensible solution that you propose should be the focus of this paper. 

Your paper must: Be 5-7 pages in length  Introduction (1– pages) worked informative paper(4 pages) Conclusion (1 page) Reference(1 page) Reference 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources (compiled by combining all of the references from your Perspective of Inquiry papers and any additional resources you use in this final paper.) Follow all APA formatting guidelines for this paper, with each of your previous four papers being presented as “sections” of this fifth paper, using Level 1 headings.

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COM 200 week 5 Discussion 1


Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Discussion 1


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.



Relationship   Disengagement

In Chapter 10 of the textbook, the authors outline two communication strategies, direct and indirect, for relationship disengagement and communicating competently through the ending of relationships.

Prepare: As you prepare to write this discussion post, take a few moments to do the following: Read the writing prompt below in its      entirety. Notice that there are three      tasks:  Describe two strategies for disengaging with others. Brainstorm about a time when you ended a friendship or       other relationship. Note which direct and indirect disengagement       strategies you used to end the relationship. Review Chapter 10 in the text. Read about both direct      and indirect strategies for disengagement. Review the grading rubric.

 Reflect: Take time to reflect on how using communication for disengagement strategies can help us manage the difficulties of ending a relationship.

Write: Based on the information in Chapter 10: Describe at least two direct and indirect disengagement      strategies from the book. Write at least two sentences for each element.      Try to find as many specific connections between your experience and what      Bevan and Sole cover in their discussion of both types of disengagement      strategies. Explain a scenario where you’ve parted with a friend or      partner in the past.  How can you communicate competently when ending      relationships? Be sure to list specific disengagement strategies, direct      and/or indirect, from the book. Consider what you’ve learned in this      chapter.

 Thoroughly address all three elements of this prompt by writing at least two to three sentences on each element. Use the course readings at least once to help you make your points. Consider copying and pasting these tasks into a word file and addressing each of them separately.

Your initial response should be 200-300 words in length and is due by Thursday, Day 3.

Respond to Peers: Review your classmates’ posts and try to find some common ground or expand on the students’ ideas. Use the text to improve everyone’s understanding of the importance of being mindful of how we communicate when ending a relationship. Ask questions that will enhance both of your understanding of the key concepts. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Monday, Day 7. Response posts must be 125 to 200 words in length. If you have questions about how to participate in discussions, consult “About Discussions” under the Course Home menu.

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