Reflection Document


Reflection Paper Instructions


Cultural competency begins with an understanding of self. This assignment is intended to allow you an opportunity to reflect upon your own worldview. Our opinions are influenced by input from familial, religious, educational, and a multitude of other sources. For this project, consider primarily the familial component and write a 4–5-page assessment of your own familial culture. The paper must address similarities and differences between your own culture and other major cultural groups to be studied in the course. Our upbringing is often the source of our personal biases and prejudices; therefore, you should pay particular attention to sources of personal bias and prejudice toward people of other cultures. Jesus told us to “love your neighbor as yourself.”  Yet, intercultural differences frequently give rise to misunderstandings and conflict. You must also investigate ways to minimize the impact of their cultural biases when providing public health services to others. No references are required for this paper; however, if you choose to use outside sources as a basis for comparisons, current AMA style must be used to properly cite and document those ideas.


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Explain the role media played

 In a well-written paper:

 Explain the role media played in the Fort Hood Massacre.Make sure your discussion reflects themes in chapters 14 through 17 of our textbook.Papers must adhere to the following guidelines PRIOR to submission on or before the last day of Week 8:

 The first page of your paper will be a cover sheet correctly formatted according to APA guidelines.This paper will use 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font, and double spacing.The citations for each article MUST be correctly formatted according to APA guidelines. Do NOT use an automated citation manager to perform this function. Do it manually for this assignment and check your formatting against available APA resources.Excluding the cover page and references, this paper must EXCEED 12 pages of written text.Only COMPLETE paragraphs consisting of an introductory sentence, a full explanation of key points supported with properly cited sources, and a concluding sentence may be used.Only use published articles from academic texts, such as those found at or accessed through your Grantham University EBSCO host account.The entire paper must be your original work. It may not include quotes, and at no time should text be copied and pasted.This paper DOES require an introductory paragraph, explicit thesis statement, concluding paragraph, and references page.


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this is the short questions for philosophy 102


1.     Who has the more important “rights” claim (pregnant woman, fetus, father, etc.) in abortion and why    


2.     Is terrorism ever justified?  

3.     Do businesses have any obligations other than profits? Use examples in your answer to critically evaluate this question.    

4.     Examine the arguments for and against sexual freedom. State your view and carefully justify it making reference to the distinction between private and public.    

5.     “The environment and the animals in it are a resource for human beings to use as they see fit.” Do you agree with this claim? Say why or why not and carefully define and justify the principles that ground your view.


at least 100 words per question


please follow the format:

 1.     Who has the more important “rights” claim (pregnant woman, fetus, father, etc.) in abortion and why



2.     Is terrorism ever justified? ….

 3.     Do businesses have any obligations other than profits? Use examples in your answer to critically evaluate this question.

……    4.     Examine the arguments for and against sexual freedom. State your view and carefully justify it making reference to the distinction between private and public.

….    5.     “The environment and the animals in it are a resource for human beings to use as they see fit.” Do you agree with this claim? Say why or why not and carefully define and justify the principles that ground your view.



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Ann can I get this work by today or tomorrow?

For this discussion, you will compare how you would apply CBT versus REBT to the case of Henry (see the case study narrative “The Case of Henry” in the Resources). View Dr. Corey’s work in the Case of Stan for examples of an application of each theory. Specify:How each theory would conceptualize Henry’s problem, including how they would differ.What each theory would suggest needs to be changed for Henry.Two specific interventions that you would use with Henry, one drawn from each approach.A limitation of each theory that would impact your work with the client in this case.

Be specific in your discussion. This is an extensive post that should include at least 400–500 words. Cite resources from this unit, including the videos as well as the assigned readings.


Case Study: The Case of Henry

Presenting Information:  Henry is a 46-year-old Japanese man. He was born in Japan and moved to the United States by himself when he was in his early 20s to go to college and work. He presents to counseling with multiple complaints of depressive symptoms, anxiety about being in social situations, relationship problems, and financial challenges. He reports feeling irritable and down most of the time but continues to go to work even though he does not have the energy. He also states that he experiences nervousness when he is around people at work and socially, so much so that he has begun to isolate himself. He feels afraid to talk to people because he thinks, “They will look at me like I am stupid and just walk away. So I just don’t talk to people. I am better off that way anyway because nobody understands my situation.” He states that it is difficult for him to come to counseling because his Japanese beliefs do not support counseling. Strong encouragement from one of his American friends convinced him to come.

Social History:  Henry states that he was engaged to be married but his fiancée left him for another man about six months ago. They were together for about three years. Henry says, “I came home from work one day and she had all of her stuff packed. She told me she did not love me anymore, and then she left. I just did not know what to say or do, and ever since then I have been stuck.” His fiancée was Japanese, too, but was more Americanized than Henry feels he is. Even though he has lived in the United States for many years, he states that he tries to remain close to his cultural roots. Henry has never been married and does not have any children. He has a few friends but says that he does not spend much time with them anymore. He feels like they see him as weak because he can not move on from the breakup. He was also involved in karate as a four-time black belt but has dropped out of the dojo.

Mental Health and Addictions History:  Henry states that he has never been to counseling and has never abused any substances.

Family History:  Henry’s family still live in Japan, and he feels that they have a close relationship. His parents are elderly and are very traditional in their Japanese ways, so he does not talk to him about his problems or about seeking counseling. He is an only child. Henry reports that while in high school he was bullied a lot by other students and frequently physically harmed. He tried to talk to his father, but his father said that he had to be a man and stand up for himself. Henry continued to be bullied but never spoke of it again. He said he had forgotten about the incidents for many years but has now begun to think about it more. He reports that he has even had nightmares about his coworkers and friends bullying him.

Occupational and Educational History:  Henry has a bachelor’s degree in business and computer technology and is the information technology specialist at a local company. He is currently having financial problems due to his fiancée moving out and taking a substantial amount of money from their joint savings account.



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summary for nutrition assessnent

Summaries the basics of all surveys from the list; why they were done, and general findings. (please get the general gist of surveys, what was found, and what decision makers did to provide services to the public. Not huge summary)

For two of them only, learn five findings, then learn five programs/services that have emerged as a result.

The list:

Assessing the general population

1970s: Nutrition Canada

-Understanding of nutrition status

1990s: provincial nutrition surveys (e.g., NS) (conclusions document is on ACORN)

-2000s: Canadian Community Health Survey


Specialty surveys for targeted groups:

1990s: initiation of First Nations Inuit Health Survey

  – Evolved into First Nations Health Surveys and Inuit Health Survey


NutriSTEP: pre-schoolers and toddlers


SCREEN I and II: seniors (Canada)

-For senior nutrient student status.

DETERMINE: seniors (US)


Screening of vulnerable populations

Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST)

Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST)

Canadian Malnutrition Screening Tool (and the work of the CMTF)

Mini Nutrition Assessment (MNA)


look for any program/resource/service today and try to figure out what findings might have lead to it. Nothing that exists in terms of government initiatives was picked out of the air; everything that exists is there because of previous research findings. Rates of overweight, diabetes, heart disease have all been linked to poor intakes of F/V so a lot of programs/guidelines/policies have developed to promote these intakes as a result.


What I am suggesting is to work backward from programs to figure out what decision makers used in their decision making. 


Why do we have F/V promotion in school, daycares, and recreation programs? Because every survey that ever was done in Canada or a province or on a reserve indicated that intakes of these were poor and that increasing intakes would be protective against the chronic conditions. So, lots of effort has been put into making F/V available, appealing, cheap, tasty, fun, and to encourage kids/families to consume these at home.

This are two examples:  


If this idea of working backward to connect the dots between existing initiatives and previous survey findings causes you anxiety, don’t do it…continue to search for evidence on government websites that you can connect to what you already know about nutrition survey findings. This is not meant to be tricky or difficult. You all already knew about existing government nutrition programs and services owing to previous nutrition coursework or being a consumer of these services before you walked into the Nutrition Assessment class.


Another example…there exist webpages on provincial and federal government websites directed at food and nutrition issues of seniors? Why? Because risk of malnutrition is high for seniors (as demonstrated by use of SCREEN and the CMTF), and falls are connected to nutrition risk and falls are expensive in terms of using hospital resources so governments decided to do something about it. Having a webpage, regardless of its content, is useful for people to know that they are not alone in their struggles. The content may answer their questions or direct them to an appropriate service in their community. This is about the level of detail I am looking for. Nothing more. this is not an essay style exam; it is a short answer. 8 short answer questions and 2 charts, one for each survey you will learn in depth. For each, what are 5 findings, what are five services that were developed as a result? This equals 18%. 

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MGT 435 week 1 Discussion 1


Week 1 – Discussion 1

30 30 unread replies. 64 64 replies. 

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.


Examples of   Organizational Change

View the Social Media Revolution (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Links to an external site. video. We have all watched organizations around us change in response to technology, legislation, consumer demand, and other factors.  Provide an example of an organization that has changed for the better and how this transition benefited its customers, employees, and investors.  Review several of your peers’ posts.  Discuss how and why these changes have occurred, with at least two of your peers.

Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length.  Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.

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Cornelia Manufacturing has decided to hire a contractor to install an electronic monitoring system in its outbuildings, a job expected to take several months. It has awarded the job to H.G. Electrix. Unfortunately, Cornelia has had negative experiences with previous contractors and safety issues. This time it wants to be very careful about how it handles safety and has drawn up a contract specifying how safety will be managed and monitored and how it will affect costs. Periodic safety inspections and weekly safety progress reviews are covered in the contract. H.G. Electrix has agreed to the contract and is supposed to begin work in the next month. In the interim Cornelia would like to conduct a safety orientation for H.G. and review its safety-monitoring program for contractors. 

1. What issues does Cornelia need to cover in the orientation? 

2. In addition to periodic inspections and weekly progress reviews, what else can be included in a program to monitor contractor safety?  

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Research Paper More than 300 words

In your opinion which of the following topics is best suited to a phenomenological inquiry? To a ethnography? To a grounded theory study? Provide a rational for each response.

a-The passage through menarche among Hatian refugee

b-The process of coping among AIDS patients

c-The experience of having a child with leukemia

d-Rituals relating to dying among nursing home residents

e-Decision making processes among nurses regarding do-not-resucitate orders

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Evidence based practice research paper

 Prepare a 4–5-page review of recent research that examines statistics on the primary health concern of a population, describes the methods and tools used in the research studies, explains the factors that affect health promotion and disease prevention for a population, and recommends a health care initiative. 


Your team has presented its preliminary findings to the executive leadership in your organization, but leadership has some doubts about some of the information they received. Each member of the team has been charged with doing a critical examination of recent research around each member’s area of expertise. As the team’s nursing representative, you need to look specifically at the health care concerns identified in the Windshield Survey assessment.

The first step in preparing to write a review of the research is to define your topic. For this assessment, your review will provide a comprehensive overview of the needs of the population you identified in the Windshield Survey assessment in terms of health promotion and disease prevention, the factors that contribute to health disparities for the population, and the need for the organization to improve health care delivery to the population.

In the Capella library, search for current scholarly or peer-reviewed professional research articles that: Examine the health care risks and needs of your population. Analyze the need to improve health care delivery to the population. Evaluate, critically, the factors that affect health promotion and disease prevention for the population. Examine strategies to reduce health disparities for your population.

Locate at least 5–7 resources so that you can eliminate 2–3 if necessary. You may discover, for example, as you read each article more in-depth, that they may not all have the focus you need for your review. Requirements

For this assessment, you need to develop several points around which to apply the research from the articles you located. Specifically, you need to: Compare statistics for the primary health concern of your population to the rest of the general population in the United States. This would include frequency of occurrence, age groups most at risk, frequency of fatality, and so on. Describe the epidemiological concepts, data analysis methods, tools, and databases used in the research studies you located. Address any flaws or biases you believe are present. Explain the factors that affect health promotion and disease prevention for the population. (Hint: These may be things such as language barriers, cultural values, generational differences, social fear, and access to services.) Describe the types of health care initiatives that have been tried by other organizations specifically for the primary health care concern or the population. Recommend one health care initiative for your population, based on your research,

These should be the ideas, or points, that your review is based on. For each point, present all of the evidence you located. For this assessment, that should be at least four current research articles, although not all of the articles will typically offer evidence on all of your points.

Be sure your assessment includes: An introduction that presents the points you will cover. The body that presents the research on the points. A conclusion that restates the points in your introduction.

Your assessment should be 4–5 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. Be sure you follow APA guidelines for style and format. Additional Requirements Include a title page and reference page. The completed assessment should be 4–5 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. Reference at least four current scholarly or professional resources. Use current APA format. Use Times New Roman font, 12 point. Double-space.

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Explain the difference between cultural relativism and ethical relativism. Do you think that the fact that people disagree about morals, or “right and wrong”, shows that ethical relativism is true?

Explain the difference between cultural relativism and ethical relativism. Do you think that the fact that people disagree about morals, or “right and wrong”, shows that ethical relativism is true?

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