Taliban Research Paper

 In 5-7 pages (double-spaced,) provide a narrative explaining the organization’s origins, ideology, goals & objectives. Include a discussion on the leadership, funding, and capabilities such as physical bases or operating/support location(s), personnel strengths, training programs, and communications methods. Lastly, it would be helpful to provide a description of known and suspected weapons/lethal agents and delivery methods, procedures used in prior attacks, propaganda, surveillance methods, and significant events/dates that may be used in attack planning

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Monitoring Our Home Planet

The Internet is a powerful tool that provides the ability to monitor natural phenomena and disasters that happen all over planet Earth.

In this assignment, you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring natural phenomena including earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, global climate, and weather.

Based on your research, do the following: Identify a minimum of three different natural phenomena that are typically responsible for natural disasters. Analyze the potential impact of these disasters. Analyze how these phenomena are monitored, or not, via the Internet. Critique available Web sites,      which publicly display up-to-date monitored information related to each of the natural phenomena you have identified. Focus on the following aspects: Geography What parts of the world are potentially affected by these phenomena? Specifically, identify the countries. Resources What kinds of resources are allocated toward monitoring these phenomena and why? What types of Web resources monitor the phenomena and provide up-to-date information about them? What kinds of technology are involved in monitoring the phenomena? Politics What political ramifications would this disaster-preparedness technology cause between more-developed countries and less-developed countries? What kinds of issues could        this technology cause between less-developed countries? Economics How would this technology directly impact the economies of those countries that have the technology versus those countries that do not? Do you predict any indirect impacts? What current evidence supports your position? Disaster Preparedness What types of systems are in place in terms of disaster preparedness related to these monitored phenomena? Summarize your findings.      Evaluate how this technology will impact the future of humanity, both positively and negatively. Be sure to consider the political and economic issues discussed in your future predictions.

Support your statements with examples. Use a minimum of six reliable references, two of which should be peer-reviewed articles.

Write a 5-7 page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to the citation of sources.

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EDU 673 week 4 Assignment


Ashford 5: – Week 4 – Assignment


Creating a Unit Plan

Once you’ve gotten to know your students through learning profile inventories that identify individual areas of strength and learning styles, you can design multimodal lessons that incorporate instructional technology that engage the 21st century learner. This week, you will create a three-day unit plan outline that addresses students’ diverse learning styles and multiple intelligences, acknowledges cultural and language differences, and integrates digital tools and technology.

Using the textbook as guidance, create a Unit Plan outline, using the provided template that includes:

Introduction: Describe the demographics of your current (or fictional classroom) including: Grade Level and Subject Area Total number of students – ability levels, gender,      students with special needs, English Language Learners (ELLs)  Other relevant information (such as socioeconomic      status, family background, recurring behavior issues, etc.)

Stage 1: The first stage is to determine the “Big Picture”; what you want students to learn, conceptually, at the unit’s conclusion. You must: Identify the content, unit title, unit subject, and at      least one Common Core State Standard (CCSS) that aligns with the unit. Create at least two measurable unit objectives that      align with the CCSS. Describe what you want the students to master including      key concepts, “big ideas”, and major understandings (see the textbook,      Chapter 4 for guidance).

The following resources are helpful when creating Stage 1: Common Core Standards – The Standards Writing measurable      learning objectives. P21 common core      toolkit

Stage 2: The second stage outlines evidence of learning including pre-assessments, formative assessments, and a summative assessment. Pre-assessment:      Explain how you will measure student’s level of readiness and preexisting      knowledge specific to the content chosen. Include how you will take into      account student strengths, interests, and learning needs. Formative Assessment:      Explain how you will use formative assessments to drive differentiated      instruction throughout the unit specific to the content you’ve chosen. Be      sure to include how these assessments address UDL principals. Summative Assessment:      Design a summative assessment that will measure the student’s level of      unit mastery. You must include how this assessment addresses UDL      principals and DI theory and how the assessment takes into account your      diverse student population.

Stage 3: The final stage of the unit plan involves developing the activities and experiences, building upon what you determined in Stage 1. “This stage involves tailoring learning activities to the identified strengths, learning styles, and interests of students, organizing lessons in a meaningful way that emphasizes the relevance of the learning, and engaging the learners with active learning strategies”(Chapter 4, pp. 5-6). In addition, this stage should also incorporate self-regulation strategies (behavior management).

In Stage 3 you must: List the daily breakdown of lesson topics to meet the      final unit goal and that also addresses differentiated instruction and      UDL. For example:  9th Grade English, Unit: Character Analysis  Unit Goal: Students will use a word processing program       to write an analysis of Holden Caulfield (main character in The Catcher       in the Rye) and how his behavior is indicative of typical adolescence  Day 1: Pre-assessment, introduction to book Day 2: Watch parts of “Dead Poet Society” with       discussion Day 3: Writing Prompt (based on initial book chapters) Days 4-5: Graphic organizer- begin building character       analysis with teacher-selected partner Describe how each daily activity incorporates      differentiated instruction and UDL.  Discuss two technology tools that will be incorporated      throughout the unit including how each addresses differentiated      instruction, how each will be used to aid instruction and how each is an      example of universal design. Be sure to support with evidence from at      least one scholarly source. Describe which self-regulation strategies have been      built into the lesson and how they are reinforced and differentiated      depending on the student’s level of need.

Instructive tools to consider for your lesson: 10 Emerging      Education and Instructional Technologies that all Educators Should Know      About (This list summarizes Emerging      Education and Instructional Technologies) Tech Connections (this website provides a chart that explains how to      connect technology with each multiple intelligence level and how it can be      used to differentiate instruction) Ten Tips for Differentiation (this website lists technology tools by area of      motivational needs to create a more engaging lesson) LiveBinders (this is a Live Binder that was created to provide      teachers with resources for using digital tools in the classroom) The New York Institute of Technology (the New York Institute of Technology created webpage      to help teachers find resources, services, and tools to support your      teaching and learning)

Use your course text and at least two other sources (either scholarly article or online resource). Your paper will be formatted according to APA guidelines including title and reference pages.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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Author guidelines and benefit to practice 7 DQ 2

 Select a journal in which you would be interested in having your research published. Review the author guidelines on the Journal for Nurse Practitioners (JNP) website and answer the following questions. How could author guidelines be beneficial to your practice? 1 page, APA, 2 sources.

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Statistical Analyses Paper

I need this paper done like ASAP

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Calculus 1 HM

hi ,I need help with Clac1 Homework , its like 8problems and has almost 15questions.  

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Community Nursing discussion board

I have a discussion board that’s due in 8hrs. I have attached the grading rubric, assignment requirements, and what I have completed of the assignment. APA format is required.

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YHOMIT 20161102

Discussion 300+ words, APA style, cite references.  I attached book chapters to read.  and below is the reference for that book.


Discussion question:

In the past, the view of your identity has been that individuality comes first and then you interact to form social groups. Many of the readings in Chapter 3 of  Bridges Not Walls  present a different view. Define identity and discuss how communication builds identity as illustrated in the presentation communication scenarios. Be specific in utilizing theories and terminology from the text.  



Stewart, J. (2012). Bridges not walls: A book about interpersonal communication (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 9780073534312.

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Quantitative Analysis Assignment

 From the dataset you chose, choose one categorical and one continuous variable and perform the appropriate visual display for each variable.

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document.

Based on the results of your data, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be.

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