Visionary Healthcare Leaders Deliver

Visionary Healthcare Leaders Deliver


Read the following:

Navigating Unprecedented Change Through Agile and Disruptive Leadership (

Can Engaged and Positive Employees Delight Customers? (

Visionary Healthcare Leaders Deliver Transformational Change (

A CEO is critical to a health care organization’s smooth and efficient operation. The CEO scans the external environment, integrates the strategic plan with the operations, directs business practices, oversees the development of high-quality care, assures cost-effective strategies, and integrates clinical programs in the organization.  

Research the responsibilities of the CEO or administrator in a healthcare setting of your choice. Create a four to five-slide PowerPoint presentation on three ideas that you as the CEO of XYZ Health could apply to make the health care setting a great place to work. 

You are to create your presentation as though you were presenting the elements to a group for review. Add speaker’s notes to the bottom of each slide for ease of narration (as this will be presented in a video script) and to provide accessible content to people with accessibility needs. 

Must present engaging multimedia content to improve learner retention of information. You may wish to include visual enhancements in your presentation. These may include appropriate images, a consistent font, appropriate animations, and transitions from content piece to content piece and slide-to-slide.

Must use at least two scholarly sources in your presentation formatted according to APA style. All sources used within the presentation must be appropriately cited within the slides and included on the required reference slide, which will be the last slide of the presentation.

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See Full Details Attached

See Full Details Attached

Module 6: Assignment — Construction of Clinical/Practice Question and Literature

Requires 8 full pages and 10-12 references within the last 5 years only.



The purpose of this assignment is to state your clinical/practice question and explore the literature pertaining to your clinical/practice problem as you described in your Module 3 Discussion Board . According to Moran et al. (2020) when conducting a literature review, the goal is to obtain a representative sample of the literature which describes the concepts related to the phenomenon of interest and the research results applicable to the clinical/practice question and identify what gaps need to be further researched.  


1.  Please follow the rubric ATTACHED.

2. Your work may  be used to build upon your scholarly project and publishable manuscript—thus it is important that you align your literature review with the topic you have selected (or are considering) for your PICOT question and DNP project. 

3. Length is no more than 8 pages excluding references and title page.

Exemplars—-I am providing 2 exemplars for you to view.  Neither of these are perfect, nor did either earn 100%.  However, each one is excellent.  These exemplars are shared just for you to ‘see’ what your work might ‘look’ like.  Please note that you must write according to APA…this is a format as well as a method for citing and referencing.  In the grading rubric, please also see that 30 points are allotted to the writing at graduate level.  

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Critical Evaluation

Critical Evaluation

Describe a time when you have participated in a psychological assessment. Include the following: 

Name and instrument of type of test. The purpose of the assessment and Critical evaluation of the assessmen. was it reliable? Was it valid? If you received the results of the test, was the outcome in your opinion accurate? If not, why was it not accurate?

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Explain Two Issues

Explain Two Issues

  • What happens to the nurse when role stress or strain becomes too overwhelming? What happens to patient care? How is this related to possible ethic and legal issues? Discuss how nurses can manage or reduce role stress and role strain.
  • Explain two issues that lead to nurse burnout and discuss a solution for each issue.
  • Think of an experience in your nursing profession where you either felt strain or burnout and how you overcame this event. 

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4 Bulleted Items Per

4 Bulleted Items Per

  For each “In the News” assignment, students will be assigned an article to review followed by some instructions regarding how to specifically analyze the article. Each submission must contain at least two references to substantiate the responses provided. One of the references must be the course textbook. Remember references should be accompanied by their corresponding citations in the body of the writing. When inserting references and their corresponding citations, students should follow APA format. 

 Students with the last name beginning with a letter A-M, select one prediction (1-5 in the article’s list) to focus on for this assignment.  

Slide criteria: 

  • Slides should contain some kind of design. Simple black text on a white background is not acceptable. 
  • Each slide should contain a photo or graph to coincide with its text. 
  • A grammar or spell check should be conducted prior to submission. 
  • Text on the slides should be listed in a bulleted/list format, not huge paragraph chunks. There should be a minimum of 4 bulleted items per slide (but there can be more).

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Voice Recorder

Voice Recorder


What are the advantages and disadvantages of recording client information on the computer while conducting the intake interview? How does using a computer during the interview change the process? What about using a recording device (i.e. video camera or voice recorder)?

In response to your peers, describe situations where you or a friend or family member have been recorded in some manner or you recorded yourself. What was the experience like? How does it compare to what your peers wrote? What can you add to the advantages and disadvantages?

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Physical Changes Neurological Changes

Physical Changes Neurological Changes


expected developmental changes children experience when transitioning between early and middle childhood. it will be part of the training materials new elementary school teachers receive in the summer before they start teaching.

  • Describe early childhood. 
  • Describe middle childhood. 
  • Discuss the transition from early childhood to middle childhood in healthy developing children. Include a discussion and examples of the following: 
  • Physical changes 
  • Neurological changes 
  • Cognitive changes 
  • Moral changes 
  • Social changes 

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Lyric Pairings Applying

Lyric Pairings Applying

 A brief introductory paragraph that introduces the songs and the theories. Write three stories (1-2 paragraphs each) with a set of song lyrics (4-8 lines) that accompany each story. Write a 2-3 paragraph analysis of each of the 3 story/lyric pairings applying any 3 of the different theories from those explained on the More About the Music and Psychology page 

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Nature Versus Nurture Debate

Nature Versus Nurture Debate

Question 1

List at least four careers for each of these areas of psychology.

After researching these areas, did you find any careers that interested you? Why or why not? 

 What did you find to be the most interesting aspect about of these subspecialties in psychology? 

Question 2


Nature (Biology) versus Nurture (Environment) Debate

Watch the brief interview of Dr. Laurence Steinberg about nature’s versus nurture’s impact on human development.

In  this video with accompanying transcript, Dr. Laurence Steinberg,  Professor of Psychology at Temple University, explains the latest  research findings into the nature versus nurture debate, highlighting  the need to break down the false dichotomy between genes and the  environment.  

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Psychometric Properties

Psychometric Properties


For your RQ, you need two variables.  If you compare those with ADHD to a control group you would have a grouping IV.  See if you can then fit your RQ into this format:

Is there a difference in DV based on level of IV?  

The scale you select to measure attitudes must be a known scale from literature (with psychometric properties).  See if you can find one you would like to use and go ahead and tell us what it is and called.

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