
BLAW1002 – ASSESSMENT 3: LEGAL CASE STUDY – SHORT QUESTION AND ANSWER (40 MARKS)For this assessment, students are to apply the concepts taught in the law modules for the unit (modules 9, 10 and 11) to a case study (Commonwealth Bankof Australia: Rogue One) and answer five short answer questions. To best answer these questions, students may be required to research beyond the principlestaught in the lectures and tutorials, and will be required to reference any external material that is used to form the substance of their answers.In breaking down the marks that are available for this assessment, each question is worth 7 marks for a total of 35 marks for the content portion of theassignment. The remaining 5 marks are awarded for the use of referencing and the structure / presentation of assignment submissions. Students are tointegrate a completed cover page (a template is provided on blackboard) into their assignment document and submit their assignment file in soft copy formatto a turnitin link in blackboard. A hard copy version of your assignment is not required to be submitted to your lecturer or tutor.Assessment QuestionsRead the Commonwealth Bank of Australia: Rogue One case study and answer the following questions:1. What areas of law are pertinent to this article? Describe what the identified areas of law cover, and explain how they are relevant to the issues raisedin the article. (500-600 words) (7 marks)2. Jack Welch, Former CEO of General Electric, once stated, “Show me a company’s various compensation plans, and I’ll show you how its employeesbehave” What message do you think he was trying to convey by this statement? To what extent do you think CBA’s remuneration plan influenced thecorporate culture and employee behaviour in CBA? What changes, if any, would you make to the remuneration plan? (500-600 words) (7 marks)3. CBA had an excellent reputation amongst its customers but CFPL severely damaged it. What are the challenges faced by an organisation like CBA inpromoting ethical behaviour, compliance and good governance throughout the group? (500-600 words) (7 marks)4. Who are the main players in the regulation of the financial industry in Australia? Outline some of the changes to the financial planning industry thathave been brought about by the recently constituted Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA)? (500-600 words) (7 marks)5. ASIC is the corporate watchdog in Australia. Why was it criticised for its handling of the investigation into the dealings of CFPL? List three constraints,not mentioned in the case study, which could limit the ability of this regulatory body to properly serve its function? (500-600 words) (7 marks)Below is the marking rubric which will be used to grade your submission:
Question 1 –Relevant areasof law
0 – 1.5 marksVery limitedknowledge of topicwith significantgaps between whatwas covered andwhat answershould haveaddressed.Answer shows noconceptualunderstanding, orability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
1.5 – 3 marksLimited knowledgeof topic and will nothave discussedrelevant points inmuch detail.Answer shows ageneral lack ofconceptualunderstanding, orability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
3 – 4 marksReasonableknowledge of topicbut may not havediscussed all relevantpoints in answer, orwhat was discussedoften lacks detail.Demonstrates areasonableconceptualunderstanding and asound ability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
4 – 5.5 marksGood knowledge of topic butmay not have discussed allrelevant points in answer, orwill have discussed allrelevant points but willoccasionally lack detail.Mostly demonstrates a highlevel conceptualunderstanding and a verygood ability to apply thoseconcepts in answering thequestion.
5.5 – 7 marksComprehensive/detailedknowledge of topic withdiscussion of all relevantpoints in answer.Consistentlydemonstrates anexcellent conceptualunderstanding and anoutstanding ability toapply those concepts inanswering the question.
Question 2 –Effects ofremunerationincentives
0 – 1.5 marksVery limitedknowledge of topicwith significantgaps between whatwas covered andwhat answershould haveaddressed.Answer shows noconceptualunderstanding, orability to apply
1.5 – 3 marksLimited knowledgeof topic and will nothave discussedrelevant points inmuch detail.Answer shows ageneral lack ofconceptualunderstanding, orability to applythose concepts in
3 – 4 marksReasonableknowledge of topicbut may not havediscussed all relevantpoints in answer, orwhat was discussedoften lacks detail.Demonstrates areasonableconceptualunderstanding and asound ability to apply
4 – 5.5 marksGood knowledge of topic butmay not have discussed allrelevant points in answer, orwill have discussed allrelevant points but willoccasionally lack detail.Mostly demonstrates a highlevel conceptualunderstanding and a verygood ability to apply thoseconcepts in answering thequestion.
5.5 – 7 marksComprehensive/detailedknowledge of topic withdiscussion of all relevantpoints in answer.Consistentlydemonstrates anexcellent conceptualunderstanding and anoutstanding ability toapply those concepts inanswering the question.
those concepts inanswering thequestion.
answering thequestion.
those concepts inanswering thequestion.
Question 3 –Challengesfaced by CBA toC, GG andethicalbehaviour
0 – 1.5 marksVery limitedknowledge of topicwith significantgaps between whatwas covered andwhat answershould haveaddressed.Answer shows noconceptualunderstanding, orability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
1.5 – 3 marksLimited knowledgeof topic and will nothave discussedrelevant points inmuch detail.Answer shows ageneral lack ofconceptualunderstanding, orability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
3 – 4 marksReasonableknowledge of topicbut may not havediscussed all relevantpoints in answer, orwhat was discussedoften lacks detail.Demonstrates areasonableconceptualunderstanding and asound ability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
4 – 5.5 marksGood knowledge of topic butmay not have discussed allrelevant points in answer, orwill have discussed allrelevant points but willoccasionally lack detail.Mostly demonstrates a highlevel conceptualunderstanding and a verygood ability to apply thoseconcepts in answering thequestion.
5.5 – 7 marksComprehensive/detailedknowledge of topic withdiscussion of all relevantpoints in answer.Consistentlydemonstrates anexcellent conceptualunderstanding and anoutstanding ability toapply those concepts inanswering the question.
Question 4 –Financialregulators
0 – 1.5 marksVery limitedknowledge of topicwith significantgaps between whatwas covered andwhat answershould haveaddressed.Answer shows noconceptualunderstanding, or
1.5 – 3 marksLimited knowledgeof topic and will nothave discussedrelevant points inmuch detail.Answer shows ageneral lack ofconceptualunderstanding, orability to applythose concepts in
3 – 4 marksReasonableknowledge of topicbut may not havediscussed all relevantpoints in answer, orwhat was discussedoften lacks detail.Demonstrates areasonableconceptualunderstanding and a
4 – 5.5 marksGood knowledge of topic butmay not have discussed allrelevant points in answer, orwill have discussed allrelevant points but willoccasionally lack detail.Mostly demonstrates a highlevel conceptualunderstanding and a verygood ability to apply those
5.5 – 7 marksComprehensive/detailedknowledge of topic withdiscussion of all relevantpoints in answer.Consistentlydemonstrates anexcellent conceptualunderstanding and anoutstanding ability toapply those concepts inanswering the question.
ability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
answering thequestion.
sound ability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
concepts in answering thequestion.
Question 5 –The role of ASIC
0 – 1.5 marksVery limitedknowledge of topicwith significantgaps between whatwas covered andwhat answershould haveaddressed.Answer shows noconceptualunderstanding, orability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
1.5 – 3 marksLimited knowledgeof topic and will nothave discussedrelevant points inmuch detail.Answer shows ageneral lack ofconceptualunderstanding, orability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
3 – 4 marksReasonableknowledge of topicbut may not havediscussed all relevantpoints in answer, orwhat was discussedoften lacks detail.Demonstrates areasonableconceptualunderstanding and asound ability to applythose concepts inanswering thequestion.
4 – 5.5 marksGood knowledge of topic butmay not have discussed allrelevant points in answer, orwill have discussed allrelevant points but willoccasionally lack detail.Mostly demonstrates a highlevel conceptualunderstanding and a verygood ability to apply thoseconcepts in answering thequestion.
5.5 – 7 marksComprehensive/detailedknowledge of topic withdiscussion of all relevantpoints in answer.Consistentlydemonstrates anexcellent conceptualunderstanding and anoutstanding ability toapply those concepts inanswering the question.
1 markCover page notincluded.Incoherent writingstyle with structurenot appropriate toshort answerformat. Recurrentgrammar,formatting andspelling mistakes.
2 marksCover page notincluded. Largelyincoherent writingstyle with structurenot appropriate toshort answerformat. Recurrentgrammar,formatting andspelling mistakes.
3 marksCover page may /may not have beenincluded. Goodwriting style withstructureappropriate to shortanswer format.Inconsistentgrammar, formattingand spelling applied.
4 marksCover page included. Verygood writing style withstructure largely appropriateto short answer format.Grammar, formatting andspelling mostly accurate. Intext referencing andreference list provided thataccords with Chicagoreferencing system.
5 marksCover page included.Fluent writing style withstructure appropriate toshort answer format.Grammar, formattingand spelling accurate(little to no mistakes).In-text referencing andreference list providedthat accords with
No in-textreferencing orreference listprovided.
Either in-textreferencing orreference listmissing.
In-text referencingand reference listincomplete orcontains errors.
Chicago referencingsystem.
Referencing and appropriate acknowledgement of sourcesMost often errors in referencing are incidental or clearly inadvertent. In the event of a level one incident of plagiarism occurring, a student may be contactedby the University and required to undertake further training or remedial work in relation to referencing. Where the lack of correct referencing appears tocontravene the University policy on plagiarism, the student’s paper will be referred to the Unit Coordinator and dealt with according to University policy. Thismay amount to academic misconduct.An important aspect of the University Plagiarism Policy is recognition that not all plagiarism incidents are intentional or involves cheating. If students are notlearning as expected, they will be made aware of their difficulties and helped to improve. Those who deliberately choose to cheat by way of plagiarism,however, will be identified and dealt with accordingly.Students are strongly advised to understand their responsibilities in relation to correct referencing and should consult the unit outline and the referencinginformation in the Learning Hub section of the Blackboard site.Format of assignmentsAssignments cannot be handwritten and must comply with the following format requirements. Those assignments, which do not conform to theserequirements without prior agreement of the unit coordinator, will either be returned to the student unmarked or will have marks deducted:Document type: Word or pdf (pdf preferred).Font: Arial or similar font – no smaller than 12 point in size.Pages: Numbered in top or bottom margin.Spacing: Appropriate line spacing and paragraph spacing.Margins: At least 2.5 cm top, left, right & bottom.Labelling of assignment file: Should include student’s Curtin ID number, their first and last names, and the title of the assignment (BLAW1002 Assessment 3– Legal Case Study).PresentationA well-presented assessment will consider and meet the following criteria:• Cover sheet (located on Blackboard under the ‘Assessment’ tab) must be completed and integrated into your assignment document (The system willonly allow you to submit one file so you won’t be able to submit your cover page and assignment document separately).• Appropriate sentence structure.• Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.• Paragraph size and breaks appropriate.• Consistent format.• Appropriate use of headings and sub-headings.• Within acceptable word limit.• Appropriate referencing and acknowledgment of sources.Word LimitThe total assignment should be a minimum of 2,500 words and not exceed 3,000 words.Please provide a word count on your cover sheet. A penalty of 10% will be imposed on assignments that exceed the word limit. Markers however, have thediscretion as to whether to apply the penalty for an additional 100 words, provided the discussion remains relevant. The assignment will not be assessed if itexceeds 3,250 words and will result in a ZERO mark.The word count does not include the following:• cover sheet;• in-text referencing;• referencing list; and• headings or sub-headings.Submission of Assignment DocumentPlease read the submission process carefully. Students should understand that compliance with instructions in relation to an assessment task is critical.Students MUST be aware that non-compliance with submission instructions can result in a mark of ZERO.All assignments must be submitted by Friday, 5 June 2020 by 1PM (WST), unless an extension for legitimate reasons has been granted by the unit cocoordinator prior to the deadline.Students are required to submit their assignment to Blackboard through a link provided in the ‘Assessment’ folder titled ‘Assessment 3 – Legal Case Study’.Submission links will be set up for each mode / location in which this unit is being studied for the relevant study period (e.g. Bentley Internal, Fully Online,Miri, Singapore etc.), so please ensure that you submit your assignment document to the correct link.The assignment will automatically be submitted to the plagiarism detection program, Turnitin. Please ensure that the version of your assignment submittedto the system is the final version and not an incomplete draft, as the version of your assignment that is in the system at the time the deadline passes will bethe version that is marked for assessment purposes (even if it was a draft version that was inadvertently submitted).Feedback on AssignmentsAll of the teaching staff are available to assist you with your learning in this unit. You should contact your lecturer or tutor if you need help understanding thecourse material or issues arising in the assignment. There is also a staffed Ed forum available for students to ask questions of the teaching team. You can alsocontact the unit coordinator if you are still unable to get the answer you are seeking. Please allow 48 hours (two working days) for a response to your query.Unfortunately, it is just not possible for the teaching staff to review draft assignments for comment before submission as it is in effect double marking thatwould give some students an unfair advantage over others. If you require help with your assignment, either narrow the question or section of work to specificquestions such as “what is meant by this part of the question?” or “do the areas of law pertain to a particular part of the Module 9 lecture?” Questions suchas “have I done this part right?” or “should I include a discussion about this regulator in question 4?” will not be answered as any answer provided by thelecturer or tutor would directly/indirectly impact the mark that the querying student would receive for the assessment, causing the unfairness referred toabove.This assignment will be marked using a rubric, which will be provided to students ahead of time. In addition to providing the set feedback to students that iscontained in the rubric, markers will also offer individual comments on what a student had done well and what they could have done better to earn a highermark.Assessments submitted early will not be marked before the due date. Please refer to the unit outline for the full procedure in relation to penalties for latesubmission and requests for an extension.
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