Business Studies Paper on Cyber Ethics Project Proposal
Technology is a global factor that tends to grow at a very fast rate. This growth rate is a clear indication of a continuous change in policies that concern the usage of Internet for both commercial and domestic use. From the recent research, cybercrimes tend to be prominent. Social sites have recorded the largest data cases concerning cyber-attacks and cyber theft among others. Due to the need to enhance internet security and implement democratic power, global governments are working in advancing their safety caption to counter the large gap in technology advancements by settling crime by monitoring the internet. Therefore, throughout this paper, I will focus on the reasons why the government of Saudi Arabia should implement policies for that protect Internet users against cyber-attacks in the country.
Lessig mentions four modalities that need to be taken into consideration. This will help identify and restructure social values that have been influenced due to technological development. Such modalities include code, market, laws and norms. He states that a proper understanding of the perspectives is essential as it helps in the restoration of lost values in society about cyberspace ethics.
According to the study conducted by Lessig, codes are instrumental in controlling cyberspace crimes. Codes are digits which created by the server of the cyberspace which helps protect the access to important information from unauthorized users. The internet’s basic code applies a series of protocols, which assist in the exchange of information on the cyberspace. This transmission takes place without anyone’s knowledge of the content being transferred. The use of such codes will help prevent fraudsters from accessing confidential information. Codes are prone to change thus allow flexibility in case of a bridge. Presently, the use of codes by the companies in their networks has seen them grow economically and has promoted social responsibility among the employees. Besides, the governments have implemented basic protocols of using codes on the internet that in return has contributed to political stability.
Secondly, the law is the next modality. Laws are laid down guidelines on a particular behavior. The use of laws is crucial in the regulation of cyberspace crimes. For instance, in the United States, the law that controls smoking has little to do with the freedom of the smoker. It is hard to monitor if an individual did smoke or not because smokers are guided by social values. However, various governments and institutions have a set of laws that guide their operations. Laws are an important constraint to cyber ethics as they regulate the behavior of people thus enhancing social and economic development. The governments also make laws and policies that control the usage of the internet. Proper implementation of laws contributes to the conducive political environment.
Norms are another aspect used to control and restoration of cyberspace ethics. Members of a particular community have common rules, which guide them. The society enacts and implements norms that regulate the behavior of Internet users. For example, norms state that it is unethical to watch pornography. Even though norms vary significantly concerning European countries, they are important in controlling and restoring the social values that have degraded slowly with the development of technology.
Lastly, the market as a constraint plays a big role in the regulation of cyberspace crimes. The availability of market price restricts the ability of the smoker. Also, the technology used in the manufacture of cigarettes deserves much consideration. Such constraint helps control cyberspace ethics since the imposition of a varied price on internet services controls social behavior. For example, the imposition of high costs companies that advertise cigarettes helps regulate cyberspace crimes experienced by smokers. As a result, it will help restore social values that facilitate the economic, social, and political development of the community. Therefore, these modalities have to work hand in hand to achieve proper regulation.
One of the key factors I would like to discuss is the impact of the free use of the web to the society. Internet usage without guidance policies has a lot of adverse consequences to the societal existence. Many cases arise since individuals feel like there might be privacy inversion in the event of surveillance of Internet operations. However, there is a need to understand that it is still those regulatory bodies that will handle those crimes in the case of cyber inversion. From the research conducted on the usage of social media, before the amendment to the policy of social media surveillance, about 45,000 twits targeted Arabian country. After the international monitoring policy on the use of social media, the act has recorded a drop in the cyber-attack as far as social media is concerned.
Internet freedom is not just important to people’s freedom of expression, but it also enhances their knowledge on various things. Statics show that cyber terrorism is turning out to be an unpredictable factor where terrorists have currently advanced to the point of applying identity theft and application of cyber slavery. Therefore, for the government of Saudi Arabia has the obligation of implementing policies that serve and safeguard the interests of Saudi Arabia citizens from any threat.
The second key factor in the discussion is the use of Internet in tracking other crimes other than cybercrimes. The use of Internet transmissions in surveillance may be used to control remote offenses. Also, the government may use movement pattern detectors in finding evidence for crime existence. For instance, mobile phones have a particular flow pattern detector that is persistent in typical situations. Monitoring of undesirable pattern movement may be used to determine crime occurrence. The government may also use remote sensors in monitoring the happening of events. However, there are no defined policies concerning the usage of remote sensors in surveillance. Therefore, the government should define rules and regulations that guide the use of satellite in map projection and remote sensing.
The final key factor is the impact of implementation of policies regarding cyber operation in line with attendance to crime in Saudi Arabia. Basing on the statistical results from the United States of America and Japan, which are some of the countries recording the highest advancement in technology, surveillance policies have served significant impacts in enhancing the security of individuals. Crime control in through the initiation of Internet surveillance is safeguarded by the cyber security legislation act of 2015.
In this case, the government impacts may vary on the application of cyber ethics to individuals. In the case of applying cyber ethics while guiding professionals, which include monitoring and guiding computer experts and engineers, the government may control them from using any discrimination on the minor parties (Kizza 76). Besides, the government needs to be ethical in monitoring government expenditure; there can be a detection of all kinds of fraud and embezzlement of funds within the system. However, all this is only functional in case the government approves the policies regarding the operation and surveillance of Internet services.
Top 10 factors
#1. Unclear Procedures in The Amendment of Policies in Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia is under monarchy leadership. Since the king is the one with the authorization to pass laws and policies, they may take long before the amendment (Gause 17). Therefore, Saudi Arabia has the capability of controlling crimes through Internet surveillance only if the king acts instantly. Otherwise, Arabia will still face crimes due to the use of the old model technologies to monitor the Internet. However, Saudi Arabia can emulate other countries. For instance, European Union Agency for Network and Information Security works on the evaluation of National Cyber Security Strategies (NCSS) to address policy experts and government officials on how to work and implement critical policies that have a direct impact on national security and the welfare of humanity.
#2. Crime Manifestation in Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia is one of the Arabic countries under the guidance of various radical groups. Therefore, cases of terrorism are prominent, and the terrorists are advancing their modes of operation every day. In that case, many terrorists have upgraded their way process into an advanced application of technology. Concerning cyber terrorism, identity fraud, and impersonation is turning out to be the order of the day. The effect is that these groups can generate social media scam and send threatening information to links on the Internet. Without instant monitoring of their events, the country may incur a lot of losses to cover for the damage that can result from terrorism. Therefore, the Arabian government needs to evaluate the importance of this policy before situations get off hand.
#3. Decentralize Power Uses the Internet in Threatening of the Arabian Country: As according to Kizza, Saudi Arabian government works in implementing the policy to control some the anarchic networks use Cyber ethics. They sought to impose such a law because some of the groups or rather the decentralized power had threatened them (46). The reason behind the threat being that the government of Saudi Arabia still did not realize that the Internet has the potential to magnify the force of the individual and fortify democratic processes in which they were facing. For such a case, the government of Saudi has attempted to regulate the Internet by restricting the use of encryption technology through its key recovery scheme. From such a scenario, it is clear that the government has the power to control networks to deny access to the public (Kizza 72), needless to say, this it is also their duty to impose such laws although it’s hard to stop affiliate groups from attacks.
#4. The Negative Approach to Policies Implementation on the Use of the Internet: From the implementation of the policy, the government has the power to controls networks that people can access, needless to say, this it is also their duty to impose such laws although it’s hard to stop affiliate groups from attacks. From such crimes, hackers and cyber terrorists have emerged, and in important cases, they have increased crime in Saudi Arabia. Since the implementation is done online, the unsatisfied citizens create bugs to counter the implementation of the policies. Therefore, the government needs to strategize on initiating much more security (Derkx, 9).
#5. Company Allowance to Surveillance of the Employers: As argued by Goth, there are defining cases where societies are granted authority to monitor its clients (7). Even though the policy may state not to allow any person to access Internet information without the owner ascent, the companies have that authority; however, it is strictly for business purposes only. Therefore, implementing this ethic is a challenge since some crimes may rise due to stalking mainly when not for business purpose. Therefore, the government should urge the experts to develop new strategies for access. This may include ordinary persons to have access to information up to a certain extend (Goth, 7).
#6. Continued Advancement in Technology. According to Tygi, there is an innovation of new technology everyday day that works in countering visible trends on the Internet. This factor may be a challenge for the government to cope. Therefore, this is an indication that however much the government may work in settling cybercrimes; there will always be a tiny part that will be left undefined. Terrorists have emulated a way of luring the public into insecure actions which include stealing of their identity and use in criminal actions.
#7. The Expense in Controlling Cyber-Related Crimes: Most of the countries lack the resources to raise and monitor cyber incidents. Many computer and Internet companies have private ownership. The reason being the government does not have a constant flow of resources to enable the maintenance and upgrade of Internet surveillance facilities. Cybercrime facilities need regular updates and regular checks for malware to reduce chances of attacks in the system.
#8. Lifetime Procedures for The Establishment of Internet Surveillance Codes: Development of programs and security regulations takes a very long time before fully functioning. Therefore, after implementation of policies, which encourages Internet security in Saudi Arabia, there is still a long way to go for the government to write and establish stable, secure codes for monitoring purposes. Through those codes can be a sure way of controlling crime through Internet surveillance.
#9 The Party That Needs Saving from Cybercrime and Internet Related Crimes. From the statistical point of view, more than 65% of the modern generation can access the Internet (Tyagi 26). Therefore, this is a clear indication that more than 65% of the existence is prone to attack through Internet scum. Relating this values, most of the population surf on unsecured networks living trace of sensitive information that cyber offenders may use to commit the crime. The Arabian government, therefore, has an obligation to defend this population that has no idea of exposure in Internet operation.
#10 Evidence of Already Functioning Crime Control Systems through the Web: In the United States of America, the cyber unit tends to profile and provide quick information on given offenses in time. Through the CSI department, police unit has the easy way of connecting information on criminal issues developing an accessible source of evidence. The government can use the Satellite cameras and CCTV cameras in monitoring situations on the streets, therefore controlling crime in general. Therefore, Saudi Arabia can use the technology in handy since other countries have initiated and established the practice and there is hope of performance in the country.
Data and Information
Fact #1: Resources Application: From the global statistics, the minuscule percentages of the world’s countries have the capability of handling and monitoring Internet operations. However, to enact the rule of information restriction, the country needs to invest a lot of resources for the practice to work. Without the enactment, it would be difficult for the policy to work.
Such would create negative implications for the economy in the future if resources were not applied appropriately. Proper regulation of cyberspace ethics will contribute to the social and economic stability of countries shortly.
Fact #2: Caution and Safety. Very few people worldwide take caution on cyber issues. Including the operation of the camera on devices and connection to Wi-Fi. The situation makes it hard for the government to control the vulnerability of individuals. Therefore, through the implementation of this arrangement, the government should educate people on cyber safety. As a result, education on cyberspace ethics will promote restoration of social values in the future that has degraded due to dynamism in technology.
Fact #3: Ignorance. From statistics, 65% of decentralized countries are so much ignorant on the acquisition of Internet products. Moreover, the use of uncertified products contributes to the spread of cyber stalking, in turn, leading to cybercrimes. Therefore, various countries should take into account important modalities that regulate cyber ethics and utilize them effectively to eliminate such crimes in the future. It is important to avoid ignorance and implement regulatory constraints that will help reduce cybercrimes experienced presently for the future benefit of the country.
Solution Rationale
Moral System: Even though the implementation of the policy might not favor all parties, the law will deliver equality and promote fidelity.
#1. Restoration of social values: Implementation of laws and norms in regulating cyberspace crimes will contribute greatly to the restoration of lost social values. Such values are very important for the development of the countries’ economy.
#2. Easy Information Management: With the use of codes, the information stored in the database can be managed properly. Crimes emerging from interconnected networks will reduce thus promoting social responsibility in the society.
#3. Personal responsibility: educating people on cyberspace ethics promotes personal responsibility. It fosters a sense of responsibility in individuals on the need to participate in such awareness.
Solution and Rationale: Government policy on Internet usage is one of the key steps in settling crimes in this advancing world. From Government access to information, people will learn to trust the system, and cases of crime might drop drastically.
Premise 1: It is only company owners that should have access to their employees’ information, and they should use the information only for business purpose.
Premises 2: Internet surveillance policy is not different from other systems that govern internet security.
Conclusion: When the government implements the policy, it is their obligation to fight and defend it to meet desirable objectives.
#2. Moral System: The policy should work in the way of guiding the ethical code writers to write in such a way that preserves basic moral values such as autonomy and privacy.
Premise 1: The government determines internet usage through creating a basic codes protocol.
Premise 2: The government has the obligation of enacting and implementing laws pertaining cyberspace ethics.
Premise 3: The community establishes norms. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the society to take into account the cyberspace ethics for the well-being of the country.
Conclusion: Therefore, the establishment of this government policy will serve as the security in safeguarding the interests of Internet professionals in charge of writing security codes.
Due to the continuous technology advancement, Saudi Arabia should work on upholding the new policies that focus more on information protection. Previous laws have tried to settle crimes, but they could not manage due to the freedom of access to sensitive information spreading crimes. Therefore, from the research contacted, it will be worth for the Saudi Arabian government to implement the policy, through this, the policy will regulate the access to vital information without authority. Similarly, the government will have authority to monitor Internet activities and act in case of suspicion. Therefore, from the research, the Saudi Arabian government may implement proper measures to ensure the reinforcement of the policy in action against crime.
Works Cited
Derkx, Peter. “How Should a Democracy Deal with Fundamentalism? A Humanist View.” Theism and Public Policy, Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014. 139-150.
Gause, F G. Saudi Arabia in the New Middle East. Council on Foreign Relations, 2011.
Kizza, Joseph M. Computer Network Security and Cyber Ethics. McFarland, 2001.
Goth, Greg. “Traffic Intelligence Companies Monitor Censorship Efforts.” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 13, no. 5, 2009, pp. 7-9.
Tyagi, R K. Understanding Cyber Warfare and Its Implications for Indian Armed Forces. 2013.
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