Data collection of property crimes

Using the six articles from the Topic 2 assignment (attached), identify the research instruments that were used to gather data.
Create a report of 1,250-1,500 words depicting data collection methods. Include the following:

Delineate the data collection instruments that were used in the six research articles.
From the “gaps” that you discovered in the research from Topic 2, create one research question.
Describe which research methodology should be used to better understand the issue you have chosen to study (the research question).
Determine what data collection techniques you should use to collect data to better understand your issue.

Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. Use only sources found at the GCU Library, government websites/legal case sites or those provided in Class Resources.

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(nursing) scenario #2 ( repply)

Reply to the following discussion
 Scenario 2: 33-old female of Hispanic descent Case Study
A. To assess this 33-year-old Hispanic woman, I would employ Bowen’s family systems theory and Leininger’s transcultural theory. The Bowen family systems theory represents the best approach. Her obesity, hypertension, and depression can significantly impact how other family members feel, think, and conduct themselves. Bowen’s family systemstheory considers the family as an emotional unit, and the numerous interconnections within the family are described by systems thinking (Couto et al., 2018). By their very nature, families are deeply emotionally linked, and one member’s sorrow can severely impact these connections and relationships. The patient and their family members may be influenced by their treatment, so the entire family system should be considered.Different cultures have distinct ways of understanding, providing healthcare, knowing, and anticipating receiving care (Marilyn et al., 2019). To foster compliance, well-being, and healing, patient care should provide culturally tailored therapy and manage the patient and family as a system. The transcultural theory holds that empathy, compassion, and culture are strongly linked.B. One should start by obtaining an experienced interpreter. Because the patient is Hispanic, a competent translator will be of the highest help to ensure that the client knows and understands the care offered. I could approach this patient courteously, attentively, and curiously, and I would query about the patient’s social identity, culture, and intentions for their care.As the assessment advances, I would ask them about their history of mental illnesses while making careful and accurate notes of their disease symptoms and maintaining an eye out for mood changes. I would start with open-ended inquiries before moving on to more focused investigations. In learning from the patient and assisting the patient in receiving better care, I must approach the client neutrally and clarify why I want to know detailed information, such as any ideas of self-harm. 

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Evaluating impacts on professional practice | EDUC 6358 – Strategies for Working With Diverse Children | Walden University

Consider the following prompts:

Think about what you learned about classism, racism, gender stereotyping and  sexism, and other”-isms” prevalent in our society. Consider the ways in  which these “–isms” influence people’s well being.
Now, imagine that you are an early childhood professional who is  experiencing one or more of the “-isms” in your personal life. i.e.,  people are reacting to you with stereotypes and prejudice. How might  such experiences affect your own emotional, cognitive, and physical well  being? How might this impact your work with young children and their  families?

Reflect upon and respond to the prompt below:

Describe in detail the consequences you might expect for the  children and families with whom you work while you experience specific  “–ism(s)” in your own life. Include specific examples either those you  have and/or are experiencing or ones you would anticipate.

See the attachment below; focus on Chapter 5 and Chapter 8/Chapter 3. “Becoming an Anti-Bias Teacher: A Developmental Journey”  (look at “Become Aware of Your Own Feelings and Beliefs” and “Examine Institutional Advantages and Disadvantages” on pp. 22–27).

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Statistics: decision trees assignment urgent

Two documents are attached:
1. Details/Instructions Document
2. Dataset csv doc
Complete the assignment correctly and accurately meaning that you should only handshake when you are sure about it …
The free SAS program, university edition, can be downloaded here:

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6-2 discussion: accounts receivable, accounts payable, and risk

This week’s material covers receivables/revenues and payables/liabilities. Both areas come with some type of risk. For receivables/revenues, the biggest risks deal with overstatements. For payables/liabilities, the biggest risks deal with understatements.
Find the management discussion and analysis in the Form 10-K of a publicly traded company that interests you. (Post a link so everyone can see it.) What risks does the company identify that might lead to the risk of overstating receivables/revenue or understating payables/liabilities? What specific tests might an auditor design based on those risks?

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Cla 1 paper – data analysis & business intelligence

 Using your textbook (look at some of the business examples that are illustrated), LIRN,, and the Internet, develop an 7th edition APA formatted paper that defines and presents an analysis of the following concepts in a business application. This means that you must provide examples of how each of these concepts can be used by upper-level management to make strategic decisions, and provide details on how statistical concepts used in the decision-making process can be summarized and presented to a board of directors (for example).:

Types of statistics used for business
How Computer Software Applications can be used to process and analyze data
How data can be displayed and explored in an effort to make better strategic business decisions
How Probability is used in sales, marketing, manufacturing, and so forth.
How to test hypotheses and compare results for the purpose of forecasting and making better strategic business decisions.
Develop a hypothetical numerical example, conduct a test of hypotheses, and interpret the results.

1. At least 5-6 pages 
2. Paper needs to be formatted in APA 7th edition
3. Need to pick a company and stick with it to write in the paper
4. Include the formulas or images if needed with the citation from textbook (need to include page numbers)
5. Need to have at least 7 peer-reviewed articles as the references (Recommend to find the articles from proquest.
6. Need to include textbook as the references.
7. Please find the textbook and class PPTs in the attachment section.

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Early childhood performance task | Education homework help

In Part I of this Performance Task, you will complete a leadership inventory and reflect on your own leadership style and temperament. You will use this information to complete Part II, a Performance Task, in which you take on the role of a director at an early childhood care center who is responsible for leading change and dealing with ethical dilemmas.

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Week 5-1 | Accounting homework help

At the end of the week, students will know and be able to:

Summarize components and guidelines for performance evaluations of international employees.
Generalize objectives and components of international compensation programs.
Summarize components of international training and development.

Readings and Resources:

Readings from ebookLinks to an external site.:

Chapter 10: International Training and Management Development
Chapter 11: International Compensation and Benefits
Chapter 12: International Employee Performance Management


The Quickwrite consists of 5 questions (answer each question in a complete paragraph 150-200 words):

What terms were the most important concepts of this week’s lesson? Be sure to define any important terms in your own words.
What was your muddiest point (that is, what did not make sense)? Identify at least one resource (outside of your textbook) that is scholarly/practitioner based and cite it in APA style that helps resolve this question.
What would you like to know more about from this lesson, and why? Identify at least one resource (outside of your textbook) that is scholarly/practitioner based and cite it in APA style that helps resolve this question (this must be different from the source that you cite for the second question).
How does this lesson relate to something you have already learned outside of this class?
How might you apply the lesson to your present or future work experiences?

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Happy brands | Marketing homework help

After reading the case “Happy Brands and Ethical Implications” by Gringarten & Fernández-Calienes, pages 125-142, write a case study using the Case Analysis Outline Attached below.
Case Analyses Outline Template.docxDownload Case Analyses Outline Template.docx
Gringarten, H.& Fernández-Calienes, R,. (2019). Ethical Branding and Marketing: Cases and Lessons. New York. Routledge Publishing. ISBN-978-1-13-833727-5
Submission Instructions:

The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
The paper is to be 1000 words in length, current APA style, excluding the title, abstract, and references page.
No references are required.

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Escience-experiment 2: effect of chelation therapy on arterial plaque

Data Tables
Table 3: Eggshell Observations
Post-Lab Questions
1. Describe the differences you observed between Beaker 1, Beaker 2, and Beaker 3. 
2. Does Beaker 3 serve as a positive or negative control? How do you know?
3. Research and determine the composition of eggshells. State your findings below, and indicate why this composition makes eggshells a good material for EDTA to chelate.
4. EDTA is a synthetic amino acid, which the body perceives as a foreign substance. EDTA is therefore delivered to the kidneys and removed from the body in urine. Explain how this process also leads to the removal of heavy metals.
5. Based on your results, do you believe chelation therapy would be an effective treatment for atherosclerosis? Support your argument with experimental evidence.

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